Could dreams be from alternate realities?


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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At the beginning of this year, my memory have improved considerably. The Holy Spirit guided me to a lifestyle that would improve my ability to remember things and cognitive ability.

This included the ability to remember dreams more clearly and also recall finer details in those dreams. Now, I'm noticing similarities / connections between my dreams. For instance, it's always darker. There's always less light during the day in dreams

At night, people use much dimmer lights in my dreams than real life. Sometimes, they don't use lights at all. The only lights coming from computer, phone or TV screens and other gadgets like the speakers in a home entertainment system.

The world map is also different. The landmasses are more distributed. I think the % of dry land is the same or maybe more but they are scattered more evenly. For example, the Eurasian continent is broken up into several large land masses and extends all the say to the North and South Pacific ocean. Canada got split from USA by ~200 km of shallow sea. The land in that gap simply went underwater via plate tectonics and abandoned buildings stick out of the water.

If memory serves me correct, the whole Eurasia and Asia Pacific, including Australia and New Zealand are connected by land and sea road (and possibly rail) networks. Because of the more distributed landmasses, there's much less open water between them making it easier to connect them by road or by rail.

I also noticed more landmass is covered in ice. May explain why the place is much darker. It's a much colder version of our world.

What else, phones and tablets looks different. They're bigger. The phones are a bit weirder. It had two screens. The small screen displays a command line. The big screen have your typical icons. The screen tech is also of lower tech with bluish background glow and much lower resolution than our phones. And there seems to be some sort of telescopic metal antenna. The games are 8 bit graphics. The phone looks very retro of some sort like those old Casio watches in the 90's, except with big screen and a little bigger than modern smartphones. It did have silver trim like a Casio watch. I think it's cool.

One curious thing about one of the 8-bit video game installed in the phone is the video game version of another of my dream where we explored a massive underground structure that is either an ancient power plant of some sort or a crashed alien spacecraft.

This world also had fossils of incredibly huge ancient trees. These fossil trees are as big as mountains, even way bigger than the "Home Tree" in Avatar. People have even built roads into these trees like how you put roads on mountains.

There's a lot of detail...Probably because I'm only remembering some of them for the first time. I usually forget my dreams but now with guidance of the Holy Spirit, I'm remembering them. It's like a whole different world like I'm not really sleeping, I'm simply 'walking' into another reality whenever I sleep. Each time. Different day, different story, but same stuff, same phone, same car, same map.
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I do believe that there are probably parallel dimensions (multiverse theory, I think it's called), and that dreaming is a form of OBE. I remember reading somewhere (probably an article from the Monroe Institute) that the difference between dreaming, lucid dreaming, and a full-on OBE or astral projection is the level of awareness that one has going into it. I have experienced all three, and there is definitely a difference.

I also have recurring themes in many of my dreams - similar settings in which those dreams take place, etc. Also, a sense of familiarity with those places even though I've never seen them in waking life.

I can't remember where I read it - it was on another forum, I think - but one person claimed that their dreams followed a chronological timeline. In other words, everyone in their dreams aged by the day as we do here in waking life. Buildings remained in fixed locations so they were where he would expect them to be each time he dreamed. If something occurred, say, five years ago in his dream, it literally occurred, in a dream, five years ago as would be measured by our waking timeline. It all "behaved" exactly like waking life in those respects, if that makes sense.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
I do believe that there are probably parallel dimensions (multiverse theory, I think it's called), and that dreaming is a form of OBE. I remember reading somewhere (probably an article from the Monroe Institute) that the difference between dreaming, lucid dreaming, and a full-on OBE or astral projection is the level of awareness that one has going into it. I have experienced all three, and there is definitely a difference.

I also have recurring themes in many of my dreams - similar settings in which those dreams take place, etc. Also, a sense of familiarity with those places even though I've never seen them in waking life.

I can't remember where I read it - it was on another forum, I think - but one person claimed that their dreams followed a chronological timeline. In other words, everyone in their dreams aged by the day as we do here in waking life. Buildings remained in fixed locations so they were where he would expect them to be each time he dreamed. If something occurred, say, five years ago in his dream, it literally occurred, in a dream, five years ago as would be measured by our waking timeline. It all "behaved" exactly like waking life in those respects, if that makes sense.

