2nd Century Theologian exposes evolution theory long before Darwin


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Atheists are led to believe that evolution theory is a modern discovery of science. What atheists are not told is that their gurus have been borrowing from ancient pagan philosophers and then taking the credit for the ancient philosophy they have plagiarized into their modern books. In this article we will explore a classic work by a 2nd century theologian named Theophilus of Antioch. Here you will see modern evolution theory addressed in the 2nd century! Actually, nearly all of the early church fathers refuted and rejected evolution theory. But here is the earliest mention of evolution theory outside of Scripture. The most notable mention of evolution in Scripture is Romans 1:18-32.


Who First Said "We are made of Stardust?"

"The cosmos is within us. We are made of Star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself" (Carl Sagan, 20th century, 1973).

Evolutionists claim that Sagan's statement is original and this "we are made of star-stuff (i.e., stardust) has been attributed to Sagan more than anyone else.


“We are stardust
Billion year old carbon”
(Joni Mitchell, song "Woodstock," 1970).

Joni Mitchell was a career marijuana user who's constant use of the drug inspired her entire worldview. So did Sagan borrow his expression from a stoner who shared her delusional pipe dreams? Maybe in part. However, the belief that we evolved and are uncreated goes back to ancient times.

2nd century church father Theophilus of Antioch speaks extensively about how some pagan Greeks believed in evolution theory and atheism. Here we read about the supposed evolution of life from stardust:

"On the fourth day the luminaries came into existence. Since God has foreknowledge, he understood the nonsense of the foolish philosophers who were going to say that the things produced on earth come from the stars, so that they might set God aside [1 Thess. 4:8]" (Oxford Early Christian Texts, "Theophilus of Antioch: Ad Autolycum" translated by Robert M.Grant, p.51).

So way back in the 2nd century A.D. we see how one of the early church fathers was speaking to his friend Autolycum (Autolycus) about a belief held by ancient Greek philosophers. One of the beliefs they held is that our existence is uncreated and how we were produced by the stars.

How many of you learned that in school? Do they ever teach the origin of evolutionist philosophy in the public schools? We are all told from our youth that all these beliefs held by evolutionists are new discoveries. We are never told that evolution as a theory came from various pagan philosophies including Greek mythology. These secular educators are holding back much information from their students. They get their students to accept things like Greek mythology and then tell them its all modern discoveries of science, when in fact its all ancient mythology.

Evolution theory has ancient religious beliefs because of the Divine implications attached to these Greek philosophers who taught atheism. Theophilus begs the question:

"How did the Muses know these things when they originated later than the world? How could they describe them to Hesiod when their father had not yet been born?" (p.29).

Just as evolution theory teaches us how life evolved from the oceans, here also we see how in Greek mythology life originated from the ocean:

"Ocean, origin of the gods, and mother Tethys,
Whence come all rivers and the whole sea.

But when he says this he does not establish the fact of God. For who does not understand that Ocean is water? And if water, then not God. If God is the creator of the universe, as he is, he must be the creator of water and the seas as well" (pp.27, 29).

Theophilus goes on to question the chronology of the matter and how such knowledge could be known apart from God? You'll also notice the big bang theory in the subject matter:

"He says this, but he still does not explain by whom they were made. If originally there was chaos, and certain uncreated matter already subsisted, who was it who reshaped, remodelled, and transformed it? Did matter itself reshape and arrange itself? Zeus came into existence much later, not only after matter but even after the world and great numbers of men, and so did his father Kronos. Was there not instead some sovereign principle that made matter—I mean God, the one who set it in order?" (p.31).

The next time an atheist makes the claim that YHWH in the Bible was borrowed from the mythology of the Greek god Zeus, show them this. Here we see big bang cosmology in ancient Greece. Seems like these atheist scientists are more well read in Greek mythology than they are real science.

Theophilus points out atheism taught by certain Greek philosophers:

"Some of the Stoics absolutely deny the existence of God or assert that if God exists he takes thought for no one but himself. Such views certainly exhibit the folly of Epicurus and Chrysippus alike. Others say that everything happens spontaneously, that the universe is uncreated and that nature is eternal; in general they venture to declare that there is no divine providence but that God is only the individual's conscience" (p.27).

Make no mistake, Theophilus is speaking about what we call "evolution theory" today.

"Moreover, they made inconsistent and evil statements about the origin of the world. In the first place, some of them declare that the world was uncreated, as we have already explained; and those who said that it was uncreated and that nature is eternal disagree with those who held that it came into existence. They made these statements by conjecture and by human thought, not in accordance with the truth" (p.35).

