Demon Possession


Senior Member
Jan 30, 2009
Eppendorf, Germany
Marital Status
I have had and still have similar problems like you, Felix. As far as I understand it, it has been a problem throughout my life, as I remember nightmares and creepy experiences in childhood and teenage years. It was not actual possession as in the biblical example of the man Jesus healed at Gasarene. But it was a constant barrage of myself from inside and outside.

When I was still an atheist, things went rather smoothly, I mean I did not suffer much from the whole ordeal because I considered them meaningless mental happenings, but after picking up the christian worldview things went rather difficult. So many things in life got an explanation different from before for me. I began to be afraid of judgment, condemnation, damnation, and of the problem of pain and suffering and having to endure these without sinning against God, the whole thing of having to stay humble and obedient even when things are looking grim.

Since my baptism in 2008 things really have improved much over the time when I was still a seeker. Jesus visited me a few times and made sure that I can have some self esteem and that I can trust that I have love for God. It became true for me that God's anger lasts for but a second but God's grace for a lifetime.

So my suggestion is, if you have demonic assaults which I do think is the case, simply try to think of undangerous things. You have a few things at your disposal which should help ...:

- The demons can't take the world, the cosmos, from you. The creation is of huge importance spiritually, especially if we know that God made it largely for us and communicates some of His power, brilliance, genius and love in it, to us. Demons know nothing about this sort of thing, and so you can find a hideout from them in watching the creation, living in it, interacting with it and finding happiness with it.

- Find reliable christian friends whom you can tell everything about this, and make prayer sessions together where all of your concerns are adressed. Repeat these prayer sessions often, always bringing the same issue of demonic assaults before God. Experience christian love and unity in this issue. You need help from the Body (the christian community), and you shall get it sufficiently.

- Recognize the wretchedness of the demons. They show off in many ways and with many people they have a foothold because people are naive and haven't trained themselves in resisting evil (look at the german nazi reign some decades back, many normal people simply went along with the regime and even supported it while their conscience was slowly dying). But the demons really don't have a chance if you remain determined to do the good. They may often put up a fight and try to intimitate you, but this can be learned to be resisted. In fact having to deal with demons can be a lesson in how the good (with God) is stronger than evil - very reassuring in this life. Realize that demons have none of the brilliant joys available to us humans, from mountain climbing to going for trips to camping to wandering to [insert your favourite hobby here].

- Understand that as children of God, God will use us for His purposes to bring about good things in this world. When Adam and Eve were deceived by the devil they gave up their connection to God when they became disobedient. If they had stayed with God nothing bad would have happened. I believe God sent the devil to Adam and Eve to humiliate the devil, because Adam and Eve were supposed to be children and champions of God. That means, don't blame God for the fear and suffering demons may bring, but try to see a good purpose in the confrontation and behave like a real child of God.

- If you fail in resisting, ask for forgiveness. The bible says the saints will overcome the devil in the blood of the lamb, which means we have a certain and sure access to forgiveness in Jesus. The devil's only wish is to get us away from salvation, but because of Jesus and His cross the devil cannot harm us anymore by making us sin, because we have forgiveness. However, we need to take up the battle against sin as well, because sin is awful and the more we grow in being children of God, the more our sin will become stinking and repugnant to our sanctified spirit. Your life must go into the direction of God, so you can have certain forgiveness. But that is easy to get into if you are in a church and enjoy regular, loving christian fellowship.

You can PM me if you need more help. I've been through some things in this regard and will likely have more experiences like that in the future, but God raises me well and makes sure I always have help and get through the fire unburnt. Maybe I can help you more. Just don't tarry about becoming baptized and following the christian path according to God's plan as outlined in the bible. Oh, and don't do the magic and stuff again, it's the devil's stuff. Don't worry if you have watched Lord of the Rings or Narnia or play computer games with magic in them, this is all just entertainment, but real magic is devilish stuff that is evil.

God loves you!
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Sep 16, 2004
Thank you for all your responses. I am being held up by other members in the Body. Great spiritual insight and edifying words. There were some questions you guys had asked that I hope to get to.

Yesterday I did have a good "transaction" with the Lord. thank you for whoever was praying. I wasn't too clear whether I should share this but it gives a good update on what I'm seeing. So Lord cover this...

After the reply from ezeric yesterday I sat in front of the computer attempting to pray. In the midst of despair, I got a funny speaking..."Does it matter whether you are possessed or not? You are being too self-absorbed, self-center, and self-focused. Don't you know you are My vessel? You belong to Me." I believe this was from the Lord. And perhaps there was some light afterwards for I began to repent in shame towards the Lord. It greatly pained me that I always gravitate towards dark things and things of the world. I realized that I was lifting out of my self-absorption and self-help.

I saw that it didnt matter what's happening to me. It didnt matter at all, not one single bit. Whether I had demons or not; the Lord is the Lord and He has already taken care of things. What matters now is a turn to the Lord.

There is an absolute resoluteness in what the Lord accomplished on the cross. There is power in the Blood and authority in the Name.

A question was asked from Gary whether I know the blood was alive or dead from the Lord as He was pierced from the side. I dont know.

