• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Ex Wife left me and the kids and I'm depressed


New Member
Feb 24, 2019
Huntington Beach
United States
Marital Status
Thank you for taking time to read my story.
15 years ago, at the age of 20 I got Married to the love of my life. We had already had our first child at a young age and knew that we wanted to be together for the rest of our lives. So we got married at a church and tied the knot. After getting married we decided to have another child and we were a happy family. My ex wife was the best wife and mother that I could ever ask for. Like any relationship we had our ups and downs, but it never lasted long and we knew we loved eachother. We were happily married for 13 years. She was a Christian when I met her. Her and her family brought me closer to the lord and helped build my faith. We went to church once in a while, but we were both believers.

My ex wife was a stay at home mom while I ran my business to support the family here in Huntington Beach California. It's not cheap here so I worked hard to support the family while she stayed at home to raise the kids. Things were great for years. We were a perfect family that our friends would envy us and tell us how lucky we are to have such a beautiful family. Life was great!

Two and a half years ago she decided that she wanted to start working. She was sick of being a stay at home mom, and wanted to work. Our kids were older now so she thought that it would be a good time to get a job. I told her that it's her choice but my business is doing well and she can stay home with the girls or get a job, whatever makes her happy. She decided to get a job. That's when everything went downhill fast. Real fast!!!

Once she started working she met alot of new friends. They were all in their 20's when she was 32. None of these people had families, and they all partied every weekend. Well, she fell into the trap. She started going out every weekend. She started smoking alot of pot, and drinking alot. The girls and I would beg her to stay home and it made her angry. Eventually she just wouldn't come home at all. She would go out and party with her friends and turn her phone off and avoid our calls. She would crash at their house and we had no idea where she was or what she was doing. The family was a wreck. The girls and I were hurting so bad, and there was nothing we could do. We begged and begged to have our Mom and Wife back, but the.more we begged, the more it pushed her away. Then we started noticing that she was talking to few guys through snapchat. My daughter would see her snapchating guys, and would come tell me about it. If I brought it up to her, she would yell and scream at me and tell me that she can do whatever she wants. There was a lot of situations that happened that just made things worse. She got so drunk one day she fell down the stairs and broke a wine glass all over the floor. She was smoking weed in the backyard and decided to drive my kids around to toilet paper houses. She would hide in the bathroom for up to two hours while she was talking to guys on Snapchat. She bailed on my daughter multiple times when my daughter needed her. She couldn't even go to my daughter's birthday without bringing a friend from work. My daughter specifically asked her to please just be there for her birthday, when we had a bonfire at the beach she had to leave to go smoke weed with her friend while I stayed back with a group of girls to celebrate my daughter's birthday. Things were just getting worse and worse.

The Night Before Easter of 2018 oh, she told me that she needs to go out and run an errand. She said that she would be back in an hour. After 2 hours she never contacted me so I try to reach out to her and she kept declining my phone calls. I would text her and she would not respond to me. I checked the call logs on my T-Mobile bill and notice that she was talking to a guy from work. I know one of the houses that she goes to so I decided to drive over there and see what's going on because at this point I'm so concerned that she is seeing someone else and is checked out. When I get there I see her car in the parking lot. I wait in my car for 1 hour and one in the morning I see her coming walking out of the apartment with another guy. My heart sank, I had the worst anxiety and knew that there was something going on. I got out of the car and confronted the two of them and it was like they saw a ghost. I will never ever forget the expression on her face. She denied that she was doing anything and said that they were just drinking and smoking together. This is still not something that I agree with considering we had Easter brunch with her family the next day and my kids were at home sleeping excited for Easter. It was a very stressful night, there was a lot of yelling, my heart was broken, and she decided that she was not going to come home again and ended up staying with him. That he sure was one of the worst days our family had ever had. Or at least we thought it was... little do we know things were only going to get worse.

All of our family and friends knew that she was slipping down a deep dark hole, everyone tried to talk to her but she did not care what anyone had to say. Her attitude was it's my life and I can do whatever I want. My oldest daughter said that she can't take this anymore. She either needs to get herself together or leave. So many things have happened prior to this that have just made the family go through so much pain that we just could not take it anymore. My daughter could barely get through a day of school without crying oh, and neither could I get through a day of work without crying and thinking about our family falling apart.

My daughter came to me and told me that we need to have an intervention with Mom. Give her the ultimatum and tell her to be more of a mom and a wife or maybe take a break and go to her mom's house and stay there for a while. I was so devastated by everything I didn't know what to do. I talked to my ex-wife's parents, and they agreed and said that we should have an intervention. The only problem is nobody wanted to join because they knew that my ex-wife would blow up at everyone and tell them it's her life she can do whatever she wants. But my oldest daughter was insistent on having this intervention.

About a week later we decided on having a talk with her to see what she wanted to do. We plan to do it on a Friday night. I believe it was May 5th 2018. Little did we know this would be the worst night of our family's life ever!

