Can we talk to our Guardian Angels?


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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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Readers can see that in this present age our communication is ONLY with the Lord Jesus. Most of the verses you quote are Old Testament. Today we are to commune with the Lord Jesus (not Angels). Even in the OT they came to do a work only, and spoke only when it related to their message. They do watch over saints (the redeemed souls) today, but in silence and not for our communion. We need to not circumvent our Lord.

Your reference of Luke 1 is a ref. to an OT time ---not this age. One who ignores the Lord Jesus and begins trying to speak to Angels is exalting them above our Savior and Lord. Often there are Christians today who are failing to discern between Israel and this new dispensation of God's grace through His beloved Son. The Israelite religion has been set aside until restored as in the Book of Revelation. Then a company of the various tribes will form the new government of Israel on earth according to the Covenant made with them. Let us learn the mind of God and live in this age of Grace with our Lord Jesus: the Christ of God.
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Jul 21, 2010
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Readers can see that in this present age our communication is ONLY with the Lord Jesus. Most of the verses you quote are Old Testament. Today we are to commune with the Lord Jesus (not Angels). Even in the OT they came to do a work only, and spoke only when it related to their message. They do watch over saints (the redeemed souls) today, but in silence and not for our communion. We need to not circumvent our Lord.

Your reference of Luke 1 is a ref. to an OT time ---not this age. One who ignores the Lord Jesus and begins trying to speak to Angels is exalting them above our Savior and Lord. Often there are Christians today who are failing to discern between Israel and this new dispensation of God's grace through His beloved Son. The Israelite religion has been set aside until restored as in the Book of Revelation. Then a company of the various tribes will form the new government of Israel on earth according to the Covenant made with them. Let us learn the mind of God and live in this age of Grace with our Lord Jesus: the Christ of God.

I find it a bit funny. First a statement that in this present age our communication is only with the Lord Jesus, but then an effort to try an explain away the writings of the New Tesament - even the Book of Revelation where John specifically hear angels in the last book written in the Bible.

My friend - what becomes apparent when we do read is that you are obviously wrong. You can say that hearing from angels was only for before the cross then reference John hearing from angels after the cross and think you are right. You just proved yourself wrong.

John provided a Revelation. It is not so much a revelation of what future or past event, but rather a revelation of who Jesus Christ is!!!!

Jesus Christ is the beginning and the end - or did you not read about that Revelation that John had after the cross?

Then - Jesus Christ is the Lord of lords and King of king now - and both past and present. Of course we know that because of a number of things. Ps 2 explains that God has put His King on the throne (not will put but has put). In the New Testament Jesus explains to Pilot that He is a King but His Kingdom is not of this world. So He was the King of the Kingdom of God before the cross and from Revelation (a revelation of Him) we find that He, the King, was the beginning and the end. We read that John saw and heard angles when he got that revelation of Jesus Christ which included many events apparently past, present, and future. Jesus Christ was King of kings.

Yet there is another more important and obvious reason you should know about angels. That reasons is because you should have gotten to know Him (the King of kings) personally!! How silly someone sounds they say they know the King but nothing about those who serve the King! It's written that He sends them to minister to those who will inherit salvation. Heb 1 - Frankly - based upon what is written in the Bible and I actually have read - I would be worried if I did have angels occasionally sent to minister to me. That would mean that I wasn't someone who would inherit salvation, according to what we read in the Bible!

Just so you who with their ears they don't hear or with their eyes they don't see. I want to testify that I have a Lord 'Jesus Christ' who talks to me everyday. We talk. He gives me instructions, among other things, so I can honestly call Him Lord. He also will send angels to minister to me at times. I get them sent more often if I pray the Lord's prayer in the morning. Have you not prayed "Thy Kingdom come"? It is written that He is not slow to answer like you think. So His Kingdom tends to come into my life and ministers to me. This all make sense, according to the Bible. Or should I say the Bible all makes sense according to what happens in my life when I seek the King of kings and Lord or lords -Jesus Christ

So it amazes me that someone can say that Jesus Christ, is actually their Lord, and they follow what they read in the Bible, but don't know anything about the Kingdom of the King of kings. That could not be said of John. He was at the cross and afterwards and saw and hear from angels. John makes sense to me.

