50 Reasons Christians Should be Prepping


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Read the words of Jesus in Luke 13.

Ye shall all likewise perish

Jesus spoke to us about the Galilaeans whose blood was mixed with the sacrifices by a mad secular ruler.

Luke 13:1-6 KJV
1 There were present at that season some that told him of the Galilaeans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.
2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?
3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.​

He did not even hint that those people could have been immune from these sufferings or rescued from them. They died at the hands of a madman ruler. No angels came from heaven to save them. Those that died were no more sinners than those who did not die. Sinner and saint died in this event of political madness. If those believers in Galilee had known beforehand that this slaughter was coming and prepared, would you have called them without faith?

Peter stated in no uncertain terms that believers should not be surprised that we suffer from these sorts of events:

1 Peter 4:12 KJV
12 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:​

Peter considered these things to not be strange as in unusual. He considered them normal for the day.

To suggest that God is going to save you from social and political massacre is simply not bared out by scripture or history. Christians have died by the tens of millions, even hundreds of millions in political/social upheavals. From ancient Rome through current atheistic nations, Christians have died and are even now dying. Some scholars estimate that the number of Christians executed by the Nazi in the holocaust was close to 3 million. This number pales before the number murdered by the communists in the USSR and China. Some estimate that Stalinist Russian murdered up to 20 million Christians. The largest number of Christians murdered by any one political entity is 65 million in communist China. This number is a low estimate because the victors get to write the history, and of course they are not going to present the truth. One source places the number of Christians murdered by communist China at 150 million. In all this there is no record or testimony that believers in mass were spared or escaped. There are, of course, testimonies of individuals being saved here and there, but that number is a mere fraction of a percent. If you had been there, the probability of your survival would have been very, very small. History without a doubt teaches us that Christians die when social and political upheaval strikes. We die side by side with the non-Christian. Righteous and sinner die regardless. If you are counting on some miraculous salvation from the coming political and social upheaval, you are being presumptuous. There is no evidence in history that this has ever taken place in any instance or nation. There are no promises in the scripture that you will be saved from persecution or political/social upheaval.
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If the nation reaches that point it is because Christians have not been interceding against it.

1 Timothy 2:1-15 KJV
1. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2. For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;
4. Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.​

Prayer will help prevent these events from taking place. But once they take hold and proceed, it is too late. The consequences are terrible and complete. Today tens of thousands of Christians are being murdered around the world by those who hate God and Christ. Today Christianity continues and thrives in Ethiopia despite intense persecution by radical Muslims. In the past Ethiopian Christians have been tortured and killed at the hands of communists. There is no evidence that anyone is saving them or that they are being spared. Are these Christians "of little faith" because they endure these things? To suggest that Christians who suffer at the hands of political oppression are "without faith" is grievously insensitive. If these believers had prepared to "bug out" beforehand, would you have accused them of being faithless? These are very hard, cold, and callous accusations.
Nations such as our own do virtually nothing to save Christians who suffer from persecution or prevent their death. If they do nothing now, why would we think that they will do anything in the future, even when such events strike closer to home? These things have happened within the last century, and were perpetrated by so-called civilized nations. Humans have not changed in the last 100 years. As society disintegrates, they will do the same things they have done for millennia. They will identify their victims, marginalize them, demonize them, and set up the camps.
Do not say it will not happen. It is already happening. All the pieces of a potential holocaust are already in place. The population is already being conditioned to accept it. The rationalization to drive it is already in place. The laws and statues are already in place to bring it all to pass. The police and security forces are already being taught that "fundamentalist Christians" are domestic terrorists who perpetrate hate speech, store up weapons, and abuse their children. We are being made out to be no different than KKK members, skinheads, or the Waco Davidians. They have already shown us they are willing to send a tank up against a house filled with women and children. They have already shown they will kill you and rationalize what they did. They will do it and by some strange twist of logic blame you for what happened. If you are religious, prepping, and storing weapons in your home, you can be made out to be another David Koresh. All they have to do is obtain a warrant and show up at your door. You will be declared a domestic terrorist. All that has to happen is someone pick up a phone, make an accusation, and say your name. Once this occurs, your fate is sealed. They will use your children as leverage, threaten to hurt you and your family, and then declare that you do not care for your children because you do not bow down to their extortion and threats. As they hold guns to your children's heads; somehow, you will be made out to be the bad guy. Do not deny that this will never happen. It has already happened, and the tools to make it happen across the nation are already in place.
There is nothing missing except the spark to initiate the fire. Nobody will come to help you. If you have not prepared, you will only have yourself and the loved ones that you trust. I realize some of you think this sounds crazy. I know many will refuse to believe it. But history is on my side. I have thousands of years of history and (more importantly) plain scriptures to back up my argument. Every such event in history occurred quickly. Every such event was unanticipated by the general population. Most would have denied that it could happen. Right up until the beginning of the carnage, they would have scoffed at the possibility of such atrocities. Even while the events took place they would deny it was happening. As the victims marched into the death machine they could not believe or accept what was happening. Yet it did happen, it does happen, and it is about to happen again. Everything is happening exactly as it has always happened. People are denying it today just as they always have denied it. Because the machine is already in place, it takes on a life of its own. Many of those who will perpetrate the atrocities will deny they are doing anything wrong. They are all acting in accordance with established law and practice. "We are just doing our jobs..."
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Wars, Rumors And Real

