How did god make decisions as an everlasting sprit?


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May 5, 2019
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recently i went to church for the first time in a while then i started to think about god and who he is. In the bible he is known as the creator of heaven and earth but not a human being but an everlasting presence. If this is the case how did an everlasting presence in the world create heaven and jesus without having any physical features or any mental capacity to know that this is what we need as humans? Also since god is not a person how did 'he' know or care about worldly sin? And why did he decide to create jesus to die for us so that we could be forgiven and inherit the kingdom of heaven. Why could he not just allow people to be forgiven through his everlasting sprit alone and not through sending jesus to die for us?

Just trying to believe in god and make sense of it all.
Thanks for your responses in advance.
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Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
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recently i went to church for the first time in a while then i started to think about god and who he is. In the bible he is known as the creator of heaven and earth but not a human being but an everlasting presence.


The One God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) is omniscient. He knows more that His creation. Do you know how to create a universe?

If this is the case how did an everlasting presence in the world create heaven and jesus without having any physical features or any mental capacity to know that this is what we need as humans? Also since god is not a person how did 'he' know or care about worldly sin?

How can there be anything labeled sin if there is no God?

And why did he decide to create jesus to die for us so that we could be forgiven and inherit the kingdom of heaven. Why could he not just allow people to be forgiven through his everlasting sprit alone and not through sending jesus to be his messenger and to die for us?

He sent Jesus to show how much He loves and and is merciful to us. Jesus is God not just another messenger. You either are or have been in a false religion.

Just trying to believe in god and make sense of it all.
Thanks for your responses in advance.

You're most welcome.
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Unofficial Reverand Alex

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Much of what you bring up is very difficult for anyone to answer.

God being everlasting, yet creating a finite world, is peculiar indeed; how He did it requires an examination of the nature of God, which will lead you into some very interesting philosophical discussions.

The opening of the Catechism of the Catholic Church gives a beautiful answer to why God created us, essentially summing up the Bible:

"God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, into the unity of his family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son as Redeemer and Saviour. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life." —Paragraph 1

A very important note: Jesus is not a creation; Jesus is consubstantial with the Father, one in being with the father. The was definitely stated in the Nicene Creed, partly in response to the dangerous heresy of Aryanism, which denied Christ's divinity, saying "There was a time when he was not." This is contrary to the most fundamental doctrine of Christianity, the Trinity. "God is love", and love has to exist in a community. You cannot love on your own, you have to have someone to direct the love to. In the case of our incredible 3-in-1 God, the Father & Son love each other eternally & perfectly, and their love is so real that it takes its own form, the Holy Spirit. 3 parts, 1 God, all here through all eternity. Hard to understand? Yes. Welcome to religion.^_^

As far as sending Jesus to die for us: Christianity is the only religion that does this! Few other "gods" care about their children; some claim to; but only the true Christian God loves His children enough to come down in human form as a suffering servant!

There's a lot of discussion material in your post, and I'll put a couple of really good videos abpit the Trinity as soon as I find them. But remember what St. Augustine said: "If you understand it, that's not God."

May God bless us all!:pray::crossrc:
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Monk Brendan

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recently i went to church for the first time in a while then i started to think about god and who he is. In the bible he is known as the creator of heaven and earth but not a human being but an everlasting presence. If this is the case how did an everlasting presence in the world create heaven and jesus without having any physical features or any mental capacity to know that this is what we need as humans? Also since god is not a person how did 'he' know or care about worldly sin? And why did he decide to create jesus to die for us so that we could be forgiven and inherit the kingdom of heaven. Why could he not just allow people to be forgiven through his everlasting sprit alone and not through sending jesus to be his messenger and to die for us?

Just trying to believe in god and make sense of it all.
Thanks for your responses in advance.

Jesus is not created.

He is God Incarnate: fully human and fully divine in one Person.
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Bought by His Blood
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Yes difficult questions to rap your mind around. God is Spirit and a spirit has a mind and a will. God has as well.

The problem with sin entering a perfect Creation is that God is the truth of all existence, all things have being/existence in Him. Yet God is incorruptible, all good, all loving, all truth and all powerful, but sin, which has its roots in a lie rather than God's truth, tore God apart of His creatures and corruption and death entered this world.

The sad truth is that people driven by lies kill the truth of God's love out of their lives and out of creation and bring death and destruction down to rule us instead.

Now people corrupted by sin could no longer go to God for help, life with God has become impossible because people's corrupted spirit cannot comprehend the truth any more.

This is why God in Spirit gave us His Word. His Word demonstrates the truth of His love as well as the severity of His wrath and gives us knowledge of the truth again.

Also the living word Jesus came to our rescue. He knew that people were so polluted within that they could not see purity and survive. So Jesus came to this earth as human to walk the truth of God perfectly unlike us. And He demonstrated The Father perfectly, especially when He hang on the cross, because sin kills God within us and does away with our God given good life - just like the Jews and the Romans killed Jesus on the cross.

Not only that, Jesus, unlike us, never sinned so He was perfect in all His ways, He was also the only One who could bear the wrath of God because of our wilful sin. So He did. It killed Him in the most horrendous way. However Jesus was innocent of wrong. So after The Father poured down His wrath on His Son, so that He could spare sinners that fate, Jesus rose again from the death all victorious to show us that Heaven is real and the door is wide open.

Because faith in Jesus brings us a new spirit, The Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit sanctifies our spirit so that we can have communion with God again, as if we were perfect. This perfection is not from ourselves but from God Himself who dressed us with that for Christ sake.

And so restoration of the human spirit can be done and perfect communion in a perfect way can take place again. So instead of sin killing God's good life in us, faith in Jesus brings God's good life back out of Heaven down into us.

We serve an awesome God
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Jonathan Mathews

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Dec 5, 2015
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recently i went to church for the first time in a while then i started to think about god and who he is. In the bible he is known as the creator of heaven and earth but not a human being but an everlasting presence. If this is the case how did an everlasting presence in the world create heaven and jesus without having any physical features or any mental capacity to know that this is what we need as humans? Also since god is not a person how did 'he' know or care about worldly sin? And why did he decide to create jesus to die for us so that we could be forgiven and inherit the kingdom of heaven. Why could he not just allow people to be forgiven through his everlasting sprit alone and not through sending jesus to be his messenger and to die for us?

Just trying to believe in god and make sense of it all.
Thanks for your responses in advance.

If no one ever sins against you, how can you show them your Mercy?
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