Eve created from Adam's vertebra

Joelthe vicious

Active Member
Jan 4, 2018
South Africa
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Eve created from Adam’s Vertebra

Three divine trinary concepts

From the Ribs-Bone of Adam
“Three Days”-in-one-“Bone-Day”

John 19:35, (Psalm 34:20)
Ὀστοῦν οὐ συντριβήσεται αὐτοῦ.
A bone of him shall not be broken.

Genesis 2:21,22 “He (God, on the Sixth Day before the Sabbath) took one of his (Adam, man’s,) ribs [צלע - 'tsela' Plural], and closed up [Buried] the flesh instead thereof.” (Acts 2:26-28; 13:32-38 )

‘Ribs’ actually are one left and right laterally extended bone-structure. The spine is the central ‘bone’- ‘etsem’ part into and out of which the two ‘ribs-bone’- 'tsela', צלע, laterally protrude.

‘Bone’- ‘etsem’, therefore, is the pivotal, supporting, middle ‘BONE-’ part: “as such, bone”, and “in essence, bone”, “bone-of-strength” and “support-bone” to a THREE-PART-SRUCTURE called, צלע - 'tsela', the ternary Plural for “ribs-bone”, in Genesis 2:21,22.

This linguistic phenomenon of a THREE-part “ribs-bone” of the COMPLETE -ternary Plural- “ribs-bone” structure, is also, ‘particularly’ / ‘essentially’, “BONE”- ‘etsem’, found in the “three days thick darkness” of the Passover-of-Yahweh “BONE-DAY” Scriptures, where all “three days” of indistinguishable “three days thick darkness”, are dated…

…in Exodus 12, “the fourteenth day of the First Month the Selfsame Whole Day BONE DAY”- ‘etsem yom’ Singular.

The symbolism of the “ribs-bone” - צלע - 'tsela', Plural, of Genesis 2:21-22, thus consists in a THREE parts pluralism of the “WHOLE-BONE” structure of the “WHOLE ribs-pair” WITH its “MIDDLE/CENTRAL”, “one”, “selfsame”, “solid”, “strong”, “essential”, “supporting”, “upholding”, “WHOLE”, “BONE”, the vertebra “bone”- ‘etsem’, out of which God “formed the woman”.

Genesis 1:26, “And God said, Let US (God TRI-UNE), make man (Singular) in OUR image after OUR LIKENESS, and let THEM (Plural) have dominion; 27So God created1 man in HIS IMAGE; in the image of GOD (TRI-UNE), created2 He him (Singular): male AND female created3 He them (Plural).”—“Let us make man in our (“God-Is-Spirit”) image after OUR (spiritual) LIKENESS, and let them have (spiritual) dominion; 27So GOD (TRI-UNE) created1 man (formed man of the dust of the ground) in his (spiritual) image; in the image of GOD (who “is Spirit”,) created2 He him”: “God breathed into his nostrils the (physical) breath of life; thus, male AND female, created3 He them, and man (man and woman), became a living SOUL (and flesh unity).” “And they, shall be, one, flesh.” Genesis 2:24; 3:19

The Power, might, strength, dependableness and stableness, qualities of “BONE”- ‘etsem’ [Hebrew root ‘ts’ in צלע- ‘tsela’ Genesis 2:21,22 and in every occurrence of “BONE-Day”- ‘etsem yom’], consist then in the Oneness of and in the Plurality of the Ternary “Power”- “Bone-Strength” of “God” Elohim, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

God, Elohim, The Almighty, “formed” (‘improvised’ / ‘improved’) man, “Adam”, “from the ground of the earth” which God had, created, from… nothing! Adam already was the Almighty’s “work” or “making”, or “formation” and “improvement” on “his own works”. But Eve, “God made from the pivotal three-in-one ribs-BONE-of-STRENGTH” from the “man”, Adam. “God took from man” the “WHOLE-bone”, the “ONE” vertebra in its entirety צלע- ‘tsela’- “ribs-BONE”— a “WHOLE” three parts plurality. From “ONE” of Adam’s intact vertebrae, God made Eve— made her from the man whom God had already made “a living soul” by the earthly “breath of life He breathed into his nostrils”. What a vast “improvement” is the wife of the man whom God from “his own works He had made”, “created”, “formed” and “improved”! Because, says

Genesis 2:18, “Yahweh Elohim [The I-AM-WE], the LORD GOD, had said [in the Eternal Council of the Full Fellowship of the Trinity], It is not good that the man [Yahweh Elohim willed to make] should be alone, “I” [Yahweh Elohim The I-AM-WE, the Tri-Une Almighty GOD, Father, Son and Holy Spirit], will make him an help meet for him” (…like We have and like We are in the Full Fellowship of Our Own Being and Council) of which Paul wrote, saying,

Ephesians 5:32, 30 Ephesians 5:32, 30

“This is a great mystery concerning CHRIST, and the Church.” For like Eve of Adam, “we are members of his (Christ, the Man Jesus’ body), of his flesh, of his BONES”, “bones indeed”, of which none were “broken” to create Eve, “the mother of all the living” Genesis 3:20, and of which none were “broken” to redeem man through the “Sacrifice of Himself.” Hebrews 9:26.

“God”, the Father’s, Love, manifests
“in Power of the Spirit,
“through Jesus Christ His Son in the flesh (and unbroken “bones” and “flesh” that “IN DEATH SAW NO CORRUPTION”),
“by the Resurrection from the dead,
“for His Name—
GOD-TRI-UNE “making”, “creating”, “WORKING”,
“unto obedience to the Faith”, “of Jesus”, “our Passover” and “Lamb of God”! Romans 1:4,5

This is not ‘taking it too far’ as my wife reacted when I told her my thoughts on the ‘ribs-bone-concept’ in the Genesis story of man and wife’s creation. O no, it is not taking it too far! Our accustomed version, where God took an inferior piece of one of Adam’s ribs-bone (always the left rib Acts 2:25) to create Eve from, explains and in fact has been the cause of the aeons old gender inequality and inferiority, disadvantage and social discrimination which women have had to suffer. Christianity earned, its bad reputation because of its own warped rendering and resultant warped understanding of this one verse from the Word of God, the Christian, Holy Scriptures.

No wonder all consciousness of the “Bone-Day”, also disappeared like it never existed in the Bible… disappeared TOGETHER with the Faith in The Tri-Une God, Elohim Yahweh, LORD of hosts. Wherefore, wherever the brokened parts of Yahweh’s “Whole-Day-BONE-Day” are found scattered around, forlorn and forgotten, there, always, will be found the shattered Unity, Oneness, Wholeness and Solidarity of GOD: the Father AND the Son AND the Holy Spirit. Yes, I’m speaking of the Wednesday crucifixionist sabbatharians as well as the Good Friday crucifixionist Sundaydarian resurrectionists!
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