• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Never Forgiven by Andrew Alexander Bonar


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Mar 20, 2020
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From time to time I'm overwhelmed by my fears, anxieties and concern that I may have committed the unpardonable sin.
I have read countless testimonies. I've looked in the Word and I've found sermons on the same. Sometimes the guilt of what I did is so overwhelming.

People who never experienced this cannot understand what a believer goes through when having these fears and why would they want too. The fear of losing Jesus and salvation is the worse thing possible! Before this happened I could have never related to someone suffering like this.

I woke up reasoning in my mind again then found this sermon below. I just gotta believe Jesus says who He is! I'm forgiven and never forsaken. He is with me all the way.:bow:

Faith..Faith...Faith. Please pray for me to have more Faith!:crossrc:

Never Forgiven, Gospel Truths, Andrew Alexander Bonar, Christian Classics books at BibleStudyTools.com


Jesus Christ is this Knight's truth.
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Jul 15, 2014
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The fear of losing Jesus and salvation is the worse thing possible!

Many of us have undergone times suffering from that fear, and I can attest that it is indeed not a good, godly fear but an evil thing that most unjustly maligns God.

Before this happened I could have never related to someone suffering like this.

Neither could I. If there is one good thing that comes from such evil times of fear, Hopeful, it is that it creates empathy in us for other people who have or still suffer similarly. To where we can be much more like the good Samaritan in Jesus' parable, and less like the priest or the Levite who just walked on by without a care.

I woke up reasoning in my mind again then found this sermon below.

The great mind trap of ocd, I presume. :(

I just gotta believe Jesus says who He is! I'm forgiven and never forsaken. He is with me all the way.:bow:

Indeed He is. No matter where our own feelings are at in the moment, and no matter how convincing or intense the negative emotions might be, we have to believe in Christ's goodness where our own clearly fails. And that He is Who He says He is. :)
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Jul 9, 2016
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From time to time I'm overwhelmed by my fears, anxieties and concern that I may have committed the unpardonable sin.
I have read countless testimonies. I've looked in the Word and I've found sermons on the same. Sometimes the guilt of what I did is so overwhelming.

People who never experienced this cannot understand what a believer goes through when having these fears and why would they want too. The fear of losing Jesus and salvation is the worse thing possible! Before this happened I could have never related to someone suffering like this.

I woke up reasoning in my mind again then found this sermon below. I just gotta believe Jesus says who He is! I'm forgiven and never forsaken. He is with me all the way.:bow:

Faith..Faith...Faith. Please pray for me to have more Faith!:crossrc:

Never Forgiven, Gospel Truths, Andrew Alexander Bonar, Christian Classics books at BibleStudyTools.com

I've read so much recently about the unforgivable sin - and seen how devastated members are when they feel they have committed this sin. Not having an answer, I found one that, I believe, expresses the truth so well. I hope this helps - it's written by Billy Graham:

"Many Christians have heard that there is an unpardonable sin and live in dread that something grave they have done before or after conversion might be that sin. Their fears are unfounded. While there is an unforgivable sin, it is not one that a true believer in Jesus Christ can commit.

The point for us is that if we have received Jesus as our Savior and Lord, we have not blasphemed the Holy Spirit; we have accepted His witness. One study Bible explains it as follows: 'To commit this sin one must consciously, persistently, deliberately, and maliciously reject the testimony of the Spirit to the deity and saving power of the Lord Jesus.' If a person keeps doing that until death, there is no hope of forgiveness and eternal life in heaven.

Once again, the unpardonable sin is not some particularly grievous sin committed by a Christian before or after accepting Christ, nor is it thinking or saying something terrible about the Holy Spirit. Rather, it is deliberately resisting the Holy Spirit’s witness and invitation to turn to Jesus until death ends all opportunity.

Jesus Himself assures us, 'Whoever comes to me I will never drive away' (John 6:37). Our God is a compassionate and merciful God. He desires that no one should be lost, but that all should come to salvation through repentance and personal faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord (2 Peter 3:9; Acts 2:21)."
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Nov 8, 2016
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From time to time I'm overwhelmed by my fears, anxieties and concern that I may have committed the unpardonable sin.
I have read countless testimonies. I've looked in the Word and I've found sermons on the same. Sometimes the guilt of what I did is so overwhelming.

