Always leaning!

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Feb 14, 2002
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If you guys could please remember us in prayer. I was accepted at my local college, just finished the test and fixing to register for my classes. I want to be a teacher and be involved in helping and teaching our children. MAYBE someday soon God will be allowed back in class He will be in mine I know that! :bow:

David's job seems to be going good so please just remember us in prayer that the devil :mad: doesn't stick his ugly head up anymore while we continue trying to get back on our feet.

For those that know and were wondering, Chelsea is doing better. :clap: For those that don't, she's my 9 yr old daughter who recently started having petit mal seizures again after being off her med for over a year, but now she's back on her medication... she got put back on due to seizures, PLUS a new one as of yesterday because she was having too many headaches and fatigue. Hopefully this will aleviate these side effects and just please keep praying about her leaking urine. This has been going on now 1 1/2 yrs, nearly 2 and we are on her 2nd urologist and they are about to pull their hair out. :help: But still believing God to bring this to light and heal her completely.

Anyway I've rambled enough, so just know I'm praying for all even when I'm not here alot and can't post regular.
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