Does God actually find homosexual relations "abominable"?

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Aug 11, 2006
LightHorseMan: I don't know if you are sleeping with that woman. If you are then do right by marrying her. Technically if you are rebellious and don't make it right by marrying that girl, assuming you are having relations with her, then 1 Corinthians 5 Paul Judges you. I mean this with love....From a Brother in Christ type of love: Get it right with God and marry that girl. I have my urges too but I stop having open sex with females since of April 2008. I do struggle with sins but I took out my speck of open sex with females. That is out of my life. So I can righteously tell you to get it right. You have your chance with God to do so. If you refuse to marry that girl and are doing Sexual Immorality and are proud of doing what you are doing then judgment comes on you by your Christian brothers/sisters. It is that serious.
Thanks for your concern, but I'll politely tell you to mind your own business, and butt out of my almost 11 years of committed, heterosexual, child bearing relationship, thank you very much.

If you want to ASK me a direct question about it, I'll answer it, but I'll thank you NOT to make assumptions.
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Frankly LH, I don't care what you do in your personal life -
the fact that you condone what God clearly forbids, condemns
and calls sin is all I need to see and I have plenty of
reason to call you on just that aside from anything else since Romans 1:32
includes those who not just commit those sins, but heartily approve of people
who do them.
It's being an accessory to the wrong instead of giving opposition to it.
It is giving aid and comfort to them to continue in what they're doing.

The more voices that support sin, the more people feel justified
in them. It all plays a part in society.
And it IS taught in scripture directly - even if you took out every
single direct command against it specifically just by Jesus'
definition of the marital unit in Matt. 19.

Deny it all you want with flimsy excuses of "context" -
last I checked, a cat is always defined as a C A T even if you ask different
questions about the cat.... I'm not sure when we can change
the definition of a CAT to a pig just becuz the context changes?

Jesus gave NO ROOM for other combinations - and fornication is
still sin which they often engage in regularly.

And if you want to one-up that, they're actually committing chronic
adultery by continually sleeping with others other than their
original sexual partner.
If the sex act is what bonds you maritally (which I often read around here),
then they're committing adultery with every subsequent partner they take on.

Any way you look at it, they're in sinful lifestyles - now I'll tack on
the homosexuality itself - WHICH IS SIN AND IS CONDEMNED BY GOD.
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Servant of the Lord
Oct 26, 2007
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I don't think thats what that passage means. Christ is telling us to be mindful of our thoughts, lest they turn to acts. He didn't actually mean "just thinking about having sex with someone is as bad as doing it". Otherwise we'd ALL be damned, am I right?
How is it that you don't think that passage means what it says?

Jesus said, "If you look at a woman to lust after her, YOU HAVE COMMITTED adultery with her ALREADY in your heart." He didn't say, "it is similar to", or "kind of like" or "almost like", He said, "YOU HAVE already done so in your heart." It's not that hard. He said what He meant and meant what He said.

It is what we do with the thought once it enters our mind that brings it to the next level, ie., enters the heart OR we reject it when it enter and say NO, to the flesh, then it remains a temptation, not a sin. But once we meditate on the thought, it enters the heart and once it has entered the heart, it has already been done in the heart, even if the physical action has yet to take place, or never actually takes place, which is why we are instructed to take impure thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ, to cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that looks to exalt itself above the knowledge of God, (ie., telling ourselves that is not sin, even though God has already shared knowledge with us that says it is).

Sin is not passive, nor is walking with the Lord. Both require active participants.

adultery... would you want someone to commit adultery with your partner? No? Well, sounds like its a breach of the "love thy neighbour as yourself" standard, doesn't it?

Another way to look at it is this. Would you want someone filling their heart with lust toward your mother or your sister? Doing so, does not harm your mother or your sister, if they have no knowledge of it, but it does indeed harm the one doing it. --Spiritually.

Calvin Tyer
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Oct 26, 2007
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Are you open minded enough to even consider that someone else might have a better understanding of this than you do?