My daughter could not do it and said that she's too nervous and scared to talk to her. So I had to go at this alone. So I went down to the kitchen to go talk to my ex-wife oh, and it turned into a big argument. There was yelling and screaming and the girls were up there is hearing everything. That is one thing that I do not want is for my kids to hear us argue and fight. My ex-wife got out of control and ended up throwing plates at me, then she hit me in the face 6 times and broke my glasses threw him across the room, and stormed out of the kitchen. At this point I've had it. I will not have that kind of behavior around my children and have my kids thinking that this is how life is. Nor do I want my girls to grow up thinking that it's okay to be treated like that from their spouse. I told my ex-wife that if she doesn't stop I'm going to call the police. She told me to call the police she doesn't care. Well so, I called the police. All I wanted was for the police to come by and have her go to her mom's house. When they showed up they said that unfortunately with the damage to my face, broken plates on the ground, broken glasses, and crying kids, that they have a zero-tolerance in California for domestic violence. They said that unfortunately they're going to have to arrest her. That was not my intent and I did not want her to get arrested but at this point I already called the police, and I did not know what I was getting into. Before the police came she called her parents and told them that there's a situation at the house and that the police are coming. So her parents showed up around the same time that the police did. Her parents started yelling at me and my oldest daughter asking us if we're happy now? My oldest daughter was in my bedroom crying hysterically. She replied to them, does it look like I'm happy this is the worst time our family has ever been through. Then they started telling my oldest daughter that the reason why they're here is because that the kids are going to go to a foster home and they want to make sure they go to the right place. This was so immature for grandparents to come over and act like this when their mom is getting arrested for domestic violence. So that made things even worse. My youngest daughter was crying hysterically and kept asking if I'm okay because I had blood all over my face. That night was the worst night of our entire lives. My ex-wife got arrested and went to jail. Then her parents came back afterwards and started yelling and screaming in front of our house that they wanted some of her stuff. I am laying in my bed holding my two girls as they're crying in my arms. It just wasn't the right time. At this point the girls and I felt like it was all over.

The next day she got bailed out by her parents, and came by the house with the U-Haul truck and picked up all of her stuff. She ended up moving in with her parents. The police, my friends, and family all recommended that I get a temporary restraining order to let things cool down. So the next Monday I went to the court and got a restraining order. It was a 30-day restraining order which in my head I felt like it was a cooling off period. The judge looked at the police report in the pictures that were taken, and granted a restraining order right away. No questions asked. 2 days later she was served with a restraining order at her work.

Two weeks after receiving a restraining order in me trying to keep my family in order, her parents showed up at my house. In front of my kids they served me with divorce papers. I was devastated. Heartbroken. Sad, empty, depressed, every emotion and feeling that you could possibly think of I felt it. All I wanted to do was grow up in a little ball in the corner of my room and cry. I could not let my kids see me this way so I had to hold myself together. I had to be strong. At night when I was all alone by myself I would just pray and cry, I prayed and I cried and prayed and I cried.

Time has gone on now, and day by day we try to heal our hearts. My oldest daughter wants nothing to do with her mother. The courts granted me full custody of my children, and allowed her to visit my youngest daughter 2 days a week for 3 hours a day. Even though she's allowed to see my youngest daughter for 2 days a week 3 hours a day, she only comes by one day a week to take her out for a snack or ice cream and then drops her back off within an hour or two. She still living the party life with her friends, moved into a house with roommates and they drink and smoke everyday. She is living the life that she wanted!

A month after I got served with divorce papers I started getting messages from a girl on Facebook. She said that her husband and my ex-wife have been seeing each other for a long time. We found out that this is the same guy that I caught her with the Night Before Easter. She swears that they were having an affair with each other. I had no idea that my ex-wife was seeing a guy that was also married. Ruining someone else's home. I confronted my ex-wife about it and she denied that she had ever cheated on me.

I booked a trip for the girls and I to go to Hawaii to get our minds off of everything. We went for 14 days. With everything that's happening was probably the best time of my life with my kids. We left everything behind never talked about the situation at all and just had an amazing vacation.

While we are on our vacation my ex-wife contacted me and said that she wants to talk to me when we get back. Two days after we got back we met at the beach to discuss things. I asked her to be honest with me and just tell me what was going on with that guy. She finally admitted that she was cheating on me. That was it! No turning back from this point, I was so heartbroken I could barely sit there and even look at her in the face. I felt like I had to get up and walk away but for some weird reason I stayed to hear her out. But I knew in the back of my head that there's no way that this will ever work out. Cheating is a huge deal breaker for me, I would never cheat on her ever in my life, and it is something I do not agree with that all!

Lots of things have happened since then, but its just too much to explain. Time goes by every day and we try to find peace in this. I am raising my kids all on my own, I am running my business, cooking, cleaning, taking the kids to school, helping out with homework, and even doing mom duties such as taking care of them when they're on their period, or crying in my arms about some boy at school. And there for my kids every day and I will never let them down, ever!

Never in my life did I ever think that I would be depressed. For the last 15 years I love the happiest life I could ever ask for. I loved my ex-wife more than anything in the world, and I love my kids more than anything in the world, and I was such a proud happy husband and father. No I'm lonely. I have no friends, I have dedicated the last 15 years to my family, and have never taking time for myself. At this point I don't even know where to start. My ex-wife is dating that guy, and I go to work every day to support my kids and then come home and cook and clean and take care of them. I don't even have time for myself to even meet people, find new friends, or eventually one day find love again. I'm used to having a spouse with me every day for 15 years, someone to love, someone to take care of, someone to share everyday moments with, someone to laugh with, someone to watch Netflix with, and now I lay on my bed all alone. While I lay on my bed all alone my ex-wife is out partying with her new boyfriend. For the first time in my life I'm depressed... I used to wonder how people could be depressed and I thought life was so great. Now I am probably in the state of my life. Sometimes I just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling for hours just thinking about life, or I just cry myself to sleep. Sometimes I can't sleep and I am gone all night just tossing and turning because I have so many thoughts going through my head. When I see happy couples together I feel like I want to cry. I'm jealous. I want that back in my life again. And I just don't ever see it happening anytime soon. I guess it's just because I've been used to it for 15 years it's so hard to be without someone. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything in the world! We have such a strong bond and we are so close to each other, and they love me so much! I am blessed and I thank God for that all the time! But I am a lover at heart, and I have never been so lonely in my life. The few friends that I do have her all married, and they're so busy with their wives and their families that they don't have time to do anything with me. I just recently started going back to church after getting my head straight, or at least I thought I had my head straight. But sometimes I would start crying and I would have to walk out. it's funny because this never used to be me. in the last 15 years I don't think I've cried about one thing so, now I just can't keep myself together. I don't even know how to meet people at church because I'm so down that I don't know how to approach them or what to say. I need people in my life and I just don't know what to do.

