Conspiracy Theories- Moral or Immoral?

Girder of Loins

Future Math Teacher
Dec 5, 2010
United States of America
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So I used to be a big-time conspiracy theorist, but fell out of it over time. Then I watched "V for Vendetta" last night. I then discovered the group "Anonymous". While I do not agree with some of their "operations", they have a point. I continually dislike where our government is going, and I agree that change is needed.

What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories? I don't care if you believe them or not(although its open for discussion), I care if you think they are moral thoughts for Christians.

BTW, I live in the United States of America, and here, we have the Constitution of the United States of America. This was not written by a government, it was written by the people. Therefore, the government serves the Constitution(and the People), so a rebelling against the government is an unwritten "right" of the People. And it is one that I hope I never have to use, but one I am fully willing to use. As "V" puts it, the people should never fear its government, the government should fear its people.

Also, sorry fi I wrote this in the wrong section or something(hate to make more work for our mods!), but I figured it was advice.


Pinball Wizard
Sep 18, 2012
Marital Status
So I used to be a big-time conspiracy theorist, but fell out of it over time. Then I watched "V for Vendetta" last night. I then discovered the group "Anonymous". While I do not agree with some of their "operations", they have a point. I continually dislike where our government is going, and I agree that change is needed.

What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories? I don't care if you believe them or not(although its open for discussion), I care if you think they are moral thoughts for Christians.

BTW, I live in the United States of America, and here, we have the Constitution of the United States of America. This was not written by a government, it was written by the people. Therefore, the government serves the Constitution(and the People), so a rebelling against the government is an unwritten "right" of the People. And it is one that I hope I never have to use, but one I am fully willing to use. As "V" puts it, the people should never fear its government, the government should fear its people.

Also, sorry fi I wrote this in the wrong section or something(hate to make more work for our mods!), but I figured it was advice.

There are plenty of real conspiracies in the world, and a massive amount of intrigue and counter-intrigue, so "no", studying conspiracy theories is not sinful.

We are Christians serving the Kingdom of Heaven, all nations are under the Kingdom of Heaven.

We are tasked with obedience to the Holy Testimony of Jesus Christ.

Any nation under the Kingdom of Heaven may be considered a vassal state, at best. At worst, they may be considered a state in rebellion to the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, as it is said that the United States secretly controls many nations, and that their law enforcement and intelligence capabilities are extremely profound -- so much moreso are the capabilities of the Kingdom of Heaven.

People do not understand that God has complete control of all the nations, and when they rebel or where they have corruption they will be brought to justice.

They assume that man is in control, and that where man has great technology and cunning, that God is weak, but this is far from the truth. It is, instead, a trap for man, for his pride and his unwillingness to believe.

There are many conspiracies today, as there have been in the past, and that you have dabbled in this subject can most assuredly be dangerous to you as we are tasked with judging rightly. To judge rightly against such thick darkness as where the great battles of intrigue and counter-intrigue exist is a very difficult area to judge.

'To the cunning, God shows himself as shrewd'.

"Anonymous" has involved itself in some extremely serious crimes which likely have greatly ired the capacities of the United States government. You should understand this fully before aligning your self with this group.

For instance, when the federal government, the FBI, had a meeting with the British government over Anonymous, Anonymous tape recorded this teleconference and posted it online.

Anonymous has also penetrated defense contractors and stolen many classified documents from them, which they have posted online.

They have attacked many major infrastructure companies, including the NYSE and Mastercard. They have attacked the CIA and downed their website, albeit simply by a DDoS which children can utilize.

It is very possible that Anonymous is connected to a major world intelligence or law enforcement agency in order to execute some of their more diabolical and successful missions.

I would imagine that the fact they have hacked the FBI at such a core level as to know when they were having a critical teleconference with an allied state and to be able to hack that teleconference indicates they have achieved extremely deep level penetration of the federal agencies.

This is likely very clear to US and foreign law enforcement and intelligence agencies. And, with the FBI in particular, there are likely a great many secret and powerful resources leveled at Anonymous and anyone who would involve themselves in it.

