Mutations destroy organisms they do not hurl them up the ladder of taxonomy


Feb 15, 2014
Marital Status
Neither, and they are also not mutant. They experienced no radiation damage to get to be a dog. Gene combination where gene expression in phenotype varies is not creating new beneficial genes that never existed via cell damage, radiation , flaws in Meiosis etc

what the heck are you talking about radiation? Are you learning your science from comic books? Again you have 50 mutations in you that were not in your parents, read a actual book some time.
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what the heck are you talking about radiation? Are you learning your science from comic books?


How do you think all the "errors" got there in the first place?

hint: read.

from Death Rays From Space: How Bad Are They? | Space
At sea level, the majority of cosmic ray secondaries are highly penetrating muons. About 10,000 muons pass through our bodies every minute. Some of these muons will ionize molecules as they go through our flesh, occasionally leading to genetic mutations that may be harmful.

At present, the average human receives the equivalent of about 10 chest X-rays per year from cosmic rays. We shouldn't be alarmed by this, since it is just part of the natural background radiation under which humans and our ancestors have been exposed to for eons. Indeed, cosmic-ray-induced mutations may sometimes be beneficial.

"It is clear that in some way cosmic rays shaped evolution of organisms on Earth," says Franco Ferrari from the University of Szczecin in Poland.

In a recent issue of the journal Astrobiology, Ferrari and Ewa Szuszkiewicz from the same university reviewed what we know about cosmic rays, and they argue that the current biological relevance of these particles is not necessarily representative of the past.

"It is very likely that organisms of early Earth possessed DNA that was unstable and could easily mutate under external agents, more so, perhaps, than the DNA of present-day bacteria," the authors write."


Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation
"In what is by far the most extensive of these kinds of reports, geneticists tallied each new mutation in 219 people, including 78 parent-offspring trios of Icelandic families.3 They found an average of 63.2 new mutations per trio, meaning that about 60 new mutations are added to each new generation. Prior studies indicate that up to ten percent of new mutations are deleterious (harmful), most mutations cause no noticeable change, and beneficial mutations are virtually unknown.

"Mutation expert Alexey Kondrashov reviewed the Nature study and agreed with its authors that these accumulating mutations very likely contribute to increasing incidences of diseases, including schizophrenia and autism. Additional studies confirm these claims".(Tennessen, J. A. et al. 2012 Evolution and Functional Impact of Rare Coding Variation from Deep Sequencing of Human Exomes. Science. 337 (6090): 64-69.)

"At 60 new mutations per generation, evolution’s 120,000 generations would produce 7,200,000 mutations among the three billion letters that comprise the human genome. This greatly exceeds the human genome mutation tolerance".(Even tight selection, wherein the four least fit out of six hypothetical children die and only the two most fit survive, could never reverse mutational buildup, since mutations are overwhelmingly non-beneficial and for other reasons. See Sanford, J. 2008 Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Human Genome, 3rd ed. Waterloo, NY: FMS Publications.)

"In contrast, the biblical estimate of 200 generations would have produced about 12,000 non-lethal mutations by now—enough to cause increasing diseases, but not yet enough to ruin the human race. The mutational countdown is steady and relentless. The reason we have not yet reached the end must be because we began our journey recently—only thousands of years ago."

Hazardous Effects of Mutations in the DNA – DNA 50

Mutations in DNA

Mutations in DNA can be the reason for severe diseases of heart, cancer, and blood. Major health issues occur due to mutations which occur inside the DNA or in the sequences of DNA. It affects the functioning of DNA and resultantly there are risks of developing diseases.

Type of Mutations

There are three common types of mutations which affect the transmissions of DNA from parents to offspring. The three types are Substitution, Insertion, and Deletion. In Substitution mutation a single nucleotide base is deleted, inserted, or changed from a sequence of RNA and DNA. Insertion is a mutation in which a base pair is added in the DNA. Similarly, Deletion mutation is a situation in which a base pair is removed from the DNA.


Sickle-cell Anemia

The very first disease that was discovered due to the change in the sequencing of DNA is sickle-cell anemia. It first occurred in the areas of the Mediterranean region and of African; the common thing in this area was that they were affected by malaria. In single mutation, the genes are transmitted but do not affect the health of offspring while if this disease is in both parents then it is transmitted and can affect badly.


"Although cancer occurs due to different factors having exposure to ultra-violet rays, or smoking, etc. apart from this, it is also caused and transmitted from generations to generations. This occurs due to the variants known as somatic. These affect cells of the human body other than egg or sperm cells.