I would be very surprised if anybody read this story. When I started writing this I never thought I would drag on this long. But I guess this just felt like a way for me to get it off my chest. Even if nobody reads this I guess it was good so just get it out there. God works in mysterious ways, and there was something telling me that I should write this tonight.

If you made it this far, I can't thank you enough for getting me out and listen to my story. Set honesty means so much to me. If there's anyone else that has gone to anything similar, you're definitely in my prayers. this is not something that I would wish on my worst enemy. Once again thanks for reading my story. I hope that one day I can find happiness again, and I hope I can figure out a way to find friends in my life.

God bless you all!


Jesus I Trust In You
Site Supporter
May 19, 2018
Neath, Wales, UK
United Kingdom
Marital Status
Waw. Very moving story!

May God bless and protect and comfort you and your family.

You are such a loving Dad.

Offer up your cross to Jesus my friend. He is carrying you while you carry your cross. Depression is very horrible. I suffer too. Carry on Concentrating on your girls my friend. God will help you.
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The_wanderer 40

Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
United States
Marital Status
Thank you for taking time to read my story.
15 years ago, at the age of 20 I got Married to the love of my life. We had already had our first child at a young age and knew that we wanted to be together for the rest of our lives. So we got married at a church and tied the knot. After getting married we decided to have another child and we were a happy family. My ex wife was the best wife and mother that I could ever ask for. Like any relationship we had our ups and downs, but it never lasted long and we knew we loved eachother. We were happily married for 13 years. She was a Christian when I met her. Her and her family brought me closer to the lord and helped build my faith. We went to church once in a while, but we were both believers.

My ex wife was a stay at home mom while I ran my business to support the family here in Huntington Beach California. It's not cheap here so I worked hard to support the family while she stayed at home to raise the kids. Things were great for years. We were a perfect family that our friends would envy us and tell us how lucky we are to have such a beautiful family. Life was great!

Two and a half years ago she decided that she wanted to start working. She was sick of being a stay at home mom, and wanted to work. Our kids were older now so she thought that it would be a good time to get a job. I told her that it's her choice but my business is doing well and she can stay home with the girls or get a job, whatever makes her happy. She decided to get a job. That's when everything went downhill fast. Real fast!!!

Once she started working she met alot of new friends. They were all in their 20's when she was 32. None of these people had families, and they all partied every weekend. Well, she fell into the trap. She started going out every weekend. She started smoking alot of pot, and drinking alot. The girls and I would beg her to stay home and it made her angry. Eventually she just wouldn't come home at all. She would go out and party with her friends and turn her phone off and avoid our calls. She would crash at their house and we had no idea where she was or what she was doing. The family was a wreck. The girls and I were hurting so bad, and there was nothing we could do. We begged and begged to have our Mom and Wife back, but the.more we begged, the more it pushed her away. Then we started noticing that she was talking to few guys through snapchat. My daughter would see her snapchating guys, and would come tell me about it. If I brought it up to her, she would yell and scream at me and tell me that she can do whatever she wants. There was a lot of situations that happened that just made things worse. She got so drunk one day she fell down the stairs and broke a wine glass all over the floor. She was smoking weed in the backyard and decided to drive my kids around to toilet paper houses. She would hide in the bathroom for up to two hours while she was talking to guys on Snapchat. She bailed on my daughter multiple times when my daughter needed her. She couldn't even go to my daughter's birthday without bringing a friend from work. My daughter specifically asked her to please just be there for her birthday, when we had a bonfire at the beach she had to leave to go smoke weed with her friend while I stayed back with a group of girls to celebrate my daughter's birthday. Things were just getting worse and worse.

The Night Before Easter of 2018 oh, she told me that she needs to go out and run an errand. She said that she would be back in an hour. After 2 hours she never contacted me so I try to reach out to her and she kept declining my phone calls. I would text her and she would not respond to me. I checked the call logs on my T-Mobile bill and notice that she was talking to a guy from work. I know one of the houses that she goes to so I decided to drive over there and see what's going on because at this point I'm so concerned that she is seeing someone else and is checked out. When I get there I see her car in the parking lot. I wait in my car for 1 hour and one in the morning I see her coming walking out of the apartment with another guy. My heart sank, I had the worst anxiety and knew that there was something going on. I got out of the car and confronted the two of them and it was like they saw a ghost. I will never ever forget the expression on her face. She denied that she was doing anything and said that they were just drinking and smoking together. This is still not something that I agree with considering we had Easter brunch with her family the next day and my kids were at home sleeping excited for Easter. It was a very stressful night, there was a lot of yelling, my heart was broken, and she decided that she was not going to come home again and ended up staying with him. That he sure was one of the worst days our family had ever had. Or at least we thought it was... little do we know things were only going to get worse.

All of our family and friends knew that she was slipping down a deep dark hole, everyone tried to talk to her but she did not care what anyone had to say. Her attitude was it's my life and I can do whatever I want. My oldest daughter said that she can't take this anymore. She either needs to get herself together or leave. So many things have happened prior to this that have just made the family go through so much pain that we just could not take it anymore. My daughter could barely get through a day of school without crying oh, and neither could I get through a day of work without crying and thinking about our family falling apart.