I will further state that if you are dabbling in conspiracy theories, and considering engaging in direct action activities against major corporations and governmental world powers that you should understand you are entering into a vast, very dark cloud of intrigue and counter-intrigue which you are woefully unprepared for.

It takes black bag operatives decades to learn the arts of intrigue and counter-intrigue. It is not enough to merely read some conspiracy books which tend to be poorly referenced and often the work of disinformation masters. It is not enough to watch conspiracy documentaries.

You would do well to study all of the main open source material out there, on the history of intrigue in this past one hundred and fifty years and understand the morality and ins and outs of the subject.

If you approach the subject assuming you know who the good guys and bad guys are from a singular, subjective religious or political point of view you are blinding your self to the reality of the situation.

And book learning or documentary watching is also not enough.

As for "V for Vendetta", the movie, the writers of that movie skewed the subject to make it an anti-US, anti-Iraq war topic which was topical at that time. While this can be useful to reach people, that is not what the actual material is really about.

The author of that material did not agree with the movie adaptation.

It should be noted that you should not take such fictional material literally, nor polarize it literally.

Far more useful work some in Anonymous have abided by, such as Fight Club. But the Watchmen and the Invisibles, and the graphic novel, Wanted are far more useful in terms of getting an eagle's eye view of matters.

Of course, these are just drops in the sea in terms of studying intrigue, and counter-intrigue and these materials of fiction were actually about far different subjects then some black and white material situation.
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Oct 19, 2012
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I think it all depends on what you define as conspiracy theory's, alot of the time the term conspiracy theory is over used to describe someone who is interested in real news and doesn't follow the mainstream media. I think a real 'conspiracy theorist' is someone who believes the moon is a satellite created by a group of aliens in order to block our magic conciousness signals. That is a conspiracy.

I think it's well acknowledged that our world is controlled by a few elite banking families that operate in the shadows. It is not a conspiracy theory to think that, in fact, a one world government is predicted in Gods word, and of course, God isn't a 'conspiracy theorist'

I think it's fine to look into the truth, that's our duty, but it's wrong to label everything that isn't certified by the mainstream media or the state as a conspiracy theory.

God bless
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Oct 4, 2010
Seneca SC
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So I used to be a big-time conspiracy theorist, but fell out of it over time. Then I watched "V for Vendetta" last night. I then discovered the group "Anonymous". While I do not agree with some of their "operations", they have a point. I continually dislike where our government is going, and I agree that change is needed.

What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories? I don't care if you believe them or not(although its open for discussion), I care if you think they are moral thoughts for Christians.

BTW, I live in the United States of America, and here, we have the Constitution of the United States of America. This was not written by a government, it was written by the people. Therefore, the government serves the Constitution(and the People), so a rebelling against the government is an unwritten "right" of the People. And it is one that I hope I never have to use, but one I am fully willing to use. As "V" puts it, the people should never fear its government, the government should fear its people.

Also, sorry fi I wrote this in the wrong section or something(hate to make more work for our mods!), but I figured it was advice.


Well, I'm not so sure that our government works in a conspiratorial manner. Are some things going the wrong way? Are there bad decisions that are sometimes made? Does it fail us in some instances? Yes!!! It's not God, it's a government of people. Just as the thousands of fellowships of believers across the nation are made up of sinners who ain't perfect yet.

Now, are there some military agendas that I, or much of the general public are not aware of? Possibly. I mean would we really have wanted the New York Times to have headlined, "NAVY SEALS THINK THEY HAVE CORNERED OSAMA IN HOME IN PAKISTAN", the week before they found him and shot him. And believe me, anything that the general public of our nation knows is the same as a splashing something across a newspaper headline.

I'm just not generally comfortable with the word 'conspiracy' in defining some of the unknown actions of our government. In this world arena today no nation can be out front and open and honest about all that is going on in the area of arms and security. It just isn't possible under the circumstances. However, I am solidly convinced that any conspiracy theory that would posit that somehow our government is out to destroy or intentionally harm its own people, as fairly ludicrous. That does not, however, mean that perhaps some of the decisions made do not, in fact, cause financial burden on some.