Not if that person's"understanding" comes from the vain philosophies of men and attempts to be exalted above the knowledge of God.

"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ." Colossians 2:8

Calvin Tyer
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Here is what LH said in response to my comments:
Tim said:
On the last thing, judgment, I grow weary of people calling it judgmental to say, "that is a sin, because the bible says so". You are every bit as "judgmental" when you say we are wrong to point out sin, you judge us for that. So what is the difference. If I WAS judging and doing my best to condemn you to hell, would that make your sin less? NO! So the whole arguement is a circular one. If I point at a convicted killer and call him a murderer, and he says I'm going to hell for my judgment, is he any more right with God? If I tell you to quit lusting, or to marry that woman you sleep with, are you less sinful if I don't say it, did I judge you by saying it?
LH said:
So two wrongs make a right?

Where did I condemn anyone by the way? I merely point out that hudging is wrong. I don't think I said you were doing it did I. If when I mention it, you think it applies to you, I'd suggest your conscience is telling you a great deal more than I am.

Tim said:
If I've dealt with my sin, I am in a position to help my brother with his speck. If you are not a brother I am doing right to say "Repent! and be saved, be washed in the Blood".

Identifying sin is a responsibility, so long as your sight is good with the sin in your eye taken care of.;)
LH responded:
And so you've dealt with your sin have you? You're utterly without sin, and so perfectly entitled to sit in judgment over us wretched sinners are you?

Remind me... is pride a sin?
Anyone beside me see the contradiction there? Anyone see the hypocracy? And he says he is "in a relationship" then claims to be married then says this:
Thanks for your concern, but I'll politely tell you to mind your own business, and butt out of my almost 11 years of committed, heterosexual, child bearing relationship, thank you very much.
In consistancy, illusiveness? What's he trying to hide?

Based on all the things you believe LH there is no reasoning with you. You are a shining example of the evolutionary thought process. You take away special creation and everything becomes random chance, and "Naturally evolving". You pointed out yourself homosex cannot evolve, it is not prone to reproduction. So why is it spreading? Because of the world view, because of Romans one. The are being given over to their lusts and in that they do what is unnatural.
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I was born, baptised and confirmed a Catholic, attend a Catholic Church, and intend to die and be buried a Catholic. Thanks all the same, but I'll take criticism on my Catholicism from other Catholics thanks.

You need to take your criticism from Catholicism itself. What Catholicism preaches. You come here saying you are Catholic, but promote everything that is anti Catholic.

Well I'm sorry you think that. Want my phone number? You can call me and find out if you like. Want me to dig out my baptism certificate? How about the photos of me serving as an altar boy?

I know how meaningless that is to one's faith. I was born Jewish. Raised a Jew. Bar Mitzvah'd and observed Jewish tradition and custom. I did not know God while I was a Jew, yet as a people they claim to know God. And, for the same kind of reasons you give. Its utter nonsense. You must be born again. No certificate will save you. Being an alter boy will no more save you then my Bar Mitzvah would have saved me.

What do you think I said that "no good Catholic would"? That I believe in doing good works? That I believe in worrying about my own sin and not judging others? Help me out here.

Its Jesus who needs to help you out here. You have your eyes on man too much. Your argument is really with Him, not me. You argue with men about what God says, as if men were God.

I'm not an athiest, and I'd be lying if I claimed to be one. I'm sorry I don't fit into YOUR view of what a Catholic should be, but thats your problem, not mine. My faith is a matter for me and God. What YOU think of my Catholicism or otherwise is utterly irrelevant to my eternal salvation.

As usual... you are completely missing the point.

Where the heck did I claim to speak for that Catholic church? Hmmm? Nowhere.

Take away your little Catholic logo then. It misrepresents what you stand for. Pick some generic logo. Just a suggestion. It would make you appear not to be here under some pretense.

