Do you believe the KJV is the one and only perfect and divine Word of God?

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Strong in Him

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My thread. My rules. I can change the title of the thread so as not for folks to post their Modern Translation or OAO agenda here (if need be). I hope I don't have to do that.
But if push comes to shove, I will do so.

So why didn't you write this as a blog, so that no one could debate it?
Why write a thread, ask for our thoughts and when anyone disagrees say "you're ganging up against me, I'm not reading your posts and I might even change the thread so you can't post what you want to post"?

Sounds a bit childish - or desperate.
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I have never seen a Modern Translation Proponent or an OAO Proponent come up with even one point in Scripture to defend their position or view.

That is because unlike you we don't desperately try to shoehorn scripture to fit what we want it to fit. There is nothing in the Bible that states that God has chosen a Bible as the only English Bible. He said he would perserve His word, and he has, in all Bibles, not just one.

So the KJV score = 30, and OAO camp score = 0.

In your imagination. I gave you answered prayers that you refuse to believe as proof that modern Bibles aren't to be shunned as God doesn't shun them Himself. As you have told us, you will have to account for the words you have written here in this thread.

Please stop posting in this thread if you are you are trying to push an Anti-KJV-Only type belief.

This is a public thread in the controversial Christian theology section, we can post within it and as far as I am aware, don't need your permission or lack of permission to do so.
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Sep 16, 2014
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Another interesting tidbit of information to show you the connection between the "Living Word" and the "Communicated Word" is that the words:

1. "Jesus Christ"
2. "book(s)" (i.e. both the word "book" and "books").
3. "son of man."

Appears 196 times in the King James Bible.
Now, don't try and do the search at Their search there is inaccurate on the count of the number results. Either check online or download the program called "Pure King James Bible Search."

Oh, and you need to put the * symbol after a word when you want to search related words combined together. So if you want to search both the word "book" and "books," it needs to look like this: ___ book*____ in the search box.

Online Version (Pure KJV Search):

King James Pure Bible Search WebChannel Server

Software Version Download (PC / Mac / Linux / Mobile apps):

Anyways, what is interesting is that the last occurence of the the "son of man" is Revelation 14:14.

14 x 14 = 196.

More numerology.

The KJV is neither perfect nor pure. This isn't just a statement; it's been **PROVEN**right here.
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Sep 16, 2014
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Only one Bible can be the Word of God.

But many TRANSLATIONS can !

God's Word does not have errors within it.
For it is a reflection of His own perfection.

But the KJV DOES. They've been proven right here !

Side Note:

Also, the 1600's English does continue on to this day. It is alive and well within the hearts of believers who hold and preach from the King James Bible.

That's THEIR prob.
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Sep 16, 2014
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The King James Bible is the Word of God.
And so are lotsa other translations.
Folks will either believe it, or they will not believe it.
Anyone who believes the KJV is the ONLY valid English Bible translation is simply WRONG. That's been proven right here.
One has to seek out the truth on this matter to discover it, though.
That's something YOU haven't done or else you wouldn't believe the false KJVO myth.
Only those who are resistant to such truth will never see it.

And that TRUTH is, the KJV is not perfect nor inerrant, & it's only one of many valid English Bible versions.
I had no problem accepting the KJV as the Word of God because there is evidence to prove that fact.

And there's lotsa evidence that the NASV, NKJV, ESV, Geneva, Bishop's, "Great" Bible version, & several others are also God's word in English. You CANNOT prove otherwise.
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Bible Highlighter

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That is because unlike you we don't desperately try to shoehorn scripture to fit what we want it to fit. There is nothing in the Bible that states that God has chosen a Bible as the only English Bible. He said he would perserve His word, and he has, in all Bibles, not just one.

In your imagination. I gave you answered prayers that you refuse to believe as proof that modern Bibles aren't to be shunned as God doesn't shun them Himself. As you have told us, you will have to account for the words you have written here in this thread.

This is a public thread in the controversial Christian theology section, we can post within it and as far as I am aware, don't need your permission or lack of permission to do so.

