God Always Answers Prayers


Active Member
Aug 3, 2006
God Always Answers Prayers provided you will listen to what he tells you.
When the idea is not right God says NO
No - when the idea is not the best.
NO - when the idea is absolutely wrong.
No - when though it may help you, it could create problems for someone else.

When the time is not right, God says Slow
What a catastrope it would be if God answered every prayer at the snap of yours fingers. Do you know what would happen? God would become your servant, not your master. Suddenly God would be working for you instead of you workign for God.
Remember God's delays are not God's denial. God's timing is perfect. Patience is what we need in prayer.
When you are not right God says Grow
The selfish person has to grow in unselfishness
The cautious person must grow courage.
The timid person must grow in confidence.
The dominating person must grow in sensivity.
The critical person must grow in tolerance.
The negative person must grow in positive alttitudes.
The pleasure seeking person must grow in compassion for suffering people.

When everything is all right God says Go.
The Miracles happens:
A hopless alcoholic is set free.
A drug addict finds realease.
A doubter becomes as a child in his belief.
Diseased tissue responds to treatment, and healing begins.
The door to your dream suddenly swings open and ther stands God saying go my child ur sins have been forgiven and you get what u asked for.
So have faith and belive in Jesus.

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Lord Jesus I ask you to cover each and everyone through your precious Blood so that we believe and trust you. You are wonderful lord, the creator of the Universe I thank you Lord for answering each one of us. Prasie u Jesus Amen
If Lord has you on hold....... Hold on
If Lord has said No to you...thank him
If Lord has is moulding your heart and mind..... go with his change.
If Lord has opens doors that you have asking him to open.... Praise him
Be Blessed wherever you are in life today! God has his hands on the situation.
:amen: :groupray: :pray: