garden of eden

  1. Garden of Eden.mp4

    Garden of Eden.mp4

    Viewing purposes only for the garden of Eden and the dryland.
  2. Jojo Paguio

    The Garden of Eden And the Dry Land What it Looks like?

    The Garden of Eden and the Dry Land. 1.What it looks like? A. In the beginning. Gen 1:1-31 The void,the darkness,the waters,the light, and the Spirit of God. Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. " In this verse it stated God created the heaven and the earth. And...
  3. Richard.20.12

    Garden of Eden: How long do you think Adam + Eve were there?

    Are there any clues elsewhere in the Bible? Genesis sure doesn't tell us much. But it is curious that it doesn't seem there was any sex in the Garden. There might have been but nothing is mentioned of it. God did command Adam to fill the Earth though and you can't very well do that without...
  4. 3444

    Isaiah 14:29

    From Isaiah 14:10 - onward, the Israelites seem to be accusing the Lucifer figure of willing to ascend above the terrestrial, into deity, and aspiring to assume God’s domain, while also saying that he will fail, he will die. All they shall speak and say unto thee, Art thou also become weak as...
  5. H

    God Shows Garden of Eden on Google Earth!

    It's hard to explain something, that seems so unbelievable, but in a nut shell, I found the Garden of Eden. I found it in 2010 and when I did, I made videos of it and have done my best to share it with as many people as possible. Of course most don't believe me, especially the unsaved ones, they...
  6. Lulav

    The Cross- The tree of the Knowledge of GOOD and EVIL

    Was the Cross actually made of the tree from the Garden in Eden? 8 And the L-RD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground made the L-RD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life...
  7. BeStill&Know

    PASSENGERS: Secular Adam & Eve

    Really liked this movie... Little action but the little was unigue, and done well. Beautiful cinematography the little there was. This movie does what I enjoy a movie to do >>> draw you in... Basically, what I saw ( positively noted ) was a "secular" version of Adam and Eve in the Garden of...