Finding a job (and patience in waiting)


New Member
Dec 4, 2022
United States
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Hi there,

My name is Steve, and I'm new around here, so thanks for having me!

One thing you should know about me is that, although I've been a Christian for over half my life, I've just really struggled with asking people to pray for me. I don't really know why because it's not like I've had this really bad experience doing it before. It's more like, "Yeah, God. I'll pray for others, no problem. But when something is wrong in my life, if we could keep it between you and me, that'd be great."

Well, God, in his kindness, has decided to challenge me in that arrangement by allowing me to go through some things recently that have forced me to become more open about what I'm going through, and that's included bringing me to where I am now, which is joining you folks and asking for you to pray for me regarding a specific part of my life--finding a new job.

Long story short: I have a job. I'm thankful for that fact. But for the past year or so, I've really been feeling like I need to find something else. The company that I'm working for is very demanding. The job that I'm in is anywhere between overwhelming and downright soul crushing. I do appreciate the fact that it's a job, that it allows my family to eat and live indoors. But beyond that, I'm just really struggling to make any progress or feel like I'm making a difference for anyone. And so I'm just asking God to help me to find something that allows me to do more of what I'm good at and less of what I'm bad at, and to be able to live and work at a more sustainable pace than I am right now.

Now, there is some good news in all of this. I've been having a handful of interviews over the past few months, and some of them have seemingly gone quite well. Unfortunately, I've also gotten quite a few, "Thanks for interviewing, however..." emails and phone calls.

At the moment, I have two roles that I'm interviewing for. Both seem like they'd be really neat opportunities, and both, I believe, would allow me to do more of what I'm good at and less of what I'm bad at.

I'd love for you all to pray for me that 1. I'd be patient in this process, and that I'd continue to trust that God knows what he's doing in my life at all times, and 2. that if one of these opportunities is the right one for me, one of them would materialize with a job offer even as soon as this week. (And I know that I don't need to rush this, but I really would love to have it resolved sooner than later.)

Thank you all for your prayers. I appreciate it! And I'll keep you posted on where things go with these opportunities.


pilgrim on the sacred music pathway
Angels Team
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Jan 11, 2012
East of Manchester
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Hi Steve, welcome to the forum in Jesus name.
I pray for patience for you and clear direction from the Lord in the way you should go. I pray you stay close to the Lord, daily reading his word and praying.
Psalms 86:11
Teach me your way, O Lord,
I will walk in your truth.

May the Lord bless you richly,
As you put your trust in him.
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