Genesis 6 & The Trinity vs. Mohammed

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Oct 13, 2005
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This was a thread I have posted in Christian Persecution Forum but I believe it cross references to this forum too. I hope I am posting this in the correct forum:

Lets refresh everybody on this forum about exactly where I stand in this thread. I copied and pasted an article by Dr. Dr. David R. Reagan: who is a Christian Theologian who if you read his article attempts to show flaws in Islam by posting Sura's vs. Scripture. I never said I am a starch follower of his belief system. I am starting this thread in attempt to get an understanding of why at least in my opinion Islam is attempting to overtake the world using violence to create fear through intimidation. I will attempt to use scripture supporting Genesis 6 and how we are all focusing our energies in the wrong direction just like the fallen ones from Geneis 6 would have us do. Did Mohammed get a false blessing from Say'tan disguised as Gabriel? If so was this part of the plan hatched by the fallen ones to further confuse mankind? Say'tan was put in the middle of the Garden for a reason! Read on!

I am including the link to the Non-Christian forum in case someone wishes to read the posts to that thread:

Below is my first post after I pasted Dr. Reagan's writings in the forum Non Christian. I believe this thread is better served in the Christian Persecution Forum:

Originally Posted by: Enochcalling
Like I said in my first post to this thread Its not my job to judge Mohammed but I can't support a "prophet" who doesn't believe in The Trinity and dealt out further punishment for women when the God of Christ already passed judgement on her at the Fall of The Garden of Eden. Muslims don't except Christian Doctrine: No Trinity because Christ has no Father therefore He can't be part of a Trinity. That Christ is not the Son of God but just a gifted prophet. Muslims attempt to intimidate "infidels" with fear but its backfiring for them. They might find out if they continue to harass the world with their false teachings that God will be dealing them a Holy War. Wait, earthquake in Indonesia and Pakistan maybe the Lord is already dealing them a Holy War? You can try to color anyway you wish but the facts don't lie!!

The point is it contradicts everything Christianity stands for and not just The Trinity. It insults me and it should insult all Christians the way it belittles Christ to just a Prophet and destroys the Trinity of his Father. Islam wants me to respect them but they tell me my bible is nothing but lies! The Bible and other Scripture was available to read long before

This reflects my belief system in a Trinity and I don't support any Religious Groups or Organizations that don't live by this creed. Would I strap a bomb to myself and blow myself up in an attempt to intimidate the world in accepting my belief system? Of course not! However everything that the Trinity stands for I support and I will not sway in my belief system. Christ dying on the Cross for my sins, returning to Heaven to be with the Father, then after 3.5 days he reveals himself to Mary and others. The only thing I missed was not being there to witness him in person, or was I? I believe one of the most important parts of the nine yards if not the most important was the statement Christ made on the Cross: It is Finished:
John 19: 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, "It is finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Now "finished" to me means no prophets until he returns his prophet or prophets to perform the 3.5 years of Rev 11. I don't support Catholicism and other various Orthadox views that the Book of Revelation is just symbolic of an on going war between God vs. Say'tan. I believe that God will return perhaps Angels in human Bodies or maybe humans elevated to Angelic Status like Enoch was in an all out supernatural type war with the fallen ones that return from Genesis 6. I believe in the book of Revelation Chapters 10 and 11 relate to this very event that will occur in our near future.
Now with that said IF Mohammed received a false blessing and it wasn't Gabriel but Say'tan in disguise that falsely blessed him. IF he is the False Prophet spoken of that Christ said would come after him and deceive the world thats his problem not mine! I am not here to judge Mohammed but I can't support the views of the Qu'ran. Mainly on two issues: Persecution of women after the Fall of the Garden of Eden was dealt out by God. Mohammed shouldn't have further added to women's dilemna by increasing her punishment. Also he didn't support the Trinity and that should upset many a Christian. How will the world ever come to grips with these two indifferences that the two major religions have gotten themselves into and untangle the confusion? I personally believe the world is leading up to Armageddon and it involves Christianity vs. Islam. Unfortunetly many innocent people will be caught up in the chaos from all sides.