Jesus came preaching a Kingdom, even saying the Kingdom of God was in your midst; so who believed? I have a Lord (Jesus Christ). He is the King in the Kingdom of God. I read about it, but I know that because I have meet and heard both from my Lord and of course also from those in His Kingdom that serve Him. I have seen the angels of heaven ascending and descending on Him, just like He said would happen if we are His disciple.

If I put it as a parable of saying I could say, " The Kingdom of heaven has seemingly grown in me so that the bird of the sky (angels) land on it's branches".

If I talk to you plainly I might tell you about the angels I have meet and talked to. Yet, are you going to come to know them unless you first come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and start listening to Him? He is the door to the Kingdom of God. So get to know Him and start actually listening to Him, then perhaps you will start praying "Thy Kingdom Come" with faith and so an expectation to meet a Kingdom.

In the mean time, don't sound to silly, as to say angels don't talk to us after the Old Testament then trying and explain away John hearing from angels in the New Testament. You just disproved yourself!
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Jul 21, 2010
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I would like to come to this "Christian" forum and find people who really know the Lord! I understand that people, including me, are learning. In fact that is why I would like to find people who really know the Lord. I could get and learn from them also, couldn't I?

I did like the OP. It was obviously written by someone getting to know the Lord. They were starting to get some idea that we might also be hearing from a 'guardian' angel. That's a good start. You don't come into this world as a baby and suddenly know all about what is going on in this world, so I would expect a newer Christian to know all about what is going on in the Kingdom of God. The Lord Jesus Christ came into my life 20 years ago, and we have been talking daily, and I still don't know what's all going on. I'm sure I never will. The angels have told me that much. Only God knows all that. They explain that, don't they?

I'll tell you, the angels have been around for a while and they are still learning - it's part of the fun and interesting thing about being alive.

So I liked the OP. It shows that someone is learning and interested to do so. I wish them well. I have more trouble with the person thinking that angles won't talk to us. They have ruled out the presence of the Kingdom of God in their life. I wish them well also, but that wish comes with correction, because you must like by faith! Not just any faith, but faith in Jesus Christ. Yet He is King and so has a kingdom. So can not say you believe in Jesus Christ but not in His Kingdom - that is not believing in Him at all!!

I am not asking people to believe in me, but if anyone wants to discuss angels, I will be glade to share what I have gotten. Angels are spirits. There are evil spirits which don't serve the Lord, and there are angelic spirits which do serve Him faithfully. If you have ears to hear you could hear from either, just like at a bank you could hear from the bank teller or the bank robbers. So you should test the spirits. I like the test in 1 Jn 1:1-3, but I know people who know the Lord well who use 1 Cor 12:3, and it is important to also understand Heb 5 - the last part. You get better at discerning between good and evil spirits with practice hearing what is being said in the spiritual realm around you.

You can ask for God to send angels - or what do you think "Thy Kingdom Come" means? The Lord is faithful and not slow to answer like you think. So what is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven, but if you are not practicing using your spiritual eyes and ears you are not going to see and hear what is happening.

The angels that serve the Lord are faithful, like you are not!! This has a big effect when you talk to them, as you will find out if you talk to them. So they are always going to tell you that Jesus Christ came in the flesh..., and that Jesus Christ is Lord and especially their Lord! So in fact, they came and are talking to you because they got the assignment to do so! They love that assignment. I have never talked to one who didn't seem to love being assigned to minister to me, except if I started putting down the Lord. That doesn't go over well with them.

Like people, each angel has a personality of their own. Unlike people, they are confident in their personality! They know the Lord better than you, so they know He made them like they are. So they can seem to be rather bold! Actually, when you deal with them a lot and hear them minister to you, it tends to make you bolder also! It's simply because you begin to realize that God also made you like you are, so your personality is ok and you too can be bold. That doesn't mean you are always right, but if you believe in Him you are counted as being right. (Gen 15) The Lord will make the correction in you and your personality as needed. You just be willing to listen and learn.

