Prayers TO the dead


You can call me Paisios
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Jun 5, 2015
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I don't have an issue with praying for others when they ask me. In fact, I feel it is cruel to not to. When someone asks me to pray for them, I make a concerted effort to pray for them in my own time, and not just to say or to agree to pray for them when they ask me to but not actually doing it.

I have never had a problem asking others to pray for me, either, though I suspect I am more reluctant to share prayer requests than many others, maybe because I believe they won't actually pray for me or because of my pride.

I also understand the logic that if these people are already praying for me, it's good to petition them, since they are in fact closer to the throne room of God. I actually get that. I believe it's ok to simply petition the Father through the name of Jesus, but I get the logical discrepancy with that because if I really believe that God is enough, I don't need to ask for anyone else's prayers, especially those on earth who are not yet glorified and in the presence of the Lord like the departed martyrs and saints.

In fact, the book of revelation indicates that the saints and martyrs do pray to God, even in heaven, regarding people on earth, and God answers their prayers.

I would have an issue with writing that says something like, "we praise you" or "save us" to a saint, like in an akathist, where I saw some borderline idolatrous sort of phrases in there, but I admit I need to look a little more closely before accusing anyone of blasphemy.

This is where I am reading the akathists. The ones at the bottom addressed to God the Father seem the most appropriate. It's just something I'm trying to work out and I really appreciate you helping me.
When I came from Protestantism I had to deal with these phrases. It helped me to understand the ancient nature of the Orthodox vernacular. Protestantism has really changed the meaning of many of these terms. "Praise" is not the same as "Worship." We praise everyday individuals. I praise my students for a job well done. I also have praised strangers when I observed their generosity or kindness. We feel odd in utilizing the word with the Saints because our Protestant influences have changed the meaning.
The same could be said about the word "save." Evangelicalism has created the idea of "getting saved" as an event that bestows salvation. This is a false teaching. The understanding of the Fathers and the earliest Christians had no such terminology. To be "saved" is more of a process that includes much more than a prayer and a reaction from God. In Orthodoxy the word "save" retains its actual meaning and can be applied in many circumstances. We can be saved from our sins and we can also be saved from various situations. When we ask the Saints to "save us" it is not meant that we want them to act as a mediator in our salvation. We want them to intercede for us through their prayers. We want them to be specific in their petitions to God in whatever need we find ourselves. This understanding, unfortunately, has to happen as we unlearn some of our Protestant influences and gain an understanding of the language of the ancient Church.
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You don't even have to go back to Shakespeare. In my state at least, it's still used that way in law today. The last paragraph of a legal pleading will be titled PRAYER; where you summarize what you're asking the court to do.

As a former Protestant I agree. Orthodoxy Christianity is rich, and deep, and wide. It's like an ocean and after all these years I feel as if I've only just stuck my big toe in. :) It's wonderful.

I second that sentiment. Leaving my old church was hard. I never want to switch churches again. Coming back to Orthodoxy has been amazing though. I realize it was the faith of my grandparents that got me baptized, not anything good I did.

Adding sacred tradition, the Prayer Book, and the Saints has opened up my faith and made it more alive to me. In my twenty years on the Protestant side I ignored Mary but now praying to the Theotokos is something I try to do everyday. I feel she helped me leave my old church gracefully. Being the guitar player in the praise band, it was hard to leave without being noticed. I also had a respectful conversation with my old pastor. I feel she helped me navigate that. I was dreading leaving the old church but I got through it. I feel Orthodoxy is correct so it was something I had to do. Attending just as a guest wasn’t really an option.

i have a long way to go but I am enjoying the journey and am grateful.
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May 7, 2024
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prayer just means to make a petition (like in Shakespeare) in English. so it’s not idolatry since no offering or sacrifice is made to the saint.

we’d also say that since they are alive in Christ, they are praying for us before His throne so to ask them to do anything for us is like when you ask friends and family to do something for you. and of course, however the saint responds is only by God’s will and for His purpose.

