Marriage Issues


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I know. That was before I rededicated my life to the Lord. I am better now. I don't entertain these thoughts, but some of these pseudo relationships established years ago, still exist. So normally you just cut all ties, and that is basically what I have done with everyone at church, but at work....I still struggle, simply because the change of atmosphere throws me off guard.

Dr. Harley advises that people cut off all contact with previous lovers and opposite sex romantic relationships, particularly where they are intruding into your present.

You would be better off to get a new job so you don't see anyone in these "pseudo" relationships ever again since they are giving you restlessness in your marriage and causing you to struggle against damaging your marriage.

Please read these articles; both of them at least partially apply to you and will have some great advice on avoiding flirtations that lead to affairs:

How to Avoid an Affair - Letter #1 : Marriage Builders, Inc.
How to Avoid an Affair - Letter #2 : Marriage Builders, Inc.
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The untamed daughter
Apr 14, 2020
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THANK YOU SO MUCH! That is my desire. I don't know why girls like me, I am getting grey hair, and I guess I am just friendly and people like that. But I get propositioned a lot, at church or work. I just posted as I was witnessing to a young woman, she asked for my phone number. I was 44 and she was probably 22. half my age. I was just over all shocked. It shocks me every time. I honestly don't see myself as attractive, I have a overbite, and a big nose. But anyway, I would never EVER cheat. For one our lifestyle is such that my teen age autistic son needs a strong willed woman over him, that will be with him day in and day out. Young girls are simply not equipped to get punched, or kicked in the face repeatedly day in and day out by an autistic boy. My wife is amazing. She is probably the smartest woman I know, and the gentlest. But she has a firm side, with the boys. She is just so wonderful. I am sure if she died God would raise up someone else, but I can't fathom another replacing her. So I do love her so much. Again we were best friends for years before marriage. It's just the combination of her gaining weight and me getting more propositioned as an adult, than I was even as a young man in highschool or college. I have no idea what changed, I was really physically fit in highschool and college. I am by all means not that way anymore. But it is a struggle to constantly be propositioned, while being romantically disconent. As far as friendship and wife material, she can't be beat in my mind. She homeschools all the kids. She cleans, cooks, even does yardwork. I really desire to take more load off her, she has told me that she feels abused by our boys and me. And I don't want her thinking that. I want it bear more of her burden in the home. I truly desire that. I pray for her all the time, almost every day. But it's just that temptation is always there day in and day out. But I know that temptation is there and not to give in. But on a month to month basis, I can handle extreme temptation if I am geared for it. But it's when changes happen. Rotations in shifts, or change in employees, or changes like corona, where you are months away from church body. It's those types of change that I am not prepared for. I can handle temptation, or no temptation, but the switching back and forth between the two, just catches me off guard.

What kind of work do you do, where you get this fresh crop of young women every summer? Maybe you should look for another job.

If you want to bear more of her burden... then start doing it? Ask her what you can do specifically to help her at home. You said you pray for her "almost every day". No offense, but that's not helping her at all in a practical sense. As the book of James says (and I'm paraphrasing), if someone comes to your door for help, and you say "God bless you, I'm praying for you!" what good have you done?
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The untamed daughter
Apr 14, 2020
United States
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I know. That was before I rededicated my life to the Lord. I am better now. I don't entertain these thoughts, but some of these pseudo relationships established years ago, still exist. So normally you just cut all ties, and that is basically what I have done with everyone at church, but at work....I still struggle, simply because the change of atmosphere throws me off guard. But I have not looked or entertained flirting with that particular girl for like a year. But I see she still sort of tries. I am very observant. It's just my personality, it's not a gift or anything. But I see people pretty well. But anyway, you are right absolutely. It's flirting and not appropriate for a married person to begin with and even for a single person. She is literally in a relationship, and there should be no flirting. At least that is the way I think of it, but she has other ideas. Now I know that girls may not realize they are staring, or flirting. But guys know what they are doing. I dated a girl at a christian bookstore one year (one of my three failed engagements), and she said one day that I just came out of the woodwork and asked her out, and I said, yeah but you were making eye contact and sort of looking at me too before hand. That is how I could tell she was interested. She denied it outright. I know she did that, but I think it didn't stay in her memory because to women it may be totally natural to just do that. But for a guy, it's stumbling. They think you are into them.

