Funeral :( Prayer needed


Active Member
Aug 26, 2004
Fort Collins
Marital Status
Hey guys, I was wondering if you all could do me an INCREDIBLE favor? I am going to a funeral in Ohio. A girl and her mom visited a week and a half ago and we got to spend 5 WONDERFUL days with the two of them. Yesterday I found out that the girl's mom was hit by a car and she died instantly. Suffice to say... we are all crushed beyond belief. Me and some friends are flying to the funeral and I was wondering if anyone who reads this can please pray as much as you can for the family. The woman who died was married for 30 years! and she had had 2 kids as well as grandkids. I know that the family is going through some incredible struggles right now and I think that prayer is one of the only things that could help right now. I won't be checking this forum I don't think since I'll be in OHIO so i hope that you don't ahve any quesiotns. Again All I can ask for is the prayer of people from CF and may God work through this. Thank you all