Explaining the 1260, 1290 and 1335's meaning


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Oct 18, 2023
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In your scenario, you have no reason for the kings of the earth to assemble their armies at Armageddon to prepare to make war on Jesus. Nor on how long they will be given to assemble their armies and also go down and take half of Jerusalem as hostages (Zechariah 14:2).
Zech. 14:2 is when the Anti-Christ conquers Jerusalem in the middle of the week, the DOTL starts the 1260 days and Jesus ends all that in Rev. 16:19. So, why would Jerusalem getting sacked be shown in vs. 2 when Jesus is showing up in vs. 3 ? That is not just before Jesus returns in vs. 2, that's the middle of the week sacking, where the A.C. can rule over them for 1260 days.

Now, after settling that first, we can go forth.

So, God starts pounding the world with judgments via Trumps 1-4 an asteroid impact, (seal #6) foretells that all these men are cowards, hiding in caves, when the wrath finally comes in Rev. 8. Then in the first woe, Demons are released from the pit and they harass people until the either chose God or chose to take the Mark of the Beast. Then in the 2nd woe the angels of heaven slay 1/3 of all those who took the Mark. Then finally the 7th trump/3rd woe brings 7 vials, so the world/kings have been getting pounded with the wrath of God from trump #1 to the 5th vial, now what happens that allows this build up of the kings of the earth and their followers. God STOPS His wrath, He allows via the 6th vial those scared men/kings hiding in caves to go forth without getting hit with plagues, He allows the Dragon, F.P. and A.C. to deceive these peoples, which means they tell them what? Its going to be alright, the wrath of God has ceased, see, its DRIED UP (The Euphrates River is a metaphor used by God for Him drying up his wrath for a long enough time in order to entice these men/kings to come to Jerusalem, to kill all the Jews. So, what lie gets them to come? They are told, LOOK, LOOK, LOOK, the two-witnesses died, we saw them pray down every plague on live TV, now they have died and suddenly all the plagues have stopped, come, lets go to Jerusalem and wipe out every Jew so this can never happen unto us again. Remember, the Dragon and his team LIES in order to get them to come, the passage says they lie unto them. The problem is people can't understand codes and metaphors. Modern day armies do not need rivers to dry up in order to cross rivers !! Its a metaphor in full.

As soon as the arrive at Armageddon, its on, Jesus shows up and wipes them all out by the presence of his coming. END STORY.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Zech. 14:2 is when the Anti-Christ conquers Jerusalem in the middle of the week, the DOTL starts the 1260 days and Jesus ends all that in Rev. 16:19. So, why would Jerusalem getting sacked be shown in vs. 2 when Jesus is showing up in vs. 3 ? That is not just before Jesus returns in vs. 2, that's the middle of the week sacking, where the A.C. can rile them for 1260 days
Taking half of Jerusalem as hostages will be part of the kings of the earth's plan to keep Jesus from executing judgement on them.

Zechariah 14:2 is a the end of the 7 years, not in the middle of it.

There is no reason for the Antichrist to take half of Jerusalem as hostages in the middle of the 7 years.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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God through His Prophets told us about past events and future events which look like past events and/or mixed and wove the two events into one passage. Zech. 13 does this. Verses 1-5 are about 70th week events, and how a fountain for sin had been opened unto the house of Israel (the 1/3 repent) but then in verses 6-7 we see Jesus in the house of his friends being harmed (a flash back to Jesus' death and why/how Israel's sins are forgiven in the end times). Then in verses 8-9 we revert back to the 70th week events via the 1/3 who repent, whom God protects, and the 2/3 who refuse to repent and thus die. Then in Zech. 14:1 we that see the arrives, after the repent.

Joel 1 does likewise, it mixes and matches, or weaves two events together. The Day of the Lord is a day He judges. Well, God judged the Northern tribes, warned Judah, then judged them in 598 BC, Joel 1 is mostly about God's real time coming judgment 2800-2500 BC but Joel 2 is mostly about the 70th week judgment. God does this with scripture, especially prophecy, all over the bible, and Joel was one of the first prophets also. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel all came after him.

Because the 7th trump lasts 75 days, and you said this below:

"The end of the 1260 days is the start of the 7th Trumpet. This is the start of the beast from the sea & earth with living image".