I KNOW that some of what I believe may be at odds with certain minor elements of church doctrine. But you know what? Doctrine has changed before, it may well change again in the future. Nowhere does Catholicism demand one not have personal opinions.

But not while putting up a banner as one who is Catholic. Come here as one speaking for oneself, then you should not be having a logo that is indicating one being of a certain religious way of thinking.

I have debated Catholics who remain consistent with the tenants of their church. Though we disagreed with each other, they did not misrepresent what they stood for. You do so terribly. No one would know what the Catholic church stood for if they only read your posts.

Both Jesus and Paul preached against claiming to be one thing, and doing the opposite. Jesus harshest words were towards those who did this. Paul chewed out Peter publicly for doing one thing while claiming to be another. There is a word for it.
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Jadin Xquire

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Jul 1, 2009
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LHM: tying Gen 19:1-5 and Jude 1:7 proves homosexual acts are under sexual immorality. Jesus said even lustful thoughts were consider as adultery. You didnt answer my question. You went around and dodge it. Is adultery under sexual immorality? A simple yes or no would be suffice. Please, no dodging. Just be straight foward.
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I don't think thats what that passage means. Christ is telling us to be mindful of our thoughts, lest they turn to acts. He didn't actually mean "just thinking about having sex with someone is as bad as doing it". Otherwise we'd ALL be damned, am I right?

Wrong. We are told to name our sins to God and will be purified from all wrong doing.

1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins and purify
us from all unrighteousness.

We name our known sins to God directly. That means, when a sin occurs in our thinking. He forgives every time. So we are not to walk around with a guilt complex. We name them as they happen. That way we keep our spiritual life on a continuous flow.

If you just think it? Is to have done it!

Matthew 5:28
"But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman
lustfully has already committed adultery
with her in his heart."

Jesus said that God will judge men on their thoughts, not just their actions. For we have been created in God's image. God himself only has to think something and it comes to be. In our resurrection bodies we will have powers in our possession that carry with them great responsibility. That is why now is the time for the testing of men's souls, not later. Later would be too late.

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
"For this world's wisdom is foolishness (absurdity and stupidity)
with God, for it is written, He lays hold of the wise in
their [own] craftiness; And again, The Lord knows
the thoughts and reasonings of the [humanly] wise
and recognizes how futile they are."

Our souls are being probed here on earth to reveal how much in sharing with God's essence we will be entrusted and rewarded to share in. Those who show recklessness of thought now, must be denied eternal rewards for that reason. For they prove themselves not to be entrusted with such glory. Because, they revealed themselves to be contrary to the faith God now offers us through His Word.

The Word of God is God's litmus test for testing a man's soul for trustworthiness. The earthly wisdom of the humanly wise is absurdity and stupidity to God. God proves it over and over again, one generation after another. Angels watch and see how God's judgments are true and right. Satan and his angels watch and see how God had them pegged corectly before they could know what kind of damage they would cause in his kingdom if allowed the freedom they once had known before their fall.

2 Corinthians 13:8
"For we can do nothing against the truth,
but only for the truth."

Every lie and absurdity attempted by man against God's truth only reveals the veracity of that truth and the need for the truth. For when lies are allowed to be taken to their logical conclusion? It produces great misery and suffering. In doing so, it glorifies the truth that much the more.

Faithful believers who have truth simply do not want to be a part of the misery and suffering that the lies would produce. So they fight the good fight of renouncing and refuting the absurdity and stupidity of men's lies when they can.

1 Corinthians 3:19-20 Amplified
"For this world's wisdom is foolishness (absurdity and stupidity)
with God, for it is written, He lays hold of the wise in
their [own] craftiness; And again, The Lord knows
the thoughts and reasonings of the [humanly] wise
and recognizes how futile they are."