and lastly, St Paul says he has become all things to all men that he might save some. so the word “save” isn’t the issue as much as the context.
This is something that I've been having quite a bit of difficulty with and was wondering if you could dive a little deeper into it?
For some context: I was raised Roman Catholic, as were my parents, however they - and by extension myself - moved from Catholicism to Evangelical Protestantism. So from a young age the concept of Saints beyond being amazing individuals we can learn from was not taught - and to pray to them was idolatry.
I've been seeking to get closer with God for some time now, having perhaps lost my faith for most of my 20s in any meaningful sense. I have issues with the Church of Rome that I simply cannot rectify, but I've become so disillusioned and broken hearted with the Protestant church that it does not feel like a spiritual home - it feels hollow and like we are there to venerate a pastor rather than God.
I still find comfort in the Liturgy, the rites of the Catholic Church are deeply intertwined with my culture and ethnic background - but the more I learn about the Catharism and sought to rejuvenate my faith, the more I found myself drifting from the Catholic Church, though a number of my views have softened.
I've been trying for some time now to seek God more closely, but it has only been recently that I feel He has truly changed something in me. Without going too deeply into it here... there was a change that I can only describe as miraculous - because none of what changed I could do by myself no matter how hard I tried. And it was in this moment I realised just how broken, faithless, and far from the path I was. I began to pray and meditate again, read scripture, immerse myself in works concerning faith. I wanted to expand beyond what I was taught as a Protestant, not because it holds no value, but because it felt so... shallow. I started to look at the works of the Church Fathers and I wanted to know more. I began to read the lives of the Saints, both Orthodox and Catholic, and had a far greater appreciation for not just the history, but the spiritual lessons.
I wanted to look into Orthodoxy, as while I've dear friends who are Eastern Catholics, I know very little about the Church and what made it different to the Catholic. Something about the theology, the way in which we are called to cooperate with God's Grace and views on Original Sin all resonated with me. I began to listen to Orthodox Fathers speak on specific subjects I was/am having difficulties overcoming; and the way they spoke with clarity, passion and genuine love spoke to me deeply. I even began to listen to some Syriac services, again having known little of the Church - but the earnest and reverent nature spoke to me. This lead me to pray more actively, taking on what I was hearing and sought to be more active when seeking God. I began to find prayer no longer a chore but a joy, praying as I worked and wanting my work to be a simple act of worship. I began praying with my family and finding comfort in communing with God. I truly began to feel His presence, His energies in a way that I never have before. I was writing reflections on the time I spent in reading the scriptures, trying to understand not only what I was being shown but how I understood - I even found myself writing poetry to try and make sense of what I was feeling.. It felt like everything was just... overflowing, if that at all makes sense.
I've been reading The Orthodox Way by Metropolitan Ware, and what I thought was going to be a difficult theological study flowed like poetry and truly touched me. But I am still.. struggling to know what is right. I've been mislead in the past, putting my faith in what turned out to be hideous false teachings which only ended up hurting my spirit. And while I don't get that sense when I look at Orthodox teachings, i suppose something in me is apprehensive; particularly when it comes to praying to Saints. Veneration I have come to understand and not just appreciate it but endorse it, seeing it as a way to honour those who have come before and who stood strong in their faith and serve as examples that even in a broken world we are able to find and cooperate with God's Grace and through His Power alone we are able to find peace, wholeness that we can't find in ourselves. But I don't know if I'm... confident in my understanding of what is meant by seeking the collection of prayers by the Saints, as I've read in some explanations of it. I guess I don't have just one specific question, but rather want to know more, because this feels like a colossal obstacle that unless I can overcome my own apprehension or perhaps understand better because my own knowledge is lacking, then I'll continue in this spiral of trying to seek God, succeed for a while, fall, but with no spiritual home, no fellowship, no community in which to find direction and support, I'll drift away and forgo all the gifts He has given me. I do not want to become the man I was before, because how I was living was not glorifying to God, and I was only degrading myself - but I sincerely fear that I will fall back if I don't find a more complete truth to what I understand now. And I figure that this is a good place for me to start to understand, to learn.
I apologise for how long this was, I've not had an open and honest conversation with other Christians for so long that I guess things are a little bottled up. I appreciate your patience with me.
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Jan 26, 2007
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Of course, as with anything its best to go to the pro. Thank you for taking the time to chat.
plus, if you go to a Liturgy, you might be able to sense that the saints are worshipping with us, or at least get a better understanding of that theological point.
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- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums
May 7, 2024
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Absolutely, there is only so much I can gain from reading. I've been praying on the matter, three times I've asked and three times there was a response. he last was... forceful isn't the right word, but very clear; which has given me some peace, but it would be good to also discuss this with a priest. I've also had it on my heart for some time to make confession - I suppose I can only ask.
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Absolutely, there is only so much I can gain from reading. I've been praying on the matter, three times I've asked and three times there was a response. he last was... forceful isn't the right word, but very clear; which has given me some peace, but it would be good to also discuss this with a priest. I've also had it on my heart for some time to make confession - I suppose I can only ask.
let us know what you think!
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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Is prayer (petition) to the saints required to become an Orthodox Christian? If I do not want to do it, should I leave the process of becoming a catechumen?

I want to ask my priest but our parish is still looking for a full-time priest. The priest we currently have drives from two hours away to preside at liturgy, so it's not feasible to meet with him.

What are the doctrines that are considered absolutely essential to become an Orthodox Christian?
I think it's something that grows organically within you in learning the practice of asking the saints to pray for you, when you join His Body in the Orthodox Church. I'm a revert, meaning I was baptized, chrismated, etc. into the Greek Orthodox Church when I was one years old, but I didn't grow up going to church but a handful of times and really didn't know much of anything about the teachings of Christ, the Trinity, etc. until I came back to the church in my mid-twenties and went to catechism classes with (at that time) my husband and my dad. After doing confession and becoming a practicing Orthodox, it took me 10 years before I asked the saints for help for my son's illness and for me. And that was a huge turning point in my prayer life and connection to the fullness of the faith because the response I got was within 15 mins, and it truly was a huge blessing.
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One of God's handmaidens
Jul 10, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado
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I would have an issue with writing that says something like, "we praise you" or "save us" to a saint, like in an akathist, where I saw some borderline idolatrous sort of phrases in there, but I admit I need to look a little more closely before accusing anyone of blasphemy.

This is where I am reading the akathists. The ones at the bottom addressed to God the Father seem the most appropriate. It's just something I'm trying to work out and I really appreciate you helping me.
From what I learned years ago on the "save us" is that it's something said when one is a member of the Church and is living in the Life of the Church - His Church. And so, we understand what that means, but totally understand how someone who isn't familiar with it or knows what it means can get tripped up by it. What is really means is "Most Holy Theotokos, please pray to your Son and Our God, to save us."
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Orthodox Christian
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Aug 3, 2007
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In the Old Testament the prophet Elisha prayed for the life of the son of a Shunnamite woman who had died. Elisha proceeded to resuscitate the son but still the prayer for the life of a departed person took place. While the cultic account of Saul & the Witch of Endor is a warning against seance like stuff, it seems right to pray for the departed within the bounds of the Lord’s commandments ( Matthew 22:36-40 etc.).

The account of Elisha

2 Kings 4:30-37
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