Give your best "transitional form"


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Jul 27, 2009
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I have never seen a so called "transitional form" which all evolutionists agree on. I have never seen one that isn't based on logical fallacies, assumptions presented as gawd's truth scientific fact, magical thinking where people act like they know what happened in the invisible and untestable past, and convoluted sophistry.

Brush up on your logical fallacies if you don't know what they are because you will be challenged on them. Science has to be logical. Evolution is not, which is why it is pseudo science.

Sure hope you don't play verbal dodge ball. I like to use the Socratic Method and ask Qs, purely science & logic based Qs with no reference whatsoever to the Bible, and see if evol. fans can answer them to support their faith with actual data. After exchanges with several hundred evolution devotes on Youtube, I can say that heck, they don't even try to answer the Qs, truth to tell. All they give are excusesfor why they can't answer them! But maybe you'll be different and show us all the light.

One transitional form. Name it. And don't evade those Qs now.
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Aug 26, 2003
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I have never seen a so called "transitional form" which all evolutionists agree on.

Australopithecus afarensis.

Australopithecus afarensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This species has basal ape characteristics such as heavy brow ridges, sloped forehead, relatively small cranium size, barrel shaped chest, and long arms.

This species also has human-like features such as a short and wide pelvis, ilia on the sides of the pelvis, inward angled femur, reduced canines, a wider palate than in other apes.

This species has a mixture of human-like and ape-like features which is the hallmark of a transitional species.

I have never seen one that isn't based on logical fallacies, assumptions presented as gawd's truth scientific fact, magical thinking where people act like they know what happened in the invisible and untestable past, and convoluted sophistry.

The only logical fallacies I have seen are the ones put forward by creationists. First, they conflate ancestral and transitional. A fossil can be transitional without being the ancestor to any living individual. Transitional simply means having a mixture of characteristics from two divergent taxa.

The whole point is that evolution predicts which transitionals should have existed in the past, and which should not have existed. That is how the fossil record is used to test the theory. For example, the theory predicts that there should have been species with a mixture of reptile and mammal features, but not mammal and bird features. When we find a fossil with a mixture of mammal features and non-mammal features, each and every time it is a mixture of reptile and mammal features. Never is it a mixture of bird and mammal features. We have thousands of transitional fossils, and each one of them fits the predictions made by the theory of evolution. All of the fossils support the theory.

Brush up on your logical fallacies if you don't know what they are because you will be challenged on them. Science has to be logical. Evolution is not, which is why it is pseudo science.

Your first logical fallacy: unsupported conclusion.

Sure hope you don't play verbal dodge ball. I like to use the Socratic Method and ask Qs, purely science & logic based Qs with no reference whatsoever to the Bible, and see if evol. fans can answer them to support their faith with actual data. After exchanges with several hundred evolution devotes on Youtube, I can say that heck, they don't even try to answer the Qs, truth to tell. All they give are excuses for why they can't answer them! But maybe you'll be different and show us all the light.

Be careful not to commit the fallacy of begging the question.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Australopithecus afarensis.

Australopithecus afarensis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This species has basal ape characteristics such as heavy brow ridges, sloped forehead, relatively small cranium size, barrel shaped chest, and long arms.

This species also has human-like features such as a short and wide pelvis, ilia on the sides of the pelvis, inward angled femur, reduced canines, a wider palate than in other apes.

This species has a mixture of human-like and ape-like features which is the hallmark of a transitional species.

The only logical fallacies I have seen are the ones put forward by creationists. First, they conflate ancestral and transitional. A fossil can be transitional without being the ancestor to any living individual. Transitional simply means having a mixture of characteristics from two divergent taxa.

The whole point is that evolution predicts which transitionals should have existed in the past, and which should not have existed. That is how the fossil record is used to test the theory. For example, the theory predicts that there should have been species with a mixture of reptile and mammal features, but not mammal and bird features. When we find a fossil with a mixture of mammal features and non-mammal features, each and every time it is a mixture of reptile and mammal features. Never is it a mixture of bird and mammal features. We have thousands of transitional fossils, and each one of them fits the predictions made by the theory of evolution. All of the fossils support the theory.