So, this can not be factual, the end of the 1260 ends in vial #7 with Jesus showing up and destroying the Anti-Christ, false prophet and all of their minions. So, the 7th trump starts the 3rd woe, which ends on the 7th vial, which of course ends the Beasts 1260 days of rule over Israel, and according to Daniel 12:7 that is the 1260, the Beasts rule over Israel will last 1260 days then all these wonders will end (via the 2nd coming)

Not 45, but you seem to understand it take a period of time, that is why the 7th trump sounding doesn't end his rule, its the 7th vial, that is a part of the 3rd woe, that ends his 1260 day rule, but the 7th trump has to last 75 days, the two-witnesses die at the end of the 2nd woe, and have to die 75 days before the beast dies because they showed up 75 days before the A.C. became the beast, the two-witnesses are the 1335 blessing. So in general we agree. It take a period of time after the 7th trump sound before Jesus shows up to defeat the beast and his false prophet.

Well, God's plagues start, and then on that very day (DOTL) the A.C. is allowed to go forth conquering. Remember, God could defeat this man anytime He wants to, so the A.C. has to be a part of God's 1260 days of Wrath, as in "you get the king your heart so desired". But Jesus only shows up at the 7th vial. We the bride are in heaven marrying the Lamb, and we both reside in the Father's house for 7 years. Then return.

No, no, no, this like Mr. Douggg is a bad understanding my friend, put forth by other men long ago because they do not understand John 5:43. The Jews never accept a false Messiah, that verse above was about the "Pharisees" who lived in Jesus' time my friend. They rejected Jesus' just as he said they would, but they also would accept other who came in their own names as the christ, Matt. 24:4-6 was specifically about the 70 AD events. The Pharisees (one can look all this up via the historical siege of Jerusalem) knew Rome was the fourth beast (of course) so they expected a conquering Messiah who was political in nature, that was Judas' mistake, he felt Jesus should be a warrior Messiah. The Pharisees put a few men forth in the 67-70 AD wars, and of course, as Jesus told them, they would accept others who came forth in their own names. That passage was thus fulfilled in 70 AD, yet people think it is about the end times, its not.

The tares are the world who love evil, they grow together with Israel (the wheat harvest first fruits) until the end [ of the 70th week]. The Church are the first fruits of the barley harvest, which comes first (think pre 70th week rapture). This is why in Rev. 14 we see the 144,000 (5 million Jews who repent) code telling us Israel will be harvested when Jesus shows up, and so will the wicked tares in Rev. 14:17-20, but they are shown here as evil grapes placed in the wine-press of God's wrath. Rev. 14 is the Harvest chapter, so in order to get all three harvests into that one chapter, Rev. 14:14 shows a cinematic like "flashback" to the pre 70th week rapture. People understand cinematic flashbacks, but can not understand God using them, but alas He does.

You are correct, the tares will be killed, placed in the grave, and burned 1000 yeas later. (2nd Resurrection)

It "clearly says" in the midst (1290 is in the midst) of the week (70th 7).

The reason I hardly ever debate nominal points like something being plural, is because words used back then could be either or, used in plural, or not in plural. Also, the Abomination could be many days, thus every day was an abomination etc. etc. I study these trivial things in depth.

#8251 שִׁקּוּץ shiqquwts {shik-koots'}
or שִׁקֻּץ shiqquts {shik-koots'}

from H8262; TWOT - 2459b; n m
Hebrew Word Study (Transliteration-Pronunciation Etymology & Grammar)

1) detestable thing or idol, abominable thing, abomination, idol,
detested thing
Brown-Driver-Briggs (Old Testament Hebrew-English Lexicon)

From H8262; disgusting, that is, filthy; especially idolatrous or (concretely) an idol:—abominable filth (idol, -ation), detestable (thing).
—Strong's (Hebrew & Chaldee Dictionary of the Old Testament)

shiqquts or
[or] שִׁקֻּץ
shiqquts (1055a); from the same as 8263; detested thing:—
NASB - abominable idols(1), abomination(4), abominations(5), detestable(1), detestable idol(3), detestable idols(2), detestable things(10), detested things(1), filth(1).
NAS Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Hebrew-Aramaic and Greek Dictionaries
Copyright © 1981, 1998 by The Lockman Foundation — All rights reserved —

So, whatever the point was about "plural" falls on its face when that word can be used as plural or as singular. The context seems to suggest elsewhere that this is a singular image, see Rev. 13 and Jesus' own words in Matt. 24:15 where he says abomination of desolation, not abominations.

