Is it my fault? Husband calls me names

Almost there

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Oct 24, 2017
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I can only offer this: Love him no matter what he says, and don't apologize when you've done nothing wrong. Two great comebacks that worked for me, always presented with respect:
1. I'm sorry you see it that way.
2. I'm not angry. I just see you differently.

I was with an abusive woman that was very similar to your husband, but in a more "female" way. I read a lot of self help books and took some classes. They helped a LOT. I was no longer her lap dog, but I was also nice and respectful. Her response was to divorce me. And I've now been with the woman of my dreams going on 20 years. It's all good.
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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Even if I swore at him? Won't people say I provoked him (even though he had already called me dumb stupid)?
No , he has driven you to this.. He is an abusive man and even if you got just a tongue lashing now and then you might stand it but it is escalating . He is not just tongue lashing out now and then but speaking down to his wife, demeaning you and now even gotten physical. What will be next ?

Divorce courts for the most part today don't even use infidelity as a cause for divorce, FWIW. Most states and lawyers go with irreconcilable differences. But it doesn't have to be divorce, my daughter tossed her husband out for about 9 months because of alcohol, then drugs and he placed himself as a high king on the throne of his depraved lifestyle etc etc. They are back together now, she set the ground rules for counseling etc. enough was enough, he was running rough shod over the house for 20 some odd years.
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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My husband knows the Bible extremely well. He even said today that he could give me 100 quotes to support his view but all I could do was give one about impatience.

He says the problem is me, I do dumb stupid things.

Example I was showing him on the computer screen some numbers and touched the flat computer screen. He was understandably not happy cause he explained not to, that it could leave permanent marks. So I continue to try to explain what I did and then there goes my finger again on the screen pointing at the line. That is my fault and I don't know why it didn't register properly the first time not to touch the screen with my finger.

He was not happy at the time but said later isn't that a dumb thing to do.
Listen, you are who you are and that is who he married. Through Jesus, through the Holy Spirit he should be able to see that and love you. You can do a search right now about the things he does to you and find scripture to support your position but this doesn't need to be some kind of match contest of scripture. It's about love and that's all over the bible and just happens to be God's forte.
But this guy is getting me angry and I don't even know him !!
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He doesn't call me loser or other specific names anymore, so that improved. But yesterday was the worst time he put his hands on me but I didn't help by swearing at him. Originally he would threaten me by saying "oh if you were a boy....." with his fist up. Then it went to him being rough a few times, like the time I got impatient with him and was indicating with my hand towards something in an irritated manner and he roughtly pulled my arm, making my neck sore. Or he would walk up to me in anger and push me back with his hands.

But yesterday after putting his hands roughly on my shoulders he then brought them to my neck and then moved them so that each hand was at the side in the front and applied pressure.

If he was someone I just met I would never have anything to do with him again.

But I have gone from just trying to defend myself or just keep quiet to trying to keep quiet, focus in Jesus not to allow his words to hit an emotional mark but then overtime responding in kind. I lost it yesterday after hurting me Friday and all the constant criticism and swore at him. If I had not he would not have put his hands on me.

Yeah, all that physical stuff is just not good at all, regardless any other improvements.

I lost it yesterday after hurting me Friday and all the constant criticism and swore at him. If I had not he would not have put his hands on me

Make no mistake, you did not deserve to have him hurt you, or even put his hands on you as if he wanted to. These are very bad signs.
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Aug 27, 2017
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It was suggested I put this in the advice forum so I am.

Is it my fault cause I swore?

I don't think I can take any more but I can't leave because I don't believe in divorce and it would give the name of Jesus a bad name. I am so tired.

I didn't swear for years but now in the past months I do swear ...Lord forgive me!!! But it's been a few years my husband has been calling me names, 4 months after we were married, like dumb stupid lazy useless, says other people think I am dumb too and most times I try to be quiet and not respond or would try to defend myself without retaliation. But I got angry tonight, it was too much.

He's said to me last year that he was disappointed in me and because he knows how the Lord thinks, the Lord is disappointed in me too. He often makes tick sounds with his tongue during the day in response to things I say or do, to show his disgust or disapproval.

I pray that my husband will forgive me for calling him names and that our marriage will be restored. I also prat that if necessary his mistreatment of me would be revealed to others but most importantly without me having to say a word or reveal anything so that I will not get blamed for revealing any thing.

I cannot go to anyone cause if he treats me bad like this for trivialities (it's not all the time though) I would be super afraid of what he in the privacy of our own home afterwards for something as big as going public with this. It would be over cause I would be too scared at that point

Pray please that he will appreciate me for who I am, that he would love me right. And stop calling me dumb stupid.