Your first logical fallacy: unsupported conclusion.

Be careful not to commit the fallacy of begging the question.

Notice how many times you use the word "like." This is the very fave logical fallacy of evolution: Correlation Does Not Imply Causation. Sharks & dolphins look "like" one another. Spiders have 8 legs "like" octopi. Bats and bees and moths fly "like" birds.

Then there is the magical thinklng, the presumed ability to see into the distant past. There are some similarities between apes (which is all your example is - its an ape fella)
and humans. There are many similarities between different kinds of animals. But where is there any daaaata, any ev-i-dence, you know, real science, to show that the descendants of those animals were ever in any way significantly differernt from the fossil?
Well, of course there is no such evidence or data. But if there is, maybe through magical thinking you can also tell me how many descendants they had, if they had family squabbles, what their favorite bugs were to eat?

There is a place for theorizing in science. There is a place for a hypothesis. But when all you have is "Looks like....similar morphology...must have....could have....probably....likely...." words such as evolutionary literature is absolutely replete with, and then when you try to foist those purely conjectural ideas off as if they are absolute scientific fact, then you have a scam going on. It is one thing to say "I think that this similarity might possibly have led to" and another to turn around and tell the public, "Look! We have a bonified transitional form. See! Evolution is true."

"The whole point is that evolution predicts...." I'm sorry but if your premise is wrong, then your "logical conclusion" has to be wrong. Evolulutionary premise: If you see change, that's evolution! No, for example even with intelligent design for thousands of years all kinds of dogs have been changed all kinds of ways. But...every last one of them is still a dawg!

Also, "If you see a similarity and we think it led to some other animal in the invisible and untestable 'millions of years ago' then that's evolution! Golly gee, evolution is all around us."

Sorry, I don't care what they predicted in their self fulfilling prophecies, there is no data whatsoever to indicate your specimen ever had a single descendant that wasn't an ape, or that was significantly different from itself in any way. If I'm wrong, give your data.

It's easy to give theories but showing data is real evidence.

Tell me how they know the descendants of your example were ever significantly different than the ones now. How, in fact, do you know it even had any descendants at all? Since you know so much, how many did it have? Give your data. Don't tell me what they predict. Don't tell me their theories. Give me actual scientific data. How do you know its palate ever changed for instance? Give any data whatsoever to show you know it didn't stay just what it was andthat the animals isn't just what it looks like, a dead end extinct life form going nowhere.

What the rocks actually show is that apes stay apes, people stay people. Fish stay fish. Reptiles stay reptiles. It also shows, as mentioned earlier, that the evolutinoists themselves don't even agree on a single one of your so called "thousands of transitional forms." For ex. when Elliot Gould, in a personal letter, asked Colin Patteron, the curator of Britain's Natutral History Museum - an evolution believing paleontologist - for one good example of a transitional form, Patternson admitted "there is not one water tight case for" a single one.

Don't bother to tell me quote mine. Whenever people tell me that about Patterson - including other even more damning quotations about evolution from him - I always ask for a quote from him (not Talk Spin/Talk Origins) from him, where he ever said he was misquoted or quoted out of context. They never answer that Q. But I bet you think you can! Give one and your source. IF you can!

Waiting for actual data based evidence, not correlation does not imply causation, to show that you know those fossils ever had any descendants whatsoever different from themselves.

You will never answer those questions but will dodge them, as we both know there is no answer, no data, to support what kinds of offspring they had. Sorry, fella, but you are the one with an "unsupported conclusion." But that's all evolution ever has.

Kindly answer the Qs. Kindly don't do a red herring by changing the subject. Enlgihten us. Answer the Qs.
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Aug 26, 2003
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Notice how many times you use the word "like." This is the very fave logical fallacy of evolution: Correlation Does Not Imply Causation.

I did not propose a causation. You are erecting a straw man, which is a logical fallacy.

Sharks & dolphins look "like" one another.

No, they don't. The forelimb of a dolphin more closely resembles a human hand than it does a shark fin, as one example. A human and a dolphin share more features than a dolphin and a shark.