15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, {whoso readeth, let him understand}

So, discount that whole point, but in truth, I did not follow your reasoning there anyway.

That passage was about the 70 AD events my friend. The people (Romans of 70 AD) of the prince to come [2000 years later] shall destroy the city (Jerusalem) and the sanctuary (Temple). Its end shall come with a flood (Jerusalem is destroyed by an Army which is what flood means here) and to the end of the war desolations are decreed (God will allow the Diaspora to happen, which desolates Israel for 2000 years)

The Agreement between the A.C. and Israel comes through the nation he rules over, the E.U. You see Israel will join the E.U. its that simple.

To give Israel 30 days to flee Judea before God's wrath falls. Read Rev. 18:4, God tells His people (Israel) to come out of the midst of her (Babylon in Rev. 18:2 which means the whole world) so that she will not partake in their sins nor their plagues !! Get it now? Babylon in vs. 2 is inhabited by Demons, and who gets cast down to earth at that time? Satan and his demons, and Apollyon and his demons are released from the bottomless pit also.

You see, the A.C. can not go forth until the 1260 middle of the week, which comes 30 days after the 1290 AoD, has it never sparked curiosity with you why God would allow the A.C. to conquer Israel and God then tells them it is time to flee Judea? That sounds like a modern day politician's mistake, God would never make that kind of mistake, yet people just accept that God allows the Beast to conquer Israel and then afterwards warns them to flee Judea. It does not add up my brother.
is plural abominations.

is a singular abomination.

Dan 9:27 is שִׁקּוּצִים֙, which is plural.

imo, you are confusing the 1260 days - they are the 1st half of the 7 year covenant. The mid-point of the covenant is the 7th Trumpet, having started with the mighty angel of Rev 10 swearing an oath. That oath is the 7 year covenant. (the ruler of Tyre who calls himself God (Ezek 28:2) is likened to an angel in Ezek 28:14.)

this 1260 days here:
Dan 7:25 He will speak out against the Most High and oppress the saints of the Most High, intending to change the appointed times and laws; and the saints will be given into his hand for a time, and times, and half a time.

and this 1260 days here:
Dan 12:7 And the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by Him who lives forever, saying, “It will be for a time, and times, and half a time. When the power of the holy people has finally been shattered, all these things will be completed.”

These are the 1st half of the 7 years.

(Under no circumstance could 1290 days be considered a time, times, half a time as a full 7 of this would be 2580 days which would be somewhere around 86-89 months so half would be 43 to 44.5 months - not 42 months.)

You can see the saints idea in Dan 7:25 connects with the Dan 12:7 completion of the shattering of the holy people - this is the timeframe of the 1260 days of the 2 witnesses which ends at the 7th Trumpet.

When Jesus says that the great tribulation is shortened, there is a double meaning, but one meaning is that the 42 months of Rev 13 is shortened to a 'season and a time' which Daniel is defining a 'time' as a year, so a 'season and a year' - this is literally 70 weeks to end the trangression of the 1290 days.

Dan 7:11 Then I kept watching because of the arrogant words the horn was speaking. As I continued to watch, the beast was slain, and its body was destroyed and thrown into the blazing fire. 12 As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was removed, but they were granted an extension of life for a season and a time.​

What beast is it that is killed? It is the Dan 7 4th beast. The Dan 7 4th beast is killed after 1260 days - the 1st half of the 7 years which ends at the 7th Trumpet.

Who are the 'rest of the beasts'? It's the 'lion, bear, leopard'! Who is mentioned in Rev 13's beast from the sea? The leopard, bear, lion. The extension of a 'season and a time' applies to the Rev 13 beast from the sea. The 42 months of the Beast from the sea is shortened to 70 weeks (a season and a time)

That is one manner by which the great tribulation is shortened.

Dan 7:25 and Dan 12:7 'time, times, half a time' does not refer to Rev 13:5's beast from the sea 42 months (which begins at the mid-point of the 7 years). It refers to the 1st half of the 7 years.
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
Marital Status
Jesus did not mean shortened to be less than 2520 days, But cut short of every living thing on earth dying by the severity of the great tribulation. i.e. the great tribulation has a limit placed on it of 1335 days.
Matt 24:22 literally says 'those days are shortened'. Literally the amount of days are shortened from what they should be to a shorter amount of days.

and here you are saying that (by the way you reckon it the 'great tribulation' is the 2nd half of the 7 years) what should be the 2nd half (meaning 1260 days of great tribulation), here you are saying that they are increased to 1335 days!