He used to call me names more often and worse, but he has improved and I believe in response to prayers on this forum before.

I get criticized for the way I speak, the way I eat (too fast), the way I drink (make too much noise), my weight, the way I do things... too often.... yet then he'll compliment me out of the blue, like he'll say he's proud of me.

Friday we were at the mall and he told me to wait in the driver seat for him to return, and to move the car if someone is behind me but to stay put .

A car came up to I drove forward and I turned the corner and a parking space was just becoming liberated. I waited a few minutes and texted him to let me know where I was when he comes out.

He was so angry that I was not waiting in front near the exit and got upset, called me stupid, dumb etc.... He said he only meant moving a foot of two to let cars pass.

I tried to explain myself but it didn't work.

So I opened the window cause I knew he would stop yelling at me and he did. Window goes up and he continues.

So at one point I angled my finger towards him and said he was a hypocrite. He grabbed my wrist so hard that it burned and 30 minutes later the pink imprint of my watch was still there on my skin. I went to church later trying not to burst into tears during the meeting.

He said I put my finger in his face and not to do that when he was driving. . But I was in the passenger side and could only angle my arm towards him up, maybe I was close.

He said because I opened the window to stop him yelling it showed him that I can betray him.

Tonight I did an excel sheet of all medical expenses. He started to yell at me cause i put notes in the 1st column, so I told him I will fix it. I removed them and resent him the file. Then he was upset because I had put all of the expenses even those covered by insurance on the sheet at 0.00 (I had highlighted those that we paid). I initially understood when he started yelling at me that he wanted them all at the nearest dollar but then understood he meant just put those expenses we were not reimbursed for. So he started yelling again and calling me stupid and dumb cause an accountant wouldn't need those figures. Saying he would give it to someone else to do. I said all he had to say was to remove the ones at 0.00 .....but I had put them all there as I was listing every one to be sure not to miss any.

He kept at it so much that I swore at him 3 times the f word and he came to where I was sitting and grabbed me by the shoulders hard and pushed me back in the chair and then grabbed my neck pushing it back. I have red marks on my shoulders, but a little bit red on my neck but nothing permanent and they are fading. The areas burn.

He said I was not saved cause I swore. When I told him I was not like this before he said yes you were was in you all the time but it only came out now. Like it's being revealed now. How can anyone deal with being called stupid so many times.

I have to admit after he roughed me up I swore at him again a few times because I am so angry at being put down.. at one point after I said a swear word he looks up and said ."you hear her Lord" if I am the bad guy.

He took the computer off my desk, saying it was his and I had to put my stuff in a plastic container where it remains.

Afterwards last night he came to see me insisting that he didn't call me dumb or stupid and that I swore first then he called me dumb/stupid.

So I told him it didn't happen that way, that he called me dumb stupid first.

After me repeating the truth to him, he says " I said you were being dumb....."

So I kept on insisting that was not true and he starts raising his voice, calling me lazy and dumb and stupid ..again.

I help him at times with his work. He rarely helps me with things around the house. I make his meals, get his snacks, coffee water, do errands for him...but it's like he forgets. When I help him he's all appreciative then later I am lazy and do nothing again according to him.

Seriously is this a spiritual attack of some sort? What confusion!

He has grabbed me by the neck before when he was in the kitchen months ago. I threw a knife into the sink cause I was frustrated at what he was saying to me, into his precious sink, and he had grabbed me by the collar and twisted my sweater and pushed me back. I had some marks. But now he says I threw the knife at him which is not true cause he was diagonally in front of me and the sink was to his left about a foot or two away and I did a side throw into the sink.

I am so so so so tired of being called dumb and stupid.

No one would believe me and would probably blame me by saying I am not saved or that he married beneath him. If I said anything or revealed it he probably would tell everyone that I am not saved and an angel of light, something he's said to me before which really hurts and lie about things.

2 years ago I used to call prayer lines when he used to call me names but when he found out I called them he called me a spiritual whor.... so I promised him I would not call again.

I have seen him reveal things about people behind their backs which discredit them, making him the good gut but with me, if he discredits me publicly right now, it will bring him down too so he only does it to me in private.

He is so good at being kind, considerate outside the home. He knows the Word of God very well and prays beautifully and is highly respected by a lot of people, but not all.

I am the loser, the one with no talent or accomplishments that he married and as he says is blessed to be with him. He said other women we know would love to be in my shoes and starts naming them.

He's not evil but like me has areas he needs to work on. I have to stop swearing.