As most creationists do, you conflate analogous with homologous.

Then there is the magical thinklng, the presumed ability to see into the distant past.

The fossils are right in front of us, in the present.

There are some similarities between apes (which is all your example is - its an ape fella)
and humans. There are many similarities between different kinds of animals. But where is there any daaaata, any ev-i-dence, you know, real science, to show that the descendants of those animals were ever in any way significantly differernt from the fossil?

You asked for a transitional fossil, not an ancestral fossil. Transitional does not mean ancestral. They are two different things.

A transitional fossil is a fossil that has a mixture of characteristics between an ancestral group and a descendant group. That is exactly what A. afarensis has. It has a mixture of human-like and ape-like features. It is transitional. Nowhere in the definition of transitional does it require anyone to determine if it has any living descendants.

Well, of course there is no such evidence or data. But if there is, maybe through magical thinking you can also tell me how many descendants they had, if they had family squabbles, what their favorite bugs were to eat?

You are committing the straw man fallacy.

There is a place for theorizing in science. There is a place for a hypothesis. But when all you have is "Looks like....similar morphology...must have....could have....probably....likely...." words such as evolutionary literature is absolutely replete with, and then when you try to foist those purely conjectural ideas off as if they are absolute scientific fact, then you have a scam going on. It is one thing to say "I think that this similarity might possibly have led to" and another to turn around and tell the public, "Look! We have a bonified transitional form. See! Evolution is true."

A. afarensis is a bonified transitional form. Always has been. What you and other creationists keep forgetting is that transitional does not mean ancestral, and it never has.

"In looking for the gradations by which an organ in any species has been perfected, we ought to look exclusively to its lineal ancestors; but this is scarcely ever possible, and we are forced in each case to look to species of the same group, that is to the collateral descendants from the same original parent-form, in order to see what gradations are possible, and for the chance of some gradations having been transmitted from the earlier stages of descent, in an unaltered or little altered condition."--Charles Darwin, "Origin of Species"

That is how Darwin described transitional forms at the very inception of the theory. That is how it is still used.

"The whole point is that evolution predicts...." I'm sorry but if your premise is wrong, then your "logical conclusion" has to be wrong.

Evolution has always predicted a nested hierarchy for complex life. Sorry, but you don't get to rewrite scientific history.

Evolution predicts that there were dinosaur to bird transitionals. Evolution predicts that there were reptile to mammal transitionals.

Also, "If you see a similarity and we think it led to some other animal in the invisible and untestable 'millions of years ago' then that's evolution! Golly gee, evolution is all around us."

Why are you asking to see transitional fossils? If you don't think they are evidence of anything, then why ask for them to begin with.

Please, explain for us why transitional fossils are not evidence for evolution.

Sorry, I don't care what they predicted in their self fulfilling prophecies, there is no data whatsoever to indicate your specimen ever had a single descendant that wasn't an ape, or that was significantly different from itself in any way. If I'm wrong, give your data.

No one is claiming that it did have a single descendant, nor do we need to in order to evidence evolution.

Tell me how they know the descendants of your example were ever any different than the ones now. Don't tell me what they predict. Don't tell me their theories. Give me actual scientific data.

I don't know what the descendants of my example looked like, nor do I need to know in order for fossils to evidence evolution. Transitional does not mean ancestral.

How do you know its palate ever changed for instance?

I never said that it did. I said that it was intermediate.

If you don't think that intermediate features are evidence for evolution, then why did you ask for transitional fossils?

What the rocks actually show is that apes stay apes, people stay people. Fish stay fish. Reptiles stay reptiles.

The common ancestor of humans and baboons was a primate. Humans are still primates. The common ancestor of humans and bears was a mammal. We are still mammals. The common ancestor of humans and reptiles was an amniote. We are an amniote. The common ancestor of humans and fish was a vertebrate. We are a vertebrate.

So how is this a problem for evolution?

It also shows, as mentioned earlier, that the evolutinoists themselves don't even agree on a single one of your so called "thousands of transitional forms." For ex. when Elliot Gould, in a personal letter, asked Colin Patteron, the curator of Britain's Natutral History Museum - an evolution believing paleontologist - for one good example of a transitional form, Patternson admitted "there is not one water tight case for" a single one.