In Christ, GeneZ

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max1120 said:
Lets see we have an all powerful "god". He decides one day to "create" everything. Now he does this out vanity simply because he wants someone to tell him how great he is and follow his every instruction. He makes them for no other purpose and he really does not care if they like their role in all of this nor does he care if they are happy or sad as a result of his depriving them of what makes them happy.

Where did u get that idea?
God did wnat the man to be happy. He didn't want us to live like this... It was all man's fault. The man sinned and from then on all went wrong. Weren't Adam and Eve happy before tasting the forbidden fruit? In genesis is even said:

"And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him."

So... here God was worried that it's not good for the man to be alone and you say that he didn't care if the man is happy or sad?

Another one:

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

How could someone love something so much as to give his most precious thing and at the same time not to care...?
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Jadin Xquire

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Jul 1, 2009
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Since I am on the Wii I can't post the link like I usually do on the comp.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 in KJV.
“ 9 Do you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be decieved. Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor Homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God”

I think this passage is clear that men/women that practice this in lawlessness of Homosexuality are going to hell/second death. Christains who practice homosexuality are practicing sexual immorality as Gen 19:1-5, Jude 1:7, and Matthew 5:27-30 states it.

Anyone who disagrees are delusional and are in the wrong. Repent of your sins.
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eal tragedy is that most people are doing everything they can to keep homosexuals from heaven by keeping them from admitting that homosexuality is a sin. In fact, that's one of the biggest tragedies in today's world. :(
Romans 10:9 doesn't say that if you confess with your mouth,
homosexuality is a sin' that you will be saved. It says to confess
with your mouth "Jesus is Lord."

Just wanted to clear that up a bit. :)

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Romans 10:9 doesn't say that if you confess with your mouth,
'homosexuality is a sin' that you will be saved. It says to confess
with your mouth "Jesus is Lord."

Just wanted to clear that up a bit. :)
That doesn't make anything clear when we know that
those very sins WILL keep people from inheriting God's kingdom.
It all works together; the FRUIT of knowing God is obedience
to His commands just as Jesus said,

You are my friends IF you do what I command. We are not
God's friend by living in rebellion to His will and refusing to
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That doesn't make anything clear when we know that
those very sins WILL keep people from inheriting God's kingdom.
It all works together; the FRUIT of knowing God is obedience
to His commands just as Jesus said,

You are my friends IF you do what I command. We are not
God's friend by living in rebellion to His will and refusing to
You do realize, of course, that the list of sins that will keep people
from inheriting God's kingdom are things that everyone does in
some way at various times through their lives -- both believer and
unbeliever alike?
:) Therefore, the same verses one uses to
condemn those they don't approve of are the same ones that
condemn themselves. Each time a person points their finger they've
got three more pointed right back at 'em . Ever notice that?

As a matter of fact, 1 Corinthians 15:50 says that "flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." Got flesh? Got blood? Yeah?
Well, then, I think the appropriate word for the occasion would be



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Jadin Xquire

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Jul 1, 2009
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You do realize, of course, that the list of sins that will keep people
from inheriting God's kingdom are things that everyone does in
some way at various times through their lives -- both believer and
unbeliever alike?
:) Therefore, the same verses one uses to
condemn those they don't approve of are the same ones that
condemn themselves. Each time a person points their finger they've
got three more pointed right back at 'em . Ever notice that?

As a matter of fact, 1 Corinthians 15:50 says that "flesh and blood
cannot inherit the Kingdom of God." Got flesh? Got blood? Yeah?
Well, then, I think the appropriate word for the occasion would be

The only difference from faithful Christians and (so-called Christians & the World) is faithful Christians may struggle in sin but it is not based on lawlessness. So-called Christians and the world practice lawlessness. If a person, after accepting Christ is willing to go under God's sanctification, then he/she will be saved. Matthew 7:14 states that we shall be on the narrow road to arrive to the narrow Gate. Then we will reap the rewards of Salvation. Only a few, from the multitudes, will find the Small Gate of Life. These Christians are willing to sacrifice their pleasures to be saved. Yes, from time to time the faithful Christians may slip and do that sin they normally don't indulge in but that is different from some people(so-called Christians & the world) who indulges without any cares to God. These people practice lawlessness because they just don't want to sacrifice or attempt to sacrifice to start the Sanctification process.