My daughter came to me and told me that we need to have an intervention with Mom. Give her the ultimatum and tell her to be more of a mom and a wife or maybe take a break and go to her mom's house and stay there for a while. I was so devastated by everything I didn't know what to do. I talked to my ex-wife's parents, and they agreed and said that we should have an intervention. The only problem is nobody wanted to join because they knew that my ex-wife would blow up at everyone and tell them it's her life she can do whatever she wants. But my oldest daughter was insistent on having this intervention.

About a week later we decided on having a talk with her to see what she wanted to do. We plan to do it on a Friday night. I believe it was May 5th 2018. Little did we know this would be the worst night of our family's life ever!

My daughter could not do it and said that she's too nervous and scared to talk to her. So I had to go at this alone. So I went down to the kitchen to go talk to my ex-wife oh, and it turned into a big argument. There was yelling and screaming and the girls were up there is hearing everything. That is one thing that I do not want is for my kids to hear us argue and fight. My ex-wife got out of control and ended up throwing plates at me, then she hit me in the face 6 times and broke my glasses threw him across the room, and stormed out of the kitchen. At this point I've had it. I will not have that kind of behavior around my children and have my kids thinking that this is how life is. Nor do I want my girls to grow up thinking that it's okay to be treated like that from their spouse. I told my ex-wife that if she doesn't stop I'm going to call the police. She told me to call the police she doesn't care. Well so, I called the police. All I wanted was for the police to come by and have her go to her mom's house. When they showed up they said that unfortunately with the damage to my face, broken plates on the ground, broken glasses, and crying kids, that they have a zero-tolerance in California for domestic violence. They said that unfortunately they're going to have to arrest her. That was not my intent and I did not want her to get arrested but at this point I already called the police, and I did not know what I was getting into. Before the police came she called her parents and told them that there's a situation at the house and that the police are coming. So her parents showed up around the same time that the police did. Her parents started yelling at me and my oldest daughter asking us if we're happy now? My oldest daughter was in my bedroom crying hysterically. She replied to them, does it look like I'm happy this is the worst time our family has ever been through. Then they started telling my oldest daughter that the reason why they're here is because that the kids are going to go to a foster home and they want to make sure they go to the right place. This was so immature for grandparents to come over and act like this when their mom is getting arrested for domestic violence. So that made things even worse. My youngest daughter was crying hysterically and kept asking if I'm okay because I had blood all over my face. That night was the worst night of our entire lives. My ex-wife got arrested and went to jail. Then her parents came back afterwards and started yelling and screaming in front of our house that they wanted some of her stuff. I am laying in my bed holding my two girls as they're crying in my arms. It just wasn't the right time. At this point the girls and I felt like it was all over.

The next day she got bailed out by her parents, and came by the house with the U-Haul truck and picked up all of her stuff. She ended up moving in with her parents. The police, my friends, and family all recommended that I get a temporary restraining order to let things cool down. So the next Monday I went to the court and got a restraining order. It was a 30-day restraining order which in my head I felt like it was a cooling off period. The judge looked at the police report in the pictures that were taken, and granted a restraining order right away. No questions asked. 2 days later she was served with a restraining order at her work.

Two weeks after receiving a restraining order in me trying to keep my family in order, her parents showed up at my house. In front of my kids they served me with divorce papers. I was devastated. Heartbroken. Sad, empty, depressed, every emotion and feeling that you could possibly think of I felt it. All I wanted to do was grow up in a little ball in the corner of my room and cry. I could not let my kids see me this way so I had to hold myself together. I had to be strong. At night when I was all alone by myself I would just pray and cry, I prayed and I cried and prayed and I cried.

Time has gone on now, and day by day we try to heal our hearts. My oldest daughter wants nothing to do with her mother. The courts granted me full custody of my children, and allowed her to visit my youngest daughter 2 days a week for 3 hours a day. Even though she's allowed to see my youngest daughter for 2 days a week 3 hours a day, she only comes by one day a week to take her out for a snack or ice cream and then drops her back off within an hour or two. She still living the party life with her friends, moved into a house with roommates and they drink and smoke everyday. She is living the life that she wanted!

A month after I got served with divorce papers I started getting messages from a girl on Facebook. She said that her husband and my ex-wife have been seeing each other for a long time. We found out that this is the same guy that I caught her with the Night Before Easter. She swears that they were having an affair with each other. I had no idea that my ex-wife was seeing a guy that was also married. Ruining someone else's home. I confronted my ex-wife about it and she denied that she had ever cheated on me.

I booked a trip for the girls and I to go to Hawaii to get our minds off of everything. We went for 14 days. With everything that's happening was probably the best time of my life with my kids. We left everything behind never talked about the situation at all and just had an amazing vacation.

While we are on our vacation my ex-wife contacted me and said that she wants to talk to me when we get back. Two days after we got back we met at the beach to discuss things. I asked her to be honest with me and just tell me what was going on with that guy. She finally admitted that she was cheating on me. That was it! No turning back from this point, I was so heartbroken I could barely sit there and even look at her in the face. I felt like I had to get up and walk away but for some weird reason I stayed to hear her out. But I knew in the back of my head that there's no way that this will ever work out. Cheating is a huge deal breaker for me, I would never cheat on her ever in my life, and it is something I do not agree with that all!

Lots of things have happened since then, but its just too much to explain. Time goes by every day and we try to find peace in this. I am raising my kids all on my own, I am running my business, cooking, cleaning, taking the kids to school, helping out with homework, and even doing mom duties such as taking care of them when they're on their period, or crying in my arms about some boy at school. And there for my kids every day and I will never let them down, ever!

