
Active Member
Nov 2, 2004
wow. i posted a thread exactly like this the first time i came here.. weird. kindred spirits i guess..
the general responses i got were that drugs and religion didn't really bother each other. as long as nothing harmful happens while using drugs, and that they dont lead to a kind of social collapse or hopelessly self destructive addiction, then the religious community lets well enough be.
generally its the fact that things like dope are illegal, and often expensive that leads to drug crime being perpetrated, whereas if it were legal, then drug crime would probably be non-existent.
re: zyklzy
i don't believe in a life of servitude and abstinence: yes, ibelieve that we should lead a good life, not a wicked one, but i also believe in enjoying myself. and drugs are a very amusing way to pass time with friends, buti wouldn't want to spend the rest of my time on earth in some kind of a drug haze

the bible makes no reference to drugs.
drugs have always been linked with religion, all different kinds of religion all around the world. they have profound spiritual weighting in so many cultures, plants such as cannabis, salvia divinorum was used by pre-aztec civilisation, mescaline and peyote was used by american indians, and probably still is in certain areas (there was documented use into the 50's by older members)
the fact is, is that god (or whichever spiritual being you attrtibute creation to) put these plants on this earth, and made the plants with the chemicals they have that effect us like they do. this same entity also gave us fish and grapes and deer and carrots for eating.
i just see it as using whats naturally there, and as long as it is used sensibly and isn't used to harm or brainwash, then i see no problem with it whatsoever.
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Active Member
Nov 2, 2004
just to clarify the issue of extacy while it's relevant:

the reason peole die from extacy is either from not dronking, or from drinking too much.
the extacy is a diuretic which means that it tells your kidneys to produce urine, and in turn tells your brain that you need more water.
the kidneys produce urine by filtering impurities from the blood.
so, if you're dancing, you'll be sweating on top of the excessive kidney filtering, so you should drink a maximuma of litre of water each hour.
if you're just sitting around, you're kidneys are still over filtering, so your body thinks that it needs more water.but because you're not active, dehydration won't occur as severly or quickly. in these circumstances, and absolute maximum of 1 glass of water may be drunk each hour.
this is how people die from e: either by drinking too much, or too little.
(there iss a third way,and that is heart failure, but that can occur from a variety of different reasons, and isn't exclusively brought on by drug usage.)

these are the things that drug users should be told. they are going to use the drug one way or another, so the amount of harm they can do to themselves should be limited as much as possible through knowledge, rather than than hslf truths and propaganda.
"it ain't what you dont know, but its what you know, that ain't right, that kills you"
-mark twain
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Senior Member
Jun 6, 2004
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creep said:
wow. i posted a thread exactly like this the first time i came here.. weird. kindred spirits i guess..
the general responses i got were that drugs and religion didn't really bother each other. as long as nothing harmful happens while using drugs, and that they dont lead to a kind of social collapse or hopelessly self destructive addiction, then the religious community lets well enough be.
generally its the fact that things like dope are illegal, and often expensive that leads to drug crime being perpetrated, whereas if it were legal, then drug crime would probably be non-existent.
re: zyklzy
i don't believe in a life of servitude and abstinence: yes, ibelieve that we should lead a good life, not a wicked one, but i also believe in enjoying myself. and drugs are a very amusing way to pass time with friends, buti wouldn't want to spend the rest of my time on earth in some kind of a drug haze

the bible makes no reference to drugs.
drugs have always been linked with religion, all different kinds of religion all around the world. they have profound spiritual weighting in so many cultures, plants such as cannabis, salvia divinorum was used by pre-aztec civilisation, mescaline and peyote was used by american indians, and probably still is in certain areas (there was documented use into the 50's by older members)
the fact is, is that god (or whichever spiritual being you attrtibute creation to) put these plants on this earth, and made the plants with the chemicals they have that effect us like they do. this same entity also gave us fish and grapes and deer and carrots for eating.
i just see it as using whats naturally there, and as long as it is used sensibly and isn't used to harm or brainwash, then i see no problem with it whatsoever.

So far, I'm in total agreement. None of the passages I have read so far say anything about abstinence. The passages I've read seem to say that there is a time and a place. It also refers to sobriety as some sort of spiritual clarity, which, funny enough, are amplified by certain substances. For example I truly believe that salvia divinorum played a great role in reawakening my spirituality.

Have any substances aided you in your spiritual journey?
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Senior Member
Jun 6, 2004
Marital Status
creep said:
just to clarify the issue of extacy while it's relevant:

the reason peole die from extacy is either from not dronking, or from drinking too much.
the extacy is a diuretic which means that it tells your kidneys to produce urine, and in turn tells your brain that you need more water.
the kidneys produce urine by filtering impurities from the blood.
so, if you're dancing, you'll be sweating on top of the excessive kidney filtering, so you should drink a maximuma of litre of water each hour.
if you're just sitting around, you're kidneys are still over filtering, so your body thinks that it needs more water.but because you're not active, dehydration won't occur as severly or quickly. in these circumstances, and absolute maximum of 1 glass of water may be drunk each hour.
this is how people die from e: either by drinking too much, or too little.
(there iss a third way,and that is heart failure, but that can occur from a variety of different reasons, and isn't exclusively brought on by drug usage.)

these are the things that drug users should be told. they are going to use the drug one way or another, so the amount of harm they can do to themselves should be limited as much as possible through knowledge, rather than than hslf truths and propaganda.
"it ain't what you dont know, but its what you know, that ain't right, that kills you"
-mark twain
Oh my gosh! :eek: Actual information.

The only way to cure ignorance from propaganda is to spread knowledge. Two thumbs up!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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aka the Akhashic Record Player
Aug 9, 2004
McKinney, Texas
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In Relationship
sculpturegirl said:
Yuo need to be care, Mr. I know a lot of people in their 40s and 50s who used a lot of drugs in the 60s and 70s and are having problems now. My mother's hands shake a lot of the time from it from using drugs 20 some odd years ago. It isn't good for your mind, it destroys your mind and your body. For goodness sake, look at Ozzie Osborn!
I know many people who did drugs back then and are messed up today because of it. I also know many people who did drugs back then and are fine today (my grandfather for instance). Yes, any drug can be dangerous for you if you take it too much. That is where responsible drug use comes in. Was your mother doing drugs responsibly back then? Was Ozzie? Probably not. But is that the drugs fault, or the persons fault for not being careful? Sure, you can blame drugs for all these tragedies, but last time I checked, drugs needed to be ingested by someone to have any effect whatsoever, and oftentimes those people are reckless and irresponsible.

I don't want to come off as a jerk or anything or sound like I'm insulting your mother, if that's the way it came off I apologize.
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Senior Member
Jun 6, 2004
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Saturn said:
Are you asking me to dictate morality to you, for I cannot do that, as only you can decide what you believe is moral or immoral.

I'm going to go ahead and say that I have no idea what you're talking about.

Looks like this was meant for another thread? (I only say that because this looks like a response yet you have not posted on this thread before)
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