It's about trying your best to say "No" and to stay away from the sins we are normally weak against. We are not perfect. We are going to slip from time to time and sin. It's about being Holy. Being Holy doesn't mean being perfect. Holy means to be set apart from the world. To be set apart for God.
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☯ Ego ad Eum pertinent ☯
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The only difference from faithful Christians and (so-called Christians & the World) is faithful Christians may struggle in sin but it is not based on lawlessness. So-called Christians and the world practice lawlessness. If a person, after accepting Christ is willing to go under God's sanctification, then he/she will be saved. Matthew 7:14 states that we shall be on the narrow road to arrive to the narrow Gate. Then we will reap the rewards of Salvation. Only a few, from the multitudes, will find the Small Gate of Life. These Christians are willing to sacrifice their pleasures to be saved. Yes, from time to time the faithful Christians may slip and do that sin they normally don't indulge in but that is different from some people(so-called Christians & the world) who indulges without any cares to God. These people practice lawlessness because they just don't want to sacrifice or attempt to sacrifice to start the Sanctification process.
The only sacrifice that saves is Christ's sacrifice on the cross. No one will
be able to pat themselves on the back and say they made it to heaven
because they were willing to live in a constant state of self-denial--the
road to salvation is even narrower than that. It's not a lifestyle. It's a
Name: Jesus Christ.

It's about trying your best to say "No" and to stay away from the sins we are normally weak against. We are not perfect. We are going to slip from time to time and sin. It's about being Holy. Being Holy doesn't mean being perfect. Holy means to be set apart from the world. To be set apart for God.
As Saintly as a believer perceives himself to be, however, Scripture says
that "flesh and blood" cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Even the most
"Holy" of mortals has flesh and blood. How do the anti-homosexuality types
get around the fact that flesh and blood are among the things that keep
people from inheriting the Kingdom?

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The only difference from faithful Christians and (so-called Christians & the World) is faithful Christians may struggle in sin but it is not based on lawlessness. So-called Christians and the world practice lawlessness. If a person, after accepting Christ is willing to go under God's sanctification, then he/she will be saved. Matthew 7:14 states that we shall be on the narrow road to arrive to the narrow Gate. Then we will reap the rewards of Salvation. Only a few, from the multitudes, will find the Small Gate of Life. These Christians are willing to sacrifice their pleasures to be saved. Yes, from time to time the faithful Christians may slip and do that sin they normally don't indulge in but that is different from some people(so-called Christians & the world) who indulges without any cares to God. These people practice lawlessness because they just don't want to sacrifice or attempt to sacrifice to start the Sanctification process.

Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him. Who art thou that judgest another man's servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.
Romans 14:3-4

Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of [his] brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge. There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?
James 4:11-12
The Bible gives us guidelines to use when someone comes claiming to be a teacher of the Law, or a prophet of God. These are the people whose fruit we are to examine. It gives guidelines for choosing leaders in the Church. But it does not give any instructions for separating "faithful Christians" from "so-called Christians." In fact, Paul and James, who represent the extremes in what is true in Christian philosophy and ethics, both tell us not to make that distinction. Paul even does so in the context of dealing with serious doctrinal differences.

It's about trying your best to say "No" and to stay away from the sins we are normally weak against. We are not perfect. We are going to slip from time to time and sin. It's about being Holy. Being Holy doesn't mean being perfect. Holy means to be set apart from the world. To be set apart for God.

