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Feb 27, 2021
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God shall wipe away all tears from off all faces. Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:17


Isa 65:22…
" they shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree shall be the days of my people, and mine elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

"But truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord." Numbers 14:21

God shall wipe away all tears from off all faces.

Isaiah 25:8; Revelation 7:17

All wars shall cease.

Isaiah 2:4; Micah 4:3

All evil shall be suppressed.

Psalm 37:10; Revelation 20:2,3

God's judgments shall teach righteousness to all.

Isaiah 26:9; 28:17

Nothing shall ever hurt nor destroy.

Isaiah 11:9

Truth shall triumph in the earth.

Psalm 85:11

God shall write His Law in the hearts of men.

Jeremiah 31:33

All shall know Him from the least to the greatest.

Jeremiah 31:34

Earth shall be filled with the knowledge of God.

Habakuk 2:14

God shall pour out His spirit upon all flesh.

Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17

All iniquity shall be remembered no more.

Isaiah 55:7

All shall rejoice as sorrow and sighing flee away.

Isaiah 35:10

There shall be no more death, sorrow or pain.

Revelation 21:4,5

There shall be no more sickness.

Isaiah 33:24

The eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.

Isaiah 35:5

The earth shall yield her increase.

Psalm 67:6

The desert shall blossom as the rose.

Isaiah 35:1

The ransomed of the Lord shall return from death.

Isaiah 35:10

One shall not build and another inhabit, nor plant and another take, nor shall any labor in vain.

Isaiah 65:22,23

Every man shall sit under his own vine and fig tree.

Micah 4:4

God shall multiply the fruitage of the earth.

Psalm 67:6; 85:12

There shall be showers of blessing.

Ezekiel 34:26

The earth shall become like a Garden of Eden.

Isaiah 51:3


Message: Good News!

Do not leave the earth out of the picture!>>> Yes,Isaiah 24:5 is the present condition!."the earth is polluted under the inhabitants"//, but this will change as the general resurrection unfolds! >>>For example,in Ezekiel 36:10-11 God states" i will multiply men upon you,all the house of Israel,ALL of it ! "++-vs.11"and will do better, than at your beginnings: and you shall know that I am the Lord!". (Multiplied by the resurrection promised to them in Ezekiel 37+Isaiah 42+49:6-9"say to the prisoners,go forth;"!>>> .see Ezekiel 36:31"then shall you remember your own evil ways"etc.That generation!/those people will remember because they have been made alive again under the new covenant made with Israel!(Jeremiah 31-all..)remember the words of Moses.>>>Deut.30:2-8"return and obey"// Of course everyone gets another opportunity! That is what the prophets spoke of! The nations shall benefit in order; >>>Zech.8:23"the nations".>>>Zech.12:7-13"the tents of Judah first"!>>> Deuteronomy 18:18"a prophet from among their brethren" (Jesus Christ was a Jew..) Wait for it ! >>>(John 5:28-29)..


Message: A KINGDOM IS ….


Psalm72***"Give the king thy judgements,O God,and thy righteousness unto the king's son. He shall judge thy people with righteousness,and thy poor with judgement."./>>vs.4-He shall judge the poor of the people,he shall save the children of the needy--/>>>vs.13-He shall spare the poor and needy,and shall save the souls of the needy.!"//>>As the first advent was a precursor to the return of Jesus Christ;---i.e.the miracles of healing,sustenance,and resurrection enacted by the power of God,--so also at his return! />>see Ephesians 1:10, for example,on a global scale!>> 1Tim.2:4"God will have ALL men to be saved,and to come to a knowledge of the truth"->>>-Deuteronomy32:4"the Rock,his work perfect"! >>>John 5:28-29"all those in the tombs will hear his voice"(his son's-Jesus Christ),;>>a visible resurrection to a new life and opportunity ,as the earth is healed by God !!!


>> MESSIAH >> ( WAS/IS) >> A JEW..

( a Hebrew )

?The only one of the descendants of Abraham who could fulfill, and will fulfill , the old testament prophecies spoken of concerning the Messiah !

Genesis 22:8 ("God will provide himself a lamb"), as stated by Abraham..

Exodus 12:6 ("the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the

( evening"), (the lamb of the Passover).

Leviticus 16:6 ("Aaron shall offer his bullock of the sin-offering").

( type of Jesus ).

Leviticus(l6:15("the goat of the sin-offering for the people")

( type of the church ).

Numbers 28:3 ("two lambs")>>("day by day")—>>("a continual burnt-

("offering") (effective forever!").

Deuteronomy 18:15 Moses stated ("the Lord thy God will rise up

*** Unto thee a prophet from the midst of thee…”)

An atonement price, for all time , and effective for those long-dead, would have to be better than that of lambs ,goats, and cattle! >>>Please note ; the tabernacle picture in Leviticus 16 is ongoing , through-out human history until the present time; this culminates ,and merges into the temple picture narrated by Solomon ! ***Then Messiah’s king dom actually begins !

***Daniel 9:26 >> ("shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself!").Note the satisfaction for sins completed in this scripture!

Isaiah 11:1 >> ("a rod out of the stem of Jesse")

Isaiah 42: all >> ("give thee for a covenant of the people").

***Isaiah 53:7 >> ("he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter")

Isaiah 53:8 >> ("for the transgression of my people")...

Micah 5;2 >> (" shall he come forth unto me to be ruler in Israel")! ">>> 4:8 (" 0 tower of the flock")

A spiritual king, to restore and accomplish the fulflllment of the promises made to Israel by God, his Father !!!

Genesis 15:15 >> ("for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever!"). This promise will be realized soon!

Then Israel’s "judges" will be restored “ as at the first “ (Isaiah 1:26) (Abraham , Isaac, Jacob, David, with many others! >>> See Ezekiel 36:11( “do better unto you than at your beginnings”), >>(to answer Moses’ prayer, in Psalms 90,) >>>*Ezek.36:26(“new heart”),>> Ezek.36:31(“then shall ye remember your own evil ways”), That generation! Literally! They will be resurrected to earth,>> in the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 (“the whole house of Israel”)>>> the “6 million+ lost in the Holocaust generation also!! >>> This is echoed in many of the Prophets’ statements ;>> * Jeremiah 31:1 (“at the same time”),>>*Jeremiah 31:27 (“I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and the seed of beast.”) Jeremiah will get his land !* .( Jer.32:11),>( *Isaiah 29:23 (“when he (Abraham) seeth his children, the work of my hands, in the midst of him”)!>>>*Isaiah 33:24 (“the inhabitant shall not say I am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be forgiven their iniquity!”)

The population of earth is blessed in order !>> >*Zechariah 8:22 (“ all languages of the nations”),>> to a fair trial for eternal life, under wonderful conditions!> See* Isaiah 35:all! >>>*Isaiah 65:20(“ as a child a sinner shall die an hundred years old”), the minimum age,( when decided), on the way to eternal life..You will be there! >>See *Isaiah 51:3(“wilderness like Eden”), 51:6(“my salvation shall be forever”),>>and* Isaiah 25:7(“destroy in this mountain the face of the covering cast over all people”)..vs.8 (“He will swallow up death in victory”)!

These scriptures all apply to natural Israel , as well as the spiritual nation..>>>*Psalms 104:30-31(“Thou sendest forth thy spirit,they are created,and thou renewest the face of the earth”..(“the glory of the Lord shall endure forever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works!")