And now we have the fallacy of the quote mine. Why don't you deal with the actual evidence instead of twisting the words of scientists.

Don't bother to tell me quote mine. Whenever people tell me that about Patterson - including other even more damning quotations about evolution from him - I always ask for a quote from him (not Talk Spin/Talk Origins) from him, where he ever said he was misquoted or quoted out of context. They never answer that Q. But I bet you think you can! Give one and your source. IF you can!

Why would you willingly use a distortion of what other people have said?

Waiting for actual data based evidence,

The morphological features of fossil species are real data. Notice how you refuse to even discuss it.
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Jul 27, 2009
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You never answered my Qs. You never will. I certainly did discuss "morophological features." I was trying to get you (or maybe a more astute lurker) to see that "similar morphology" does not show that one animal led to another. Dolphins and sharks, as stated earlier, as just one example, have similar morphology. So what?

So you are saying that something is a transition that doesn't come from another animal that it is descended from? This is common with evolutionists. They don't even really understand the very theory they are defending.

Since you never answered my Qs and never will, and since, sorry, you don't even really understand the inevitable connection between ancestry and so-called transitional forms, I feel sure that further exchanges with you will be a waste of time for both of us.

Here's hoping that you learn the difference between pseudo science and real science. No telling what else you might learn. Bye!
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Aug 26, 2003
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You never answered my Qs. You never will.

You were asking loaded questions. I warned you about that.

Transitional does not mean ancestral. When you asked for a transitional fossil you can't turn around and ask for something else.

If you don't think that transitional fossils are evidence of anything, then why ask for them in the first place?

I certainly did discuss "morophological features."

No, you didn't. You went on a rant about anything but actual transitional fossils.

I was trying to get you (or maybe a more astute lurker) to see that "similar morphology" does not show that one animal led to another.

Is it absolute proof? Of course not, but science doesn't deal in absolute proof anyway. Is it evidence? Absolutely.

If you didn't think that transitional fossils were evidence, THEN WHY DID YOU ASK FOR THEM?

Dolphins and sharks, as stated earlier, as just one example, have similar morphology.

No, they don't. A dolphin has more in common with a human than it does with a shark. The dolphin's forefin has phalanges, metacarpals, carpals, radius, ulna, and a humerus just like a human arm has. The shark has none of those. The dolphin has lungs like humans do. The shark does not. The dolphin has the highly derived brain of a mammal. The shark does not. The dolphin has teats like a human does. The shark does not. The dolphin has three middle ear bones and a single dentary bone like humans do. The shark does not.

The very fact that you think a dolphin is more like a shark than a terrestrial mammal only demonstrates that you lack the expertise to even discuss biology.

So you are saying that something is a transition that doesn't come from another animal that it is descended from? This is common with evolutionists. They don't even really understand the very theory they are defending.

You can't determine who a fossil's parents or children were. The definition of transitional that BIOLOGISTS use only refers to morphology. That's it. Nothing more. It does not involve determining who the direct ancestors or direct descendants of a fossil were.

Transitional does not mean ancestral. Let me repeat. Transitional does not mean ancestral.

All you are trying to do is beat on your straw man version of evolution. It is time that you actually discuss the theory that biologists use, and not the one that creationists twist and distort.

Since you never answered my Qs and never will, and since, sorry, you don't even really understand the inevitable connection between ancestry and so-called transitional forms, I feel sure that further exchanges with you will be a waste of time for both of us.

If all you are going to do is beat on your straw man version of evolution, then it is a waste of both our time.

When you get done beating your straw man, perhaps we could discuss the theory of evolution that biologists actually use.
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Jan 13, 2014
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How about dogs and wolves? This is one of the cases in which the line if decent existed within human history, and is decently documented. This is a case where both the descendant and the ancestral animal are still alive. Dogs came from selectively breeding wolves for certain traits. This may not prove evolution, but it does prove that, over time, animals can change. And it is not as though dogs are an exceptional case; many domesticated animals have ancestral wild animals that are still alive.
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Jul 27, 2009
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How about dogs and wolves? This is one of the cases in which the line if decent existed within human history, and is decently documented. This is a case where both the descendant and the ancestral animal are still alive. Dogs came from selectively breeding wolves for certain traits. This may not prove evolution, but it does prove that, over time, animals can change. And it is not as though dogs are an exceptional case; many domesticated animals have ancestral wild animals that are still alive.