Never in my life did I ever think that I would be depressed. For the last 15 years I love the happiest life I could ever ask for. I loved my ex-wife more than anything in the world, and I love my kids more than anything in the world, and I was such a proud happy husband and father. No I'm lonely. I have no friends, I have dedicated the last 15 years to my family, and have never taking time for myself. At this point I don't even know where to start. My ex-wife is dating that guy, and I go to work every day to support my kids and then come home and cook and clean and take care of them. I don't even have time for myself to even meet people, find new friends, or eventually one day find love again. I'm used to having a spouse with me every day for 15 years, someone to love, someone to take care of, someone to share everyday moments with, someone to laugh with, someone to watch Netflix with, and now I lay on my bed all alone. While I lay on my bed all alone my ex-wife is out partying with her new boyfriend. For the first time in my life I'm depressed... I used to wonder how people could be depressed and I thought life was so great. Now I am probably in the state of my life. Sometimes I just lay in bed and stare at the ceiling for hours just thinking about life, or I just cry myself to sleep. Sometimes I can't sleep and I am gone all night just tossing and turning because I have so many thoughts going through my head. When I see happy couples together I feel like I want to cry. I'm jealous. I want that back in my life again. And I just don't ever see it happening anytime soon. I guess it's just because I've been used to it for 15 years it's so hard to be without someone. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids more than anything in the world! We have such a strong bond and we are so close to each other, and they love me so much! I am blessed and I thank God for that all the time! But I am a lover at heart, and I have never been so lonely in my life. The few friends that I do have her all married, and they're so busy with their wives and their families that they don't have time to do anything with me. I just recently started going back to church after getting my head straight, or at least I thought I had my head straight. But sometimes I would start crying and I would have to walk out. it's funny because this never used to be me. in the last 15 years I don't think I've cried about one thing so, now I just can't keep myself together. I don't even know how to meet people at church because I'm so down that I don't know how to approach them or what to say. I need people in my life and I just don't know what to do.

I would be very surprised if anybody read this story. When I started writing this I never thought I would drag on this long. But I guess this just felt like a way for me to get it off my chest. Even if nobody reads this I guess it was good so just get it out there. God works in mysterious ways, and there was something telling me that I should write this tonight.

If you made it this far, I can't thank you enough for getting me out and listen to my story. Set honesty means so much to me. If there's anyone else that has gone to anything similar, you're definitely in my prayers. this is not something that I would wish on my worst enemy. Once again thanks for reading my story. I hope that one day I can find happiness again, and I hope I can figure out a way to find friends in my life.

God bless you all!
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The_wanderer 40

Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
United States
Marital Status
Hello and good evening. I read through your post and I have to say that it is very similar to my own situation. I have now been raising my four daughters for more than 11 years. It is very rewarding but it is difficult, of course. The whole experience has brought me so much closer to God. My first piece of advice is to seek after him and know that he is with you and for you and in you. And know that he sees everything you are going through. Cry out to him and watch the amazing things that he will do through you and for you! Please keep in touch and God bless!
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Active Member
Aug 11, 2017
Mt Vernon
United States
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
You came to the right place. Things have turned unbelievably bad in your life. Really--this is incredible. Stay strong for your children, and keep your faith in God.
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(° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °) (ᵔᴥᵔʋ)

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Oct 14, 2015
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If you made it this far, I can't thank you enough for getting me out and listen to my story. Set honesty means so much to me. If there's anyone else that has gone to anything similar, you're definitely in my prayers. this is not something that I would wish on my worst enemy. Once again thanks for reading my story. I hope that one day I can find happiness again, and I hope I can figure out a way to find friends in my life.

God bless you all!
Thank you for sharing. In a way, I understand what you are going through. After reading your post I was moved to tears remember how lost I felt after my wife was killed, leaving me a single parent of three young boys ranging from 6 months to 9 years. Believe me when I tell you that what you are going through is normal. It is not merely depression. It is the grief of loosing someone you loved and still love. Grief is like having your back to the ocean. You don't see the tidal wave coming that knock you down. The waves are persistent. It may not seem like it now, but the waves will subside. I don't think you ever truly 'get over it' you only learn to get used to it by adapting to your 'new normal'. But the wound is still there.

The absolute best thing you can do is what you are doing right now, talking about it. You see, grief is the pain we feel after our hearts are left wounded. Typically, we as men tend to cover up the wound. We hide it from the view of others. For months after my wife was killed, I hid my grief from my children because I felt that I needed to be strong for them. However, like any other wound, if left untreated, it will fester and become corrupted. The infection will consume your heart and corrupt your soul. Talking about it is painful. Painful because it tears open the wound. But as painful as it may be, tearing open the wound is the only way the corruption can be removed. Get help. Seek grief counseling from your pastor or therapist. It is not a sign of weakness to do so. Rather, it is a sign of strength. Open up your wounded heart to allow Jesus to scrape out the corruption. This is the only way your heart will be able to heal. This is something I wished I knew much sooner.

Now, even though the wound will heal, the scare left on your heart will remain as a permanent reminder. Which is why I said that you never get over it, you only get used to it. Even though the sea is calm and the waves are not knocking you down, there are time when a rogue tsunami will strike when you least expect it. But don't be dismayed, it will subside. Rather,
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 5 For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. 6 If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. 7 And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort." (2 Corinthians 1:3-7)

Remember that you are not alone in this. Seek comfort from the "Father of compassion and the God of all comfort". Receive abundantly the comfort from the Christians who share in your sufferings. I pray that God will bless you and your family through this situation. So that when you find others who are suffering a similar tragedy, glory and praise can be given to Christ for your testimony that God will use to provide hope, encouragement, and comfort to the suffering.
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that your faith might rest in the power of God
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Amazing story. I feel for you. My situation wasn't exactly like yours, but close enough. In some ways yours has turned out better than mine.

