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  1. P

    God Tells People?

    Glad to hear someone else is in the same boat I'm in. Thanks for the post. :) Hopefully we'll get to the bottom of this.
  2. P

    God Tells People?

    Hello, I have recently returned to the faith and am a bit confused about something. I notice people in real life and people on these forums talk of God telling them to do this or God telling them to do that. Basically, my question is how can you tell the difference between something you merely...
  3. P

    Is it possible...

    Are you sure you're not suffering from some type of depression? I use to think I was lazy a lot of the time when in reality I was struggling with bipolar disorder. Not trying to worry you, but if you want a better relationship with God it helps to know what your demons are first.
  4. P

    Feeling Empty

    I wouldn't write all that off as self-pity. It's good to reflect on your feelings in my opinion. The better you know yourself the better you can serve the Lord eh?
  5. P

    Feeling Empty

    Good advice I feel. I'm aware that my childhood had it's imperfections, I too internalized things on a regular basis due to my dad, at the time, being an undiagnosed bipolar person. My parents always argued due to the stunts he pulled and at the time no on knew he was bipolar and it led to a lot...
  6. P

    Feeling Empty

    Thank you so much. So glad I came to these forums, very impressed with the community. It's very much appreciated BFine.
  7. P

    Feeling Empty

    I'll keep it going and thank you so much for your concern. :) Talking about it is very therapeutic there's no denying it. You're right about the triggers, honestly I haven't figured out what my triggers are yet so there's not much I can do about preventing it. Hopefully with time I'll figure...
  8. P

    Feeling Empty

    No problem at all, it's clear you understand what I'm going through and I'm thankfull for such a well thought out reply. :) You're right, it's just different wiring and I have to figure out what makes it all get in sync.
  9. P

    Feeling Empty

    Not true counseling, I get a 15-30 minute session with my Psychiatrist but he mostly just checks up on the effects of the meds. Thank you for your encouraging words though, it helps to hear from people who have had similar experiences and to know I'm in people's prayers. A lot of mine have...
  10. P

    Feeling Empty

    I've discussed it with my doctor and he started me on a new medication that has had no effect. Nearly everything I do seems dull. Thankfully, reading the Bible and following God hasn't totally lost it's luster, and is in fact the only thing I've been able to actively focus on. Though it still...
  11. P

    Feeling Empty

    Hello, I'm new to these forums and have recently come back to God after a long break from Him during adolescence (I convinced myself I was agnostic). I recently was diagnosed bipolar 1 with psychotic features which I only got through it's ugly appearance thanks to God. I accepted Him in my heart...