It's a little odd to me, that you've said more than once, that you KNOW a woman is interested in you, even if they said they aren't. That sounds a little egotistical, and doesn't line up with all of your "I don't know why women are so into me, I'm not handsome" comments. I'm not saying that you're being dishonest here, just that these comments are striking me as contradictory. You comment about women staring at you, and say it must be cause they're into you, but maybe they're looking at you *because* they catch you staring at them and they wonder what's going on. Then you walk over and say "Hey, I saw you staring at me, you must be interested in me."

Maybe just stop staring at women...
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
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From what you have written, it appears behave flirtatiously and invite flirtation.
Well I don't disagree that I invite it. I absolutely do. But as I have mentioned there have been worship leaders wives playing the game with me. So it's mixed signals. I think girls don't even seem to try to avoid flirting. I see men, Godly men refraining from it. But I don't see Godly women doing it. Well I take that back I do see some 'Real Godly women' avoiding flirting. And that I respect, absolutely and desire to emulate for sure. That is why I actually created this thread. It is a behaviour that I have, and I have owned it. I just need that little extra prayer support to make it last. It's a addiction. It's literally something I struggled with ever since I was like 16 years old. So I understand making the change. So it's important for me to ignore all those volumes of luke warm christians, and unsaved for that matter women who simply desire attention. Even at the cost of appearing arrogant or mean. I don't desire that outcome and am fighting to do this civilly. But I don't see a way to do so w/o just cutting off from those women. Am I right? I am not friends, but I still see them looking and desiring attention from me a married christian man. And with a reputation for Godliness in my church. I am really raw here, and confess my deepest darkest flaws. I don't even get this transparent with my best friends, but that is why I like the internet. You can get accountability from anonymous people.
I have spent all of my life in Christian circles and there is nowhere near the amount of flirting and extended eye contact you are describing in normal interactions.
I see ALL THE TIME. Almost every day TBH. Girls are typically good about staring, but I have noticed in the past if I stare, they will stare too. So I just don't do it. Instead of that awkward stage, where someone is thinking "I wonder if this attractive person will notice me." I will usually just nod politely and wave or what not. Like today I seen that coworker girl that is real attractive, and she was just like staring at me while I was working, I ignored it. Then later walking to the restroom we ran into each other, and I just did that, I nodded and gave a polite wave. That way she knows, that I am not being rude, I am just distancing myself from her from anything other than just acquaintances from work.
Chalking it up to your "personality" or "who you are" is inexcusable. Your flirtations are not personality flaws, they are behavioral choices. You can CHOOSE to protect your wife and family by stopping the flirting.
well it's important with all addiction to check your roots, In fact I am reading a book about sexual addiction. This is not really that involved. But it still offers many suggestions about seeing how you were raised. For example a young boy who had an overbearing mother, that rarely was affectionate with him, will often seek affection from woman as an adult. There a hosts of studies on this. I am not saying that is why I do what I do. But I would not separate my actions now from my personality or the way I was raised, but use that as a leverage point to conquer any flaws in my character.
Observe how non-flirtatious men behave and emulate them.
I think this is a good idea. I wish there were more Godly men that I was friends with in my church. I have like two good friends right now, but with church basically being closed I don't interact with them too often. But I will seek them out more.
Second point about the coffee time: It's important to separate quality time from work/complaining time. Quality time together needs to be entirely focused on meeting each other's emotional needs and making love bank deposits.
I think sometimes she is riddled with stress, so coffee time that is meaningful to her, means lessening her load. and that happens to be on me. So coffee time to me, instead of just for an intimate moment, seems to be more of a 'to do list.' time.