Somatic variables

"Somatic is not heritable and do not pass on to generations and is caused by the environmental factors cigarette smoke or radiations etc.

Germline variables

"Germline variables are found on the cells of egg and sperms and are discovered to be transmitted from generations to generations and cause high risks of cancer in the offspring. Germline is very dangerous variable; it can cause cancers of various types.

Diseases of heart

"Telomeres are the minute DNA strand present on the chromosomes; they give predictions about the possible risks of having heart diseases. The white blood cells or leukocytes are measured and the length of telomeres tells about the risk of heart disease. If the telomeres are larger in size then risks of heart diseases are less but if the length is smaller then the rate of occurrences of diseases also increases.

Brain disorders

"Brain disorders, commonly known are Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the disorders which can affect the brain and functioning of the brain. These are very serious disorders and dangerous as well as no cure for these disorders are found yet.

Precautions and cures

"Being the carrier of information, the analysis and the study of DNA and its structure is of vital importance because it could point out the disease that have the potential of getting transmitted from one person to another or one’s off-springs. If anyone has one of the above diseases or any other disease that has a proven risk of transmission then it must be checked immediately and treated at the earliest convenience. Some of the diseases related to DNA cannot be transferred to Off-spring and some remain un-active even if they are transferred. Most of the diseases that get transferred can be treated by different ways it required for the affected person to seek out the possible treatment. Alterations on the DNA can be done to repair and cure the affected DNA.

"Mutation in the DNA happens by three processes which are substitution, insertion and deletion of base pairs. Expert scientists have long been working on this field to avoid and cure such mutations and some have been successful."
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Feb 15, 2014
Marital Status

How do you think all the "errors" got there in the first place?

hint: read.

from Death Rays From Space: How Bad Are They? | Space
At sea level, the majority of cosmic ray secondaries are highly penetrating muons. About 10,000 muons pass through our bodies every minute. Some of these muons will ionize molecules as they go through our flesh, occasionally leading to genetic mutations that may be harmful.

At present, the average human receives the equivalent of about 10 chest X-rays per year from cosmic rays. We shouldn't be alarmed by this, since it is just part of the natural background radiation under which humans and our ancestors have been exposed to for eons. Indeed, cosmic-ray-induced mutations may sometimes be beneficial.

"It is clear that in some way cosmic rays shaped evolution of organisms on Earth," says Franco Ferrari from the University of Szczecin in Poland.

In a recent issue of the journal Astrobiology, Ferrari and Ewa Szuszkiewicz from the same university reviewed what we know about cosmic rays, and they argue that the current biological relevance of these particles is not necessarily representative of the past.

"It is very likely that organisms of early Earth possessed DNA that was unstable and could easily mutate under external agents, more so, perhaps, than the DNA of present-day bacteria," the authors write."


Human Mutation Clock Confirms Creation
"In what is by far the most extensive of these kinds of reports, geneticists tallied each new mutation in 219 people, including 78 parent-offspring trios of Icelandic families.3 They found an average of 63.2 new mutations per trio, meaning that about 60 new mutations are added to each new generation. Prior studies indicate that up to ten percent of new mutations are deleterious (harmful), most mutations cause no noticeable change, and beneficial mutations are virtually unknown.

"Mutation expert Alexey Kondrashov reviewed the Nature study and agreed with its authors that these accumulating mutations very likely contribute to increasing incidences of diseases, including schizophrenia and autism. Additional studies confirm these claims".(Tennessen, J. A. et al. 2012 Evolution and Functional Impact of Rare Coding Variation from Deep Sequencing of Human Exomes. Science. 337 (6090): 64-69.)

"At 60 new mutations per generation, evolution’s 120,000 generations would produce 7,200,000 mutations among the three billion letters that comprise the human genome. This greatly exceeds the human genome mutation tolerance".(Even tight selection, wherein the four least fit out of six hypothetical children die and only the two most fit survive, could never reverse mutational buildup, since mutations are overwhelmingly non-beneficial and for other reasons. See Sanford, J. 2008 Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Human Genome, 3rd ed. Waterloo, NY: FMS Publications.)

"In contrast, the biblical estimate of 200 generations would have produced about 12,000 non-lethal mutations by now—enough to cause increasing diseases, but not yet enough to ruin the human race. The mutational countdown is steady and relentless. The reason we have not yet reached the end must be because we began our journey recently—only thousands of years ago."

Hazardous Effects of Mutations in the DNA – DNA 50

Mutations in DNA

Mutations in DNA can be the reason for severe diseases of heart, cancer, and blood. Major health issues occur due to mutations which occur inside the DNA or in the sequences of DNA. It affects the functioning of DNA and resultantly there are risks of developing diseases.