When we try to crack down on welfare fraud and abuse, yes, those who find themselves caught up in the crack down are going to cry foul and surely there may be a few who suffer unintentional burden because of the way something is written or enforced. However, most of these 'laws' and changes do not come about because of some conspiracy, but rather it is an attempt by the government to reign in what we all see as abuses to the generosity of our system. There are a few people who have learned how to make a living filing false welfare claims. Just consider in the days after Katrina, yes, there were many who were suffering but there was always that small cadre who made it their goal to get all they could from the largess of the government through deceptive means. Yes! I, and I believe most citizens,would like to see all of that stopped.

Today we have those who would claim that because the government has purchased a great number of burial vaults that there is coming a day when they(the government) will overrun us. I don't think that they quite understand that the government is us. Your neighbor works as an account for the GSA or NASA. I have friends who work for the IRS and NSA. These are my friends and neighbors and so the question I ask is: "Who, are what part, of 'the government' wants to destroy me? Am I really to believe that there's some giant cowboy in the basement of the nation's capital who is working to mow down every living soul from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean so that he and maybe a thousand of his soldiers will be able to take over a barren nation of bodies laying all over the ground? Huh?

Many, I believe, of those who are government conspiracy theory types may have started by having a run in with some government issue. We had a man here is SC a few years ago that was all upset that the county wanted to use some of the right of way of his property and he fought and fought and threatened with arms and threats. Finally one day a couple of deputies came to serve him with papers and he murdered them and then was killed himself by other deputies.

I know that there is a frontage on my property that is deemed to be right of way. It was there when I got my land title and it has never changed. I know that ultimately that land can be used by the city, county or state for some purpose that I may not like, but the deed restriction and covenant is there for that purpose. I certianly would hope that the government would not choose some purpose that I would not be in agreement with, but it they did, then I have to give it up and if it bothers me so much, then I'll just have to sell my home and move where I'm more comfortable. However, it isn't any kind of a conspiracy. The government entity pursued the use of the right of way on this man's property for what was believed to be the betterment of the community. I think it was road widening.

I owned a nice property in Miami that had no sidewalks and I had this beautiful acre lot with nice lush grass. One day I come home and there's a pretty concrete sidewalk running right across my front yard about 3 feet in from the street. So, I get on the phone and I call the department in charge of such things and I asked, "Why did you guys just put a sidewalk across my lawn?" Well, it seems that at some of the local meetings many of the neighbors had been discussing the lack of sidewalks in our neighborhood and so after some discussion and funding the county put in the sidewalks. I had no idea since I'm not one to attend such things much, but I did cool down and understand that, hey this is better for the neighborhood. After 6 months, I didn't even care anymore. But the point is that when you live in a 'neighborhood' there are things that the government can do that are deemed better for the group despite the 'rights' of the individual. It's really what democracy is all about. We don't all get the president we want. We take the president that the group decides is better.

God bless you.
In Christ, Ted
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Pinball Wizard
Sep 18, 2012
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What the CIA called "tradecraft", the KGB called "conspiracy". The CIA would use the term "keeping tradecraft", while the KGB would use the term "maintaining the conspiracy".

Conspiracy theories tend to be pretty big because of such things as the Iran-Contra affair (we sold arms to the Iranians for cash to aid the contras contravening the law -- and all good sense. Selling arms to the Iranians in the eighties? Or now?)

Or affairs like Watergate.

Hoover ran roughshod over a great many laws.

The Kennedy Assassination is considered by many to have been done by the US government. (A primary piece of evidence argued here is that Kennedy went forward, instead of backwards, as shown in the Zapruder film.)

It was later exposed that we entered the Vietnam War by a fraudalent claim that "they fired first". When, in fact, we intentionally made that claim to enter the war.

It has also been exposed that Nixon prolonged the Vietnam war by sabotaging the Paris peace talks through Kissinger before Nixon was initially elected.

There have been many such abuses of power, historically, in the United States.

Money, generally, is the determining factor of who gets elected. Money is put to politicians to fund their campaigns by people with money, including corporations.