Invite your wife for some quality visiting time over coffee. Let her know you want to spend some nice time visiting together, and if she has some work projects to suggest for you, she could make a list later that morning and give it to you then.
I think more quality time would be good.
When my husband and I schedule dates, we both understand these dates are not the time to discuss unpleasant topics but are time to enjoy each other's company.
I am not a talker really. I talk online, but not in person. I am actually a VERY QUIET PERSON. Awkwardly quiet TBH. But online I can be more of myself. So when we are together, I don't talk much.
We compartmentalize the mundane and anything that's stressful for a time other than our dates.
thats a good idea. I just think that my wife needs someone to listen to her hard days, and to have someone to unload on. But unfortunately when someone's love language is gifts of service, and I am not a huge labor day and night type of Guy. I am sort of lazy to be honest. I realize that about myself. But in realizing I would rather do things the easy way that the labor intensive way, I also do some intelligent things as well. Like at work I am known for being lazy, but smart. So I am valuable as an intelligent person, just not one to do something fast or what not. But to a wife that has brothers and a father that loves to construct houses from scratch, build furniture, and make projects at home all the time, I am not that type of person. So she sort of feals decieved, she thought every man loves to do housework. And I don't really. But I have been doing more lately, but just because I noticed she was sad, because she has gifts of service as her love language, she literally does not think I love her when I don't do stuff around the house. So I built some raised gardens for her last week, and installed a new toilet in a bathroom for her, had to grind out the old steel flange, it took several days.

This allows us to enjoy recreational companionship, intimate conversation and affection for a date (we try to schedule at least 3 hours together) without fear of being blindsided with something that wrecks our pleasure in each other. At the end of spending 3+ fun hours together, we're usually both eager for more of each other's company, privately. When you're married, this is the way dating works, ideally. You can invite her on activities that are gently active (according to her capabilities), because activity tends to generate more endorphins, which generates more enjoyment and more love bank deposits.
we have a third leg any time we go out. We have an autistic son, that is a teen. And the only baby sitters we have is a teenage daughter who is too young to baby sit someone that is bigger than her physically, and we have our older mother in law, who can't handle him if he throws a tantrum. Me and his mom know how to hold him, if he tries to kick or punch. No one else in the house is trained in that. So he basically has to be with me or mom. 24 hours a day. If we left him on the couch and did yard work for example, for an hour. We would come back to broken dishes or what not. We have a TV grave yard in our garage. And a cell phone grave yard too. He has broken dozens of devices, dishes. we have spent over 2000 dollars in replaced windows. He kicked my shifter in my car, busting off the windshield washer handle. He is just destructive. So anyway, when we have dates, he has to go on them. But there is something with our medical insurance that allows a baby sitter to come to our house, but again that baby sitter would have to be trained in holds, which is an entirely different category of job. So I guess I can inquire of that. But basically we are never alone.

In your case, you will have some time to build up to the level of wanting additional private connections afterwards, but it can be done, even if you are not attracted to her right now. You need to give her the time and opportunity to make love bank deposits in her account with you. At some point, even if you do not presently find her attractive, the volume of her deposits will cross over the in-love threshhold and you will find yourself in love with her again.
Yeah I think that is good.
However, NONE of this will work if you keep you love bank open to other women by flirting with them. You need to shut that off in your imagination fully and completely...NOW.
Well I basically justify it in my mind. I basically think, well looking is not touching. And I think, if I can get some flirtation in my life, that will take care of the romance void. And that will make me not want to leave. I know it's poor logic. I know it's a lie from the enemy. But basically it's like saying, if I snack a little every day I won't go out and buy that 20 dollar burger.
With respect to your difficulty in being satisfied with where you are presently, let that play out with a restlessness to experience your marriage in a better state and work towards that. You made your decision on your wedding day and it's not fair to your wife that you are thinking (or flirting) with a field of other women.
It also helps me to think that it is not fair to those other women as well, because they are basically being used. I am just using them to fill a need, a void I have in my marriage and I have no intention of following through with it. And so I am basically playing with peoples hearts and hurting them when I turn away from this type of activity. Which I am currently (today and yesterday ) doing.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be madly in love with your wife and eagerly anticipating your future together?
I pray every day to have more of a love for her.
Let your restless imagination work towards that goal instead of toying with flirtations and ideas that will devastate your family and cause you to loathe yourself.
When I was in russia one year on a mission trip, I was happily dating a young woman who was a manager of a christian book store. And there was a young beautiful woman there in russia. She was gorgeous blonde, with pretty blue eyes, and gorgeous smile. She was sweet as pie too. But I wasn't interested in pursuing or flirting or even entertaining anything to do with her. In fact one day she asked me, she said.... "you act like you have a girl friend back in america?" And I said yes! I know what it's like to be happy. It just was that that relationship was very toxic, she was not a very nice person. And she basically walked all over me for about six months, and treated me as stupid and as just an aweful person. But I loved her, and eventually asked her to marry me, and she sort of laughed at me. Needless to say about a week later, she probably fealt guilty for leading me on, and just broke up with me. But anyway, I was happy. But I wish for that people around me can envy my wife, like that young girl in russia did. How she envied my date. I want people to know I love my wife and am happily married and am not even considering any one else. I want that so much. Some day maybe. It will be restored.
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
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What kind of work do you do, where you get this fresh crop of young women every summer? Maybe you should look for another job.

