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Mrs Butterworth

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Oct 4, 2008
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EXCELLENCE; this is is a word that has been kicked around a lot in churches but I would like to know if people have differing opinions of how the bible defines excellence, and how in personal application, people define excellence.

Websters dictionary defines excellence as: Excellence:the fact or state of excelling; superiority;eminence; her excellence in mathematics. 2. an excellent quality or feature.

1. How does the bible define excellence? Please use bible references or quote verses here if you can. An explanation of why you think this is a good definition of excellence may be necessary. In other words simply posting a few verses or references to verses may not be sufficient to get your point across, you may need to add an explanation to the verses you post.

2. Personally how do you define excellence (this deals with your decision making process). In other words if you were to live a life of excellence what would that entail? What things or values would you strive to achieve, and/or What decisions would you make?
Question number 2 requires that you take the general description of excellence and apply it to specific things you would do or strive to do.

Now the next question that might arise is Why ask this question about excellence? Or, who cares? Or, Aren't you being a bit nit picky about things? Well, it may sound this way, but the question of the definition of excellence has greater meaning. If the churches definition of excellence is incongruent with an individuals definition then this identifies that there is a problem. Problem identification is one of the first steps to finding a solution. If that problem is simply that one is right and the other is wrong then the solution is obvious, but what if both differing definitions are right? In that case a different problem is pointed out, and the solution is not so obvious. I have one of my elaborate theories for the solution to this (possible) latter problem, and if anyone is interested I will write about it.
The short version of this theory is that if two human parties have differing opionions or have made differing decisions using different thought processes, then the way they can come to the same conclusion is if, somewhare in their decision making process, they refer to a third source. To come to a correct decision that third source must be contain universal truthes (like the bible, but I think you can figure that out on your own).
The short version above is the general concept, my elaborate theory is the long version (more a 'how to' application of the general concept). But first, I need your opionions. So, If you would, could you answer my two questions for me? If you like, feel free to add any comments or other opions you may have.

Mrs Butterworth

Active Member
Oct 4, 2008
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OOOh, 11 views but no responses. Perhaps I should give an example to explain the task.

The Cub Scouts have the motto "Do your best". It could be considered their definition of excellence. It reminds me of the verse in Philippians 3:13-14 I "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

For those who don't know, Cub Scouts is an organization for elementary age boys. In this case to "Do your best" would be the early learning stages of "pressing on toward a goal". It teaches that the most important thing is to do and/or try to do. Action is a key point here when you are learing by doing, another key concept is to not worry about mistakes, if you have done your best (action) and tried then the short term goal has been accomplished. Proficiency and/ or finding the things your niche in the body of Christ (a more long term goal) will come in time.

In the case of the Cub Scouts their motto (what I like to call their definition of excellence) is in perfect agreement with their program.
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Dec 19, 2005
NE Alabama
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EXCELLENCE; this is is a word that has been kicked around a lot in churches but I would like to know if people have differing opinions of how the bible defines excellence, and how in personal application, people define excellence.

Websters dictionary defines excellence as: Excellence:the fact or state of excelling; superiority;eminence; her excellence in mathematics. 2. an excellent quality or feature.

1. How does the bible define excellence? Please use bible references or quote verses here if you can. An explanation of why you think this is a good definition of excellence may be necessary. In other words simply posting a few verses or references to verses may not be sufficient to get your point across, you may need to add an explanation to the verses you post.

2. Personally how do you define excellence (this deals with your decision making process). In other words if you were to live a life of excellence what would that entail? What things or values would you strive to achieve, and/or What decisions would you make?
Question number 2 requires that you take the general description of excellence and apply it to specific things you would do or strive to do.


1. Below is from [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon[/FONT] for Philippians 4:8.​

a virtuous course of thought, feeling and action
a virtue, moral goodness
any particular moral excellence, as modesty, purity​

Philippians 4:8 (NASB) Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.​

2. Personally, if I were to live a life on earth of excellence that what would entail being served food cooked by others, driven where I asked, when I asked.
Instead, I want to live a life in heaven of excellence that what would entail being servant to others on earth.
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Passionate Pursuer of Christ
Jan 24, 2009
Sanger, TX
Marital Status
OOOh, 11 views but no responses. Perhaps I should give an example to explain the task.

I understood the task, just not sure if I have enough time to do justice to the question. However, I will give it a try.

To me, living a life of excellence means living a life as nearly mirroring Christ as possible. This does not necessarily mean doing everything Christ did, or even doing everything Christ would do if He had come today. Rather, it means responding to each situation as Christ would respond. (I doubt Christ would go to medical school, for instance, but that is what He has called me to do. But that does not preclude me from behaving in medical school as He would behave would He have gone there Himself.) It means striving to glorify the Father in everything that we do, and never striving to glorify ourselves. Obviously this is not possible, but we work toward that goal, until some day, His work in us is complete and we finally do perfectly mirror our Saviour (that would be the day we die in the flesh). More practically, it means striving for straight A's in school, striving to be the best worker at work, and striving to keep my heart and mind pure, all to bring glory to Him. If I strive for all these things, but to glorify myself, or to earn salvation, it will not work.

As to the Biblical definition of excellence, I haven't got a clue :)
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