Because angels are spirits, they have appearances and not physical dimension. Angels 'appear' to me to be bigger than people. They can even appear to be quite large. Read Rev where an angel has one foot on land and the other in the sea. How large does that angel appear to you when you think about what you read there? That impression you get from reading about them is much like the impressions you get from talking to them. You are not seeing light waves, but with your spiritual eyes and so the impression come across more like visions.

For example: I once saw an angel leaning up against those big enormous electric generating windmills. He appeared to be about 40 or 50 feet tall. He spoke to me and said, "Karl, if you want more power in your life seek the Kingdom of God." So they come and minister to you, but you pick them up with your spiritual eyes, like a dream of vision, The message that angel had matched up with Paul's message when he wrote about the Kingdom of God being a Kingdom of power.

So how are we doing about seeking the Kingdom of God? How much power, spiritually speaking, are you finding in and around your life? Maybe we are not actually seeking the Kingdom of God?
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Jul 21, 2010
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You can speak toward Angels if you wish, but Scripture does not support that. Taking verses out of context can support all kind of reasoning. Just keep looking up and seek to honor the Lord!

How many Scriptures did I just give you that shows you are wrong. It is written that the Scriptures are good for reproof, but nothing about whether a person is going to accept that reproof.

Yet you throw out a Scripture and say it doesn't apply, or how else to you explain John hearing from angels in the book of Revelation. Was John living in the OT? Of course not, it was the last book written in the Bible and he was hearing the angels that served the Lord. A Paul said he knew about a man taken up into heaven, what about you?

Jesus explained that Kingdom of God was in our midst, but maybe some more verses for you - just from the NT - or maybe you can listen to someone reasoning them away too?

Mat 4:11 Then the devil *left Him; and behold, angels came and began to minister to Him.

So we read that while Jesus Christ was in the flesh He was listening to angels minister to Him - but so now what logic is behind saying that we can't hear them. Perhaps Jesus was a hypocrite, saying it is ok for Him to listen to angels ministering to Him but not you? How silly to think Jesus Christ is a hypocrite, and listen to angels that came to minister to Him but not ok for us to think it is ok for us. That wouldn't be according to the Scriptures, but might be according to how well a person hears with their spiritual ears?

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?

Well, how interesting, that the Lord sends angels to minister to those of us who will inherit salvation? So we should be hearing them minister to us just like Jesus did, right? Maybe I can explain that away and still say I am doing things according to the Lord and the Scriptures? Personally, I think you had better start praying that Kingdom come and opening up your spiritual ears to hear from the Lord and the Kingdom, meaning the angels sent to minister to you.

Mat 22:30 “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.

Now it seems to me, that if I have ears to hear, that the Kingdom of God is in my midst, that the Lord sends angels to minister to me, and I am going to be like them; then I should at least pay attention to what they are ministering to me. Of course I would have to listen.

Luke 12:8 “And I say to you, everyone who confesses Me before men, the Son of Man will confess him also before the angels of God;

I like this verse because when if you can hear then you probably know what an "open heaven" sounds like. It's like in Revelation where you are picking up what is going on in the heavens. So have you never heard your Lord Jesus Christ confess you before the angels in heaven. Jesus didn't lie, and if you listen with your spiritual ears to the King and His Kingdom you hear the type of things you read about in the Bible. So if you confess Him before men, which is what I do, then you will indeed hear Him confess you before the angels of God. And since that is done in an open heaven you are obviously going to hear response from the angels! Seriously, that doesn't make any sense, and wouldn't if you indeed were hearing from the Lord and Him confessing you before the angels in heaven.

My Lord calls me His friend and all the angels that come to minister to me know it. They even know and understand it better than I do, because being a person I sometime get upset with Him when things don't go like I think they should. So often He picks that time to send an angel of His to minister to me. At that times I wonder if I have wreck that friendship with the Lord, so often they come with an opening statement to me like "Friend of the Lord most high..." If people only listened and understood the working of heaven. The Lord can cheer you up when you are feeling down, and He often does that by sending angels to minister to you.

1 Co 6:3 Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life?

Now how are you going to judge angels when you can't even hear from them? It's just silly to me how people can read all these things in the Bible and can't add up 1+1 to get 2. Also, I see a big misconception about this judging angles. Maybe I should go into this now, because you really need to experience it. But the angel that serve the Lord are all 'righteous' because they hear from the Lord and serve Him, just like you. Yet like those sent to watch over children, they are sent to you. And you have a Father in Jesus Christ, the King of kings.

