Doesn't know where to start

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May 11, 2004
New Zealand
I believe that for our actions that there are consequences. God loves you and wants nothing more that for you to be his child and experience all the wonders of his love. What you have been through has obviously taught you something that has made you make this move. It is quite possible that you will be able to help someone in the future through something like this. You must do whatever you can, and have faith in the Lord and what he has instore for you to do. Make your peace with the Lord and do not be afraid, for the Lord has always been there, waiting for you to stretch out your hand to Him. Let him enfold you with His love and walk on the path He has set for you. Be at peace.
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Feb 9, 2004
JuLikenz555 gave you this same advice in less detail, but I wanted to give you specific scriptures you can look up in your Bible and see for yourself that you are doing exactly what God said you have to do to be a Christian and follow Him. I also have a little bit more advice and explanation for you once you become a Christian as to what you need to do then.

You can have a personal relationship with Jesus by following these three simple steps:
(A) Admit that you are a sinner. In Romans 3:23 the Bible says, “All people have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
(B) Believe that Jesus is the Son of God who loved you enough to die for you on the cross (so you would not be punished in eternity for your sins) and that God raised Jesus from the dead. “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son Jesus, so that whoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9.
(C) Confess your sins to Jesus asking Him to forgive them, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord. “If we confess our sins, Jesus is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9.

Now that you have given your life to Jesus, John 3:16 says that you will have everlasting life for eternity in Heaven. In addition to everlasting life, Romans 8:28 says that God will work everything out in your life (even the bad things that happen to you) for good in the end because you love Him. However, Ephesians 6:11-13 tells us that even after we accept Jesus as our Savior as you did above, we Christians have to do certain things to defend ourselves spiritually from the attacks of Jesus’ enemy Satan, like reading and following the Word of God that is found in the Bible, keep having faith in God, find out what God considers sin and try not to sin (if you do, follow step C again and just confess that sin to Jesus asking Him to forgive you), and always pray. Although you will sometimes have trials, God has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5. There are a lot of other awesome promises God has made you too, which you can explore in your Bible as you read it.

To learn more about Jesus and what He wants to do in your life, you should regularly read the Bible and do what it tells you to do. You should also try to attend services in a church that believes that Jesus is the Son of God and came to earth as a human being to die for us. According to 2 John 1:7, any church that does not believe that is not truly following Jesus but is really His enemy in disguise. You should also talk to God through prayer says Ephesians 6:18, for example thanking Him for what He has done for you and asking Him to help you in life with your various problems or questions. After you become a Christian, you should be baptized according to Mark 16:16. Any denomination of the Christian church can baptize you, but they will probably check to make sure you have accepted Jesus as your Savior first (by following the three main steps above). Romans 6:4-11 says that baptism is a symbol that you have died to your old life of sin and been changed by Jesus to live a new life. In addition to doing these things, you can also PM me if you wish to learn more about how to serve Jesus or if have any questions about Him.

Congratulations on accepting Jesus Christ into your life!!!!!!! He won’t fail you. I turned my back on Jesus for several years too when I was bitter that I had been so abused, but He never gave up on me. I realized that I couldn’t make it through life without Him and came back to Jesus. To give you a short list of the things Jesus has done for me, He saved my life by protecting me with a circle of angels when my ex-boyfriend was trying to severely hurt/kill me, He gave me the strength to endure about 25 years of sexual and physical and emotional abuse from 4 family members and my ex-boyfriend and has almost completely healed me emotionally of all that abuse, has almost totally healed the ligaments in my neck and back that were torn almost completely out all the way down my spine for 10 years from a car wreck, helped me through 10 years of excruciating physical pain from the wreck, and has emotionally healed several members of my family who were abused and abusers.
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Gomi No Sensei
Apr 20, 2002
Camdenton, Missouri
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hey Ms. Sera.

I could wrap this in a lot of Christian jargon, but the gist of it all is this: God, I've made a mess of things. I need you.

Quite honestly, if you seriously want to do it, I believe you're doing it already. There's no ritual or special sequence of words you have to say.... not like there's a password. ;)

As to your question about Baptism..... any Christian can Baptize you. I'd recommend finding a church to call home first and going from there, but again it's not as though some specific sequence of words or events has to take place for you to "do it right".

Oh, and..... talk to Him. No need for thees and thous and whatnot, Jesus called God "Daddy" for heaven's sake.... when you're mad, tell Him. He knows anyway and He can take it. Just understand that absolutely nothing you've done has, or could, put you beyond His reach. You don't have to pay Him back for it, he's done it already.

Beyond that, if you wanna know anything, ask. Ask in this thread or PM me (or any number of willing posters here) and we'll be happy to help, recommend books, offer council, share experience etc. Don't hesitate to ask.

God bless you and your honesty.
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