But we couldn't be a product of stardust without the philosophy of deep time. Here we see Theophilus address the issue of deep time:

"For some declare that the world was not created and went off into endless time" (p.121).

And last we can see atheism as an already established religion among some of the Greek philosophers:

"If they spoke of the gods, they later taught atheism; if about the creation of the world, they said everything came about spontaneously" (p.103).

Spontaneous generation is the backbone of biological evolution. This belief also goes back to ancient Greece.

"And Pythagoras, who went through such great labours over the gods and made his way up and down, finally defines their nature and says everything was produced spontaneously [ibid., 589, 9-10: Epicurus]; the gods do not take thought of men [ibid., 572, 6: Epicurus]. Furthermore, Clitomachus the Academic philosopher introduced many arguments for atheism" (p.107).

Even today we have noticed how evolutionists contradict their own beliefs. When one's philosophy involves the make-it-all-up-as-you-go system of reasoning then no amount of truth or honesty can ever come from it.
Keep in mind that Theophilus of Antioch was a 2nd century church father who lived over 1800 years before Charles Darwin, and 2000 years before Carl Sagan. Evolution theory is part of paganism and can be traced as far back as Babylon. However there were Greek and Roman philosophers who tweaked those beliefs to how we understand evolution theory today. But it was all made up by humans seeking fame as philosophers in Greece. We can also find evolution theory in Hinduism. Atheists just transformed Hanuman into Hominid. Its all a lie...ancient pagan mythology. Its religion and it makes divine claims about the origin of everything that nobody was there to witness. Therefore the claims made come from Greek prophets who are nothing more than false prophets. These false prophets have led western society to ruin, with violent mobs in the streets who destroy entire cities and murder in the name of their Darwinian prophets. Jesus tells us not to follow these false prophets so that we will not be deceived.


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Dec 20, 2020
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Definitely. But remember: Darwin is heralded as the champion of it b/c he provided a mechanism (natural selection over eons & eons). I don't know what those pagans believed was the process tho, it was probably gods were directing it.

Darwin is heralded as the champion of it b/c w/ his ideas, you could throw God out the window. There are no gods in control per him. Why have gods when you can rely on eons
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Apr 26, 2022
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Definitely. But remember: Darwin is heralded as the champion of it b/c he provided a mechanism (natural selection over eons & eons). I don't know what those pagans believed was the process tho, it was probably gods were directing it.

Darwin is heralded as the champion of it b/c w/ his ideas, you could throw God out the window. There are no gods in control per him. Why have gods when you can rely on eons

Darwin never did anything other than plagiarize from classical literature. Back in Darwin's time, classical literature was only available to University students. If you read all the quotes provided in the OP you will read that Greeks developed the philosophy of deep time. Nothing about evolution theory has changed from then to now, except the name "evolution theory" itself. Other than that, what I've read from all the early church fathers was how they refuted evolution theory just as creationists do today.

AND...to the question of theistic evolution, it has always been a heresy in Christianity to believe in evolution or to call God dumb and slow like is the norm in theistic evolution and deism.

2 Peter 3:9 - MEV,

"The Lord is not slow concerning His promise, as some count slowness. But He is patient with us, because He does not want any to perish, but all to come to repentance."

Those who hold to the belief in long ages also believe God is slow. But Jesus calmed the storm with just one small command.
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Jun 30, 2003
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Darwin never did anything other than plagiarize from classical literature.
Clearly, you must have read all or at least most of Darwin's works to make that statement... so could you please point out a few specific places where he plagiarizes from classical literature?
AND...to the question of theistic evolution, it has always been a heresy in Christianity to believe in evolution
Either you have a highly idiosyncratic definition of 'heresy' or you are quite confused. None of the creeds and none of the historic church councils say anything at all about evolution.
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Apr 26, 2022
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Clearly, you must have read all or at least most of Darwin's works to make that statement... so could you please point out a few specific places where he plagiarizes from classical literature?

Either you have a highly idiosyncratic definition of 'heresy' or you are quite confused. None of the creeds and none of the historic church councils say anything at all about evolution.

Perhaps you need to read more of the early church fathers. Almost all of them refuted evolution theory. The quotes I posted come from a 2nd century theologian. But there are many other church fathers who refute evolution theory. And yes, evolution theory has always been heresy in the Church. Just read the works of the early church and see for yourself.
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Jun 30, 2003
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Perhaps you need to read more of the early church fathers. Almost all of them refuted evolution theory. The quotes I posted come from a 2nd century theologian. But there are many other church fathers who refute evolution theory. And yes, evolution theory has always been heresy in the Church. Just read the works of the early church and see for yourself.
I've read quite a bit of the church fathers, which has nothing to do with what I asked. You said that Darwin plagiarized his ideas. I'm asking you to support that quite serious charge.