We already knew animals can change. Farmers have been changing animals and plants for thousands of years. Result? Lots of changes, but cows stay cows, pigs stay pigs, tulips stay tulips. That's not evidence that change leads to evolution, it's evidence that change does NOT lead to evolution.

Last response. Not to be rude, but I truly am limited for time and probably shouldn't have started this at this time.

Dogs and wolves give evidence against evolution. Yes they have changed. But they are still the same species even after being bred under different circumstances. I am not saying that new species are not being created btw. New ones are found all the time. But 200 species of bees are still bees.

Look at all those fish in the ocean. Countless species. Yet each one is a fish. No fins are seen turning into feet. Yes the walking fish and the flying fish use their fins in novel ways, but they are 100% fins, not feet. Fin DNA cannot turn into feet DNA. No one has ever seen the creation of new DNA though they spin stories to make you think they have evidence for that. But that's another story.

You seem to be possibly someone with an open mind.

I suggest, for starters, that you watch Don Patton's vid on Fossils. Then there is Spike Psarris vid on the Big Bang, Animals that Defy Evolution, Thermodyanmic Evidence For Creation. All on Youtube, but stuff like that is all over the net. There is sci-en-tif-ic evidence for creation. Check it out. Be able to say you have really listened to scientists on the other side. I've done my homework and read, and debunked, tons of stuff on evol. sites, like Talk Spin/Talk Origins. I hope you do yours but that's up to you.

Don't be fooled Sarah. Check it out.
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Jul 27, 2009
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LOUDMOUTH: You will never answer those Qs and have given excuses and dodges instead just as I predicted. Why waste your time and mine, for reasons already stated? Rhetorical Q. Bye and best wishes for find all truth and true science particularly.
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Jul 27, 2009
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They aren't the same species anymore. The cross of a dog and a wolf isn't always fertile.

Sigh. I'm not going to read any more of your posts since I will then be tempted to reply. "Isn't always fertile." First of all, that isn't what I remember. Check that out. But even you are admitting they are fertile sometimes. But kindly read my last post before this one. Even if wolves turned into a new species, what did I already say about new species? So your point is beside the point, and actually, I think, inaccurate. Either way there is no evidence for evolution, only for a very limited form of change. Change happens. It happens all the time. But it happens with LIMITS.

Like Darwin's finches had changes alright. Their beaks changed somewhat depending on weather conditions. Is there a shred of evidence that they ever have been or ever will be anything but finches? No. Real science requires real data, not wild stories about what someone like Darwin thought might have happened.

That's all I have to say. The answers are out there. Already online for you. Maybe try for one place. They have a search bar where you can put in Qs about virtually anything.

Bye and happy hunting. Those who carefully and studiously compare both sides of an issue are the ones who are going to find the truth. It takes time.
How much are real truth and real science worth to you?
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Jan 13, 2014
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Sigh. I'm not going to read any more of your posts since I will then be tempted to reply. "Isn't always fertile." First of all, that isn't what I remember. Check that out. But even you are admitting they are fertile sometimes. But kindly read my last post before this one. Even if wolves turned into a new species, what did I already say about new species? So your point is beside the point, and actually, I think, inaccurate. Either way there is no evidence for evolution, only for a very limited form of change. Change happens. It happens all the time. But it happens with LIMITS.

Like Darwin's finches had changes alright. Their beaks changed somewhat depending on weather conditions. Is there a shred of evidence that they ever have been or ever will be anything but finches? No. Real science requires real data, not wild stories about what someone like Darwin thought might have happened.

That's all I have to say. The answers are out there. Already online for you. Maybe try for one place. They have a search bar where you can put in Qs about virtually anything.