So as children we simply tend to go to our "Everlasting Father"(Is 9:6) and talk to Him about those angels whom He sends (and I am not talking about evil spirits but those faithfully serving Him) You are naturally going to tell Him how you liked them or did not like them, and Jesus will listen. You might find that like an unruly child, you are the one who gets in trouble for not listening to the angels sent you, but you will also find that He will also talk to the angels who He sent. He does both so both you and the angels learn and get better, which is really what the Lord is about anyway.

Of course is someone is stubborn and doesn't listen, then they are not really like a child of the Lord are they?

1 Tim 5:21 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels, to maintain these principles without bias, doing nothing in a spirit of partiality.

Isn't it interesting the Paul was explaining to Timothy that they were in the presence of Go, and Christ Jesus, and His chosen angels? You would have thought Timothy would have been fully aware of that so that it didn't need to be mentioned. I would think that most of this thread would be fully understand because it too is about being in the presence of God, and of Christ Jesus and of His chosen angels. That is what then tread is really about, isn't it? But it has to be explained, that we are in their presence. They are right there with us so that we have access to them, but some think they will not talk to us? Do you think they are rude, so as to ignore you? Look, God is love and so His Kingdom is based upon that! They we talk to you! They will help you! The Lord specifically sends angels to minister to you! So what is the real problem? Your faith? Your rebelliousness? Your just not wanting to be reproved? Your pride? Maybe you just are too involved with this world to think about the King of kings and His Kingdom? Yeah - I have problems with those things too, but when I turn to the Lord, who happens to be the King of king and Lord or lords, and who happens to be preaching the Kingdom of God, then I find the Kingdom of God - and it's right in my midst.

So I am not lying when I say I hear from the Kingdom of God; meaning the King and My Lord Jesus Christ and the angels He sends to minister to me. But I am amazed that the Bible thumpers who claim to know the King of kings and the Bible but have no knowledge of the Kingdom of God!
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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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Brother, I don't wish to debate here ---and your subject is quite long, but I would be pleased to speak further with you on personal Conversation mail here, if you wish to know response to the various verses you share. I see you scrambling the Scriptures and making conjectures. We cannot take verses out of context, nor mix OT actions with the NT, etc. The truth remains that we are not to be talking with Angels, but ONLY to our Intercessor: the Lord Jesus ---the Christ of God. Learned Bible scholars will support my thoughts as I stated. Keep looking up and pray much that our God will teach and lead you beyond what thoughts might come to mind. You might also share such understandings by writing to the sound site:, which I find to be very helpful.
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Jul 21, 2010
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Brother, I don't wish to debate here ---and your subject is quite long, but I would be pleased to speak further with you on personal Conversation mail here, if you wish to know response to the various verses you share. I see you scrambling the Scriptures and making conjectures. We cannot take verses out of context, nor mix OT actions with the NT, etc. The truth remains that we are not to be talking with Angels, but ONLY to our Intercessor: the Lord Jesus ---the Christ of God. Learned Bible scholars will support my thoughts as I stated. Keep looking up and pray much that our God will teach and lead you beyond what thoughts might come to mind. You might also share such understandings by writing to the sound site:, which I find to be very helpful.
Let me make is short then:
Jesus talked to angels (NT)
Abraham, and many of the prophets in the Old Testament talked to angels.
In Hebrews we see that angels are sent to minister to us.
And Jesus told us to seek the Kingdom of God first of which He said His Kingdom was not of this world.

I have been seeking the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of kings, and hearing His still small voice for over 20 years now and He indeed does send angels. He does indeed still say seek the Kingdom first. He still preaches the Kingdom, and it is a Kingdom of power, just like Paul explained. So I hear from the Lord Jesus Christ and the angels He sends to minister to me, like they did to Him while He was on earth.

So how come you don't know this. It is in the Bible!! But if you were seeking the Kingdom and hearing with our spiritual ears, how is it you don't know this! Prayer is a conversation with the King so how do you not know about His kingdom? Read your Bible, and seek the Kingdom of King which includes the King of kings and so of course His Kingdom.
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