
  1. C

    Prayer request for salvation

    Good day I'm asking for prayer for the salvation of the persons attending Minakshe Marie Amen Devi Temple, Rama Krishna Blenheim Mandir, Riverstown Mandir, Hampton Court Mandir, Affiance Vishnu Mandir, Unity Shiv Mandir, Stewartville Mandir, Meer-Zorg Vishwa Jyoti Mandir, New Forest Hindu...
  2. M

    All souls belong to God (Ezekiel 18:4)

    If this means what I think it means, then it seems to me that either: 1. Ezekiel was deceived (unfortunately for one of my favorite Old Testament moments :( ) OR 2. any entity telling you to that God wants you to commit your soul to it (or to another entity) is not to be trusted, since your...
  3. Feasts Of The Lord

    Feasts of the Lord (see Lev 23) outline 3 mandatory pilgrimage (all males 20 years & older were required to travel to Jerusalem) Harvest Festivals/Feasts, which highlight 7 special day's. The Feasts of the Lord are part of the foundation upon which ALL Scripture is built. 1)Passover...
  4. The superfluousness of souls

    Some religions accepting a form of dualism say that man is two parts: body and soul. But is that really true? Virtually everything (and I say virtually because I just don’t know how complete the research currently is) we do and experience has been shown to be made possible by specific functions...
  5. Y

    Question about eternal damnation

    Why did God create a place like hell to put "damned souls and spirits" in it? Isnt it more merciful to control/alt/delete those souls from creation instead of punishing them and making them suffer forever?