Do I need to be saved again?

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Originally posted by cheezit
(zapped for content)

While I'm not saying this is what happened in your case, there are a LOT of people out there that honestly believe they are Christians when in fact they are not. Simply because they base their salvation on "head" knowledge and not "heart" knowledge. And it is very unfortunate. I really believe that hell will be filled up with people that "thought" they were saved. [/B]
Pastor N.B. here:
Let me say this with all (if possible) understanding that this is not meant to be mean, sarcastic,or hateful, ok? Yet, 'we' & the above paragraph always look at the other person in ones 'belief' as being the one who does not believe? But there are Bible answers! :clap:

Does one remember when one is converted? (perhaps?) Baptism should [follow] ones conversion. See Matt. 28:20 Conversion (born again) is only a starting point for Christians.

Conversion only comes at the time of 'full surrender' (death of self) to the Master. I give up Lord! (Spiritual suicide)
Saul was a murderer in Acts 8:1-3 along with chapter 7:58-59, & became a saint in Acts 9. With a new name of Paul. What happened? Verse 6 holds the answer. Lord, 'i' give up to the kicking against the pricks!

In case we do not realize it, Saul heard & saw all of Stevens 'testimony' & trial in Acts 7 against Christ's ex/brethern & himself! (He was kicking against these 'pricks' of conscience)

Another example of being born again, is found in Peters records. (see 2 Cor. 3:3 for its results!) But how it happens is always the same. Spiritual suicide! Notice: Luke 22:31-34 Christ told Peter that he was not yet CONVERTED! Did he believe in the Lord? Was he saved? SAVED UNCONVERTED??? NO WAY!

But to stay on track, what did it take for this BORN AGAIN REBIRTH TO TAKE PLACE? Saul, Peter, You & 'i', need to understand that we need to surrender our 'will' to Christ before we can be Born Again! (SPIRITUAL DEATH) try John 3:10?

Back to Peter in Matt. 26. We see his (ourself) 'BELIEF' in the Master unfold:

A gal said, "Thou also was with Jesus of Galilee. But he denied before them all, saying, I know not what thou sayest." And then here comes another, "another maid saw him, and said unto them that were there, This fellow was also with Jesus of Nazareth. And again he denied with an [oath], I do not know the man. (notice, did he know this man? did he *Believe? THINK!)

Yes, and "After a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for [thy speech bewrayeth thee]. Then began he to [curse and to swear, saying, I know not the man.]

OK: a question before we go on? In John 6:66-69 we see this same Peter who [BELIEVED] in Christ (and who was still not saved!) answering the Master's question to him. "Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter answered him, [LORD, TO WHOM SHALL WE GO? THOU HAST THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE." (NOTICE!) AND [WE *BELIEVE AND ARE SURE THAT THOU ART THAT CHRIST, THE SON OF THE LIVING GOD]." My friends, this KNOWLEDGE is not being BORN AGAIN!! But what is??? We will see!

Back to Peters denials of the one that he believed in?? Before 'conversion'.
verse 75 of Matt. 26, after his 'sick' wittness of Christ.
"And Peter remembered the Word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] crow, [thou shalt deny me thrice.] *AND HE WENT OUT AND WEPT BITTERLY." (if you have never experienced this, you need to take another look at yourself) This my friend was Peters CONVERSION! Read Luke 22:31-34 again! And verse 32? "Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: {AND *AFTER THOU ART CONVERTED}, strengthen the brethern."

And in closing: Was this the end of it?? In other words did the Master [remind] Peter again of [his] previous unconverted BELIEF? Notice John 21:15-17?
"So when they dined, Jesus said to [Simon Peter], Simon, son of Johnas, [loveth thou me] more than these? He said unto Him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, feed my lambs. He saith to him [again the second time,] Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saieth unto him, feed my sheep. He saith unto him the [THIRD TIME], Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? [PETER WAS GRIEVED BECAUSE HE SAID UNTO HIM THE THIRD TIME, LOVETH THOU ME?]"
Yet, he (we) needed to always remember that his life needed the re/birth!

Bottom line is Acts 5:32. The Holy Ghost is given to them who OBEY HIM"

And now for a personal note: The Master said, "If ye love me keep my commandments". Yes Lord, except for the forth one, huh?
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If you were saves once then just resubmit yourself to him :)

I was a christain when I was 12 but have not rearlly started taking an active stand till I was about 16 :) You have already asked him into your heart just ask him to give you guidance and forgive your sins.

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Is getting "Saved" really an event anyway?

Do you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord?
Do you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead?

Well, then you are saved! Right?!

However, do whatever you gotta do to "feel" it in your heart again.

Actually, if I may be so rude to suggest this, I think maybe there is a sin or two that you really need to confess to god in the presence of someone or directly to someone. Actually, I bet we all do, even right now. I know when I did that before, I felt so free. Personally I know I need to do that again. Maybe you do too.

We all just sorta fumble through this Christianity thing don't we... :)

Take care.
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The issue is very simple. It's the cross of Jesus. If one could simply obey God and be saved then Jesus died for no purpose. Having a mixture of cross work and our work is just not quite there either. If we could obey God as much as possible and just allow the cross to pick up what we miss that seems a bit wrong also.

So, it comes down to this. The work centered folk are afraid that the grace folk will all be sinners, they call it cheap grace, and: the grace folk beleive the work people are rejecting the cross. So we use the same scripture with different explanations to show why the other side is in error.

The truth is, one of the sides is wrong.

I choose the cross, it worked. God is sufficent and capable of saving me without my help. Of course, He would like to have my help to do His work and that I freely give to the one that died to save me.
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Condemation is not what we choose, it is what we teach. Forum, read Heb. 6:6 & compare with 1 John 5:16-17. Then try Psalms 19:13 with the 'sicking' LOVE of Rev. 3:16. :sleep:

Now, 'i' could print them for you but i might be late for Sabbath School :)
You do remember my Master telling [me] that "If ye LOVE ME keep my commandments"? Well the Sabbath one is one that 'i' personally REALLLLY enjoy! :clap: :clap:
P/N/B/ (and no, i am not an Adventist)
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I play bass some Sat. mornings for a Seventh Day Adventist Church and The lead singer in my band is an Adventist. We have been together for a year now and while we don't agree on everything we do agree on spreading the good news.

Enjoy youe Sabbath
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