It means it does not last 1260 days - it shortened to less than this amount. It is shortened to 45 days (as part of a 'season and a time'.)
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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Matt 24:22 literally says 'those days are shortened'
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The great tribulation will not continue beyond the 1335 days as measured from when the AoD will be setup.

Are you trying to change what it says in Daniel 12:11-12 ?

and here you are saying that (by the way you reckon it the 'great tribulation' is the 2nd half of the 7 years) what should be the 2nd half (meaning 1260 days of great tribulation), here you are saying that they are increased to 1335 days!
I am not saying the 2nd half of the 7 years is increased to 1335 days. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

The exact middle of the 7years is shown on my chart below as day 1260.

counrt forward 1290 days paart 2.jpg
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The great tribulation will not continue beyond the 1335 days as measured from when the AoD will be setup.

Are you trying to change what it says in Daniel 12:11-12 ?

I am not saying the 2nd half of the 7 years is increased to 1335 days. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

The exact middle of the 7years is shown on my chart below as day 1260.

View attachment 341230
It's bad enough you have to put the 'middle' of Dan 9:27 as 'roughly middle', but nowhere does a 'time, times, half time' mean 1290 days or 1335 days. It doesn't and you know it.

Why don't you try putting this into what Revelation says or what Matt 24 says.
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The great tribulation will not continue beyond the 1335 days as measured from when the AoD will be setup.

Are you trying to change what it says in Daniel 12:11-12 ?

I am not saying the 2nd half of the 7 years is increased to 1335 days. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

The exact middle of the 7years is shown on my chart below as day 1260.

View attachment 341230
Also, show me how you have shortened any of the days of the great tribulation which is explicitly tied to the appearance of the abomination. (Matt 24:15-24).
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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It's bad enough you have to put the 'middle' of Dan 9:27 as 'roughly middle', but nowhere does a 'time, times, half time' mean 1290 days or 1335 days. It doesn't and you know it.
I never said that the time, times, half time means 1290 days nor 1335 days. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

The time that Satan will have left after being cast down to earth is a time, times, half time - a little less than 1260 days. See my chart in my next post. It has Satan cast down just after the 1260 day mid-point.

The exact length of the expression time, times, half time is not given.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Also, show me how you have shortened any of the days of the great tribulation which is explicitly tied to the appearance of the abomination. (Matt 24:15-24).

I show the great tribulation as 1335 days. And "the tribulation of those days", a phrase found in Matthew 24:29, as 1290 days.

horiziontal chart June 25, 2022 .jpg
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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I never said that the time, times, half time means 1290 days nor 1335 days. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

The time that Satan will have left after being cast down to earth is a time, times, half time - a little less than 1260 days. See my chart in my next post. It has Satan cast down just after the 1260 day mid-point.

The exact length of the expression time, times, half time is not given.

I show the great tribulation as 1335 days. And "the tribulation of those days", a phrase found in Matthew 24:29, as 1290 days.

View attachment 341232
You still haven't shown me how the days of the great tribulation are shortened.

Exactly how many days starting with the abomination ( Rev 13 living image by your reckoning) is the great tribulation?

You seem to be saying 1335 days... but Rev 13:5 and Rev 13:12 say that this is for 42 months. Which is it?

Are you saying that 42 months is the shortened version of 1335 days?
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Oct 18, 2023
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Taking half of Jerusalem as hostages will be part of the kings of the earth's plan to keep Jesus from executing judgement on them.
Read Zech. 13:8-9 we see 1/3 repent and are protected and the 2/3 will die. We can quibble about what a "hostage" means in the KJV or whatever version you use and what word was used at that point in time. But he is a Beast over the whole nation.
Zechariah 14:2 is a the end of the 7 years, not in the middle of it.
No its not, its in the middle of the week, vs. 1 states the DOTL has arrived.

There is no reason for the Antichrist to take half of Jerusalem as hostages in the middle of the 7 years.
Well he conquers them at that time, that is the perfect time to take them into captivity, the very end would be the wrong time, he's trying to defeat Jesus, so that makes zero sense. End time prophecy timing tells are not a strong suit for you brother.

The purpose of the kings of the earth gathering their armies at Armageddon is to prepare to make war on Jesus - not to kill off all the Jews, as you are claiming.
No, Satan and his A.C. is not stupid, they know they can not defeat God right? But if they can make Him out to be a liar, they win. The have only ONE SHOT, kill ever Jews and avoid the Kingdom Age.