The devil would love for us to be divorced but I want to obey the Lord.
Your husband sounds like a self centered and self righteous ass. Leaving him must be an option for your very existence..If you do not believe in divorce a separation might be in order. You have to be responsible for your well being too. Let me ask you. The bible says divorce is wrong except in the case of adultery...OK. Is he living up to his vows? I think not...Adultery is more than chasing another lover. Its putting something before the spouse. He's putting himself and his religious BS before you and your relationship. Adultery. My advice......Leave him until he can get his head screwed on.
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Take Heart

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Jul 17, 2015
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Ah, so it all happened before. Sorry for misunderstanding. I think you mentioned finding out about the emails after marriage. Anyway, I still think the abuse itself is grounds for divorce. It's honestly not healthy. There is a line that's been crossed and that line was when he placed his hands on you in a violent way and actually inflicting harm. He also sounds he blows up over every small thing. There are polite ways to address those little 'don't-sweat-the-small-stuff' things that seem to light his short fuse. Also, he sounds like he's treating you like a child. You're an adult. He can't put you down like that, call you names, and the whole don't touch the computer screen because it can leave marks. My family touches my computer screen and visa versa but we don't blow up at each other. He needs to get off his high horse and get over these silly insignificant things that really don't matter. I also don't care how much he knows about the Bible and can recite verses off the top of his head. Satan knows the Bible too-more than we do. But he still uses it to manipulate us and twist God's words against us. I just know how freeing it would be for you if you decide to finally put your foot down on this relationship. You already know this relationship is not healthy and that it's affecting you drastically. I dealt with workplace bullying a couple years ago..and sadly endured it for about 4-5 years. I have long since quit, but let me tell you..all the negative experiences I went through took its toll. I felt like I was dying on the inside. I felt useless, worthless, 'stupid', like I'll never amount to anything, I was basically a living empty shell of who I once was. But by God's grace, I quit that job and He has since helped repair all the damage that's been done. Everyone has been giving some pretty great advice. The only one who can truly fix his stubborn heart is God and God alone.
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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But last night I shamefully admit that I asked Him, "where are you? "
The God you are looking for, the one you need with or without your husband, is the God of the bible as are likely the words you need to hear from Him. It sounds like you are living experientially vs spiritually. That is to say you expect to see physical change when a change is needed in the heart first, probably both of your hearts . I'm not saying this to offend you just being realistic. And I might add that it's a very common position we humans find ourselves in. But it boils down to this, when we want God near we need to draw near to Him and He will draw nearer to us. And we find Him in our actions, in other words being in alignment with Him. We find Him in or through prayer and we find Him in His Word. So if you want Him near, think of these things and act on them..
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Aug 6, 2012
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I'm sorry for your situation. You need to get help. If you attend a church, you HAVE to talk to your pastor, or seek professional counselling, a social worker, etc.
You stated that you would be afraid of going public because he might do something rash from embarrassment.
However, if you tell your pastor, your husband will not do anything, because the church will know he is responsible and will know what your husband did to you. Your husband will be afraid to act out if you go public. The wise thing to do is to go public. Without this, prayer may help, but without going to your church, I think you are hurting yourself.
Please have the courage and strength to reach out to someone.
When we are afraid to let people know about our issues, it's really our pride that is controlling our actions.
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'But I say unto you, that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment; and whosoever shall say to his brother, ‘Raca,’ shall be in danger of the council; but whosoever shall say, ‘Thou fool,’ shall be in danger of hell fire.'

There are so many things you could say to him. On the hypocrisy score, 'Take the beam out of your own eye', before complaining about the mote in other people's. Rather than personalising it between you and him, when you can, refer to his behaviour towards others. He won't like that. Say that people can only see a little of how you treat me (he's what's called 'a street angel'), but they don't know half malice you feel towards a lot of people in the secrecy of your heart. But nothing is secret from God. He sees every motion of our hearts. Right now, you're bad lot, and it's high time you started putting your faith in God's providence, instead of cursing all the time, as if you were a victim of endless injustice ! Nothing happens by accident. God's providence is never derailed. Pull yourself together. Actually, I think he needs re-educating in the Christian faith at a very fundamental level.
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Nov 27, 2016
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He is abusive, but there is a chink of light in the darkness.

From what I have read (not all of the posts) he has improved a little bit. You also said he has reduced the name calling and cut out some of the names. It is a start. If he at least shows that he accepts he is acting abusively and needs to stop there is something you can both work with. Maybe he would respond well to counselling. Maybe with a bit of time he can become a better husband. Maybe.

However, if he continues as he is and does not recognise his need to change and how he is treating you, you need to leave. Maybe even just leaving him might be the kick he needs to make him recognise his abuse and change. But I do not think you should stay in such an abusive relationship. People often underestimate the effect of staying in an abusive environment that they are in. It takes courage to do something about it and leave, but its easy to make excuses and stay.
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Feb 28, 2016
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When I read this, (and I don't want to judge but this is how I am perceiving it) I feel like he actually thinks he and God are on one team and you are on another, against them.

