
  1. E

    Are we responsible for the politics and morality of our country's?

    Are we to blame if our country goes astray morally? How much time are we suppose to spend trying to fix society?
  2. jahel

    Notes on Hebrews, women of the bible and other biblical things

    Living Water ~ Everyone who drinks of the water of materialism will thirst again. John 4:21-24 Jesus said, “Believe me, woman. The time is coming when neither in Jerusalem nor on this mountain will you actually worship the Father. You Samaritans worship something you don’t understand. We...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    Preference? or Principles?

    Romans 15:1 ESV We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. We all have different convictions about things. Some of them are biblical, i.e. they are rooted in God’s moral laws, while others are more a matter of personal conscience...
  4. Brother Billy

    Where do you get your morals from?

    As an atheist, I don't think that humans get a top down morality imposed on them from an outside source. Instead, human morality has been developed from the bottom up. Just like every other physical and mental trait that humans possess, our conscience has evolved because it has helped our...
  5. Brother Billy

    Why do some Christians claim that the Bible is pro-life, when it is clearly not?

    There are three reasons why I think that the Bible is not pro-life: 1)The Bible never explicitly condemns abortion Exodus and Leviticus have extensive lists of laws and regulations ranging from sacrifices to the Lord, diet…childbirth, children’s relationship with parents, women’s uncleanness...
  6. Jim Langston

    Are we morally obligated to pay the debts of the deceased?

    Before my mother passed away it was her intent that her debts pass away with her. After my mother died I helped my father resolve my mother's debt and he paid it off, as he felt it was his moral responsibility to do. My older sister just passed a way recently and, like money always does...
  7. Walk the Straight Path

    Christians, what do you think about the adoption of modern secular "values" by most churches?

    Even the most conservative, traditional expressions of Christianity like Russian Orthodoxy or the Catholic Latin mass and self proclaimed restorationist evangelicals do this. What I'm talking about is things like: - The mixing of men and women in church - Lack of modesty amongst women (hair...
  8. the seeing servant

    Does moral foundations explain what Kaepernick did?
  9. ilovesendai7

    Disney, magic and witchcraft

    I've heard that Disney is filled with witchcraft and Satanic themes. Obviously there is "magic" in most movies. Also people have pointed out that three sixes can be found in the logo. However, each movie seems to promote good over evil, so I'm troubled as to what stance to take on it. I welcome...