Search results

  1. DarthNeo

    Which would be more difficult to hear...?

    Would you rather have your spouse sit you down and say, "Look, I love you, but if some things don't change soon, if my needs do not get met, I will be SERIOUSLY tempted to have an affair..." OR Be sat down and told, "Look, I am sorry, but I have had an affair, it was purely physical...
  2. DarthNeo

    What is an IDOL?

    I heard a...convicting...concept taught in church yesterday. Typically, when we hear the word IDOL, we think of a false god, Baal, Baal-Zebub, Dagon, and so forth. We think to ourselves, I would NEVER worship a false god, I don't have to worry about idols - however, false gods are NOT the only...
  3. DarthNeo

    Without God (or at least Intelligent Design)...

    ...then WHO decides what is Moral? The strongest guy...? The guy with the strongest weapon...? A plurality of guys? Without God there is no ABSOLUTE MORALITY...right?
  4. DarthNeo

    No Marriage in Heaven...

    Have anyone ever thought it odd that we are supposed to work very hard to make our marriages work, that marriage is an example of Christ and the church, and yet there will be no marriage in Heaven? I KNOW that we are the church and will be married to Christ, but to spend 30-60 years with...
  5. DarthNeo

    Would you support or help advertise...?

    My brother in law has a cousin who is living in an openly gay relationship. My sister in law and brother in law are both Christians. Recently the gay cousin opened a craft shop that sells handmade and home made soaps and candles. The BIL and SIL have started helping him advertise on social...
  6. DarthNeo

    If they made a movie about YOU...

    What kind would it be and who would play you? Mine would be ACTION and either Bruce Willis or Woody Harrelson...
  7. DarthNeo

    What causes more issues in Christian Marriage...?

    Lack of SEX or lack of MONEY? The church will have seminars on how married people should handle their money, but rarely, if ever, do they have seminars on how married people should handle their sex lives. I'm not looking for some "churchy" answer here. And don't misread that, I want a...
  8. DarthNeo

    If there were no Hell...

    If there were no Hell, if you chose not to accept Christ as Savior and the only punishment was living your 80 some odd years, dying, and losing all consciousness, basically you just took a "dirt nap" for eternity when you died, would you STILL become a Christian?
  9. DarthNeo

    If you were lost...

    If you were lost, and someone just like you were to witness to you, do you think you would listen to yourself? Would you be a convincing witness? We all love to huddle up and get into our DEEP apologetic discussions, but, if someone who was lost heard you, even though they may not understand...
  10. DarthNeo


    This is just a FOR FUN, hypothetical kind of question... I want to write a story and keep it as realistic "as possible" in a work of fiction (is that an oxymoron?)... But...if God were to allow a human being to obtain "super powers," in "real life," under what circumstances do you think He...
  11. DarthNeo

    Anyone else into Comic Books?

    I admit it, I am a grown up GEEK! I enjoy collecting Batman and Daredevil the most, they seem the most realistic to me. Daredevil mixes in religious themes many times into the stories, even though they mostly come from a Catholic slant... My home office looks like Batman has invaded...LOL
  12. DarthNeo


    As this is a group for those 50+, meaning some of us have been Christians quite a long time now, even as we mature and grow in Christ, what are some areas you still struggle with or need victory over?
  13. DarthNeo

    Prepping and The Rapture

    How do your beliefs about The Rapture affect your beliefs on prepping?
  14. DarthNeo

    New to to site...

    Been looking for a Christian forum to discuss life and Christianity... Looking forward to what I discover here... Thanks!