People who never experienced this cannot understand what a believer goes through when having these fears and why would they want too. The fear of losing Jesus and salvation is the worse thing possible! Before this happened I could have never related to someone suffering like this.

I woke up reasoning in my mind again then found this sermon below. I just gotta believe Jesus says who He is! I'm forgiven and never forsaken. He is with me all the way.:bow:

Faith..Faith...Faith. Please pray for me to have more Faith!:crossrc:

Never Forgiven, Gospel Truths, Andrew Alexander Bonar, Christian Classics books at BibleStudyTools.com

I can tell you Hopeful37 that you have not committed the unforgivable sin because your here asking and hoping. Please try to be at peace about this! The devil is really messing with your mind and using your fears to attack you.

I have suffered from the same thing. For years I was tormented in my mind and in my soul and I was convinced that I had committed the unpardonable sin and there was no more hope left for me, this left me an utter spiritual wreck. I realize most of my problems was the result of my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and of course my unrepentant sin too. Many Christians with OCD suffer from the same thing and it is probably the root of your problem too, but ever so I know your fears are real & legitimate and need to be taken seriously so you can address this properly.

What help me overcome my problem was getting reconnected with Jesus through prayer & Bible reading. Even though I felt profoundly unforgivable I just ignored my feelings and continued to reach out to God in prayer and Bible reading no matter how much I felt about my situation and I suggest you do that too. Start reaching out to God and pray for his forgiveness & mercy, come to him with a humble and open heart and HE WILL COME TO YOU! Have faith in his word and he will forgive you, that is guaranteed, it is written in blood and that blood is the proof of his unconditional love for his children. If you have been indwelt by the Holy Spirit then you are sealed by him and NO ONE CAN snatch from his hand. Seek out his face and let his spirit be established in your heart so that he drives this evil spirit from you and that peace, joy & love will be restored in you and give you the assurance of salvation that you need.

I also got great comfort from the scriptures as many of the saints of old struggle with these problems too.

Please get reconnected with Jesus through his gospels and start reading from Matthew, Mark, Luke & John and let the scriptures speak to your heart. Read them over and over again so that this word is in your heart. Find healing in his word.

You will be alright Hopeful37! I hope I have helped you somewhat? My prayers are with you and be comforted in the knowledge that you can be forgiven & healed.........Amen! :oldthumbsup:

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Bought by His Blood
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You are still in my prayers. i know how miserable a world without faith in God's love can be, for thinking you are not saved brings a lot of miserable emotions into us. Doubt, unbelief, feelings of doom and gloom, cursed even, and fear, so much fear. However those emotions tell us things about God which are not true, this is why the accuser of the brethren gets so loud mouthed during such times. Forcing us to eat our own dung so to speak. An unholy reality which makes us feel less than human and wish that we would had never left God in the first place.

To go by faith is a marvellous path though. For faith is a gift of God to all those who ask. The more we find life in faith the stronger we become against the feelings of doom and gloom.

The best is to bring the life that sparks doom and gloom to Jesus and let Him wash it from you. This happens each time you accept His grace and let his loving truth flood your heart. Each time you rejoice in Jesus you gained a bit of your lost good life back. So never give up going to God's throne for grace. Dare to face Him and dare to face yourself in your corrupt nature. That is the only way we begin to realise what He is saving us from. Jesus saves us from our sins, He doesn't save us in our sins. Loving Jesus for grace brings us the ability let go of sin.

So yes please go to Jesus, in particular when you are in feelings of unbelief, guilt, doubt or fear. Go to Him and let His loving truth set you straight, when you see His truth set you free from your doubt or unbelief you will see how effective going to Jesus is.

God is deeply hurt when we doubt His love, for we are handed over into the hands of our enemies when we doubt Him or His loving truth. It is very painful for God to have to let us go that way. He suffers it in a major way. When our hearts turn against Him and deny Him existence in our heart. Like Nietzsche pointed out, then we murder God when we do that, we murder Him right out of us, and reap doom and gloom. The very doom and gloom we fear.