Bye and happy hunting. Those who carefully and studiously compare both sides of an issue are the ones who are going to find the truth. It takes time.
How much are real truth and real science worth to you?

Just because the change is too slow for you to see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Besides, one can believe in god and evolution. God could still have created life. No one said life was unchanging in the bible.
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Aug 26, 2003
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LOUDMOUTH: You will never answer those Qs and have given excuses and dodges instead just as I predicted.

You conflated transitional and ancestral, just as I predicted.

I never stated one time that being transitional meant that the transitional species had living descendants. Not once. So why would I have to answer questions about whether or not transitional species have descendants?

A transitional fossil has a mixture of characteristics between an ancestral group and a descendant group. That is the definition of transitional. If you are using a different definition then you are not asking for a transitional fossil.

If you would like an answer to a question, then ask an honest question, not a loaded one. I would be glad to answer it.

In return, answer this question for me. What features would a fossil need in order for you to accept it as being transitional between humans and a common ancestor with chimps?

Why waste your time and mine, for reasons already stated? Rhetorical Q. Bye and best wishes for find all truth and true science particularly.

Why are you running away?
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Aug 26, 2003
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Either way there is no evidence for evolution, only for a very limited form of change.

Why aren't fossils with a mixture of basal ape and modern human features evidence of evolution? What features would a fossil need in order to be evidence?

Change happens. It happens all the time. But it happens with LIMITS.

Please present your evidence for these limits.

Like Darwin's finches had changes alright. Their beaks changed somewhat depending on weather conditions. Is there a shred of evidence that they ever have been or ever will be anything but finches?

Again, you simply don't understand how evolution works. You don't evolve out of your ancestry. Our common ancestor with baboons was a primate. We are still primates. Our common ancestor with bears was a mammal. We are still mammals. Our common ancestor with reptiles was an amniote. We are still amniotes. Our common ancestor with fish was a vertebrate. We are still vertebrates.

You don't evolve out of your ancestry.

Real science requires real data, not wild stories about what someone like Darwin thought might have happened.

Why isn't the morphology of fossil species counted as data?

That's all I have to say. The answers are out there. Already online for you. Maybe try for one place. They have a search bar where you can put in Qs about virtually anything.

That isn't a science site. That is a propoganda site. They have already stated that they will reject any evidence that contradicts their beliefs.

"By definition, no apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in any field, including history and chronology, can be valid if it contradicts the scriptural record."
The AiG Statement of Faith - Answers in Genesis

That isn't science. That is religious dogma.

Bye and happy hunting. Those who carefully and studiously compare both sides of an issue are the ones who are going to find the truth. It takes time.
How much are real truth and real science worth to you?

Why are you running away?
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Aug 26, 2003
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We already knew animals can change. Farmers have been changing animals and plants for thousands of years. Result? Lots of changes, but cows stay cows, pigs stay pigs, tulips stay tulips.

Humans stay primates, they stay mammals, they stay amniotes, and they stay vertebrates. How is this a problem for evolution?

That's not evidence that change leads to evolution, it's evidence that change does NOT lead to evolution.

Change over time is evolution. It is the very definition of evolution.

Just like the term transitional, you are now redefining evolution.

Dogs and wolves give evidence against evolution. Yes they have changed. But they are still the same species even after being bred under different circumstances. I am not saying that new species are not being created btw. New ones are found all the time. But 200 species of bees are still bees.

So even if they are not the same species, it doesn't count? Give me a break.

Look at all those fish in the ocean. Countless species. Yet each one is a fish. No fins are seen turning into feet. Yes the walking fish and the flying fish use their fins in novel ways, but they are 100% fins, not feet.

What features would a forelimb need in order to be part fin, part foot?

Fin DNA cannot turn into feet DNA. No one has ever seen the creation of new DNA though they spin stories to make you think they have evidence for that. But that's another story.

Evidence please.

