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    *~* A-Z Band Names for Blessings *~*

    Post band names in alphabetical order for blessings! :) AFI
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    Which do you prefer?

    Fiction or nonfiction Christian books. Fiction for me. :)
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    I see lots of people rate others on their CF profiles. I'm trying to find buddies and would appreciate some ratings and rep points. Thanks!
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    >_< Frustrations From Family...

    Okay, so I'm 21 years old in a pretty strict family. I am the oldest daughter and the only one in a relationship. I live at home due to financial reasons. My issue is dad hates the fact that I am dating someone 10 years older than I am. I love my boyfriend very much and believe God had...
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    Blessings are really upsetting me right now...

    I tried to add a profile pic. I knew it would take 150 blessings, so I added it but then I thought you needed to check the box (just like adding a CF friend) to accept it, but instead it took 150 away and deleted the picture. So now I'm down 300 blessings and no profile pic. I am so upset. :(...
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    Please Bless My Boyfriend

    zombiehunter8037 just started on CF. He really needs some blessings so he can create a character and fiddle with his font. Please help him out by blessing him! Thank you, everyone. :)
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    The Tamora Pierce Thread

    Discuss Tamora Pierce's wonderful works of literature! :) Favorite quartet, anyone? I happen to love the Song of the Lioness quartet! Alanna is my hero!
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    Metal Music

    \m/ >_< \m/ I love metal! I just love the sounds of harsh vocals and heavy guitars. I don't listen to satanic metal because that is just wrong. I'm actually pretty picky about what sort of metal I listen to, so I'm wondering...Christian metal. I have checked out the "white metal" scene and have...
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    Pray for Us...

    Please pray for my boyfriend and I. We are in need of support. We both believe God brought us together for many reasons and need support within our relationship. Thank you for all who care to comment. Look up my other posts to learn more. Thanks all and may God bless.
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    Hey, everyone.

    I'm new here. Just saying hi.