That is why Satan has tried to kill the Jew off over and over or have you not noticed? Antiochus in the 2nd century BC, Rome in 70 AD and all the way until Constantinople they mistreated the Jews, as did most of Europe continually up until the climax point via Hitler. So, Satan has tried kill the Jews off all along the way.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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You seem to be saying 1335 days... but Rev 13:5 and Rev 13:12 say that this is for 42 months. Which is it?

Are you saying that 42 months is the shortened version of 1335 days?
No, I am not saying the 42 months is the shortened verses of 1335 days. The length of the great tribulation is 1335 days. There is no lessening of those days. But great tribulation is cut short of all flesh on earth being wiped out. i.e the great tribulation will not go beyond 1335 days.


Revelation 13:5, the 42 months is how long the beast -king rules after the two witnesses will have been killed. The two witnesses will be killed on day 1260.


The second beast in Revelation 13, the false prophet, makes his appearance before the 7 years begin, i.e. before the Gog/Magog event. Some people speculate that the Yanuka is the false prophet. He will come across as being the embodiment of Elijah.

He will be the one who anoints the prince who shall come in Daniel 9, following the Gog/Magog event, as the King of Israel, making that person the Antichrist. And the Antichrist, as the King of Israel, will begin the 7 years, by having the law of Moses read from the temple mount.

Peace and safety of the false messianic age thus begins. To be shattered when the Antichrist reveals himself to be the man of sin.

Once the Antichrist reveals himself to be the man of sin about 3 years into the seven years, he will be killed and brought back to life as the beast.

Once he become the beast, in Revelation 13.12 the false prophet initiates worship of the beast. And has the people of the world make an image of the beast and has it placed on the temple mount on day 1185, 1335 days before Jesus returns.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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No, Satan and his A.C. is not stupid, they know they can not defeat God right? But if they can make Him out to be a liar, they win. The have only ONE SHOT, kill ever Jews and avoid the Kingdom Age.
Both Satan and the beast-king (the former Antichrist) are both prideful. They think they can manipulate God. Their strategy has nothing to do with killing off every Jew, otherwise, they would not take half of Jerusalem into captivity.... i.e. hostages.. They would just kill them.
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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No, I am not saying the 42 months is the shortened verses of 1335 days. The length of the great tribulation is 1335 days. There is no lessening of those days. But great tribulation is cut short of all flesh on earth being wiped out. i.e the great tribulation will not go beyond 1335 days.


Revelation 13:5, the 42 months is how long the beast -king rules after the two witnesses will have been killed. The two witnesses will be killed on day 1260.


The second beast in Revelation 13, the false prophet, makes his appearance before the 7 years begin, i.e. before the Gog/Magog event. Some people speculate that the Yanuka is the false prophet. He will come across as being the embodiment of Elijah.

He will be the one who anoints the prince who shall come in Daniel 9, following the Gog/Magog event, as the King of Israel, making that person the Antichrist. And the Antichrist, as the King of Israel, will begin the 7 years, by having the law of Moses read from the temple mount.

Peace and safety of the false messianic age thus begins. To be shattered when the Antichrist reveals himself to be the man of sin.

Once the Antichrist reveals himself to be the man of sin about 3 years into the seven years, he will be killed and brought back to life as the beast.

Once he become the beast, in Revelation 13.12 the false prophet initiates worship of the beast. And has the people of the world make an image of the beast and has it placed on the temple mount on day 1185, 1335 days before Jesus returns.
The beast from the sea and earth gets a maximum of 42 months (in my view it is shortened drastically here), yet you have the beast and the image lasting for 1290 days, 1335 days.

42 months is 1260 days or 42 months (roughly 1239 days). It is not 1290 or 1335 days.

You have the beast being killed on the 1335th day, but this is 75 days past his expiration date...

How is it possible for the beast to be around past 1260 days/ 42 months? It isn't.

Matt 24:19 How miserable those days will be for pregnant and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not occur in the winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short.​
23 At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There He is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders that would deceive even the elect, if that were possible. 25 See, I have told you in advance.​

Jesus has laid it all out here:

Great tribulation at the start of the 6th Trumpet (Rev 9:13-21), then the false christ comes acting like he has stopped the great tribulation (Rev 10:1). Then 1260 days later that false christ makes the Rev 13 living image at the 7th Trumpet. The 42 months that the dragon announces at Rev 13:5 is also cut short from 42 months to 45 days (as part of the 'season and a time' of Daniel 7:11-12).