However faith in God's grace lifts us above having to constantly worry about our salvation. When our hearts have entered His rest then we know we have arrived Home. Keep seeking after Jesus until He takes you Home and restores your relationship with your Heavenly Father. He loves doing that! For all Jesus desired that Day He died on the cross that we lost sinners would have a relationship with the Father like He had. A loving one.

Always keep that in mind when you grovel down the bottom with the accuser raking you in your sins over the hot coals of hell. the fiend loves doing that. Torture us forever while enjoying our good lives. Their punishment ours. That is how satan and his henchman like to see it.

However with Jesus satan ends up in the pit he dug for us. Ponder on that beloved of the Lord. that horrible wicked spirit tortured by his own misery, like you have been by him. That is what happened in my life. Faith in Jesus grew as i cultivated it in my heart, every day a bit more, until the escape from the dungeons had become a true reality. i never forget how fire rained down from heaven on the place the moment i left it behind. Such an awesome sight.

i know i never need to go back in that place. Jesus sealed the pit for a thousand years. The voices are gone. Peace has been restored and freedom to be has come about. Jesus is an awesome ruler of the heart, so much better than the voices of the wicked. Those goats will get the fire, the lot of them, so don't stop running until you see them destroyed in your life.

Revelation 12:10-11

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

“Now have come the salvation and the power
and the kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Messiah.
For the accuser of our brothers and sisters,
who accuses them before our God day and night,
has been hurled down.
They triumphed over him
by the blood of the Lamb
and by the word of their testimony;
they did not love their lives so much
as to shrink from death.

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May 2, 2010
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We will pray. You will have plenty of faith. Hope that is based on Christ, not on ourselves, is strong. It feels weak when our conscience throws everything at us, but it can take it, because Christ can take it, He took it all on our behalf. To me, growing in faith is a lot about turning my eyes away from myself, my sin, my abillity, and into Christ, His work, His righteousness, His grace and His ability. Instead of wallowing in the endless depths of my own failures, I start looking at His victory, who gave Himself away for us, righteous for the unrighteous, God for the ungodly.

Let us encourage each other, build each other up and grow in love. Faith, hope and love in action.
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Bought by His Blood
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Faith..Faith...Faith. Please pray for me to have more Faith!

How are you going right now dear struggler? Have you sown a little more faith and reaped a harvest of good life already? If only in part? or are you still in the desert without anything good to eat awaiting your salvation?

i found that each time i practised my faith, rather than despaired it, i would grow a little more. The good thing is that when we become aware of ourselves in faithless self and forbid ourselves in such spirituality to not squander our faithful times, we do come back into our faithful self intact time and again. Then small times of faith practised can grow into big times in faith's embrace.

When i started having faith in Jesus in my life, my faith was a small as a mustard seed, yet faith in Jesus has grown it into a massive tree giving shade and comfort from the heat, as well as a place of peace and rest in glory. Be of good courage, what Jesus did for me, He will do for you, if you let Him.

So please watch out for 'the dogs' - those times you get attacked in your faith by doubt, guilt, shame, unbelief and fear - don't let them trample your growing plot with Jesus! Keep faith in Christ separate from the times you have no faith in Christ. Let no faith in Christ die out as your life in it is transferred, one by one, into faithful self. This can take some time so please be faithful trusting God's love and dining on His grace.

It is about letting doubt and unbelief die out of us, so faith in God's love can replace the desolation within with the garden of Eden instead.

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Mar 20, 2020
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How are you going right now dear struggler? Have you sown a little more faith and reaped a harvest of good life already? If only in part? or are you still in the desert without anything good to eat awaiting your salvation?

i found that each time i practised my faith, rather than despaired it, i would grow a little more. The good thing is that when we become aware of ourselves in faithless self and forbid ourselves in such spirituality to not squander our faithful times, we do come back into our faithful self intact time and again. Then small times of faith practised can grow into big times in faith's embrace.

When i started having faith in Jesus in my life, my faith was a small as a mustard seed, yet faith in Jesus has grown it into a massive tree giving shade and comfort from the heat, as well as a place of peace and rest in glory. Be of good courage, what Jesus did for me, He will do for you, if you let Him.

So please watch out for 'the dogs' - those times you get attacked in your faith by doubt, guilt, shame, unbelief and fear - don't let them trample your growing plot with Jesus! Keep faith in Christ separate from the times you have no faith in Christ. Let no faith in Christ die out as your life in it is transferred, one by one, into faithful self. This can take some time so please be faithful trusting God's love and dining on His grace.

