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None of the verses you cite say that the Bible alone is the only authority in the life of a Christian. On the contrary, there are passages that point to the importance of apostolic tradition.Despite the belief of the Catholic Church, the authoritative teachings of the apostles are found solely in Scripture, not in apostolic tradition. Christians do not have to turn to early church writings to read and interpret the Bible.
The Bible alone is the only authority in a Christian’s life. Men like Irenaeus and Origen provide insight into the teachings of the early church, but their writings are not inspired and sometimes even contain faulty theology. In contrast, Scripture contains what the apostles explicitly passed down for the instruction and teaching of the church (1 Corinthians 15:3–4; 2 Timothy 3:16–17; 2 Peter 1:16, 20–21). Traditions passed down through the first few centuries of church history were not inspired.
Since during the apostolic era it was clear that the oral proclamation of the apostles was authoritative, one would need to find verses in the New Testament indicating a change in which forms of teaching are authoritative. Something like: "All of us apostles have agreed to write down all the traditions we have taught you" or "After the apostles die, forget everything that was said orally. It loses its authority. Just pay attention to what is written." . But they never said anything like that.