Wars have been raging for centuries. How many believers simply vanished in the flames of the bombing of Dresden and Berlin? There is no evidence that they lived while the non-Christians died. Thousands of Christians did not march out of the ruins of these cities. When the Nazi invaded eastern Russia in WW II, millions of Christians were executed. Entire villages were simply wiped out. Orthodox Christian believers were executed along side Jew and Gypsy. There is no evidence that Christians were singled out and freed. They all died together and were mixed in the mass graves. When the Russian army marched into Berlin and other German cities, they raped 90% of the girls and women aged "8 to 80." German citizens were killed by the thousands. There is no evidence that Christians were spared from these atrocities. It is painful to have to share these truths from history. I hate that these things happened. I hate we have to even speak of them. We would like to forget them. But if these dear souls had taken steps to prepare beforehand to flee these events, to "bug out" as it were, would you have called them without faith? Would you blame them and scold them because they wanted to escape these horrors?

The Nazi systematically killed and starved over 3.3 million Russian POWs. Their plan was to starve over 5.5 million Russian POWs, murder the rest of the Russians in the eastern part of that nation, and repopulate it with Germans of pure Arian blood. There is no evidence that Christians were spared or saved out of this. We have no stories of mass escape or rescue. Once again, believer died along side unbeliever. Are we to think that among these millions there were none that "deserved" deliverance? Did angels descend upon the steps of Russia to save out the millions of Christians? We have no such stories. Are we to suggest that American Christians are somehow "special" and that God loves us more than the Russian and Chinese believers? Or should we just read history as it is and come to the realization that American believers are subject to the same atrocities and calamities as believers of other nations and all humanity. You are not special. You are not on the save list. There is no evidence that a save list even exists. There will no doubt be miraculous deliverances here and there. But the vast majority, and I mean 99%, share a common fate. This is what history tells us. If you do not prepare, there is no evidence that anyone will come to save you. You are one of the masses who history and chance say will perish.
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Natural Disaster and Calamity

That Christians have died along side non-Christians in every natural catastrophe is not something that we have to prove at length. Every earthquake, hurricane, tornado, and volcano kills indiscriminately. The forces do not choose between believer and unbeliever. The righteous and unrighteous die side by side each other. Oh yes there are random testimonies where individual believers are saved, and even miraculously so. But these are the exception and not the rule. For every wonderful story of miraculous salvation, there are a thousand stories of death and loss. In no way do I diminish those wonderful testimonies of salvation and deliverance. We love to hear them and glorify God because of them. Yet the fact remains that when calamity strikes, there are no incidences of mass rescue. Are we to assume that all these believers were faithless and deserved to die?
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Jesus recounted the natural calamity of a tower that fell and killed 18 people.