It is about letting doubt and unbelief die out of us, so faith in God's love can replace the desolation within with the garden of Eden instead.

Hey Jeshu,

I have been practicing faith even though at times I find it near impossible that there's hope for me. I feel at times downcast, depressed, sad. I decided to pray inspite of. I've grown up praying and simply can't imagine my life without God. I don't understand everything but I trust in God that He knows best. So when I feel like there is no hope for me, I pray. When I feel like I'm on my way to hell, I pray. God is judge and His decisions regarding me are righteous.

Thanks for your encouragement Jeshu. It means alot to me and people like u give me hope.
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Bought by His Blood
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I have been practicing faith even though at times I find it near impossible that there's hope for me.

Good to hear you have been practising faith. The more you do that, the better. The aim is to grow in faith, until your whole inner being has entered into The Faith and you will be in God's Rest 24/7.

Please know that we are praying for you. i understand very well how heated the battle with satan can be. i know how smart he is and how he can undermine us through our weaknesses.

Please understand that in your inner world of being you are divided into two camps. Firstly, and most importantly, there is you who has faith and loves the Lord. You who suffer the wicked and hates being overcome by their bad life. You who hopes in God, despite your sins and shortcomings, because you trust in God's love.

In you the Holy Spirit dwells. In you resides the rulers of Israel, who will be seated beside Christ in His Kingdom and in you resides the high priest who prays for you and others with sincerity of heart and mind. You may not understand this now, but you will see all this later, God's word comes alive inside our hearts and minds and that Jesus will appoint you in your different selves your different tasks in His Kingdom. Being Prophet, priest and king is but the beginning of that. All in all our life in Him is made up of 144,000 rulers. So be of good courage. You are greatly beloved of The Lord in this self.

However we also got you a you who has little or no faith in Christ. This you has life in wrong and is constantly overcome by doubts, unbelief, confusion, shame, guilt, anxiety, hopelessness, sadness, regrets, and bitterness (gall). In this you you sinned in the passed and you have not found forgiveness for your sin. In this self you are still bonded to sin. Your guilty conscience accuses you before God and makes it seem that God has turned His face from you and is rejecting you because of your sins.

It is because this is alive in you that you find it so difficult to believe that God has chosen you or that you are truly saved. Is it not?

The trick is for you to go to Jesus in your bad life. You who feels hopeless needs to repent and stop 'eating darkness' but dine on God's light. The more you dine on God's light when you are smitten down, the quicker you begin to grow into His Kingdom. In all your bad life go to Jesus. When you have no faith, then it is time to go to God and ask for some. For God gifts liberally to all who ask Him for faith in His son Jesus.

Can you see the tasks ahead? When you have entered God's Rest in what is now your bad life then your torture will be over. This is a long journey. But please do not despair your bad life but rather turn from your ways and begin to dine on God's truth instead of satan's lies.

I feel at times downcast, depressed, sad.

Yes times of desolation have been decreed. You meet those times in your life. We all do. i have learned to understand that sadness because of sin are good times not bad times. When i wail my sins then i know that God's Spirit is at work digging up my dirt and making my pasture ready to be sown with a heavenly crop. As long as i dine on His grace i'm safe. Tears are the rainy times that water the crop, faith are the sunny times that grow the crop.

So when I feel like there is no hope for me, I pray. When I feel like I'm on my way to hell, I pray. God is judge and His decisions regarding me are righteous.

Good on you. Please don't only pray to God for faith but also repent of listening to those feelings that deny Jesus the right to save you. Jesus says i saved you from your sins and His Spirit brings peace, rest and restoration, however the feeling that you are going to hell speaks lies about God and Jesus and makes it out that you are going to be judged for sins that you have asked forgiveness for. You believing that is a terrible sin because you believe lies about God, which keeps Him away and makes Him feel sad. Can you see what i mean?

Jesus says i love you and have chosen you to be with me forever.
The devil says you are going to hell because of your sins
Who you believe will determine how you feel.

Believing and trusting Jesus brings peace, rest and healing, believing the devil brings the torture chambers.