If you want to bear more of her burden... then start doing it? Ask her what you can do specifically to help her at home. You said you pray for her "almost every day". No offense, but that's not helping her at all in a practical sense. As the book of James says (and I'm paraphrasing), if someone comes to your door for help, and you say "God bless you, I'm praying for you!" what good have you done?

Yes I agree. My job is a good job, it's at a cannery. I am a maintenance electrician. During the summer is our harvest and we get temporary workers in. I am in a sort of construction mindset at work. And when fresh meat comes in the guys just drool. I don't feed into that. But sometimes I give it to it myself. But anyway, it's way wrong and I don't endorse looking at women as meat. That is just their term for it. It's totally demeaning and sexualizing women. But anyway, I do desire to bless her. It's just some times, she asks me to do so much that I don't have time to bless her or suprise her, because I am just doing this laudry list of stuff. I want to be a leader in the home, and take more initiative in more activities that is for sure.
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
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It's a little odd to me, that you've said more than once, that you KNOW a woman is interested in you, even if they said they aren't. That sounds a little egotistical, and doesn't line up with all of your "I don't know why women are so into me, I'm not handsome" comments. I'm not saying that you're being dishonest here, just that these comments are striking me as contradictory. You comment about women staring at you, and say it must be cause they're into you, but maybe they're looking at you *because* they catch you staring at them and they wonder what's going on. Then you walk over and say "Hey, I saw you staring at me, you must be interested in me."

Maybe just stop staring at women...

well I have ADD, so I will be working on equipment, and my eyes are going everywhere. I will be looking at people over on line 2 or over on line 6 or 5. I am just looking everywhere all the time naturally. Because my mind literally is bored. I like my job but sometimes it gets old and I do the same stuff everyday, for 15 years, it can get old. That is why I took up investing, just for a change. But anyway it's at that time, I notice girls, and my mind thinks...."hey I wonder if they are into me?" So I will glance over and see if they notice, and if they notice, they usually play the game back. But it's wrong. I admit it. I know it. But I do it anyway sometimes, and it's sad to me. But I am not being dishonest at all. I never talk to them. To me that is crossing the line and commiting infidelity. But looking but not touching is entirely except able. At least culturally. But not at all in Christ. That is why I desire to reform these habits away. And overcome them and not do them anymore. One girl on here said, I am not a spring chicken, I am in my forties and young girls are not interested in older men. That is totally what I thought as a young man. But then I realized that people like security, older men typically are working, have jobs, many of them have houses, and cars. And that to a woman may be what she wants. IDK. But I shared a story of how I was evangelizing and I would do this type of flirt evangelism. I had a good heart, but it was just all wrong. I know that. But again I had it made up in my mind that I Was doing something good. I would check out a girl, get her attention. Give her a tract about JEsus, then run away. And never talk to her again. I had the perfect scheme. I did it for years. And I sort of got out of witnessing when I Went through a nervous breakdown in 2008 after the loss of a job. I stopped teaching evangelism, I stopped all ministry at that point, and never really fully reentered ministry, just had a family. But needless to say, my mind has been healing over the years and I slowly encorporated evangelism back into my life. I would give tracts to people at mcdonalds, or the store, or at walmart or wherever. I hand out million dollar bills from ray comfort (living waters). Everyone loves them. Never had someone reject a million dollar bill. But anyway, about six months ago I tried out my flirt evangelism for like the first time in years and years. I sort of made eye contact, and she seemed interested. Tehn I gave her a tract, with the purpose to run away. But she didn't run away. In fact she started talking to me, and ultimately asked me for my number. Again that is when I Realized i was playing with peoples hearts. Up till this point I had just done all this stuff for my personal selfishness. Not thinking of anyone eles. That is when I realized I needed help. I don't want to play with peoples hearts, least of all my wife.
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Clara bonam audax
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I really desire to take more load off her, she has told me that she feels abused by our boys and me.