Anything I can say is going to sound like a platitude, but when my storm hit all I could do is fall on my face and trust God. And through it all He's been more than faithful. It's been a heck of a journey, but I don't want to go back to my pre-Christ days, no matter how good they seemed in the flesh. God used tragedy to bring me to Him, so He worked everything for the good.

I think it's good that you tell your story. It will give you perspective on your situation. Maybe start a spiritual journal. Some churches have divorce or single parent support groups. Ultimately it's about drawing near to the Lord and having Him fill our void.
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Take Heart

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Jul 17, 2015
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I'm so sorry for all that you and your family have been through..thank you for sharing that with us.. it truly does help to express how we feel to others as it helps alleviate the stress and overwhelming emotions and situations and all that we keep to ourselves.

You and your family are in my prayers. It is definitely not easy raising children on your own. I pray that God will provide you with people to help you and your children at this time. I also pray that He will heal every part of your heart and life as well as your childrens' and ex.
If i may be a little frank.. i am glad that they decided to file a divorce. You and your children do not deserve that kind of abuse and toxic environment. That takes a toll on everyones mental, emotional, financial, physic, and spiritual being. I am glad that God allowed that door to be closed so you and your children can heal and not have to deal with that every single day. You can hire a babysitter or a nanny to help with your kids & cleaning so that you can have some time off for yourself. Pursue God relentlessly as He pursues you even in the midst of all that's happened. Focus on building/strengthening your relationship with Him and your children will follow by your example and will be comforted knowing that He still cares and sees.

I recommend having a listen to a song called "Eye of the storm" by Ryan Stevenson. Also at night before you sleep..or even during the day, i encourage you to listen to "K-Love" radio station which can be listened to online as well. Its all really good Christian songs and no commercials.

Praying for you, brother. Hang in there. Grieve if you must for a month if that's what it takes to heal and to begin moving forward. But keep your chin up. God has not abandoned you and your family. You are all still in the palm of His hand. And i dont know what His plans are for you but He will not let you down. He works all things for the good of those who love Him. So keep praying, keep seeking Him, keep reading His Word and listen to worship music. He is with you
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May 2, 2010
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I would be very surprised if anybody read this story.

Oh boy, a lot of people did, including a few who know exactly what you're going through, with crushing experiences of their own, and all of you can now encourage each other. God indeed works in mysterious ways, and I agree with everyone who is saying that their hardship brought them closer to God. God is good at that, just like with anything else. If our soul and heart is a battlefield, and our towers and forts crumble and burn, God plants His own towers on their ashes, and where there was shifting sand before, now is the rock of Christ. Thank you for sharing and God bless you.
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Bought by His Blood
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Dear brother you are depressed and grieving for good reasons. You have been badly hurt and rudely awaken to the fickle nature of people. i feel deeply for you and know that words cannot express how sorry i am you lost so much - its devastating really. Job in the bible knew about such a deep fall as well.

So please give yourself plenty of good care and let God's love work freely in your heart to get you through this time. Turning exclusively to God is the very best thing to do. God you can trust to love you true. Please let yourself grief it is an important part of healing. And try not to worry - i know very hard when depressed - but so very good to learn. Put your trust in God to get you through.

That God's love strengthens and comfort you even today.
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Jul 23, 2010
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I am another reader of your post and hopefully that shows you that you are not alone in this journey. You have many brothers and sisters walking with you. Maybe take this time to dig deeper into your relationship with Christ. I grew up very deep in depression, so I know how easy it is to sink deeper and deeper into it. The only thing that saved me was turning my focus fully on Him. Open the Bible and pray that He will reveal Himself like never before. Only God can breath new life into things that seem lost. You are not alone and you are loved my brother.
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Dec 31, 2016
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God bless you Neil. Hope your daughters and you are going to church. I am reminded of the quote often attributed to Abraham Lincoln.." I have often found myself on my knees in prayer, driven there by the knowledge I had no where else to go."

God bless you. Pray for your ex-wife. It may not change her, but it will change you.
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Bought by His Blood
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Pray for your ex-wife. It may not change her, but it will change you.

Good advise indeed. It may even change the wife. i know of a case where the wife divorced and began a gay relationship which lasted for 21 years. Then God touched the heart of her gay partner who promptly broke of their relationship, though she stayed around for support and kept their friendship going. And then the ex wife as well came to repentance. Sadly her husband committed suicide when he found out she left him for another woman. However the wife struggled free from guilt and despair and has also completely repented of her gay life style. It does happen. God can change human hearts around.

So yes i agree praying for her is of paramount importance.
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Feb 24, 2019
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Wow! I cannot believe how many people actually read this. I'm shocked. I have been praying lately and for some reason I feel God wanted me to write this, and I am blown away by all the responces. If I knew that people would actually read this I would have fixed my Grammer. Lol. I typed it so fast and just hit the post button never expecting so much support.

I cannot thank all of you enough for all your kind words and support. I read all the replies with so many emotions. Happiness that people actually care and that you guys are praying for my girls and I, sadness of other stories that are much worse than mine, but at the end I feel so blessed that there are good people in the world that actually care to not only take the time to read my long drawn out novel, yet still reply with such kind supportive words and prayers. So I sit here with a smile on my face tonight that God had blessed me today with so much support. Thank you lord and thank you to all the readers!