So yes please don't forget to walk away from these dungeons and go back Home to Jesus and crown Him King of all your divided heart.

Keep growing in The Lord. It took Jesus 7 years to win over the bulk of my inner world of being into His Kingdom. i found that practising faith times, however short-lived they may seem, is the best weapon against satan's attacks.


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Jun 18, 2020
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I’ve been in a really bade place lately, worse than usual. At points I’ve felt like I don’t even want Jesus anymore, and am afraid that I’ll always be afraid to evangelize and will forever be useless and lost. It’s as if I’m witnessing my heart hardening before my eyes, and it feels like drowning. This is the lowest I’ve ever been, and I’ve never felt more dead. I’ll be praying for you.
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Bought by His Blood
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I’ve been in a really bade place lately, worse than usual. At points I’ve felt like I don’t even want Jesus anymore, and am afraid that I’ll always be afraid to evangelize and will forever be useless and lost. It’s as if I’m witnessing my heart hardening before my eyes, and it feels like drowning. This is the lowest I’ve ever been, and I’ve never felt more dead. I’ll be praying for you.

i'm sorry to hear that. i hope and pray that Jesus will get you through it. i understood that i couldn't do it so i let Him do it, that is how i gained ability to survive depression.

There was a time i was deep like you but Jesus lifted me out after setting me straight and now i can fight my depression and overcome it - time and again.

To tell Jesus everything, share Him your inner feelings and ask Him to replace those that are hurting you with His love instead. Then trust He will do if you ask in His name sake. Be of good courage.
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Warrior Princess
Jul 29, 2021
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I'm in a really bad and dark and desperate place. I'll feel trapped and scared.
I'm so scared that I've committed this sin and am rejected by God and will die soon, and I don't want to die. I don't want to be apart from or rejected by Jesus... I want to be with Him.
I've been obsessing over it reading everything I can find but there are so many different interpretations of what it is and how it's committed. Some things I read make me think I've done it. Other things make me think I can't have since I'm a believer.
I'm desperate for hope.
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Jul 9, 2016
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I'm in a really bad and dark and desperate place. I'll feel trapped and scared.
I'm so scared that I've committed this sin and am rejected by God and will die soon, and I don't want to die. I don't want to be apart from or rejected by Jesus... I want to be with Him.
I've been obsessing over it reading everything I can find but there are so many different interpretations of what it is and how it's committed. Some things I read make me think I've done it. Other things make me think I can't have since I'm a believer.
I'm desperate for hope.

I'm not sure what the sin is - is it about the unpardonable sin? If so [since most posts on this thread addressed that] there are some wonderful and insightful posts from other members last year that should help. If that's not it, please let us know what it is and you will find much hope and comfort in replies.

I can say, God does not reject us - ever. 'Whoever comes to me I will never drive away' (John 6:37). We come to Him in repentance and personal faith and we receive salvation. That is where we go after we sin - and we sincerely ask forgiveness and proclaim our faith in God that He will always welcome us to Him.

While there is an unforgivable sin - 'To commit this sin one must consciously, persistently, deliberately, and maliciously reject the testimony of the Spirit to God and Jesus' saving power. If a person keeps doing that until death, there is no hope of forgiveness and eternal life in heaven.' [Billy Graham.] That's a lot to do - and you certainly have not done it as you stated - you can't because you're a believer and you don't want to be apart from or rejected by God. You just don't qualify for that sin.

I'm also an obsessor - over everything ... and still haven't learned [well, a little since I'm a lot older]. Earlier I was searching everything I could about an issue where I seriously erred, maybe sinned. Just 2 hours ago, I stopped, put the problem down, and started praying for God to take over the issue and the Holy Spirit to give me insight and strength. Very shortly, it got clearer - and I calmed down. I still don't have a full answer, but am now confidant He will provide it if I just be still and let God be God.

If you would like to further explain what you are feeling, many on here will be able to help direct you. Don't be scared - you're not trapped - there is hope and clarity will come - just try your best to trust Him in the name of Jesus - even if you're not really sure that you do. Remember - You don't have to explain yourself to God - He knows your heart.
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Warrior Princess
Jul 29, 2021
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Yes it is about the unpardonable sin. I am so scared and concerned about it because I've been struggling in my faith a lot and have anxiety and depression and struggle to distinguish God's voice from all the other voices. I've been obsessing over this for months now.