That is true. And it is a struggle we all need to wrestle with every day. Just as Jesus said that one day's struggle at a time is all we should worry about (Matthew 6:34). Just as we should not borrow tomorrow's evil to worry over, we should not borrow someone else's evil to worry over, unless it is under the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17.
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Since I am on the Wii I can't post the link like I usually do on the comp.
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 in KJV.
“ 9 Do you know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be decieved. Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor Homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the Kingdom of God”

A homosexual who believes in Christ has been co-crucified with Christ. God sees him as a new creation, not a homosexual. Paul was warning that all those unbelievers who will not inherit the kingdom do all those sins as a way of life. Paul was saying that those who were that way before they were saved should stop acting like those going to Hell.

God will not be mocked. As a man reaps so shall he sow. Those who are saved and wish to imitate their old self will suffer great loss of rewards and shame when they stand before the Lord for evaluation. They will be denied reigning with Christ on earth, as well. Believe me, it will hurt deeply.

Revelation 2:26
"To him who overcomes and does my will to the end,
I will give authority over the nations."

One of the things God wants us to overcome while on earth is our particular trends in sinning. Those who do not overcome will be denied rewards of eternal significance.

I think this passage is clear that men/women that practice this in lawlessness of Homosexuality are going to hell/second death. Christains who practice homosexuality are practicing sexual immorality as Gen 19:1-5, Jude 1:7, and Matthew 5:27-30 states it

All unbelievers who do those things will go to Hell. Paul was telling people in his congregation to stop acting (imitating their old self) like those whom God has condemned to Hell. To the chagrin of those of us with lingering legalism, homosexuals who do believe in Christ and refuse to glorify Christ, will still be saved.

If salvation required that we no longer sin after we are saved, nobody would be saved. God wants us to overcome (by his grace) our weaknesses and to have Christ step in where the void was made.

Anyone who disagrees are delusional and are in the wrong. Repent of your sins.

That only applies to the ones refusing to believe in Christ.

In Christ, GeneZ

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Sorry but NOTHING is enough when people want to condone sin.
Amazing how people will make up excuses to justify what they want

There is a unique quality about certain unbelievers who are homosexual that makes them different than all other unbelievers.

Romans One homosexuals are not going to Hell because they are homosexual.

They are homosexual because they are going to Hell.

That's what Romans One declares.

In Christ, GeneZ

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Jadin Xquire

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Jul 1, 2009
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The only sacrifice that saves is Christ's sacrifice on the cross. No one will
be able to pat themselves on the back and say they made it to heaven
because they were willing to live in a constant state of self-denial--the
road to salvation is even narrower than that. It's not a lifestyle. It's a
Name: Jesus Christ.

As Saintly as a believer perceives himself to be, however, Scripture says
that "flesh and blood" cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. Even the most
"Holy" of mortals has flesh and blood. How do the anti-homosexuality types
get around the fact that flesh and blood are among the things that keep
people from inheriting the Kingdom?


That is what I mean. I mean that by default with accepting Christ.....Hence, I stated the faithful Christians and the (so-called Christians and the world) who practice lawlessness have a different path.
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Jadin Xquire

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Jul 1, 2009
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The Bible gives us guidelines to use when someone comes claiming to be a teacher of the Law, or a prophet of God. These are the people whose fruit we are to examine. It gives guidelines for choosing leaders in the Church. But it does not give any instructions for separating "faithful Christians" from "so-called Christians." In fact, Paul and James, who represent the extremes in what is true in Christian philosophy and ethics, both tell us not to make that distinction. Paul even does so in the context of dealing with serious doctrinal differences.

Actually the bible does gives us instructions. The Ten Virgins. They are all metaphors and similes of God's Bride......The Church.

Matthew 24:13 (New International Version)

13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

This verse doesn't compliment "Once Saved Always Saved". It doesn't not state "But he who stands firm to the beginning or the middle will be saved." This Fallacy will make men believe they can go to Heaven even if they live a lawless life.

If you are careless with your walk with Christ you can loss your salvation. As easy as its given then as easy as it could be lost.

Matthew 7:20-22 (NKJV)

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

*****By their fruits you will know them...... Who are the ones that say, 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’?????