I have to say that as bad as this sounds, hearing other peoples stories that are much worse than mine makes me realize how much worse it can be. One comment about their wife passing away is horrible. You are in my prayers. If that happened to me when times were good, I would have been devastated. My heart goes out to you.

Lost4words: Thank you for the kind words. I try my hardest to be the best dad I can be. Especially after everything we have been through. I will definetly open my heart and offer my cross to Jesus. I am building my relationship with him more now than I ever have!

The_wanderer 40: I can't believe you have been going through this for 11 years with 4 kids. But, it is definitely rewarding. I have such a strong bond with my girls and they have so much respect and love for me for always being there and never giving up. You should be so proud of yourself for managing this for 11 years with 4 girls. At this point all I can do is have faith in the lord. I cry alot through prayer, and at the end of the day he has given me strength to get through this day by day. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

Ruien: I guess I have come to the right place. I never ever expected so much responce and support. Honestly I did not even think anyone would read this. Well was I wrong. I guess your it is incredible, it has brought me closer to the lord and I have built such a strong bond with my girls. As bad as things have been those 2 things are the best things that have happened to me. It's a blessing in disguise.

jason_delisle: Your response really stood out to me. First off I am so sorry for what you have been through. You are in my prayers. Your strength is inspiring, and its stories like yours that give me the strength to pull through this.

There was one thing you said that exactly described my feelings. "Grief is like having your back to the ocean. You don't see the tidal wave coming that knock you down. The waves are persistent. It may not seem like it now, but the waves will subside." When I think im getting better, and things are going good, I get slammed by another wave. I pray to God that he provides me with a surf board to ride the waves and get through this. Right now my wound is open and bleeding out. But it's things like this post that is helping stitch it one by one. I am definetly trying to seek help through church and I hope to find counseling somewhere. I just started going to a new church (that I love) but I go alone and have not meet anyone yet. Still shy and scared at the moment. But I'm hoping over the next few months I will find help somewhere, im praying for this as it's much needed at this point.

It's stories like yours that make me realize I'm not alone in this. Thank you so much for your support, kind words, and sharing your story. You will be in my prayers. God bless you!

paul1149: It's amazing to see that there are so many people out there that have gone through a similar situation. I don't know your story but I'm sure things can be alot worse. The storm definitely hit me, and all I can do is pray and let God take it. I still go through pain everyday, every night, but i try my best to let God take it because I just can't handle it. I also don't want to go to my pre-christ days, but they did not seem better in flesh for me. I am finding peace through the Lord one day at a time. It's amazing how a terrible situation can really bring me closer to the lord and pray so much! That's one thing that I'm so thankful for through all this. I never considered starting a journal but that's a great idea. I may start doing that. Telling my story here has definitely helped alot. Today I honestly feel less anxiety and I feel so much better to get it off my chest and hear your responces from good people.

Take Heart: Thank you for your concern and prayers. Its not easy raising 2 girls on my own, but its thought me alot. And like I say it has built such a strong bond between us that is priceless.
Honestly when I look outside the box, it was a good thing that she filed the divorce. I would never do it myself because I just don't believe in divorce, never have and never will. But we were going through so much pain and hurt that it was meant to be I guess. I know God has a better plan for us in the future, I just need to be patient in him, and i know good wl come. I pray for it everyday. The last thing I would ever want is for my girls to grow up in an environment like that. So it was a blessing in disguise.
I have not wanted to hire babysitter yet becuae I just can't be without my girls right now. After everything that's happened I just can't leave them and go out because I don't want them to even think for one second that I'm being like mom. I feel it's selfish right now. But I do hope one day I can have a little bit more balance in my life, and have a little "me" time. But I'm okay with being with them everyday, I just get a little lonely without adult socialization sometimes.

I will definetly check out the song you recomend tomorrow on my way to my first client. Thank you so much for your prayers, it honestly means so much to us!

Tempura: I did not expect this much response at all. I'm so thankful for all of you. Your right, it is situations like this that draws us closer to God. In fact this one post I made has drawn me so much closer seeing all the responses and support we have after getting the urge express my feelings here on this forum. I feel like God wanted me to post this, and I have got more support in the last 24 hours than I have in a long time. God is great!!! Thank you for your response and God bless you too!

Jeshu: you are right, I have been hurt and awaken by the fickle nature of people. In fact this situation made me resent society in a bad way. But I have been praying and finding better people little by little and it's changing my views on people. Not everyone is bad, but alot are. I turn to God everyday and I pray one day we all find happiness again. I trust he has a plan for us that's better than what we went through.

SouthernBlessedOne: Thank you for taking time to read my post. There clearly is alot of other people walking in my shoes. All I can do at this point is have faith in the lord and pray everyday. I'm sorry to hear that you grew up in depression, it's not something I can relate too, because my life was so wonderful when I was married with such a solid family. But now I see depression and it's tough. My heart goes out to anyone who has to feel this pain. Thank you for your concern and kind words.

gym_class_hero: thank you so much! I started going to church and I believe the girls will follow suit. My youngest says she wants to go with me this weekend which I will be praying for. We all need it. I do pray for my ex wife alot. I pray she gets better, if not for us but for herself. It's painful for us to go through this, but i had so much love for her and it's painful for me to see her destroy her life. So I will always pray for her and us. Thank you for taking time to read my post.

Jeshu: wow, what a story. Suicide is not something I could ever think of, but I do understand people can't take it anymore. I couldn't agree with you more and I will always pray that she gets better. IT may not happen soon, but one day I hope she gets better and can work on building a relationship with the girls again.