I only have limited experience of OBE. That is only partially leaving my body, not completely and un-initiated, that it happened spontaneously, outside my control.

The persistent places I went to my dreams don't look familiar in any places here on Earth, not even in the past thousand years.

Although the vegetation, buildings, roads, and what people wear are very similar in design, the world map is different, the mountains looks strange and it seems there is more land than oceans. There's few other major oddities like mountain-sized petrified trees, fossilized bones couple hundred meters long, and gigantic blocks of carved rock hundreds of meters high.

The world map kinda looked like the one below. However, this is hundreds of millions of years ago and I doubt a technologically advanced human civilization very similar to ours existed at those time.

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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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If my dreams are an alternate universe, it's one where I own several unusual cars and motorcycles, and the laws of physics don't apply.

In my persistent dreams, I have a mobile phone, two cars, and bicycle.

The phone uses about the same technology as the latest ones we have now. Touch screen, highly miniaturized computer systems. However, the phone has silver-plated telescopic antenna like the ones you see on AM/FM radio receivers. Also the phone had dual screen. Big one on top and small one below. The big screen has the familiar icons while the small screen is for command line inputs. If I remember correctly, in addition to touchscreen feature, it also has sliding keypad. The phone looks so geeky and retro.

Cars and bikes seem identical as ours. I have three in this persistent dream, a subcompact hatch, a classic VW Beetle, and another Classic car that looked like a Porsche 356 but I don't think it's the same car, just look similar.

In that world, it is undergoing some sort of upheaval. Aliens even came with their huge armada of ships. The aliens wore a suit that looked like what our ancient ancestors drew. The ground shook every now and then. Earthquakes lasted for hours. Many strange things coming out of the sky. Even chased by huge, flying, fire-breathing dragons. Planes falling out of the sky. Now the really weird thing about all that, I found the world absolutely exciting and fun. I know there's lots of horrific things happening and running away from horrible things like weird creatures and UFOs but I am happy in there for some weird reason.

Like I was driving to meet a friend and I had to go past three tornadoes, three fire-breathing dragons, and a nearly impassable terrain for a car.... Yet, I'm having the time of my life in fun and adventure. The 'alternate' world isn't 'trippy' or anything. None of that psychedelic scenes. It only looks like sunset all the time and a very mild and pleasant purple hue. There comes a point I even feel it when I'm just laying down to relax but not to sleep. If I can just transfer to that place physically, I would!
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
The other night, the dream was a usual road trip in the same freeway near the beach. This freeway exists in reality and goes out of our city but the real life version doesn't get anywhere near a beach and doesn't go up a few hundred feet above the ground and then down.

And then there's some sort of 'war games' going on. Not sure if it's serious warfare military exercise but I was firing live ammunition and end up causing a huge explosion possibly killing large numbers of both 'friendlies', and 'enemies'.

I was a crew aboard a tank-like vehicle and operated the main gun. It was armed with both howitzer and unguided missiles. I was firing towards other tanks in the area with limited success. I don't think I made a single kill.

Then my attention went towards a large rocket on the ground about to launch that looked like China's Long March 5 rocket. I started firing the howitzer towards it but missing it entirely. I switched to unguided missiles and fired one towards it. The missile hit it dead center and the large rocket caught fire. The rocket burned in a weirdly mystifying and beautiful purple flame.

Then I remembered all the youtube videos I watched of exploding rockets so I know the explosion is going to be huge and powerful, comparable to a tactical nuke. Though I am several hundred meters away from the burning rocket, I'm convinced the blast wave from the explosion could still reach my position with lethal power, so I abandoned my slow vehicle and started running away from the burning rocket. Several other soldiers ran with me as well. The weirdest thing is we all seemed having fun and excited with what is going on and it seems some of the soldiers were 'enemies' so we're a mix of friendly and enemy units.

Finally, the rocket exploded in a huge beautiful purple fireball with a mushroom cloud like a nuke. We kept on running as the blast wave got closer and eventually hit us, knocking us off our feet. Then we just sat there laughing and in relief, no one got hurt but in the back of my mind, I think a lot of people died on both sides.
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