What scares me is I have been going to God and going to God and truly desiring forgiveness but feel like He's rejected me. I feel so hopeless. I'm trying to believe and trust in His mercy, forgiveness, and grace regardless of what my emotions and thoughts say though.
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Jul 9, 2016
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Yes it is about the unpardonable sin. I am so scared and concerned about it because I've been struggling in my faith a lot and have anxiety and depression and struggle to distinguish God's voice from all the other voices. I've been obsessing over this for months now.

What scares me is I have been going to God and going to God and truly desiring forgiveness but feel like He's rejected me. I feel so hopeless. I'm trying to believe and trust in His mercy, forgiveness, and grace regardless of what my emotions and thoughts say though.

What you said - that you struggle to distinguish God's voice from other voices - is the key. Evil forces - the devil - constantly bombard those he thinks he can reach [especially those of us with depression and anxiety]. The only way to distinguish is that God's voice is the one that gives you peace - while the others bring only turmoil. Pray without ceasing to be able to distinguish which is which - and try to still your mind and listen for God - He will get through if you ask Him.

As to the unforgiveable sin - look back on the posts here and you will find some good, sound responses and those might help clarify. Information on this topic is very confusing but I came across this:
"Martin Luther explains that passive blasphemy [having thoughts put in your mind about sin, rejecting God, etc.] do not qualify as the kind of unrepentance which justifies condemnation and thus the unpardonable sin.
Active blasphemy, alternatively, is the conscious rejection of the Holy Spirit. Luther uses words here that indicate a roving sentinel—the human mind that delights in blaspheming God, rejecting the Spirit, speaking words of spite against Him, and perpetuating doubt among the world about His worthiness to be worshipped. This, Luther believes, is the sin which is unforgivable, because it despises the faith by which God saves all humankind."
I also read that only unbelievers can commit this sin - and you are obviously a believer as indicated in your desire to go to Him and to seek His voice.
I hope this helps. God Bless and pray with all your might - it does work.
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Bought by His Blood
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Yes it is about the unpardonable sin. I am so scared and concerned about it because I've been struggling in my faith a lot and have anxiety and depression and struggle to distinguish God's voice from all the other voices. I've been obsessing over this for months now.

What scares me is I have been going to God and going to God and truly desiring forgiveness but feel like He's rejected me. I feel so hopeless. I'm trying to believe and trust in His mercy, forgiveness, and grace regardless of what my emotions and thoughts say though.

Sorry sister i did not see this post until now.

When we are fearful that we have lost our salvation, then we haven't lost our salvation, but we lost being in touch with our salvation through the lies we believe about God, ourselves and our neighbour.

The best is to repent heeding that horrible liar making our loving Heavenly Father out to be a terrible dragon frying us in our sins. For honestly the truth is faith in God's love, His Son Jesus Christ, will bring new life and freedom from your inner accusers.

So go in your fearful one to Jesus and share Him yourself completely, all your fears, doubts, worries, and insecurities and then let His loving truth set you free from those burdens and wash you clean from your sins and give you new life, a fearless heart in Him, instead of a fearful one.

Unbelievable how strong Jesus can make us the fearful ones, Jesus sweated drops of blood fearing for His life, so He knows full well how to overcome such spirit of being, and face the onslaught bravely for our namesake.

So letting Jesus take me by the hand i faced all my fears and let His love cast them out of me, time and again.

So please sister ask Jesus to teach you to do the same. All i ever had to do was have faith in God's love - Jesus Christ - who i knew dwelt within in me as The Spirit Of God, and so let The Word of God spoken in love for God and neighbour lead me away from my tormentors.

Please understand in your inner sheep you are fearful of damnation because you have lost touch with your salvation believing satan's lies. To turn around and face God in His love, instead of fear His wrath, is the Way to be restored from the anguish you are going through.

Faith in Jesus grows as we use faith in Jesus. So begin exercising your faith and place your trust in Jesus when He say "Come to Me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest."

Wait on Him, after you call out to Him to save you. Wait on His inner Rest, for only there do we get to know Him for who He really is, and our tormentors cannot get to us any more.


Down In The Pit?

