Child #2 on the Way!


simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
I have my first OB appointment tomorrow, and he will probably check my iron too. I think that may be it. I know I went to a health fair and my omega 3 was at 4% last month. Now I know why.
Research today folic acid and the B vitamins. A good friend , pregnant a view months, was tested at the usual doctor's visit and told she was slightly anemic. Doc told her he was going to give her prenates with iron. She asked if , for two weeks, she could take folic acid and the B vitamins FIRST, then if she was still testing anemic, she would gladly take the iron fortified suplements.
Doc said OKAY.
Two weeks later, having taken folic acid and the B vitamins (that she had learned about in medical school, btw),
she tested FINE - NO sign of anemia! The Doc was , well, I don't know... but he was okay with that since the tests were his own done in his office showing there was no sign of anemia.

Apparently , a lot of pregnant women are given iron, without ever finding this out.

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