Christ's Outreach to Homosexuals

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Nov 9, 2019
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If you are not yet a Christian and you are of the LGBT community, this message is for you. The following text can also be found on my website, .

One of the hot topics in today’s culture is the matter of the acceptability of the gay lifestyle. Modern thinking has reached the point of promoting this. If one believes truth and morality are relative, then one finds no reason to dispute the gay paradigm. But millions, if not billions, of people, even in today’s world, have reached the conclusion that the Bible is literally the word of God. They insist there is strong evidence upon which basis they have reached this conclusion. And another conclusion many have reached is that the main message of the Bible is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. More on this later. What view of homosexuality does the Bible have?

Let no one fool you. The Bible very clearly and strongly declares homosexuality to be sin. For instance, the New Testament book of Romans, chapter 1, verses 26-27 read:

“For this reason, God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.”

So, you might want to ask, where is this “outreach” I am talking about? All I’m doing is condemning homosexuality!

Friend, the Bible indicates that all humans ever born, except Jesus Christ, are sinful by nature. We inherited our sinful nature from Adam, who committed the first sin. In response to the sin of Adam, God put a curse on nature. This curse resulted in all imperfections that exist in nature, from pimples and mosquito bites to disease, disaster and death. The mainstream scientific community is dead wrong about the origin, natural history and age of the universe, the earth, and life on earth. This can be scientifically proven. More on this later. The Bible can effectively be proven to be the Word of God. The Bible tells the real origin and history of nature. The Bible also indicates that all imperfections in human nature, from little kids lying to their parents to Adolf Hitler killing six million Jews, stem from the sin nature we have all inherited. War and crime are examples of the things which come from the fallen nature of mankind. Sexual sin, be it heterosexual fornication or adultery or homosexuality, are just more symptoms of our sin nature and problem. People are not basically good with some tendency toward evil, requiring a certain amount of adjustment. People are, deep down, desperately wicked with a veneer of civility and goodness. We require being born again with a new, godly nature.

Friend, I can best explain Christ’s outreach to you, Christ’s offer to you, with the following few paragraphs which are from a letter that I have been sending to some famous people, such as Hollywood personalities. (I realize that the chances of the letter being read by the actual celebrity it is addressed to are quite low. But my prayers go with each letter and I hope it helps someone in the celebrity’s organization.)

I start out by telling the person how much I admire, and have been affected by, their work. Then I say:

I am writing to you because I want you to go to heaven. I have recently become a born again Christian, which provides me with eternal security. I wish the same for you. You, like all people, know that you have done things in your life that were not right. This just goes to show that it is true what the Bible says about all of us humans: we are all born with a sinful nature. The Pope, Billy Graham, Adolf Hitler and you and I were all born with this evil nature and it puts us all, by default, under God’s condemnation. There is only one God and only one mediator between God and Man: the man Christ Jesus. There is one and only one way for anybody’s destiny to be changed from eternity in hell to eternity in heaven. Our destiny can be changed from eternity in hell to eternity in heaven in a moment. Each person needs to acknowledge they are a totally depraved sinner, repent of their sins, turn to Christ and submit to Him as Lord and Savior. Repentance does not mean doing penance (punishing yourself) or doing good deeds. It means changing your mind about sin and deciding that you do not want to sin against God anymore, as much as you can help it. After you do this, you are born again, and cannot ever be kicked out of the Kingdom of Heaven, no matter what!

I don’t know where you stand in your beliefs. I and millions, if not billions, of people assert that there is compelling, overwhelming evidence that the Bible is literally the Word of God. And that the main message of the Bible is the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of this evidence is scientific: all “science” which is proposed that contradicts the Bible, in the long run, turns out to be itself, scientifically refutable. This includes the Big Bang theory, the theory of evolution, and the claimed old ages of the Earth and the universe. For a treatise on why the Big Bang theory is scientifically refutable, visit my website, (If you go to this website, please don’t click on the “Discussion” link, because I am not maintaining this website and the discussion forum link is inoperable. But please do go to the article entitled “Big Bang Busted.” This website is best viewed on a desktop PC or laptop, not on a mobile device.) For why the theory of evolution is scientifically refutable, there are many sources to go to. The website of the Institute for Creation Research is a good place to start for all your science inquiries:

Part of the evidence behind the claim that the Bible is the Word of God is historic: the pattern as to history is as the same for science. The pattern is, that in the long run, all discrepancies between standard knowledge of science and history and the Bible, get cleared up in the Bible’s favor. The most compelling evidence is the astonishing fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies about the coming Jewish Messiah which were realized in the life of Jesus Christ. If you have even a rudimentary knowledge of the Bible, you know that only one Person, mentioned in the Bible, is said to have died for the sins of others. This Person is Jesus Christ. The Old Testament prophet, Isaiah, for example, wrote about the Messiah, 700 to 800 years before Christ was born! He wrote, among other things, “God has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”

If you want to do a detailed study about these kinds of things, google “Christian apologetics.” I have enclosed a tract called “The Search for Truth,” which, with its included Sinner’s Prayer, might be helpful to you. I pray for you and yours.


(My name)

I enclose a Bible tract which you, too, can order. Go to, click on “Tracts,” and in the search box at top right, type “In search of truth.” The tract’s content is originally from Josh McDowell. It describes his attempts to defeat Christianity and to defeat the claim that Christ rose from the dead. It ends with his experience of coming to Christ, praying a version of what is known as “The Sinner’s Prayer.” Here is the end part of the tract:

Having set out to refute the resurrection and Christianity, and then having been compelled by the evidence to believe that Jesus Christ was exactly who he claimed to be, I faced a new problem. My mind was saying “Christianity is true,” but my will was saying, “Don’t admit it!” It came to the point where I couldn’t sleep at night. I knew I had to get Jesus off my mind or go out of my mind. Finally, on December 19, 1959, at 8:30 PM, I became a Christian.

I prayed three things that night to establish a relationship with the resurrected, living Christ, who has since transformed my life. First, I said, “Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me.” Second, I said, “I confess there are things in my life which are not pleasing to you. I ask you to forgive and cleanse me.” (The Bible says, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow,” Isaiah 1:18.) Third I said, “Right now, in the best way I know how, I open the door of my heart and life, and I trust you as my Savior and Lord. Thank you for coming into my life by faith.”

After I prayed, nothing happened. There was no bolt of lightning. I even said to myself, “Oh no! What’d I get sucked into now?” I felt I’d gone off the deep end. And some of my friends agreed. But I can tell you now that in the months following, I found that I had not gone off the deep end. For one thing, I had finally found mental peace. I had also found control of my temper. And old hatreds were gradually turning to love.

You can laugh at Christianity; you can mock and ridicule it. But it changes lives. Christianity cannot be forced on anyone. All I can do is tell you what I have learned. Beyond that, it’s your decision.

Christ was raised from the dead. He lives. He has the infinite capacity to enter your life, forgive you, and change you from the inside out.

(End of tract.)

There is not much I can add. Friend, I pray for you.


Leading a blameless life
Jul 14, 2015
United Kingdom
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This is just a spam copy pasta of your website.

And in any event, why do you think a non Christian is going to be convinced by the claims of a set of books they hold no reverence for?

If you’re not a Christian you don’t care what Christians think.
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Sep 29, 2015
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This is just a spam copy pasta of your website.

And in any event, why do you think a non Christian is going to be convinced by the claims of a set of books they hold no reverence for?

If you’re not a Christian you don’t care what Christians think.
You obviously care a great deal, responding to this OP and hanging out on a Christian site.
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This thread is now closed. Please note the Statement of Purpose for this particular sub-forum states:
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