Please understand that my belief system would rather have us as a worldly unit concentrate on what happened at Genesis 6 instead on arguing and killing each other over deities. The world masses would rather die over man made problems created by misunderstandings of the Word of God then to gain understanding by reading the mystery and preparing themselves for the events that are soon to follow.
What the deity has been saying all along: "Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do To You" "Love One Another As I Have Loved You" we as an earthly unit of humans have been deaf to these two quotes long before they were ever uttered by the Son of Man. Mankind has their own agenda! It appears to be the destruction of creativity that God so cherished he created us in his own image and sent his begotten Son to die for his creation. However so many of you are all so stubborn and fearful of "who is right" vs. "who is wrong." You would rather fight like animals in a physical body almost to the point of anarachy about whose spirtual concepts are right than attempt to solve your indifferences through diplomacy.
In case you forgot at the fall of the Garden of Eden Say'tan Said:

Genesis 3:5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
There is some truth to this play on opposites. Look around at this world? The world of opposites? War & Peace, Left & Right, Up & Down, Hot & Cold? Hum?? The most important one of all when God realized Adam and Eve recognized their nakedness. That Adam and Eve knew they were male & female! Makes you wonder why Say'tan was placed in the Middle of the Garden?? Could that middle of the Garden been some type of worm-hole to propell mankind to the world of opposites where apparently we reside here now?
Now God however you picture the Creator is beginning to show his wrath. Even the Atheist will not be spared from his anger. I believe He's allowing the fallen ones to be releashed slowly at first from where he placed them to begin their reign of terror on this world.
Daniel 12 sites the end times, Michael is asked to return to Paradise after guarding a certain place: Read on about the distress and even the Rapture is spoken of here. Daniel is told to seal it up until the End Times. Could Daniel have been Enoch? Go read the last verse in this chapter I have highlighted in red please.
1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 Those who are wise [a] will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. 4 But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end. (rev. 10 talks of a scroll that is unsealed for the world and a great mystery is revealed? Many will go here and there to increase knowledge." Also where is the "here" and "there" many will go to increase their knowledge? Could that be talking about reincarnation?? "Here" is Earth "There" is Heaven or Could "Here" be one earthly incarnation and "there" is another reincarnation? Could that mystery be the understanding of what occured in Geneis 6:
Genesis 6

The Flood

1 When men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, 2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. 3 Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with [a] man forever, for he is mortal [b] ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years."
4 The Nephilim (Hebrew mening Giants like over 400 ft. tall) were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown. (could these heroes of old be the Titans claimed as mythology and the men of reknown he Zeus, Hades, Neptune etc. etc.)

The fallen ones wish for all of us to fight amongst ourselves that has always been their goal to separate us by division. God is so mad at the whole world He is not going to stop showing his anger until we bow our knees. "All knees will bow" and return to what God expects from us instead of what "we expect from God." In case you all forgot God will be giving the true believer a "Gift" not the other way around if we pass this final test. This test involves you to be sober and vigilate ready to except the Rapture at the twinkling of an eye!
I am looking for your opinion on if you see an impending Armageddon involving these two religious moments? Also do you believe anything can be done to stop the bloodshed? Do you think Islam is a religious moment that only can rule by the sword? Even if the Christian Crusaders were wrong in their moment against Muslims many years ago is not Islam not directing their own "eye for an eye tooth for a tooth in todays world?" Would not the world inhabitants serve God better if we focusd our attention to the real issue at hand the rise of the fallen ones as scribed in Rev. 13 and foretold in Genesis 6?
Actually this thread is about two forms of Persecution. The persecution the two major religions seem to be perpetrating on each other will never end. However there is a secret persecution I wish to make you aware of in case your not already? That people like myself are still continued to be called Heritics and Heathens for supporting a theory using scripture to prove Genesis 6 did occur!
All opinions and thoughts on this subject are welcomed on this thread? Thanks!