Beloved when your depression must rule as king
Keep you eyes peeled on The Truth of God's Love
Lies' despairing misery making those wicked cling
yet faith in Christ's loving truth rescues from above.

Awaiting Jesus in your darkest hour so sore and low.
Fighting of those ugly feelings and thoughts pounding
In The pit God's loving truth in faith will now surely grow
God's Kingdom Come - no misery Good Life hounding.
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I can tell you Hopeful37 that you have not committed the unforgivable sin because your here asking and hoping. Please try to be at peace about this! The devil is really messing with your mind and using your fears to attack you.

I have suffered from the same thing. For years I was tormented in my mind and in my soul and I was convinced that I had committed the unpardonable sin and there was no more hope left for me, this left me an utter spiritual wreck. I realize most of my problems was the result of my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and of course my unrepentant sin too. Many Christians with OCD suffer from the same thing and it is probably the root of your problem too, but ever so I know your fears are real & legitimate and need to be taken seriously so you can address this properly.

What help me overcome my problem was getting reconnected with Jesus through prayer & Bible reading. Even though I felt profoundly unforgivable I just ignored my feelings and continued to reach out to God in prayer and Bible reading no matter how much I felt about my situation and I suggest you do that too. Start reaching out to God and pray for his forgiveness & mercy, come to him with a humble and open heart and HE WILL COME TO YOU! Have faith in his word and he will forgive you, that is guaranteed, it is written in blood and that blood is the proof of his unconditional love for his children. If you have been indwelt by the Holy Spirit then you are sealed by him and NO ONE CAN snatch from his hand. Seek out his face and let his spirit be established in your heart so that he drives this evil spirit from you and that peace, joy & love will be restored in you and give you the assurance of salvation that you need.

I also got great comfort from the scriptures as many of the saints of old struggle with these problems too.

Please get reconnected with Jesus through his gospels and start reading from Matthew, Mark, Luke & John and let the scriptures speak to your heart. Read them over and over again so that this word is in your heart. Find healing in his word.

You will be alright Hopeful37! I hope I have helped you somewhat? My prayers are with you and be comforted in the knowledge that you can be forgiven & healed.........Amen! :oldthumbsup:

Hi Victor,

It's been awhile. Thank u for your response. I have done this and I am getting better. God has reassured me in His Word that He is always with me and my sins are forgiven. I've been working on turning around my life around and repenting of things that do not please Him. I can safely say with surety that God did help me significantly to get me thru this spiritual crisis and just like u would encourage anyone to read the Word and pray before God. He will surely come and answer in His time and in His way.
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Mar 20, 2020
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Yes it is about the unpardonable sin. I am so scared and concerned about it because I've been struggling in my faith a lot and have anxiety and depression and struggle to distinguish God's voice from all the other voices. I've been obsessing over this for months now.

What scares me is I have been going to God and going to God and truly desiring forgiveness but feel like He's rejected me. I feel so hopeless. I'm trying to believe and trust in His mercy, forgiveness, and grace regardless of what my emotions and thoughts say though.
Read the Word of God and pray CaitM. Keep pressing and pushing. He will come. He promised He would. I'm still going through depression because I still feel not good enough but He has alleviated my fear that I was damned and not forgiven. Please trust my advice.
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Nov 8, 2016
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Hi Victor,

It's been awhile. Thank u for your response. I have done this and I am getting better. God has reassured me in His Word that He is always with me and my sins are forgiven. I've been working on turning around my life around and repenting of things that do not please Him. I can safely say with surety that God did help me significantly to get me thru this spiritual crisis and just like u would encourage anyone to read the Word and pray before God. He will surely come and answer in His time and in His way.

Hi Hopeful37,

It is good to hear you are doing well and are being strengthened & encouraged by God's word, he is the only one who can heal us and his word truly does give life. I hope & pray that you will grow strong in Christ and in his spirit to bear much fruit so that God's joy be compete in you, just keep growing in Christ and feeding on his words which are the bread of life.

Read these about growing in Christ:

What is the key to growing as a new believer?

How can I become more like Christ?

They are compliments of GotQuestions which is a Christian website.

May the Lord God be with you always Hopeful37 and direct your steps & strengthen you so that you always stand firm in Christ and are never shaken.......Amen!

Yours truly,

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