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    Sydney Bishop Slams ALP Abortion Policy

    Sydney bishop slams ALP abortion policy In March the ALP announced that if it won the Federal election it would move to increase access to abortion in the states’ public hospitals. Bishop Umbers, the Australian bishops’ delegate for life, called out Labor’s National Sexual and Reproductive...
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    Buddhist monk to bless cathedral attendants

    A Tibetan Buddhist monk has been invited to bless attendants at an event which will take place at St. Monica Cathedral in Cairns, Australia. PETITION to Australian Bishops: Stop Sacrilegious Event at the Cathedral of Cairns
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    Parish Priest and his cat

    A parish priest accidentally killed someone. The victim was a fat cat. This caused a great controversy and debate. Do you side with the victim?
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    Smartphones are making Teenagers Unhappy

    When Jean Twenge saw a spike in teen mental health issues between 2011 and 2015, she wanted to find out why. The spike, she explains, was sudden, with major depressive episodes among teens increasing by 50 percent within those few years. “It was the start of a journey in what changed in teens’...
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    Statistical Fraud of NOAA

    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration may have a boring name, but it has a very important job: It measures U.S. temperatures. Unfortunately, it seems to be a captive of the global warming religion. Its data are fraudulent. NOAA has made repeated "adjustments" to its data. Nothing...
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    What do you do if your car battery is dead?

    If you got into your car only to discover your car's battery is dead, and there's nobody around to offer help, what should you do?? What you could try is to drop 2 aspirin tablets, yes, aspirin tablets, into the car battery. Thanks to the acetylsalicylic acid in the aspirin tablet. This might...
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    Hidden Relationships Between Seemingly Unconnected Things

    (1) Relationship between Love and Money Making Power Many people wouldn't believe they are related. But are they not really?
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    Spanish Flamenco Dance's Surprising Arab Connection and Fatima

    There are few things as emblematic of and as unique to Spain as flamenco. While the specific origins of flamenco are lost to history, it is clear that there are Arab influences, especially in the style performed in the Gypsy caves in Granada. Being so far away, how did Arabs exert their...
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    Good Friday Fast

    We are supposed to fast from entertainment on Good Friday. What does entertainment include ?? How about reading novels ? Is reading novels ok?
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    Hello everybody, I have just joined. I am excited. I am looking forward to knowing you all. Talk to you later. Giacinta