When I am slain may my corpse lie facing the Enemy
Aug 16, 2005
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geezer said:
They might find out if they continue to harass the world with their false teachings that God will be dealing them a Holy War. Wait, earthquake in Indonesia and Pakistan maybe the Lord is already dealing them a Holy War?

What about the eathquakes, hurricanes and flooding in the States?
Apply that logic to America...conclusion?

Chocky, Gen and Armaggedon are both in the Bible. Other than that, beats me!
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Oct 13, 2005
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chokmah said:
What does Genesis 6 have to do with Armageddon?
Everything in Genesis 6 the Watchers (Angels who lusted after the daughters of men) by mating with them created all types of genetic mutations. These Watchers were eventually removed by God extracted from their human physical bodies, placed in spiritual bodies in a reality undisclosed by God. After a period of time the spirits of the fallen ones would be allowed to return to Earth and begin an attack on humans. At first the attacks would be subtle then they would escalate.
These fallen ones throughout the last part of the 20th Century and the present have manipulated humans on an individual level plus they have orchestrated radicals in the name of Islam to further their cause. Basically their cause is to create complete chaos so when God allows them their short reign on Earth they can catch as many humans off guard as possible. They don't care about your religious causes except to have you fight amongst yourselves which apparently they are succeeding. They wish to turn the world against each other in an all out war so they can gather human souls killed in battle. The Battle of Armageddon. They are the ones causing your disasters on this planet not the Creator. Once again in an attempt to tear you away from God by making you think God is causing all these disasters so you would hate God.

What about the eathquakes, hurricanes and flooding in the States?
Apply that logic to America...conclusion?

Chocky, Gen and Armaggedon are both in the Bible. Other than that, beats me!
I believe I should have answered your question too? Once again the fallen ones are causing the disasters to have Americans believe God is bringing his wrath down on America to cause division amongst the people. The fallen ones don't care where, when on how they confuse the world as long as they keep you in the dark! They have manipulated the world in many ways for many years and now their time is finally coming to an end shortly!
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ebia said:
The author seems to have a bad case of verbal dysentery. The whole thing makes no sense at all.
I believe you could have used a better choice of words to attack me with over my belief system. However I can't control peoples thoughts or the ways they wish to lash out at me or other individuals because we may not agree with your thoughts.
You're are right about one thing The Word of God is Christ not a Book but to understand the ways of Christ one must turn to the Book/Books. In order to apply What Christ wishes for us to accomplish in life it must be taught and then applied. Not everything is taught through observation. Many times the lesson is read and then applied to create the effect for the cause.
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Enochcalling said:
Everything in Genesis 6 the Watchers (Angels who lusted after the daughters of men) by mating with them created all types of genetic mutations. These Watchers were eventually removed by God extracted from their human physical bodies, placed in spiritual bodies in a reality undisclosed by God. After a period of time the spirits of the fallen ones would be allowed to return to Earth and begin an attack on humans. At first the attacks would be subtle then they would escalate.
These fallen ones throughout the last part of the 20th Century and the present have manipulated humans on an individual level plus they have orchestrated radicals in the name of Islam to further their cause. Basically their cause is to create complete chaos so when God allows them their short reign on Earth they can catch as many humans off guard as possible. They don't care about your religious causes except to have you fight amongst yourselves which apparently they are succeeding. They wish to turn the world against each other in an all out war so they can gather human souls killed in battle. The Battle of Armageddon. They are the ones causing your disasters on this planet not the Creator. Once again in an attempt to tear you away from God by making you think God is causing all these disasters so you would hate God.

You may or may not know this, but what you state above has no basis in the Jewish understanding of the Jewish Scriptures. Now, I don't discount that anyone can take a piece of literature of any time period and make something out of it that would be otherwise foreign. But for the most part, that is what we leave to the realm of fiction.
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