I suggest, for starters, that you watch Don Patton's vid on Fossils. Then there is Spike Psarris vid on the Big Bang, Animals that Defy Evolution, Thermodyanmic Evidence For Creation. All on Youtube, but stuff like that is all over the net. There is sci-en-tif-ic evidence for creation. Check it out. Be able to say you have really listened to scientists on the other side. I've done my homework and read, and debunked, tons of stuff on evol. sites, like Talk Spin/Talk Origins. I hope you do yours but that's up to you.

Don't be fooled Sarah. Check it out.

Then please tell me what features a fossil would need in order to be transitional. Or will you reject any fossil as transitional no matter what it looks like?
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Jul 27, 2009
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Q: Can you define transitional form in your own words?

That is a good Q so I will give an answer. There are various definitions for so called transitional forms. According to Darwin - who never showed any origin of anything and only presented his armchair theories based on excruciatingly little, and now incredibly outdated data - a transitional form would be one which shows a reptile turning into a bird, a bird turning into a mammal, an ape turning into a man etc. See his totally fictional drawing "The Tree of Life".

But, in spite of how evolutionary literature tries to spin it, all we see in the countless billions of fossils are fish staying fish, birds staying birds, etc. They use logical fallacies, such as Loudmouth does above, like Correlation Does Not Imply Causation, Fallacy of the Single Cause. Fallacy of Incomplete Comparison and many other fallacies & examples of verbal sophistry to say this or that fish turned into this or that reptile etc. etc..

Richard Dawkins says we came from bacteria. So, some evoltuionists will claim ev-er-y-thing is a transitional form. Problem. We have bacteria going back to the so called Cambrian era. Yes, bacteria can be fossilized. We have bacteria being studied around the clock d & n 24/7 by countless scientists and others. Uh, what ev-i-dence do we have that any bacteria anywhere at any time every has been or ever will be anything but bacteria?

None. But we get a spin on that truth. We're told, "Look! Bacteria are changing in response to antibiotics! See! Evolution is proven.' But...they are still just as much bacteria as they ever were. Ditto algae, sponges and other things Dawkins claims we came from. They too have the capacity to change to new stressors in their environment, but they too stay what they were all along. Sponges, algae, etc.

They do another spin - all of evolution is spin + logical fallacies+ presumptions presentred as fact - and tell you "Look! Bacteria have learned to eat nylon! Nylonaise bacteria prove evolution. Case closed!"

But...they too are still just bacteria. In fact reportedly they go back to regular eating habits when put back in a normal pond. They didn't even change their species. Not that speciation shows evolution. It doesn't. Countless species of bugs, plants, fish, whatever stay bugs, plants, fish, whatever.

Change does happen. Evolutionists wants you to believe that all change is evolution. Then when you see change they can say, "Look! See we told you there is evolution." But change only happens within limits.

You show me a transitional fossil that matches what is on Darwin's chart. Show me something that is turning from a fish into a tetrapod, something that shows me a bird turning into a reptile. Then I'll ask you some data based Qs which you will not be able to answer. They you will keep changing the subject and dodging the Qs and ,making excuses for the evasions, just as Loudmouth did. That's how it always goes with evol. fans.

Remember, the words evolutionary lit overflows with like "Probably...similar morphology....likely.....must have...we project..." can be used in an hypothesis only when it comes to some dead, extinct, life form.
When conclusions based on hypothesis-only are presented as if they are facts, which is continuously the case, you don't have science. You have pseudo science and a scam.

Now kindly answer my original Q. Pick anything on Darwin's so called Tree of Life and give me a so called transitional form between one "less evolved" animal on the tree and one "more evolved" animal - someting which you can defend with actual data. The data is out there overflowing in countless billions in the rocks and in life all around us. Gosh, it should be so easy for you to find something that's transitioning. You know they told us that fins turned into feet, feet into wings. Lots of stuff like what. So great, with countless fossils and even more countless life forms, where do we see any such things happening. Anywhere?

Name your fossil or your living organism that YOU think is a "transitional form." Tell me what it transitioned from and how you know that. Remember the "d" word, i.e. data.
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Forty six and two are just ahead of me...
Sep 5, 2012
Vancouver, WA
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Humans stay primates, they stay mammals, they stay amniotes, and they stay vertebrates. How is this a problem for evolution?