This really stands out. You've described a situation where she is dealing with ongoing physical violence from a teenaged son, and has inadequate support in that. Something's going to have to give.

Is there any chance of finding a respite service so that your son can be cared for elsewhere and you and your wife can have time together without him?
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Sep 13, 2016
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It sounds to me like you spend a great deal of time thinking about other women. Even in your posts here, you wrote at length about other women. It's inappropriate. You need to actively make the conscious choice not to think about them, talk to them, flirt with them, smile at them, or make eye contact. All it does is poison your mind and invite further temptation. If you want to focus on your wife, then you need to actively do so. All these other women are irrelevant to you. How they look at you doesn't matter at all, they are strangers. What they think about you is none of your business. The only thing that IS your business is your marriage and family.
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Have you ever had an affair (emotional or physical) during your engagement or marriage to your wife?

Your behavior identifies you as having a very high propensity for finding yourself in an affair, if you haven't already.
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Meet the new boss -- same as the old boss.
Jan 3, 2005
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You know, when a guy stares at me - even when just glances at me a couple of times - I don't immediately think, "Oooh, yay, someone to flirt with!" I stare back, yes. Not because I'm flirting, but because that guy needs to know that he has been NOTICED, that his creepy staring, glancing, checking me out, whatever, has been noted. You're doing a lot of looking all over the place (because of ADD or because you are creepily checking out young women, it doesn't matter) and women are going to notice that. It's not a compliment to you that they notice. You're not being flirted with by every woman in church and at work. They are noticing you noticing them. I guarantee most of them don't like it. You need to stop being a creeper and get back to the business of being a husband.
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Oct 30, 2006
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Encourage you to watch "Marriage Today" Those televised programs are on Daystar. Plus their website has probably 60 episodes including "What a man really needs" and 'What a woman really needs" by Jimmy Evan's ministries. All teachings are Biblically based. Plus there's books, videos, etc.

There's hundreds on youtube.

His book 'A Mind Set Free" would probably help.
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May 22, 2015
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Reading all your replies, sounds like you should get some counseling. I know you love her but it's obvious some parts of your desires are going to far and need more than just "I can fix it myself."

It's normal to maybe see someone and accidentally be like "Oh, she's attractive!". We are human. But to do it all the time and to add flirting and other stuff, not normal.

I'm only 7 years into my marriage and even though my wife's body has changed a bit, I just think it's cute. I find one issue is sometimes people fall in love with their spouses attractiveness more than their spouses heart at first. Which leads to disasater because our bodies will change as we age. For many they won't retain the perfect "young" body they had.

I've dated people before that were, by the worlds dumb definitions, "ugly". But I never cared. Their heart is what I saw.
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Sophia7's husband
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I honestly have not seen a younger woman NOT be interested in me.

Let's think over the possibilities.

a. You are so attractive that every young woman in the world is compelled to stare at you.

b. You are deluding yourself and staring creepily at people, while pretending they are interested in you because you long for attention.

Which do you think is more likely?
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