Christian Bear

I did diligently search to see if this one was already here, but I couldn't find it. Has somebody in your company ever told a joke that caught you by surprise and you couldn't stop laughing for five minutes, and you had tears in your eyes from laughing so hard?

The funniest "Christian" type joke I have ever heard...

A man walking in the woods unexpectedly came across a large hungry looking bear. As he was supposed to do, he jumped up and down and made loud noises, but it was no avail. The bear lunged for him. All he could do was run.

He ran through the woods, barely keeping ahead of the huge bear, and tripped over a root doing a face plant in the trail ahead. Desperatly sputtering the first prayer he could think of at the time, he prayed, "Oh God let this be a Christian bear." and he covered his face with his arms.

The bear did not attack him.

He uncovered his face and looked up. The bear was right by his side, on his knees and with his paws together up by his chin. And he distinctly heard the bear saying, "Thank you for this food. May it be nourishing. Please bless it before I eat it."