Type of Mutations

There are three common types of mutations which affect the transmissions of DNA from parents to offspring. The three types are Substitution, Insertion, and Deletion. In Substitution mutation a single nucleotide base is deleted, inserted, or changed from a sequence of RNA and DNA. Insertion is a mutation in which a base pair is added in the DNA. Similarly, Deletion mutation is a situation in which a base pair is removed from the DNA.


Sickle-cell Anemia

The very first disease that was discovered due to the change in the sequencing of DNA is sickle-cell anemia. It first occurred in the areas of the Mediterranean region and of African; the common thing in this area was that they were affected by malaria. In single mutation, the genes are transmitted but do not affect the health of offspring while if this disease is in both parents then it is transmitted and can affect badly.


"Although cancer occurs due to different factors having exposure to ultra-violet rays, or smoking, etc. apart from this, it is also caused and transmitted from generations to generations. This occurs due to the variants known as somatic. These affect cells of the human body other than egg or sperm cells.

Somatic variables

"Somatic is not heritable and do not pass on to generations and is caused by the environmental factors cigarette smoke or radiations etc.

Germline variables

"Germline variables are found on the cells of egg and sperms and are discovered to be transmitted from generations to generations and cause high risks of cancer in the offspring. Germline is very dangerous variable; it can cause cancers of various types.

Diseases of heart

"Telomeres are the minute DNA strand present on the chromosomes; they give predictions about the possible risks of having heart diseases. The white blood cells or leukocytes are measured and the length of telomeres tells about the risk of heart disease. If the telomeres are larger in size then risks of heart diseases are less but if the length is smaller then the rate of occurrences of diseases also increases.

Brain disorders

"Brain disorders, commonly known are Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the disorders which can affect the brain and functioning of the brain. These are very serious disorders and dangerous as well as no cure for these disorders are found yet.

Precautions and cures

"Being the carrier of information, the analysis and the study of DNA and its structure is of vital importance because it could point out the disease that have the potential of getting transmitted from one person to another or one’s off-springs. If anyone has one of the above diseases or any other disease that has a proven risk of transmission then it must be checked immediately and treated at the earliest convenience. Some of the diseases related to DNA cannot be transferred to Off-spring and some remain un-active even if they are transferred. Most of the diseases that get transferred can be treated by different ways it required for the affected person to seek out the possible treatment. Alterations on the DNA can be done to repair and cure the affected DNA.

"Mutation in the DNA happens by three processes which are substitution, insertion and deletion of base pairs. Expert scientists have long been working on this field to avoid and cure such mutations and some have been successful."

Ummm yeah, no ones denying that some diseases are caused by DNA, again thats not ALL of them, plus this is disengenous, most of those things are diseases after a certain age, guess what evolution only cares about what effects you before you've had children not after. For most of human evolution you didn't live past 20-30, many of these diseases happen after that on average. Even those with lower instances like breast cancer, still on average happen after it.

and on Alexey Kondrashov he is talking about mutations in modern humans, where people are having children later, and sexual selection is havn't less of a effect, children with autism would have been ignored, or institutionalized and likly have had lower chances of having kids in the past, among other things. One thing he found that was the older you got the more mutations you passed on, which goes back to that the average life span was much lower then we have now, so mutations acumilated slower, and there was more pressure for certain mutations to not last in a species. it's only in about the last 6 years where there was less pressure on us that kept us living longer and longer.

And I like the weasel words they use of human genom mutation tolerance, because they realize it completly gets messed up with bactria and mice and other things that have many many times the generation speed of humans. Of course thats also made up. THeir assumptions and such are juvenile.

So for the hundreds of millions of years of evolution most of these things would have been weeded out such as autism, a deer that stands around would have been shunned or eaten rather quickly, same with other abnormal behaviour in herd speciees and such, how would even a schizophrenic leopard even look like. Actually that would be a fun rabbit hole to go down, see if animals get that, and how it looks.
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Nov 21, 2008
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Ummm yeah, no ones denying that some diseases are caused by DNA .

how nice... the point is that those mutations are not putting wings on lizards.

its in the section --
Hazardous Effects of Mutations in the DNA – DNA 50

They are instead harming or killing organisms when not being ignored. Hence that bit about not tolerating more mutations at some point.

