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  1. Jillian1527

    asking for prayers for my daughter

    Hi all. My little girl(7) is having her tonsils out and tubes put in her ears tomorrow. She typically isnt a worrier but this one is bothering her quite a bit. I can understand why. its bothering me as well. all the what if and things going on. I know I just have to push them out and pray, and...
  2. Jillian1527

    My little girl (is getting her tonsils out tomorrow

    SHe is 7. I am nervous but I think she is even worse. anyone have any ideas on what I can do or say to comfort her? we are taking her to the surgery center later today so she can look around and have the to ease her fears some. I also have told her to pray and ask God to help her not to worry...
  3. Jillian1527

    tippy toeing in

    I got my positive test the day before thanksgiving.. after 2 miscarrages in 2 years I am scared to post or announce this to anyone. my hubby is the only one that knows. and the girls on my fertility board. I thought that letting you all in on my secret cant hurt. the more prayers the...
  4. Jillian1527

    The Red Tent?

    has any one red this book? if so what did you think of it? I guess I should post this in the book club part but I am more comfortable posting here and I wanted you ladies oppinions on it? I read it and liked it. I just wonder if there is any truth to it or not.
  5. Jillian1527

    Phone conversation

    Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. When a cell phone on a bench rings, a man engages the hands-free speaker-function and begins to talk. MAN: "Hello" WOMAN: "Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?" MAN:"Yes" WOMAN: I am at the mall and found a beautiful leather coat. It's...
  6. Jillian1527

    Praise the Lord

    There was a little old lady who was very spiritual who would step out on her porch every day, raise her arms to the sky and yell "Praise the Lord". One day, an atheist bought the house next door to her, and he became very irritated with the spiritual lady. So after a month or so of her...
  7. Jillian1527

    just checking to see if this worked

    I just wanted to see if my avitar worked... thank you
  8. Jillian1527

    How to answer this question?

    My daughter age 5 asked me the other day if a girls can marry girls. my 7 year old daughter said no. and this made the 5 year old very upset and she asked me again.. I changed the subject as I dont know how to answer her. Do I tell her yes they can, because in some states they can. or do I...
  9. Jillian1527

    angry with my In-laws

    I have made every one of my In-Laws mad at me big now. and even Hubby thinks I am being petty. can you please tell me what you would of done? My Mother in law asked my 2 girls (ages almost 7 and 5) to stay the night with her because she has been working and they havent really spent much time...
  10. Jillian1527

    6 year old with an attitude

    I love my little girls to bits. But latly my oldest has gotten such an attitude and a smart mouth too. She started Kindergarden this year and has been hanging out with a little girl that I dont much care for because she is loud and not very well behaved. She is to young to be giving me problems...
  11. Jillian1527

    I don't understand the blessings.

    I know I get them when I post but I have seen people with them in the thousands. thats a lot of posting. is there any other way you can get blessings? thanks, Jillian
  12. Jillian1527

    introducing myself

    :wave: Hello to everyone, I have posted a little bit, and Asked for help already. :) so I figured it was time to intro myself. I am Jillian.I have been married going on 8 years in June. My hubby is a great man, most of the time. LOL. we have 2 beautiful little girls ages 6 and 4. both will...
  13. Jillian1527

    I have no clue where to post this.

    I am a christan. but I am doubting. I will post my story in hopes someone will give me reasons to believe again. I am Jillian, age 26 mother of 2 little girls. ages 6 and 4. I found out in Febuary that I have thyroid cancer. I know that my chances of survioval is good. right after I had my...