#9 in Christian Persecution, Iran


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Jul 27, 2009
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If you’re part of a traditional Christian community in Iran, your faith is likely tolerated. But you aren’t allowed to worship or read the Bible in Farsi, Iran’s language, or have any contact with Christians who have converted from Islam. If you’re caught supporting converts, you may be sent to prison.
Conversion from Islam to Christianity is illegal in Iran, with the government viewing conversion as an attempt by the West to undermine Islam and the Islamic government of Iran. This means that anyone who is discovered to be a member of a house church can be charged with a crime against national security, which can lead to long prison sentences. Anyone arrested or detained can be tortured and abused while in jail.
Christian converts who left Islam can lose their inheritance, unmarried Christians can be forced into marriage to a Muslim, and married believers may be forced to divorce or face losing their children.

Meet Sanaz​

“I witnessed (and still see) how He changes people! [For instance,] Vahid was a boy who cursed me and caused me a lot of trouble. When I told him the simple [truth that] ‘Jesus loves you’, he stopped. Today, Vahid serves with me. It’s encouraging and a blessing to me to witness such transformations. It’s not easy but it’s worth it.”
Sanaz (name changed), a Christian convert in Iran.

What does Open Doors do to help?​

Open Doors raises prayer support for the believers in Iran.

Please pray​

  • Pray for protection for secret converts from Islam and that they would find fellowship.
  • Ask God to change the hearts of the Iranian government to allow freedom for all religions.
  • As the Church grows, ask God to continue to pour out His Spirit on Iranian believers.

The Liturgist

Traditional Liturgical Christian
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Nov 26, 2019
The Wild West
United States
Generic Orthodox Christian
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Iran is bad, but conditions for the traditional Christian churches that operate there, the largest of which are the Armenian Apostolic Church and the Assyrian Church of the East, are much better than in Turkey, Kurdistan or certain other parts of Iraq, as well as those areas in Syria not under the control of the Assad regime. In the Middle East, we have to be thankful for what we can get, even as we pray for improvement.
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