Change over time is evolution. It is the very definition of evolution.

Just like the term transitional, you are now redefining evolution.

So even if they are not the same species, it doesn't count? Give me a break.

What features would a forelimb need in order to be part fin, part foot?

Evidence please.

Then please tell me what features a fossil would need in order to be transitional. Or will you reject any fossil as transitional no matter what it looks like?

Clearly her answer is she will reject any fossil regardless of what it looks like. Not sure why she had to write such a long post to say so, though.
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Jul 27, 2009
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Just because the change is too slow for you to see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Besides, one can believe in god and evolution. God could still have created life. No one said life was unchanging in the bible.

I will bite one last time as you don't seem like a disinformationist but like someone who is just confused.

It is a cop out to say, "Well it just happened too slow for you to see it." We've got evidence beyond imagining. There are countless fossils, billions of just one kind of nautiloid alone in the Grand Canyon alone. We have even more examples of life all around us. There has to be something called evidence for there to be something called science. The evidence is saying that evolution did NOT happen.

As far as YHWH, aka God, I usually try to steer clear of talking religion with evolution believing people because it turns into a strawman logical fallacy. People begin flailing away at the Bible instead of dealing with the fact that there is no evidence, really, for evolution, only evidence that refutes it.

I will respond to your comments though. It is impossible for the Bible and evolution to be true. The Bible says creation happened in 6 days and stopped.
It says the sun was created after the plants. They can't be reconciled. Sorry.

Now, I notice you have not answered the original Q. You evidently have faith in evolution. Name a "transitional" form and tell me what data you have to support it. Saying, "Well, it just happened too slowly" is not data based but faith based.

Give your example. Be prepared to defend it using science and good logic. Don't give the appeal to authority logical fallacy, like "Well, all scientists accept it." First, they don't. Many are coming out to speak against it, even though, as the movie Expelled shows, going against self protective, politically correct NeoDarwinian orthodoxy can mean terrible professional loss. 2nd, at one time all scientists, including Einstein, pretty much thought the universe was eternal. Now we have data to show it is not.

Scientists have been wrong historically lots of times. Scientists give into peer pressure just as much as any other group.

But use YOUR mind and YOUR words and give me YOUR best shot at a so called transitional form.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
That is a good Q so I will give an answer. There are various definitions for so called transitional forms. According to Darwin - who never showed any origin of anything and only presented his armchair theories based on excruciatingly little, and now incredibly outdated data - a transitional form would be one which shows a reptile turning into a bird, a bird turning into a mammal, an ape turning into a man etc. See his totally fictional drawing "The Tree of Life".

But, in spite of how evolutionary literature tries to spin it, all we see in the countless billions of fossils are fish staying fish, birds staying birds, etc. They use logical fallacies, such as Loudmouth does above, like Correlation Does Not Imply Causation, Fallacy of the Single Cause. Fallacy of Incomplete Comparison and many other fallacies & examples of verbal sophistry to say this or that fish turned into this or that reptile etc. etc..


You show me a transitional fossil that matches what is on Darwin's chart. Show me something that is turning from a fish into a tetrapod, something that shows me a bird turning into a reptile. Then I'll ask you some data based Qs which you will not be able to answer. They you will keep changing the subject and dodging the Qs and ,making excuses for the evasions, just as Loudmouth did. That's how it always goes with evol. fans.


Now kindly answer my original Q. Pick anything on Darwin's so called Tree of Life and give me a so called transitional form between one "less evolved" animal on the tree and one "more evolved" animal - someting which you can defend with actual data. The data is out there overflowing in countless billions in the rocks and in life all around us. Gosh, it should be so easy for you to find something that's transitioning. You know they told us that fins turned into feet, feet into wings. Lots of stuff like what. So great, with countless fossils and even more countless life forms, where do we see any such things happening. Anywhere?

Name your fossil or your living organism that YOU think is a "transitional form." Tell me what it transitioned from and how you know that. Remember the "d" word, i.e. data.

What do you mean by 'turning into'? Surely you realize that a fossil is dead, it can't do anything. You're asking for something that evolutionary theory does not predict exists.
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