That isn't people of the world saying this. People of the world don't go around driving out demons and performing miracles. People of the world come to 'US' 'CHRISTIANS' when an exorcism is needed. When a miracle is wanted. Of Course, it is not our power but by the name of Jesus miracles are possible. There is no other name that has power like the name of Jesus.

Who are these people in the passage Matthew 7:20-23? These people are some CHRISTIANS. Some Christians like to practice lawlessness. Some Christians do not want to go through God's Sanctification. They want to do what ever they want. As a result, Hell is the only place for people who practice and live by lawlessness. That includes so-called Christians & the people of the world.

Matthew 18:2-4 (New International Version)

2He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

There are Christian who refuse to change their ways and continue practicing Lawlessness. You can not enter enter the kingdom of heaven unless you become like a little Child.

Actually the bible does gives us instructions that not all Christians will make it because of their lawlessness. The Ten Virgins. They are all metaphors and similes of God's Bride......The Church.

Matthew 25:1-13 (New International Version)

Matthew 25

The Parable of the Ten Virgins

1"At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

( It is understood The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to us Christians.....The faithful Christians..... and that all ten Virgins are Christians. Some are wise(Faithful Christians)....Some are foolish(so-called Christians)....... - KeywordSearch: Kingdom of Heaven)

2Five of them were foolish and five were wise

(Five foolish Christians & Five wise Christians)

3The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them.

(Oil represents prayer, living a life that anyone could see Christianity in you. These foolish ones did not live as Christians)

4The wise, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps.

(The wise ones prays, fast, read the word of God, and live a life as a example)

5The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep.

(After the Crucifixion, Christ ascended to heaven....Its been about 2000 years...He left us and said he would return.....We all became weary.....We all sinned. The difference is the wise have their lamps full of Oil. The foolish don't. They live careless.... )

6"At midnight the cry rang out: 'Here's the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!'

(All Christians woke up aware of Christ.)

7"Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps.

(All the Christians polished the "Outside" of the our Christian walk while we are on this earth........Some Christians walk the walk; Wise and some Christians don't walk the walk;Foolish....)

8The foolish ones said to the wise, 'Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.'

(An example for the foolish in v. 8 is "My parents go to church so that means I am saved.")

9" 'No,' they replied, 'there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.'

(All wise Christians well tell everyone that "Your Salvation can not save me and my Salvation can not save you. Everyone is responsible for their own salvation. Sure as a Christian I will help you out as much as I can in directing you but I can't carry your cross for you.")

10"But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.

(While the foolish Christians were procrastinating the rapture happened and the only wise ones were taken by Christ on the rapture because they were walking the walk. Not just talking the talk. )

11"Later the others also came. 'Sir! Sir!' they said. 'Open the door for us!'

(When the rapture happend, the foolish Christians noticed they were in the 7 year tribulation. They cried for forgiveness with all their hearts....)

12"But he replied, 'I tell you the truth, I don't know you.'

(What happened when the Foolish Christian that were left behind? They cried really loud "Forgive Me for I was living Hot and Cold. I am Lukewarm.....Please forgive me Jesus!.....Jesus replies 'I tell you the truth, I don't know you.' )

13"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

(Live Hot for God always because He can come any Minute....)

This passage doesn't favor the theory "Once Saved Always Saved". That they are automatically saved after once they go to the alter. This theory implies that once a person confesses Jesus is Lord and Savior on the alter but then is "Living La Vida Loca" without really wanting to change their lives, afterwards, these are the foolish Christians. It doesn't work that way.

That is true. And it is a struggle we all need to wrestle with every day. Just as Jesus said that one day's struggle at a time is all we should worry about (Matthew 6:34). Just as we should not borrow tomorrow's evil to worry over, we should not borrow someone else's evil to worry over, unless it is under the guidelines of Matthew 18:15-17.

Amen Brother.....Amen.
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