As for the charge of heresy, is your argument that anything condemned by any early Christian writer is automatically heresy?
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Apr 26, 2022
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I've read quite a bit of the church fathers, which has nothing to do with what I asked. You said that Darwin plagiarized his ideas. I'm asking you to support that quite serious charge.

As for the charge of heresy, is your argument that anything condemned by any early Christian writer is automatically heresy?

The early church fathers provide us a good roadmap of what the early Christians believed. Several of them - all within the first 4 centuries - mentioned evolution theory and refuted it just as modern creationists would do. If you read over the OP you will see your question answered. Also, Romans 1:18-32 is a prophecy against evolution and the motives that drive it. Though even older than the Romans chapter, there is a book in the Apocrypha called Wisdom (or Wisdom of Solomon) that spends the first 3 chapters addressing the beliefs of atheists. Here is a link to that chapter which was written somewhere around 50-10 B.C. according to scholars.

Back to plagiarism. We are all taught in school that Darwin discovered evolution. Though I have found everything he supposedly discovered in various ancient text. The ape to man myth came from the Hindu myth of Hanuman.
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Jun 30, 2003
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The early church fathers provide us a good roadmap of what the early Christians believed. Several of them - all within the first 4 centuries - mentioned evolution theory and refuted it just as modern creationists would do. If you read over the OP you will see your question answered.
I've read the OP, and all I see there is one Greek Father attacking certain Greek ideas that have no connection to the scientific theory of evolution. I see no basis whatsoever for concluding that the theory of evolution is or has ever been thought to be heretical. You are aware that, among others, the Roman Catholic church sees no problem with evolution? You're arguing that the RC church in its entirety is heretical?
Back to plagiarism. We are all taught in school that Darwin discovered evolution.
I'm sorry that your education was so poor. Darwin made no claim to have discovered evolution, which was an idea that was around long before him. By accusing him of plagiarism, you were bearing false witness.
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I've read the OP, and all I see there is one Greek Father attacking certain Greek ideas that have no connection to the scientific theory of evolution. I see no basis whatsoever for concluding that the theory of evolution is or has ever been thought to be heretical. You are aware that, among others, the Roman Catholic church sees no problem with evolution? You're arguing that the RC church in its entirety is heretical?

I'm sorry that your education was so poor. Darwin made no claim to have discovered evolution, which was an idea that was around long before him. By accusing him of plagiarism, you were bearing false witness.
I guess some people just refuse to accept reality for what is. Obviously you believe in evolution and you cannot accept the reality that evolution theory is a view held by various pagan philosophers from Greek philosophers to Hindu gurus. There is just no way someone can read the OP and not see evolution theory unless they are deliberately blinded themselves to that reality.

As for the Catholic Church, what it was then is not what it is today. If, say, the ancient Catholic scholars saw RCC beliefs today, they would refute the modern Catholic Church. So there is a big difference from the ancient Catholic Church and the modern Catholic Church. I used to be Catholic and the reason why I left the Catholic Church is because they no longer follow the traditions they claim to follow. So I decided to leave and become Lutheran.
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Oct 10, 2020
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I guess some people just refuse to accept reality for what is. Obviously you believe in evolution and you cannot accept the reality that evolution theory is a view held by various pagan philosophers from Greek philosophers to Hindu gurus. There is just no way someone can read the OP and not see evolution theory unless they are deliberately blinded themselves to that reality.

As for the Catholic Church, what it was then is not what it is today. If, say, the ancient Catholic scholars saw RCC beliefs today, they would refute the modern Catholic Church. So there is a big difference from the ancient Catholic Church and the modern Catholic Church. I used to be Catholic and the reason why I left the Catholic Church is because they no longer follow the traditions they claim to follow. So I decided to leave and become Lutheran.
Today's teachings of the Catholic Church are very well aligned with the teachings of the early Church fathers.
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Today's teachings of the Catholic Church are very well aligned with the teachings of the early Church fathers.

LOL! If you say so. Obviously you never much of the church fathers. But you fool yourself into believing that. The rest of us know better. I'm not going to continue carrying on this kind of intellectually dishonest conversation. I'm not here to brawl with anyone. Every former Catholic is a former Catholic because the modern Church is no longer aligned with the ancient Church. Every former Catholic knows this. Even current Catholics know this. But somehow you don't? Can't continue with this.
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