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  1. P

    Am I wierd??

    I have a question about a rather sensitive subject, forgive me if I sound dumb...I feel stupid for even having to ask. I've been married for three weeks now, and my husband and I have had sex a number of times now. I don't find it painful, and I've reached the climax a number of times, so the...
  2. P

    Pleasing family...?

    so here's a question, how many of you are finding it difficult to please various family members with the decisions concerning your wedding. My fiance and I have been having some difficulty particularly with his side of the family (I hate to say it), concerning the issue of inviting children to...
  3. P

    Are they allowed to embarrass us at the reception?

    So me and my SO are in the midst of wedding plans, and we've been having various discussions with family members (mostly from his side) about what's all going to take place at the reception. Well, it seems that they have in their heads the idea that they can get up there and tell all kinds of...
  4. P

    After going too far...

    hey everyone, here's the story: my boyfriend and I have been dating for just over two months now and have a pretty strong relationship developing that I can see culminating in marriage eventually. However, we have a huge problem with physical boundaries and stopping before we go too far. Our...
  5. P

    How do you get through those non-functioning days?

    a little history: I struggled for four months this summer with depression after school let out. I'm back at school now, and being surrounded by my friends I'd thought that I'd managed to kick it without having to go on drugs or see someone. I think I was wrong... Today has probably been one...
  6. P

    For my roommate

    hey I was just wondering if I could get you to pray for my roommate. (I'll call her Anne.) She's struggling quite a bit right now with self image problems and is having a rather rough night of it. It's been an on going thing for the past couple of years; she struggles with thinking she's fat...
  7. P

    Definition of courting?

    Okay, so I actually pretty much know what courting question is, can you be courting with out actually coming out and saying that you are?