Family Reunion/Anniversary


Jul 20, 2010
Marital Status
So many to start?

Yesterday I was blessed to witness the 60th anniversary of my parents. My mother's health has been off and on for a little while now (she was in the hospital earlier this month), so seeing them both yesterday, together, still so in love (my father even recorded himself singing a song to my mother...not pretty, but still...) and happy was a HUGE blessing to me. I was telling someone about the party and how it was planned that over 100 people would be there, the other person was like, "Over 100 people? Wow!" I simply said, "Yes...just family and closest friends!" :D

I was also blessed with being reunited with my 5 older siblings for the first time since 1994. Work, life, etc. have scattered us to the four winds and, although we have all kept in touch through calls, letters and e-mails, this was the first time we were all physically in one place. I have to add that my siblings are all top-notch people...people I would be proud to call friends even if they weren't family...if you know what I mean.

It was especially touching to have one of my brothers - who is a pastor - join my husband, daughters and me at our church service before the party. There was a little confusion: he is a twin, and his twin brother was at our church earlier this month for OUR anniversary. A number of people said, "It's so nice to see you again!" or, before I could introduce, "I've seen him here before." haven't. :D We all (including the "offending" parties AND the other twin, whom we told later) got a good chuckle out of it.

I also got to see my favorite cousin, my daughters got to meet some new relatives (my older daughter bonded with the teenaged son of my abovementioned brother), and just all being together to witness such a wonderful event...I just feel blessed by God.

Oh, and as a capper to the event, another brother's best friend since childhood brought his a cappella group to sing to my parents when all of the other guests were gone and it was just family.