Your new here. Anyone can change the title of their thread and the rules of discussion on how a person is to post within their own thread. If people do not respect the rules, they can warn others to kindly to stick to the rules of the thread (whether they be new rules or old ones for that thread). If people continue to not respect the rules of a creator's thread, and they are kindly warned, they can report a person's post, or simply have the thread closed.

I have officially renamed the title of this thread for KJVO posters Only who can post here. The title of this thread is now called:

“Reasons why the KJV is the Divine and Pure Word of God for Today (KJVO Posters Only Allowed)

I also updated my OP (original post) with a new thread rule that states,

Updated Thread Rule:

“I created a new thread rule so as to stop the heated discussion and the personal attacks. I know Anti-KJV Only folks have already posted here for a good couple of pages since the creation of this thread, but I am putting a stop to it because the discussion has gotten heated. Please, only post here if you are KJV Only. I will kindly warn each person who posts in my thread on the updated rule here.”​

If you disagree, and want to continue to keep discussing it, you can create your own spin off thread. Just do not quote my posts please.

In any event, may God bless you (even if we disagree).
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Sep 16, 2014
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No offense to anyone here; But currently at this time, I am not interested anymore in what:
Anti-One Perfect Word of God in our World Language Today” type folk
have to say.

That's cuz you're apparently afraid of the TRUTH !

They just keep repeating the same lines and most of them will not see it.
I am not here to convince those who do not want to see.

I, & several others have provided **EVIDENCE**, not mere opinionated statements, that PROVE the KJVO myth false. You can't refute a single point of that evidence, despite having ample opportunity to do so.

I have listed 30 reasons in defense for the King James Bible or perfect Word that exists in our world language today. It should be enough. All one has to do is be open minded to the truth to see it.

And I showed the readership why they're wrong, & some are outright LIES. They all came outta some quack's book or goofy internet blog.

Most do not want to be held accountable to a final Word of authority. That is why I believe the majority do not accept what I am trying to say here.
No, we don't accept it because we can see it's *WRONG8 !

People can meet God only so far in what He says, but if it is not exactly what He says, folks can get off course or track.
And the KJV is NOT exactly what He said ! I asked you for MANUSCRIPT EVIDENCE for the words "and shalt be" in Rev. 16:5, but you're too scared to admit there ISN'T ANY ! I reminded you that the KJV OMITTED "through our Lord Jesus Christ" in Jude 25 & you didn't DARE reply ! You're only fooling yourself, not the readership here !

We know that Eve did not follow exactly God's command. She followed an alteration of it and it led to Adam disobeying God and thus the “Fall.”
Eve believed Satan's denial, not an alteration, of God's command.

Granted, I am not saying that everyone who places their faith solely in Modern Translations is going to be led astray or to fall away from the faith (in every case), but I believe the chances are greater (if they know the truth and they reject it)
That's what YOU are doing ! You have been told the TRUTH about MVs by us, & you haven't refuted the first word of it. You CANNOT truthfully deny that God inspired the newer translations same as he did the older ones. You don't DARE reply to the FACT that the KJVO myth has no Scriptural support, but you still repeat that SAME OLE LIE! Shame on you ! you know what GOD said about LIARS. May He rebuke you !

(Note: Not everyone will be held accountable to this truth because not everyone has a perfect Word in their language). I believe the Modern Translations sow confusion and doubt because they do not all say the same thing.
Well, neither do the various KJV editions ! But you've been reminded that many Hebrew, Aramaic, & Koine Greek words have multiple English meanings, so different translators are gonna make differing translations ! COMMON SENSE !

There can only be ONE Word of God, and not many. If one word is changed in God's Holy Word, its no longer the Word of God but an imitation of His Word.

Well, your KJV changed a great many of God's words ! Let's start with Ex. 20:13, Thou shalt not KILL". The Hebrew, and the context say 'murder'. Then, there's the "Easter" goof in Acts 12:4. I can make a HUGE list of other changed words, but you can't begin to get past even these two. And YOU said if ONE word is changed, then it's an imitation! Holding you to YOUR OWN WORDS, you're using a cheap imitation of a Bible version ![/I][/B]
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Sep 16, 2014
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Your new here. Anyone can change the title of their thread and the rules of discussion on how a person is to post within their own thread. If people do not respect the rules, they can warn others to kindly to stick to the rules of the thread (whether they be new rules or old ones for that thread). If people continue to not respect the rules of a creator's thread, and they are kindly warned, they can report a person's post, or simply have the thread closed.