A question from Saved for Life on why I turned to other things for help after I was saved. I dont remember why on that particular instance in question. In general, it seems unfaithfulness to God is something that is reoccuring due to our fallen nature. There is deep insight in what you say. The Lord is bringing me further along to recognize that I am utterly incapable of saving myself and I cannot go a moment without the Lord's saving grace.

I hope to get back to you all.
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Nov 25, 2010
Dunn North Carolina
Marital Status
Felix, may I offer you the sum of my Christian experience and I offer this to anyone who reads this post. There is Scripture written all over it, but I will not quote here. This is how I see it.
Imagine yourself as a ball, kinda like a baseball. It has a core but then "windings" are placed around that core. The windings continue until the ball reaches the size it needs to be.
The core is to me, my spirit and my soul that God placed in me before birth. But then I was born into a body of flesh, which is corrupted and the windings were being placed upon me. As I grew up, more and more windings were placed upon me. I sinned more and more and the windings grew.
And the "ball" get larger as the years go by and the "ball" takes on a form that is not of it's core. The core of a baseball is a solid piece of rubber, but we see a baseball as what you buy at the sporting goods store.

But then in a Christians life, something changes. And the "core" which was dead and lost to God comes alive, this is being reborn. And then the "core" wants to shed it's outer layers and show what it is.
So the "windings" start coming off, this is sanctification. Getting rid of the "windings", to get back to the core. And at the core is the Light, read in John where he speaks of the Light which lights all men who come into the earth, but the darkness comprehends It not. But when we receive Him then He gives us power to become sons of God, which was the orginal intention.

So during sanctification, these windings that are of sin and darkness are being removed, so the Light at the core can shine through.

Once we are saved, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us. And He (Who is God) wills in us and does the work of removing the "windings" . All the junk we have picked up during our time as unreconciled sinners.

This is why it is important to teach our kids the Gospel, so that when they come to Christ they are only the size of a baseball.
I came to Christ very late in life and I am the size of a "beach ball", but the Holy Spirit does not see size. But I must admit, I have suffered a great deal. But I Praise Him for my suffering, because I know He is undoing the "windings" to reveal the core.

Now what does this have to do with demons, it is all the same thing. "Windings".
This is our job, whatever befalls us we must look to Jesus Christ and have these three things.
Hope- Hope in the Lord, Hope that He is there and all things are in His Power.
Faith- To me this means Trust, Trust that I am convinced no power on earth, in heaven, or in hell will seperate me from His Love that is in Jesus Christ.

And the most important of all.
Love- for I want my "windings" removed because I love My God, because He first loved me. He is my Father, my Creator, my Lord, my Savior. He is the core of all that I am.

But I will not lie to you, the removal of these "windings" hurts. The closer He gets to the core, the more it will hurt. In other words, the closer you get to God the more He will reveal your need for a Savior to you. Then you see who you are and who He is and when you can see, then you feel the conviction and understand that you put Jesus on the Cross.
But His Spirit is in you and during the darkest times, He fills you and says the prayers that you can't say, in moans and utterances. And during these times, you learn to have Faith(trust) that He will carry you on this walk and you learn to have no trust in the flesh.

This is just what I have experienced and perhaps many will not understand this. I meant no harm to you or anyone. Perhaps somebody will get something out of this.
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Mar 24, 2005
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In Relationship
"Does it matter whether you are possessed or not? You are being too self-absorbed, self-center, and self-focused. Don't you know you are My vessel? You belong to Me." I believe this was from the Lord. And perhaps there was some light afterwards for I began to repent in shame towards the Lord. It greatly pained me that I always gravitate towards dark things and things of the world. I realized that I was lifting out of my self-absorption and self-help.
(-; God's sense of humor.
I agree. You still belong to God, and He still promises to rescue you, no matter what.

God outranks all the demons combined. You have chosen to allow Him to be involved in your life, so you have a right to any help He offers. And in writing, God says you can speak to these harassing spirits and they will leave.

So part of this is just a choice. It seems too easy, and sometimes people let oppression drag on for years because it doesn't make sense. Resist. Tell the demons they have no right to influence your life, because you are a child of God.

Turn your back on them, even if they demand attention. ("Resist the devil, and he will flee.")

Even pro-demonic people recognize that the coming and going of demons is impacted by what we say. You spoke of a few times where you tried to get the help of other spirits. You invited their influence, resulting in conjuring up spirits. Now all you have to do, is take that back. Declare that time is up, you regret your decision, their run is over.

Let go of guilt, because Grace says repentance leads to freedom from that bondage. Just move forward, into the best that God has for you.

luth said:
They may often put up a fight and try to intimitate you, but this can be learned to be resisted.
You might even feel a sort of poppy-field lack of ambition. Fight the temptation to delay action.
raze said:
Get in the Word. Get the Word in you. Speak it in your house. There is such a thing as "renouncing," and you're a good candidate to use this!
God's Word is your promise of freedom... His terms. Make use of His promises for you! No sense in letting a good thing go to waste.

The rest of what you describe -- the racing brain etc... that might just be anxiety and physiology. Look at your life in light of eternity, and it will help keep worries in perspective.
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