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Famous atheist Richard Dawkins says he considers himself a ‘cultural Christian’


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The famous British atheist Richard Dawkins, author of the book “The God Delusion,” said in a recent interview that he identifies as a “cultural Christian” and prefers Christianity to Islam, although he clarified that he does not believe “a word” of the Christian faith.

In the interview with Rachel Johnsonbroadcast on March 31 on LBC, Dawkins said he was “slightly horrified” to learn that Oxford Street in London was promoting Ramadan, the Muslim month for fasting, instead of Easter.

Dawkins went on to explain: “I do think we are culturally a Christian country. I call myself a cultural Christian.”

“I’m not a believer, but there is a distinction between being a believing Christian and a cultural Christian,” Dawkins noted, adding: “I love hymns and Christmas carols and I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos, and I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense.”

After expressing his satisfaction at what he perceives as a decline in the number of Christians, the famous atheist noted that he “would not be happy if, for example, we lost all our cathedrals and our beautiful parish churches.”

“So I call myself a cultural Christian and I think it would be truly dreadful if we substituted any alternative religion.”

‘I’d choose Christianity every time’​

Continued below.


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The famous British atheist Richard Dawkins, author of the book “The God Delusion,” said in a recent interview that he identifies as a “cultural Christian” and prefers Christianity to Islam, although he clarified that he does not believe “a word” of the Christian faith.

In the interview with Rachel Johnsonbroadcast on March 31 on LBC, Dawkins said he was “slightly horrified” to learn that Oxford Street in London was promoting Ramadan, the Muslim month for fasting, instead of Easter.

Dawkins went on to explain: “I do think we are culturally a Christian country. I call myself a cultural Christian.”

“I’m not a believer, but there is a distinction between being a believing Christian and a cultural Christian,” Dawkins noted, adding: “I love hymns and Christmas carols and I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos, and I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense.”

After expressing his satisfaction at what he perceives as a decline in the number of Christians, the famous atheist noted that he “would not be happy if, for example, we lost all our cathedrals and our beautiful parish churches.”

“So I call myself a cultural Christian and I think it would be truly dreadful if we substituted any alternative religion.”

‘I’d choose Christianity every time’​

Continued below.
It is not enough to be a cultural Christian. There are physicists who are true Christians, and there is even a Wikipedia page with hundreds of scientists. Here is that list: List of Christians in science and technology - Wikipedia
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The famous British atheist Richard Dawkins, author of the book “The God Delusion,” said in a recent interview that he identifies as a “cultural Christian” and prefers Christianity to Islam, although he clarified that he does not believe “a word” of the Christian faith.
He knows he is a dead man in Britainistan. The Christians won't kill him. The Muslims will.
In the interview with Rachel Johnsonbroadcast on March 31 on LBC, Dawkins said he was “slightly horrified” to learn that Oxford Street in London was promoting Ramadan, the Muslim month for fasting, instead of Easter.
Britainistan is coming. He sees it coming.
Dawkins went on to explain: “I do think we are culturally a Christian country. I call myself a cultural Christian.”

“I’m not a believer, but there is a distinction between being a believing Christian and a cultural Christian,” Dawkins noted, adding: “I love hymns and Christmas carols and I sort of feel at home in the Christian ethos, and I feel that we are a Christian country in that sense.”

After expressing his satisfaction at what he perceives as a decline in the number of Christians, the famous atheist noted that he “would not be happy if, for example, we lost all our cathedrals and our beautiful parish churches.”

“So I call myself a cultural Christian and I think it would be truly dreadful if we substituted any alternative religion.”

‘I’d choose Christianity every time’​

He's not so dumb. He knows that when Christianity collapses entirely in Britain his goose is cooked. But he is naive if he thinks 'Cultural Christianity' will have any power to resist the Islamic trend. It won't. He had best move to a safer part of the world. Or become a real Catholic. Or both.
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He knows he is a dead man in Britainistan. The Christians won't kill him. The Muslims will.

Britainistan is coming. He sees it coming.

He's not so dumb. He knows that when Christianity collapses entirely in Britain his goose is cooked. But he is naive if he thinks 'Cultural Christianity' will have any power to resist the Islamic trend. It won't. He had best move to a safer part of the world. Or become a real Catholic. Or both.
Richard Dawkins is 83 years old. While a "Britainistan" could happen eventually with current trends, it'd take a decent amount of time to happen (even if things accelerate), and he'd be dead before any such thing happens. He personally has nothing to worry about.

Dawkins honestly has more to fear from irate transgender advocates (Dawkins has been critical of transgenderism and caught flak for it) than he does from Muslims.
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Richard Dawkins is 83 years old. While a "Britainistan" could happen eventually with current trends, it'd take a decent amount of time to happen (even if things accelerate), and he'd be dead before any such thing happens. He personally has nothing to worry about.

Dawkins honestly has more to fear from irate transgender advocates (Dawkins has been critical of transgenderism and caught flak for it) than he does from Muslims.
I have never liked the term Britainistan/Londonistan, cos the term "Londonistan" is a bit of a controversial and derogatory label that has been used to describe the city of London, particularly in relation to its Muslim population. I am surprised that @chevyontheriver used that term, as his logo is the Arabic symbol that he adopted in solidarity with Iraqi Christians who were persecuted by the IS. Muslims have converted to Jesus, and many Muslims are peaceful people. It is just the 0.1% of people that ruin it for everyone else. Us Christians had bad apples such as the ones in Waco, TX.

The term suggests that certain parts of London have become lawless enclaves where Islamic extremism flourishes and British laws do not apply. This portrayal of London as a hotbed of radical Islam has been fueled by incidents such as the b*mbings in 2005, which were carried out by homegrown terrorists who had links to extremist groups based in the UK capital. Islamophobia is not acceptable, and we are supposed to be loving as Christians, so that term is a little offensive.

Also, both the UK and France are expected to have 17% Muslim population by 2050, so there is no change of a Muslim majority UK ever happening, according to Pew Research: Europe’s Growing Muslim Population
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