Concerning the second coming of Christ


Oct 15, 2003
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markie said:
You know sometimes I wonder if you all read your own Koran. There is a prophecy in there about Jesus' suffering do you think Allah just let him suffer or did he change his mind, or did he just lie in the prophecy? There are other contradictions as well. It says they killed him not, they didn't kill Him. Jesus gave His life for us he was silent during His trial I don't think he wanted to die but just maybe he wanted to do the will of the Father.You or another Muslim posted a thread about contradictions in the bible. I'm finding a lot of contradictions in the Koran
You are absolutely correct, Markie. There are many, many contradictions in the Koran:

1. How many angels were talking to Mary?

In Sura 3:42, 45 SEVERAL angels appear to Mary in the annunciation of the birth of Jesus. In Sura 19:17-21 only ONE angel appears to the virgin Mary.

2. Allah's day is equal to how many human years?

In Sura 22:47 and 32:5 Allah's day is equal to 1,000 human years. In Sura 70:4, Allah's day is equal to 50,000 human years.

3. How many gardens will there be in paradise?

In Sura 41:30 and 57:21 there is said to be only one garden in Paradise. In Sura 18:31, 22:23, 25:33, and 78:32 there are many gardens in Paradise.

4. How many groups will there be at the last judgment?

Sura 56:7 says there will be three distinct groups of people at the Last Judgment. Sura 90:18-19 and 99:6-8 say there will be two distinct groups at the Last Judgment.

5. Who takes people's souls at death?

Sura 32:11 says the angel of death. Sura 47:27 says the angels (plural).

6. How many wings do angels have?

Sura 35:1 Angels have 2, 3, or 4 pairs of wings; The angel Gabriel had 600 wings. (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 54, Number 455)

7. How many days did Allah need to destroy the people of Aad?

Sura 54:19 - One day; Sura 41:16 & 69:6,7 - several days

8. How many days did creation take?

Sura 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, and 25:59 all clearly state that God created "the heavens and the earth" in six days; Sura 41:9-12, the detailed description of the creation procedure, add up to eight days.

9. Which was created first, the heavens or the earth?

Sura 2:29 says the earth was created first and then heaven. Sura 49:27-30 says the heaven was created first and then the earth was created.

10. Were heaven and earth ripped apart or called to come together?

Sura 41:11 states that in the process of creation heaven and earth were first apart and are called to come together. Sura 21:30 states that they were originally one piece and then ripped apart.

11. Does Allah forgive shirk?

Sura 4:48, 116 says no; Sura 4:153, 25:68-71 says yes

12. The anachronism of Moses and the Injil

Jesus was born more than 1,000 years after Moses, yet Sura 7:157 Allah speaks to Moses about what is written in the Injil (the book given to Jesus).

13. Who brings the revelation from Allah to Mohammed?

Sura 2:97 - The Angel Gabriel; Sura 16:102 - The Holy Spirit

14. How old was Alexander the Great when he died?

Surah 18:89-98 says Alexander the Great was a devout Muslim and lived to a ripe old age. Historical records show that Alexander the Great died young at 33 years of age. He believed he was divine and forced others to recognize him as such. In India on the Hyphasis River Alexander erected twelve altars to twelve Olympian gods.

15. Ezra the Son of God?

Surah 9:30 says the Jews believe that Ezra is the Son of God - the Messiah. This has never been a tenet of Judaism.

16. The Golden Calf - another anachronism

Surah 20:90-100 says a Samaritan helped the Israelites build the golden calf, and it mooed after coming out of the fire. Samaritans did not exist as a people until at least 1000 years after the time of Moses and the Israelite exodus from Egypt.
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