While we have an amazingly well working system, it is by the grace of God. Democracy is by no means a perfect system, 'it is the best we have', as Churchill pointed out.

Hitler was brought into power by a democracy.

Many people, historically, have been defrauded by "the government".

We have long histories of abuse of power, and people should be vigilant.

Democracy has been circumvented in many ways. Just because it has not happened to you personally, does not mean it can not happen in the future -- nor that you are aware of if it has happened currently.

But, if it happens to others, that is a concern we should all be aware of, as it is by the power of the people that such things are exposed (brought to their eyes), and condemned.

I have read of cases where eminent domain has happened for the profit of already rich people who simply obtained the political power necessary to get it done. These people were paid a pittance for their property.

There are countless individuals in government who serve the people and are good, honest servants. But anyone who might not be this way are the sort whom are likely not to speak about it to their neighbors.

There are many who work in our intel and law enforcement agencies who have no idea of what all their own agencies - or even own departments - really do.

If we, the people, become aware of injustices, we can then collectively pray about the wrongs and look to God for justice.

But such things have to be exposed, and that means there must be those who expose them and keep vigilant the system for exposure.

Though, God does see all, and is a just God.

Still, we have, unfortunately, a great many dark blemishes on some of our finest institutions, like the FBI and CIA.

It is sad to me that there are any buildings named after J Edgar Hoover, though, thankfully, we do live in a free country who rejoices in the truth and so many of his dark crimes have been nationally exposed finally without persecution by the government.

Of course, many such conspiracy theories out there are disinformation produced by extremely secret components of intelligence and law enforcement in order to hide the truth by fictionalizing components of it.

Such work is not "evil", unless the underlying truth is evil.

If Hollywood is controlled by the CIA as many think globally, well, at least they make really darned good movies.
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Dec 8, 2004
United States
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There's nothing wrong with a conspiracy theory in itself. There have been many conspiracies in history. The point is, though, that most conspiracy theories are bunk and based on shabby "facts," so everyone needs to be very thorough in evaluating them, not being so fascinated by the unknown or by having secret knowledge that you'll believe something that's groundless.
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Dec 8, 2004
United States
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The Kennedy Assassination is considered by many to have been done by the US government. (A primary piece of evidence argued here is that Kennedy went forward, instead of backwards, as shown in the Zapruder film.)

That's ONE conspiracy theory related to the Kennedy assassination. A major publication a few years back discussed 52 or 53 different theories about who killed JFK!

While we have an amazingly well working system, it is by the grace of God. Democracy is by no means a perfect system, 'it is the best we have', as Churchill pointed out.

Hitler was brought into power by a democracy.
But that wasn't a conspiracy. Not every political compromise or plan is a "conspiracy."

I have read of cases where eminent domain has happened for the profit of already rich people who simply obtained the political power necessary to get it done. These people were paid a pittance for their property.
True, but again...we're way off topic now.
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Pinball Wizard
Sep 18, 2012
Marital Status
True, but again...we're way off topic now.

If one is taking what I wrote specifically, then it could be seen as off topic.

I was not mentioning these conspiracies in specific to go into them specifically, but to address the poster's concern about conspiracy theories in general.

Our politics are full of conspiracy theories, furthermore... which I did not even mention... with Republicans bringing up conspiracies about Democrats, and Democrats bringing up conspiracies about Republicans.

Something no one can miss during an election year such as this one.

Open minded people consider theories on all sorts of matters.

Not everything is a conspiracy, of course.

And, I was pointing out, as well, that there are many positive conspiracies, such as the conspiracies necessary to be anti-conspiracy.

(eg, counter-intelligence, or intelligence or secret law enforcement "conspiracies" necessary to for lawful purposes which are in righteous cause even in the Name of Christ)

Young whipper snappers don't tend to get this manner of even keel message.

They should.
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Pinball Wizard
Sep 18, 2012
Marital Status
There's nothing wrong with a conspiracy theory in itself. There have been many conspiracies in history. The point is, though, that most conspiracy theories are bunk and based on shabby "facts," so everyone needs to be very thorough in evaluating them, not being so fascinated by the unknown or by having secret knowledge that you'll believe something that's groundless.