I have officially renamed the title of this thread for KJVO posters Only who can post here. The title of this thread is now called:

“Reasons why the KJV is the Divine and Pure Word of God for Today (KJVO Posters Only Allowed)

I also updated my OP (original post) with a new thread rule that states,

Updated Thread Rule:

“I created a new thread rule so as to stop the heated discussion and the personal attacks. I know Anti-KJV Only folks have already posted here for a good couple of pages since the creation of this thread, but I am putting a stop to it because the discussion has gotten heated. Please, only post here if you are KJV Only. I will kindly warn each person who posts in my thread on the updated rule here.”​

If you disagree, and want to continue to keep discussing it, you can create your own spin off thread. Just do not quote my posts please.

In any event, may God bless you (even if we disagree).
You're a COWARD to debate, because you know you'll LOSE !


With all due respect, you're not a moderator here. You can't make rules to suit yourself, nor bar anyone else from posting on a PUBLIC thread. Only the board owner & those he/she appoints as moderators can do that !

Now, put up your dukes & attempt to defend your lying false doctrine ! !
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Your new here. Anyone can change the title of their thread and the rules of discussion on how a person is to post within their own thread. If people do not respect the rules, they can warn others to kindly to stick to the rules of the thread (whether they be new rules or old ones for that thread). If people continue to not respect the rules of a creator's thread, and they are kindly warned, they can report a person's post, or simply have the thread closed.

I have officially renamed the title of this thread for KJVO posters Only who can post here. The title of this thread is now called:

“Reasons why the KJV is the Divine and Pure Word of God for Today (KJVO Posters Only Allowed)

I also updated my OP (original post) with a new thread rule that states,

Updated Thread Rule:

“I created a new thread rule so as to stop the heated discussion and the personal attacks. I know Anti-KJV Only folks have already posted here for a good couple of pages since the creation of this thread, but I am putting a stop to it because the discussion has gotten heated. Please, only post here if you are KJV Only. I will kindly warn each person who posts in my thread on the updated rule here.”​

If you disagree, and want to continue to keep discussing it, you can create your own spin off thread. Just do not quote my posts please.

In any event, may God bless you (even if we disagree).

You may want to ask for them to move it to another sub-forum as the statement or purpose for this one states:

"Controversial Christian Theology Statement of Purpose

Welcome to Controversial Christian Theology forum. This forum is for discussing and debating topics that do not directly oppose the Nicene Creed, but are not considered to be traditional orthodox Christian theology on CF. These unorthodox topics may not contradict the Nicene Creed. All posts must to adhere to the CF Statement of Faith. This forum is open to Christian members only. Please refer to our faith groups list for clarification. This forum is not intended to be a "safe haven" for members who hold unorthodox Christian beliefs."

It doesn't say that it's a one side only forum. It's for debate and discussion.
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Sep 16, 2014
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Now, BH, if you want to post a threaed with your 30 already-refuted reasons to be KJVO on a thread with no opposition, may I suggest you to to "Online Baptist" where the owners & moderators are all KJVO? THIS forum & sub-forum are open for all views. While you're free to express yours, we are free to call it wrong & express ours.

And your KJVO myth has been seriously hammered here. How you can go on believing it is beyond me, but I WILL NOT let up hammering it long as it's presented here. It's PROVEN false, and you are unable to put up one quark of defense for it.

If YOU wish to use only the KJV, fine, but we're gonna keep blasting at the LIE known as the KJVO myth. Your lack of defense isn't helping your cause a bit !
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Bible Highlighter

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Jul 22, 2014
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Believing the Bible are the pure words of the Lord as it states within its pages and it will be preserved for all generations as it says is not an unorthodox belief. It's simply called believing the Bible (See: Psalms 12:6-7).