This was added for those who had not read the material about high energy charged particles -- notice that radiation from radiometric material
Radiation refers to high-energy rays and particles emitted by radioactive sources

Death Rays From Space: How Bad Are They? | Space
At sea level, the majority of cosmic ray secondaries are highly penetrating muons. About 10,000 muons pass through our bodies every minute. Some of these muons will ionize molecules as they go through our flesh, occasionally leading to genetic mutations that may be harmful.
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Nov 21, 2008
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And I like the weasel words they use of human genom mutation tolerance, because they realize it completly gets messed up with bactria and mice and other things that have many many times the generation speed of humans. .

I like the way that some folks unwittingly admit to that detail since we have on record real life observation of over 50,000 generations of bateria NOT turning into something like a eukaryote.
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Feb 15, 2014
Marital Status
how nice... the point is that those mutations are not putting wings on lizards.

its in the section --
Hazardous Effects of Mutations in the DNA – DNA 50

They are instead harming or killing organisms when not being ignored. Hence that bit about not tolerating more mutations at some point.

This was added for those who had not read the material about high energy charged particles -- notice that radiation from radiometric material
Radiation refers to high-energy rays and particles emitted by radioactive sources

Death Rays From Space: How Bad Are They? | Space
At sea level, the majority of cosmic ray secondaries are highly penetrating muons. About 10,000 muons pass through our bodies every minute. Some of these muons will ionize molecules as they go through our flesh, occasionally leading to genetic mutations that may be harmful.

Those mutations your bringing up there are ones after someone is born, every time your cells divide they mutate, increasing the chances of errors causing cancer, this is different from sperm and egg cells that have 20-40 mutations depending on the age of the person.
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Feb 15, 2014
Marital Status
I like the way that some folks unwittingly admit to that detail since we have on record real life observation of over 50,000 generations of bateria NOT turning into something like a eukaryote.

thats as stupid as saying, "We have observations of monkeys over 7 million years, but they are still mamals." Also the evolution of bacteria to eukaryote took millions of years, not a few decades, 50k generations seems big untill you relize they have over 26k generations a year
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
Marital Status
ow nice... the point is that those mutations are not putting wings on lizards.

I have some news for you...

The fact is, most mutations don't do much of anything. You have dozens of them yourself, none of which were present in your parents. A few are harmful, and natural selection tends to remove them from the population. A very few are useful, and natural selection tends to increase them in the population.

It's not as difficult to understand as you seem to think it is.
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Nov 21, 2008
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I have some news for you...

The fact is, most mutations don't do much of anything.

At least that is not a peppered moth sitting a tree trunk hoping to hide by mutating.

"most" doing "nothing" is not taking evolutionism's story anywhere and is not the point. the point is that the only three choices are
1. Does nothing
2. Organism compensates to defeat the mutation
3. Mutation succeeds in harming organism

hence the multiple options listed in the OP

for the sake of the discussion - variation in gene expression within non-mutant genes is not "mutation".

Some humans have blue eyes some have brown - that is not because of a mutant gene produced via an error in reproduction or stray radiation affecting reproductive cells

Mutations may not destroy the organism because the organism may compensate and survive it with no change in phenotype. But Mutations can in other cases damage its ability to survive/compete/reproduce or outright kill the organism.

Mutation outcomes (in real life):
1. no change
2. damaged organism
3. dead organism

whacking your laptop with a hammer-- possible outcomes:
1. Laptop keeps running and all is well
2. Laptop is damaged but still functions.. mostly.
3. Laptop no longer works.


from Death Rays From Space: How Bad Are They? | Space
At sea level, the majority of cosmic ray secondaries are highly penetrating muons. About 10,000 muons pass through our bodies every minute. Some of these muons will ionize molecules as they go through our flesh, occasionally leading to genetic mutations that may be harmful.

At present, the average human receives the equivalent of about 10 chest X-rays per year from cosmic rays. We shouldn't be alarmed by this, since it is just part of the natural background radiation under which humans and our ancestors have been exposed to for eons. Indeed, cosmic-ray-induced mutations may sometimes be beneficial.

"It is clear that in some way cosmic rays shaped evolution of organisms on Earth," says Franco Ferrari from the University of Szczecin in Poland.

In a recent issue of the journal Astrobiology, Ferrari and Ewa Szuszkiewicz from the same university reviewed what we know about cosmic rays, and they argue that the current biological relevance of these particles is not necessarily representative of the past.

"It is very likely that organisms of early Earth possessed DNA that was unstable and could easily mutate under external agents, more so, perhaps, than the DNA of present-day bacteria," the authors write."


Hazardous Effects of Mutations in the DNA – DNA 50

Mutations in DNA

Mutations in DNA can be the reason for severe diseases of heart, cancer, and blood. Major health issues occur due to mutations which occur inside the DNA or in the sequences of DNA. It affects the functioning of DNA and resultantly there are risks of developing diseases.