To add to that (though the below is my own opinion):

I find what can be offensive about some of them is they can be slanderous and make slanderous judgments about people without the facts.

A theory is a theory is a theory. Many people do what they do not believe in doing when considering such theories, which is "convicting without evidence".

As Christians we are called not to be slanderous.

To judge rightly, if we have enough facts to judge.

Politically, many a revolution has happened based on false facts and wrong conspiracy theories. Rwandan genocide was heavily based on slanderous conspiracy theories, as was the Cambodian Pol Pot regime, and Hitler's rise to power.)

The proper way to handle theories of conspiracy is to not be judgmental, but to survey the evidence and keep moving.
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Oct 16, 2012
There's nothing wrong with a conspiracy theory in itself. There have been many conspiracies in history. The point is, though, that most conspiracy theories are bunk and based on shabby "facts," so everyone needs to be very thorough in evaluating them, not being so fascinated by the unknown or by having secret knowledge that you'll believe something that's groundless.

It's good to see that so many peoples eyes are being opened. The wisdom of God is secret to the public, hidden from their eyes. But people are beginning to see that the surface does not match the deep...

in my years of studying the word, the charismatic movement, and western history, I'm shocked by the true history of past and present civilization

Kennedy tried to circumvent the federal reserve and was about the 5th or so president to do so. His death was inevitable. Only Jackson survived the battle against the European banking powers. Evidence for this is abundant, Kennedies wife and advisers all knew it was coming.

An amazing amount of behind-the-scenes work gets done before entering a war. The population believes an event occurs and then declaration is signed, when often times this declaration is diplomatically agreed upon well before it is signed, between different powers. An even is then orchestrated to enlist the public.

That's Pearl Harbor. FDR and the Japanese agreed on terms for war in that a serious target had to be hit to facilitate American entry. In the hours leading up to the attack, several top commanders tried to warn the president but he was unavailable.

With conspiracy theories you get a significant amount of circumstantial evidence but the smoking gun is never to be found.

We could go into UFO's and aliens too, and should, if we are unbiased searchers who truly want the truth.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
Marital Status
Conspiracy theories are unhealthy to dwell on and usually rely on assuming the worst of intentions by the target groups (real or imagined). Jesus said:

"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye." - Matthew 7:1-5

Would you want to be judged without the facts?

This doesn't mean that you trust every institution, but don't live in the land of wild speculation. Verify facts. Withhold judgment. Use logic.
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Oct 16, 2012
Conspiracy theories are very healthy to dwell on because in my experience there is more truth in them than anything you'll see on the news.

Logic has no place, the brain is a logical machine already. What people need is knowledge to feed on, their brain will process it automatically. This is where faith starts, when a person starts making more advanced connections. The brain is designed for truth.

Just training yourself to think logically does nothing unless you have something to feed it.

I suspect this "unhealthiness" you speak of is more of an occultish tendency that often accompanies conspiracy theorists. I would agree that most people are not prepared for the truth.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
Marital Status
Conspiracy theories are very healthy to dwell on because in my experience there is more truth in them than anything you'll see on the news.
You must be the best-traveled person on Earth. Or making outlandish assumptions.

Logic has no place, the brain is a logical machine already. What people need is knowledge to feed on, their brain will process it automatically. This is where faith starts, when a person starts making more advanced connections. The brain is designed for truth.

Just training yourself to think logically does nothing unless you have something to feed it.
No, it is critical to think logically so that you can see what is and isn't there in the information you are presented with. You have faith in who God is, in what he told us, and that people in your family will have their same personalities tomorrow. You take reports of events with at least one grain of salt.

I suspect this "unhealthiness" you speak of is more of an occultish tendency that often accompanies conspiracy theorists. I would agree that most people are not prepared for the truth.
Occultish tendencies are only part of what is unhealthy. Wild speculation and "theories" based on it are also unhealthy.
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Oct 16, 2012
You must be the best-traveled person on Earth. Or making outlandish assumptions.