I cannot thank you all for the support and taking time to read and respond to my post. I never expected this at all. If I was in a room with you guys I would give you all a big hug. Hope that doest sound weird, lol. I am lonely and sad, but tonight I don't feel that way. I have less anxiety tonight than I have had in a long time. Tonight I pray for all that has gone through alot, and all that has responded with such kind caring words. You are all such a blessing to me and my girls. It's stories and comments like yours that help me see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will continue to pray and find peace through the lord, the Bible, and the Christian community. Whether it be Church, or through a community like this.

Thank you all so much, and God bless you all!!!
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Bought by His Blood
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I cannot thank you all for the support and taking time to read and respond to my post. I never expected this at all. If I was in a room with you guys I would give you all a big hug. Hope that doest sound weird, lol. I am lonely and sad, but tonight I don't feel that way. I have less anxiety tonight than I have had in a long time. Tonight I pray for all that has gone through alot, and all that has responded with such kind caring words. You are all such a blessing to me and my girls. It's stories and comments like yours that help me see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will continue to pray and find peace through the lord, the Bible, and the Christian community. Whether it be Church, or through a community like this.

You are most welcome brother and remember you can always come back for more support if the depression gets too much again. As a matter of fact we have daily tread going where a lot of people visit regularly to find support and to give support to others. You most welcome to vent on there or seek support or prayer.

what are you feeling right now? (24)
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(° ͡ ͜ ͡ʖ ͡ °) (ᵔᴥᵔʋ)

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Oct 14, 2015
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I have to say that as bad as this sounds, hearing other peoples stories that are much worse than mine makes me realize how much worse it can be. One comment about their wife passing away is horrible. You are in my prayers. If that happened to me when times were good, I would have been devastated. My heart goes out to you.

jason_delisle: Your response really stood out to me. First off I am so sorry for what you have been through. You are in my prayers. Your strength is inspiring, and its stories like yours that give me the strength to pull through this.

There was one thing you said that exactly described my feelings. "Grief is like having your back to the ocean. You don't see the tidal wave coming that knock you down. The waves are persistent. It may not seem like it now, but the waves will subside." When I think im getting better, and things are going good, I get slammed by another wave. I pray to God that he provides me with a surf board to ride the waves and get through this. Right now my wound is open and bleeding out. But it's things like this post that is helping stitch it one by one. I am definetly trying to seek help through church and I hope to find counseling somewhere. I just started going to a new church (that I love) but I go alone and have not meet anyone yet. Still shy and scared at the moment. But I'm hoping over the next few months I will find help somewhere, im praying for this as it's much needed at this point.

It's stories like yours that make me realize I'm not alone in this. Thank you so much for your support, kind words, and sharing your story. You will be in my prayers. God bless you!
Thank you for your kind words. However, I don't want this to be about me. This is about Christ. It was the comfort and strength that I received through the grace of Christ that got me though and continues to do so today. Although I did not realize it at the time, but God has blessed me with my testimony for this very reason. I am merely an instrument that God had created for the purpose of providing hope and encouragement to those who are suffering. Which is why I am currently in the process of becoming a Naval Chaplain. Who would be better equipped to provide hope and comfort to the grieving widow of a fallen service member than someone who has experienced and overcame the very same grief they have? Never forget that God will never allow a great tragedy to happen unless He had a greater plan for good. The greater the tragedy, the greater the purpose for that tragedy and I believe that God has a much greater plan and purpose for your testimony than you can ever imagine. I pray not merely that God will take your pain and suffering away. Rather, I pray that God will use your suffering and pain to bring comfort to others and glorify His name.

A really good book that I helped me was Broken Things: Why we suffer by M.R. DeHaan.
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Take Heart

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Jul 17, 2015
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Take Heart: Thank you for your concern and prayers. Its not easy raising 2 girls on my own, but its thought me alot. And like I say it has built such a strong bond between us that is priceless.
Honestly when I look outside the box, it was a good thing that she filed the divorce. I would never do it myself because I just don't believe in divorce, never have and never will. But we were going through so much pain and hurt that it was meant to be I guess. I know God has a better plan for us in the future, I just need to be patient in him, and i know good wl come. I pray for it everyday. The last thing I would ever want is for my girls to grow up in an environment like that. So it was a blessing in disguise.
I have not wanted to hire babysitter yet becuae I just can't be without my girls right now. After everything that's happened I just can't leave them and go out because I don't want them to even think for one second that I'm being like mom. I feel it's selfish right now. But I do hope one day I can have a little bit more balance in my life, and have a little "me" time. But I'm okay with being with them everyday, I just get a little lonely without adult socialization sometimes.

I will definetly check out the song you recomend tomorrow on my way to my first client. Thank you so much for your prayers, it honestly means so much to us!

I must apologize as I've been worrying if my reply sounded a little insensitive but I'm glad it seems you didn't think so. It's understandable that you don't want to leave your girls yet and it's great that your bond with your daughters has grown. Don't be afraid to take some time once in awhile for yourself. I'm sure they'd understand if you explained what/where you're going but all things in its time. You being with them is a great comfort and assurance in their lives. I think it'd be great if you took them on 'father-daughter dates' every now and then like eating out, parks [depending on the weather], etc to help keep their mind off of things for a bit. Anyway, we're all praying for you and your family. You're never alone in dealing with all this. You have a Christian-based family of support on here.
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We are all brothers and sisters in Christ, so anytime you need family, look no further. It's a beautiful thing to watch God weave and intertwine the lives of people from all different backgrounds so we can encourage and strengthen one another.
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The_wanderer 40

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Feb 25, 2019
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Neil_hb, it was really great to read your replies to everyone! We are all here for each other. God gives us strength in many ways, including through the kind words and actions of others. I pray for God‘s peace for you and your girls. Keep in touch and God bless!
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