Type of Mutations

There are three common types of mutations which affect the transmissions of DNA from parents to offspring. The three types are Substitution, Insertion, and Deletion. In Substitution mutation a single nucleotide base is deleted, inserted, or changed from a sequence of RNA and DNA. Insertion is a mutation in which a base pair is added in the DNA. Similarly, Deletion mutation is a situation in which a base pair is removed from the DNA.


Sickle-cell Anemia

The very first disease that was discovered due to the change in the sequencing of DNA is sickle-cell anemia. It first occurred in the areas of the Mediterranean region and of African; the common thing in this area was that they were affected by malaria. In single mutation, the genes are transmitted but do not affect the health of offspring while if this disease is in both parents then it is transmitted and can affect badly.


"Although cancer occurs due to different factors having exposure to ultra-violet rays, or smoking, etc. apart from this, it is also caused and transmitted from generations to generations. This occurs due to the variants known as somatic. These affect cells of the human body other than egg or sperm cells.

Somatic variables

"Somatic is not heritable and do not pass on to generations and is caused by the environmental factors cigarette smoke or radiations etc.

Germline variables

"Germline variables are found on the cells of egg and sperms and are discovered to be transmitted from generations to generations and cause high risks of cancer in the offspring. Germline is very dangerous variable; it can cause cancers of various types.

Diseases of heart

"Telomeres are the minute DNA strand present on the chromosomes; they give predictions about the possible risks of having heart diseases. The white blood cells or leukocytes are measured and the length of telomeres tells about the risk of heart disease. If the telomeres are larger in size then risks of heart diseases are less but if the length is smaller then the rate of occurrences of diseases also increases.

Brain disorders

"Brain disorders, commonly known are Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the disorders which can affect the brain and functioning of the brain. These are very serious disorders and dangerous as well as no cure for these disorders are found yet.

Precautions and cures

"Being the carrier of information, the analysis and the study of DNA and its structure is of vital importance because it could point out the disease that have the potential of getting transmitted from one person to another or one’s off-springs. If anyone has one of the above diseases or any other disease that has a proven risk of transmission then it must be checked immediately and treated at the earliest convenience. Some of the diseases related to DNA cannot be transferred to Off-spring and some remain un-active even if they are transferred. Most of the diseases that get transferred can be treated by different ways it required for the affected person to seek out the possible treatment. Alterations on the DNA can be done to repair and cure the affected DNA.

"Mutation in the DNA happens by three processes which are substitution, insertion and deletion of base pairs. Expert scientists have long been working on this field to avoid and cure such mutations and some have been successful."

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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
Marital Status
how nice... the point is that those mutations are not putting wings on lizards.

I have some news for you...

The fact is, most mutations don't do much of anything. You have dozens of them yourself, none of which were present in your parents. A few are harmful, and natural selection tends to remove them from the population. A very few are useful, and natural selection tends to increase them in the population.

It's not as difficult to understand as you seem to think it is.

At least that is not a peppered moth sitting a tree trunk hoping to hide by mutating.

Hope has nothing to do with it. Mutations are random. So the moths in question tend survive if their mutations match the tree well. That's how natural selection works.

"most" doing "nothing" is not taking evolutionism's story anywhere

But of course, the favorable ones are. And as you learned, natural selection tends to increase the frequency of favorable ones in the population and to remove the harmful ones. And that's all that's needed for evolution to increase fitness.

the point is that the only three choices are
1. Does nothing
2. Organism compensates to defeat the mutation
3. Mutation succeeds in harming organism[/quote]

You missed "mutation increases the likelihood of the organism surviving long enough to reproduce."
And that's the one that makes it all work.

Even many creationist organizations now admit the fact.
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Apr 14, 2003
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Here's a beneficial mutation that happened to humans. Our ancestors, cavemen, could not digest milk. Babies could digest milk but they lost that ability as they grow. Before cattle were domesticated, there was no occasion for people to drink milk, so this makes sense.

Scientists believe that the mutation, or mutations, that allow humans to digest milk happened within the last ten thousand years. It is believed to have happened once in northern Europe, as far north as Norway, and three times in Africa. Under harsh conditions, the ability to digest milk could be the difference between survival and death. In northern Europe, milk from captured cattle could have enabled survival through the harsh winter. In Africa, it was probably famine caused by drought that brought about the survival crises that led to the milk-digestion gene spreading and thriving.

There are still some people who can't digest milk. It all fits together.
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