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  1. Lionel20

    Hoping to have a discussion with Pro-Lifers about the following:

    I always found the "pro-life" movement within the evangelical community fascinating. For one, it doesn't seem like the "pro-life" candidates the movement helps to elect are particularly interested in banning Roe v Wade. Secondly, and more interestingly, I don't think most "pro-life"/single...
  2. Lionel20

    White Evangelicals?

    This is for research purposes, it's not a troll job. I've read just about everything I could. Can someone please explain the overwhelming white evangelical support for Donald Trump, and mormon minister Mitt Romney?
  3. Lionel20

    The Apostle Paul take on salvations in Romans 4. Thoughts?

    In Romans chapter 4 AMP, the apostle Paul writes in verse 2 "...if Abraham was justified [that is, acquitted from the guilt of his sins] by works [those things he did that were good], he has something to boast about..." In verse 3 Paul expounds, emphasizing that Abram first "trusted" God's...