Just on a common sense level, the world cannot take a nuclear war for 1335 days. All life on earth could be extinct within a month easily.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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The beast from the sea and earth gets a maximum of 42 months (in my view it is shortened drastically here), yet you have the beast and the image lasting for 1290 days, 1335 days.
My chart show AoD image of the beast set up on the temple mount 1335 days before Jesus returns, and 1290 days before the world sees the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.

42 months is 1260 days or 42 months (roughly 1239 days). It is not 1290 or 1335 days.

You have the beast being killed on the 1335th day, but this is 75 days past his expiration date...

The person becomes the beast before 1335 days begin. The 1335 days is the length of the great tribulation, beginning when the image of the beast is set up on the temple mount.

What you are not getting, tranquil, is that beast kills the two witnesses on day 1260. 3 1/2 days later they come back to life ascend to heaven leaving this earth. That leaves 1256.5 days left in the 2520 day 7 years. Those 1256.5 days are the nominally called 42 months in Revelation 13 that the beast will rule in their absence.

The 42 months that the beast rules in Revelation 13, is the length of his rule as he has killed the two witnesses on day 1260.

The beast will be cast into the lake of fire 1335 days after the great tribulation begins, at the end of his 42 months of rule unhampered by the departed from earth two witnesses.

How is it possible for the beast to be around past 1260 days/ 42 months? It isn't.
The beast will be cast into the lake of fire on day 2520, the last day of the great tribulation.

Great tribulation at the start of the 6th Trumpet (Rev 9:13-21), then the false christ comes acting like he has stopped the great tribulation (Rev 10:1). Then 1260 days later that false christ makes the Rev 13 living image at the 7th Trumpet. The 42 months that the dragon announces at Rev 13:5 is also cut short from 42 months to 45 days (as part of the 'season and a time' of Daniel 7:11-12).
No, the false prophet is not a false Christ. He is a false prophet, not a false Savior.

tranquil, that is probably discombobulated scenario I have ever heard.

Just on a common sense level, the world cannot take a nuclear war for 1335 days. All life on earth could be extinct within a month easily.
The 1335 days is not based of a nuclear war. It begins with the setting up of the abomination of desolation statue image of beast on the temple mount.
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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My chart show AoD image of the beast set up on the temple mount 1335 days before Jesus returns, and 1290 days before the world sees the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.

The person becomes the beast before 1335 days begin. The 1335 days is the length of the great tribulation, beginning when the image of the beast is set up on the temple mount.

What you are not getting, tranquil, is that beast kills the two witnesses on day 1260. 3 1/2 days later they come back to life ascend to heaven leaving this earth. That leaves 1256.5 days left in the 2520 day 7 years. Those 1256.5 days are the nominally called 42 months in Revelation 13 that the beast will rule in their absence.

The 42 months that the beast rules in Revelation 13, is the length of his rule as he has killed the two witnesses on day 1260.

The beast will be cast into the lake of fire 1335 days after the great tribulation begins, at the end of his 42 months of rule unhampered by the departed from earth two witnesses.

The beast will be cast into the lake of fire on day 2520, the last day of the great tribulation.

No, the false prophet is not a false Christ. He is a false prophet, not a false Savior.

tranquil, that is probably discombobulated scenario I have ever heard.

The 1335 days is not based of a nuclear war. It begins with the setting up of the abomination of desolation statue image of beast on the temple mount.

This 'discombobulated scenario' is Revelation.

Show me a verse in Revelation that explicitly kills more people than Rev 9:15 says. I'll wait... ok, you didn't find one did you?

That is the 'great tribulation' that Jesus is talking about in Matt 24:19-22.

Jerusalem is surrounded by armies and the abomination starts in some manner and arrives at the 6th Trumpet. This is the start of the 1290 days and the 1335 days. the 'locusts' have cut off the daily sacrifices (Joel 1:4-9) and started the 1290 days.

Then the 30 days of great tribulation ends and people think it is because of the false christ that arrrives (Matt 24:23) which is Revelation 10:1's mighty angel - see Ezek 28:2-14 and is Satan being thrown down as an angel of light. This starts the 1260 days of the 2 witnesses.

Queue Rev 11. Is this really so discombobulated?