But folks can keep pushing things beyond my wishes, and I will just simply ask to have the the thread closed so you cannot post here. Either way, I can stop you and others from posting in my thread.

Nothing will be censored after the thread is closed.
People can still read both sides of the issue and seek out the truth for themselves.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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Why do some folks stop believing in God when they go to Bible school?
Because they got away from believing one Bible was the Word of God for their life. Bible schools retrain you to learn the Word of God in a way that disregards the English Bible (KJV) we have in our hands today.

I have let this discussion go on for 30 pages, and nobody has yet to convince me with a sound biblical argument like I have given (i.e. I provided 30 points, most of them based on Scripture). Some may think they are right because they shout with the caps lock key on, and others think they are right because they insult me, and others think they are right because they believe they know Biblical Hebrew, and Biblical Greek (When nobody today has grown up in that culture to be able to truly know the nuances of that language). Others think they are right because they have the best manuscripts (When I have already shown the inferiority of them by the observable evidence involving doctrine, commands, etc.).

Let God be true.
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Strong in Him

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But folks can keep pushing things beyond my wishes, and I will just simply ask to have the the thread closed so you cannot post here. Either way, I can stop you and others from posting in my thread.

So why did you start it then?

You ask a question and discover people disagree with you and challenge your thoughts.
So you change the title of the thread and say that only those who agree with you are allowed to answer. Then, when people point out that it's a public debating forum, say "well, I'll close MY thread then."

What was the point?
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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I created the thread to show the truth. I let the truth be discussed and debated and I believe the arguments against my points falls short. I have not been convinced not by even .000000005% of a chance by anything anyone in the opposing camp said. You want to know why?
See my post #592.

There is also a point where people just keep rehashing the same ole argument that goes nowhere that is not convincing. Again, the points I came up with have not been sufficiently addressed in both a biblical way, and a logical way. Basically, I just hear people offering their opinions as if it was the truth (When it is not).
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Believing the Bible are the pure words of the Lord as it states within its pages and it will be preserved for all generations as it says is not an unorthodox belief.

Never said it was. Just copy and pasted the statement at the top. This isn't the forum for one sided discussions. That's the point.
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There is also a point where people just keep rehashing the same ole argument that goes nowhere that is not convincing.

Again, I reiterate, pot meet kettle.

Basically, I just hear people offering their opinions as if it was the truth (When it is not).

I just gave you some truth, that God lead me to both the NKJV and the NIV. He could have lead me to the KJV, but didn't.

That is truth.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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Jul 22, 2014
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I would kindly ask if you are not KJV Only, please do not post here in this thread anymore.

I defend the King James Bible because I believe it to be the Word of God.
My 30 points are sufficient proof of this fact and I want to share in this beautiful truth with others who are like minded. If that is not your thing, please move on and or create your own thread that is Anti-KJVO. I can only ask people out the kindness of their Christian hearts to be decent and respectful. If that is not you, then I will in time have no choice but to ask for the thread to be closed (if people continue to be uncaring or not nice).

Peace, love, and blessings to you all in the Lord;
And may you please be well.
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Oct 13, 2019
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I would kindly ask if you are not KJV Only, please do not post here in this thread anymore.

I defend the King James Bible because I believe it to be the Word of God.
My 30 points are sufficient proof of this fact and I want to share in this beautiful truth with others who are like minded. If that is not your thing, please move on and or create your own thread that is Anti-KJVO. I can only ask people out the kindness of their Christian hearts to be decent and respectful. If that is not you, then I will in time have no choice but to ask for the thread to be closed (if people continue to be uncaring or not nice).

Peace, love, and blessings to you all in the Lord;
And may you please be well.

Instead of having it closed if you want just your side to post, ask to have it moved to a different sub-forum. This is not the sub-forum for one sided discussion.
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Bible Highlighter

Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul.
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I will check into that. Thank you for being helpful and nice (in your last post).
As for your other posts: I will just have to disagree with you on them.
Anyways, peace, and blessings be unto you in the Lord.
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