Agree, and not that that's extremely abnormal but it is at least mildly delusional. As others/I have alluded too, he may need to take look at his own self.

Also, I'd be the first one to say be patient, and work on it, but as many of us have mentioned there is that physical thing. If you should try to work on it, all we can do is hope you will have an idea when the physical may go way over the line. I'd say most likely you will know before hand, but then there is the possibility you will not.
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Jun 7, 2013
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Your husband is very likely not a Christian. I very, very highly doubt that he is. My husband is not perfect, but he loves me very much and treats me wonderfully in spite of how messed up and broken I am.

We recently heard of a highly respected minister who was a very gifted preacher and writer. He recently killed himself. It had come out that he was having affairs with multiple women. Not everything is how it appears on the outside, obviously. Now, men and women in the Lord can fall, but they will not stay in habitual unrepentant sin. A Christian may have deep besetting sins, but they will be grieved and distressed over them. The Lord may not immediately deliver them from the sin, but I do believe He will lead them to seek deliverance from the sin. It may take time, but He will deal with it.

It's really irrelevant, as Scripture says we shouldn't depart from unbelievers (it's not an excuse for divorce), but I would pray about seeking help somehow because of the physical abuse.
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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Agree, and not that that's extremely abnormal but it is at least mildly delusional. As others/I have alluded too, he may need to take look at his own self.

Also, I'd be the first one to say be patient, and work on it, but as many of us have mentioned there is that physical thing. If you should try to work on it, all we can do is hope you will have an idea when the physical may go way over the line. I'd say most likely you will know before hand, but then there is the possibility you will not.
Yes the physical abuse takes it over the limit. Not that any of it is any good but that now makes it dangerous and if it increases she may not be able to escape him. Physical abuse is an absolute no no, unacceptable and not a good sign of progression. If he can't control himself better than that then what about next time and the time after. He needs help in a different way than the OP. He is both oppressive and aggressive.
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Jun 7, 2013
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Also, the fact that he can say, Lord, you hear her," and not even acknowledge his own sin is just incredible. He is absolutely blind. Not a good sign for him spiritually. He is a complete hypocrite. I know someone like this who is close to us. He is also very abusive not only to women, but pretty much to anyone that crosses him. Yet everyone else is the huge sinner but him.
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Jun 7, 2013
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To add to what I said above, your husband needs Christ. Something probably happened to him in his life to make him very angry and bitter towards women. I struggle with this toward men. My family split up when I was very young. I have had a hard time with men ever since. Your husband needs your prayer, regardless of what you decide to do for your safety on the meantime. Pray that the Lord would have mercy on his soul, as we all need mercy.
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Sep 13, 2016
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I'm sorry you're in this situation. Your husband sounds very abusive, and there is no excuse or justification for what he does. It's wrong, period. Any "man" who chooses (and make no mistake, it is a choice) to treat his wife this way is not a man. Based on personal experience, I'm pretty sure he will not change. I also don't think therapy would help.

In your situation, I would make a plan to leave and then do it. Have a support network ready to help you - your parents, family, friends. Make copies of important documents. And then leave. Staying because you "don't believe in divorce" is not a reason to stay. This is an unpopular opinion here, and some people might disagree with me, but the longer you stay in your marriage, the more he will hurt you. And bringing children into such an environment would only hurt them as well.

I pray for your safety and wish you all the best.
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Feb 28, 2016
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Yes the physical abuse takes it over the limit. Not that any of it is any good but that now makes it dangerous and if it increases she may not be able to escape him. Physical abuse is an absolute no no, unacceptable and not a good sign of progression. If he can't control himself better than that then what about next time and the time after. He needs help in a different way than the OP. He is both oppressive and aggressive.

Absolutely agree.

Also, the fact that he can say, Lord, you hear her," and not even acknowledge his own sin is just incredible. He is absolutely blind. Not a good sign for him spiritually. He is a complete hypocrite. I know someone like this who is close to us. He is also very abusive not only to women, but pretty much to anyone that crosses him. Yet everyone else is the huge sinner but him.

It is incredible, but it happens. There are people who see themselves as holy and closer to God than those around them. Not sure if there is a syndrome for that but they get judgmental and can't possibly do any wrong themselves. If they do they don't see it or call the wrong right because of the way they perceive it.

In extreme cases, you disagree with them, even with a very sensible stance on something and you become Satan. I doubt this guy is that but that's how far it can go, and it's scary/fanaticism.

Spiritual narcissism?
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