The 2 witnesses are telling people that the 'messiah' is a false messiah, that he will break the covenant in the middle (the exact middle) of the 7 years. that is why they are there for 1260 days. "Hey everybody, this guy isn't the messiah, he's actually the antichrist and he is going to demand to be worshipped. This will break God's commandment not to worship idols. What kind of messiah would do that?"

They have no purpose beyond the 1260th day.

They are killed when the beast from the sea starts on the 1261st day.

1And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear’s, and its mouth was like a lion’s mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. 3One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. 4And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”​
5And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. 6It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling,a that is, those who dwell in heaven. 7Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.b And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain​

At verse 7, he kills the 2 witnesses (2 particular individuals). This is the start of the 7th Trumpet. This starts the beast from the sea.

Hopefully, it is obvious to some readers what is going on here: the 1290th day starts the Rev 13 image of the beast. The image 'proves' that he is not really dead, not really gone. If he were gone, that would mean that he wasn't the messiah.
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Sep 29, 2011
with Charlie at the Chocolate Factory
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My chart show AoD image of the beast set up on the temple mount 1335 days before Jesus returns, and 1290 days before the world sees the sign of the Son of Man in heaven.

The person becomes the beast before 1335 days begin. The 1335 days is the length of the great tribulation, beginning when the image of the beast is set up on the temple mount.

What you are not getting, tranquil, is that beast kills the two witnesses on day 1260. 3 1/2 days later they come back to life ascend to heaven leaving this earth. That leaves 1256.5 days left in the 2520 day 7 years. Those 1256.5 days are the nominally called 42 months in Revelation 13 that the beast will rule in their absence.

The 42 months that the beast rules in Revelation 13, is the length of his rule as he has killed the two witnesses on day 1260.

The beast will be cast into the lake of fire 1335 days after the great tribulation begins, at the end of his 42 months of rule unhampered by the departed from earth two witnesses.

The beast will be cast into the lake of fire on day 2520, the last day of the great tribulation.

No, the false prophet is not a false Christ. He is a false prophet, not a false Savior.

tranquil, that is probably discombobulated scenario I have ever heard.

The 1335 days is not based of a nuclear war. It begins with the setting up of the abomination of desolation statue image of beast on the temple mount.
1) And you haven't explained how the beast gets more than his alotted 42 months in your scenario. 1335 days is 75 days more than 1260 days. Plain and simple.

2) And you have to fudge the 'middle of the 7' to mean 'close to the middle'.

3) And you don't explain the what the locusts are and how they relate to the abomination.

4) And you don't explain how the 'days of the great tribulation are shortened'. Your explanation doesn't explain what 1335 days is shortened from. From what? It is shortened from what? Saying from killing everyone is not an answer.

5) And you don't put things in order: you have the 2 witnesses during the Seals? The 2 witnesses are 1260 days before the 7th Trumpet and the 1st woe comes before that.

I could go on and on.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Show me a verse in Revelation that explicitly kills more people than Rev 9:15 says. I'll wait... ok, you didn't find one did you?

That is the 'great tribulation' that Jesus is talking about in Matt 24:19-22.
Revelation 9:15 is part of them that will die during the great tribulation. If the great tribulation is limited in length, then no flesh on earth will survive. That includes as the animals, birds, fish.

Revelation 8:8 - a third of sea becomes blood, inferring that a third of the fish die.

Revelation 8:11 - many men die because of poisoned waters.

Revelation 16:3 - every living soul in the sea die

Revelation 6:4 - the rider on the red horse takes peace from the earth - and by war, men kill one another.

Revelation 6:8 - Death riding a pale horse is given power over a fourth part of the earth, to kill - with the sword - with hunger - with death - with the beasts of the earth

Revelation 13:15 as many who will not worship the beast will be killed.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
Marital Status
Jerusalem is surrounded by armies and the abomination starts in some manner and arrives at the 6th Trumpet. This is the start of the 1290 days and the 1335 days. the 'locusts' have cut off the daily sacrifices (Joel 1:4-9) and started the 1290 days.
No, nothing about Jerusalem surrounded by armies when the abomination of desolation is setup to begin the 1335 day Great Tribulation.

The 6th trumpet judgement comes near the end of the 1335 days.

1) And you haven't explained how the beast gets more than his alotted 42 months in your scenario. 1335 days is 75 days more than 1260 days. Plain and simple.
I show the 42 months rule of the beast and the 1335 days on this chart.

42 months rule of the beast.jpg
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