No, it is critical to think logically so that you can see what is and isn't there in the information you are presented with. You have faith in who God is, in what he told us, and that people in your family will have their same personalities tomorrow. You take reports of events with at least one grain of salt.

Occultish tendencies are only part of what is unhealthy. Wild speculation and "theories" based on it are also unhealthy.

You can't force the brain to think logically. You can expose it to information and it responds in different ways, but we are spirit soul and flesh. Don't ignore the trinity aspect of our beings. You don't have to approach everything from a perspective of logic, and you shouldn't, if you want to further yourself

logic serves some purposes in helping to build faith, but logic is a term used by humanists and universities today to denounce faith and religion. So I suspect the misuse of your terminology here.

Wild speculation and "theories" based on it are also unhealthy.

an expanding of your beliefs and imagination is the most healthy thing you can have when developing your faith. The devil wants to close minds and doors to new worlds that ought to be explored. He succeeds greatly in this.
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
Marital Status
You can't force the brain to think logically. You can expose it to information and it responds in different ways, but we are spirit soul and flesh. Don't ignore the trinity aspect of our beings. You don't have to approach everything from a perspective of logic, and you shouldn't, if you want to further yourself
Logic does no harm, and will serve anyone well. I say this as a former art major.

logic serves some purposes in helping to build faith, but logic is a term used by humanists and universities today to denounce faith and religion. So I suspect the misuse of your terminology here.
To say that logic is against faith and religion is itself a logical fallacy. Anyone who claims to be for or against logic on the basis of its perceived opposition to religion is someone who does not know what he is talking about.

an expanding of your beliefs and imagination is the most healthy thing you can have when developing your faith. The devil wants to close minds and doors to new worlds that ought to be explored. He succeeds greatly in this.
What the devil wants is for minds to be open to his deceptions, so he can do what he can to close minds to God's truth. Critical thinking is indeed critical.
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Oct 16, 2012
Logic does no harm, and will serve anyone well. I say this as a former art major.

To say that logic is against faith and religion is itself a logical fallacy. Anyone who claims to be for or against logic on the basis of its perceived opposition to religion is someone who does not know what he is talking about.

What the devil wants is for minds to be open to his deceptions, so he can do what he can to close minds to God's truth. Critical thinking is indeed critical.

stop preaching logic, start preaching Jesus Christ

you need to start thinking like a Christian and stop thinking like an indoctrinated post secondary grad

1 Corinthians 1:20 said:
Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?
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Born Imperishable
Feb 23, 2004
Marital Status
stop preaching logic, start preaching Jesus Christ

you need to start thinking like a Christian and stop thinking like an indoctrinated post secondary grad

Jesus Christ and logic are not opposed, all truth is his truth.
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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Active Member
Oct 7, 2012
Marital Status
So I used to be a big-time conspiracy theorist, but fell out of it over time. Then I watched "V for Vendetta" last night. I then discovered the group "Anonymous". While I do not agree with some of their "operations", they have a point. I continually dislike where our government is going, and I agree that change is needed.

What are your thoughts on conspiracy theories? I don't care if you believe them or not(although its open for discussion), I care if you think they are moral thoughts for Christians.

BTW, I live in the United States of America, and here, we have the Constitution of the United States of America. This was not written by a government, it was written by the people. Therefore, the government serves the Constitution(and the People), so a rebelling against the government is an unwritten "right" of the People. And it is one that I hope I never have to use, but one I am fully willing to use. As "V" puts it, the people should never fear its government, the government should fear its people.

Also, sorry fi I wrote this in the wrong section or something(hate to make more work for our mods!), but I figured it was advice.

first of all as soon as you say conspiracy theory, whole list of crazy things pop up into peoples minds, simply because this title has had the media make it that way

I say let the facts speak for themself, has the government of the United States ever used false flag opperations in the past, to gain support for going to war.......answer YES........has the the government of the United States ever put together plans that involved attacking its own citzens and cities under the guise of lets say .......cuba......answer again YES......So when somthing happens and it has mathmatically broken all records of coinsedence, or luck, then one might take a closer look, because not everything is the way the media would like you to believe it
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