Luke 13
4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.​

There may have been faithful and true believers among them. There may have been rank sinners also. The falling tower did not discriminate between those 18 that died. Were they all faithless because they died in this calamity? If they had known that the tower was going to fall would we call them faithless because they prepped by bugging out 50 feet to the east? If they knew the tower was going to fall, would we call them without faith because they: moved? Does being faithful require that you stand there in the shadow of the falling tower and get crushed? Would you gather your wife and children around you and declare your faithfulness as the tower smashed you all to bits? Would you scold others because there hauled butt out of there? It seems so odd to have to write these things!
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The tsunami that occurred along the coasts of the Indian Ocean on December 26 2004 was estimated to have projected the force of 23,000 Hiroshima sized atomic bombs. Over 155,000 people died as a result and over half a million were injured. We can only surmise how many of these were Christians. There is no evidence that the flood waters bypassed churches or that Christians floated on top of the onrushing waves. I wish I could report that these things do not happen to believers and that we are somehow immune from them. We are not. God has His purposes and His reasons will one day become plain to us. But today we can only prepare. To engage in some magical thinking where millions of American Christians will be spared from what no other group of believers has been spared in the past will result in the death of millions. You engage in this sort of head-in-the-sand to your own peril, and you endanger your family and children with you.
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According to a recent Washington Post story, there are about 3 million preppers in the US. I suspect there are many more than this who are either prepping in secret or see the need to prep and just need a nudge to get start. If you are one of these, consider yourself nudged.

Proverbs 13:16
A wise man thinks ahead; a fool doesn't, and even brags about it!"​
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Another mindset says that preppers are hoarding. These ones do not understand the meaning of the word "hoarding" when they apply it to the context of prepping. According to Merriam-Webster, to hoard is nothing more than "to lay up a supply or fund, often hidden away." I have yet to have anyone explain why this is a bad thing! This is actually an accurate assessment of what most preppers do. But what detractors of prepping mean when they say we are "hoarding" is that we are gathering every single instance of a single item and leaving none for anyone else. If I drove to every store in town and bought up all the rice, that would be hoarding in this context. Nobody else would be able to buy any because I "hoarded" it all. This is certainly not what preppers are doing. Preppers are not buying up all the rice or bottled water so that there is none available to anyone else. The stores are currently stocked to the brim with every product imaginable. Nobody is doing without because preppers have "hoarded" it all for themselves. This is a straw man argument and does not apply to prepping. If you want to see hoarding, wait till day one hits and the seriousness of the situation finally dawns on a clueless nation. You will see masses of people breaking down the doors of your local supermarkets and clearing the shelves of all the goods they can carry, oblivious of the needs of others. That is hoarding, and today's critics of prepping will be right in there doing it with them.
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Preparation is not a bad thing. It does not earmark you as a nut or paranoid. The simple preparations we are suggesting earmark you as wise and careful. You are not faithless or any less of a Christian because you see the signs of the times and make reasonable preparations. Why risk being placed into the scenario where you will find yourself forced to beg, and even steal to provide for your family? Why risk having to depend on those like myself who are making preparation? I will tell you now that despite your lack of preparation, when that day comes, no true believer with the love of God in their heart will be able to turn you away. Despite the fact that every bite of food I give you and yours will be food I am taking out of my own children’s mouths I will do it - because that is what love and the scriptures tell us to do.

1 John 3
17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?​

As a believer walking in faith and love, this has to be our approach. We must give to those who do not have, full of the faith that whatever we give to those in need God will supply back to us with increase.
The question you have to ask is what side of this charity will you be on? Will you be feeding the hungry or will you be taking the food from children?

Please think deeply about this!!!
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We are the good guys!

Preppers will actually be helping their communities by freeing up the limited amount of disaster resources. If preppers are feeding themselves and their families, they will not be a burden on others. Non-preppers, on the other hand, will be among those begging for help and adding to the burden of overwhelmed health and safely organizations. Preppers should be lauded for their efforts, not criticized. On a side note, I am almost convinced that there are dark forces that oppose prepping and do so for nefarious reasons. They want you to fail. They want you to be destitute and totally dependent upon "the beast." In this context "the beast" is the socio-political/economic oligarchy that seeks total control over and absolute dependence of all citizens. Watching the news and following the actions of our government over the last decade, it seems they want to destroy our economy, our social structure, and our family structure. If someone wanted to destroy a country, this is how they would do it. If the nation survives, political scientists and historians will have a chapter detailing the last decade of American history entitled "how to destroy a civilization."
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Do not just tout the party line

Today, Christians and non-Christians who criticize and demonize preppers are merely parroting what the media and political ideologues are saying. People have to learn to think for themselves and free themselves from the brainwashing and conditioning of the world. You have a responsibility to God and your family. Do not be a bobble-head dashboard ornament that follows the crowd down the beaten path to destruction. Look your spouse and children in the eyes and say to yourself: "I love you and I am not going to let anyone or anything hurt you." You will not regret this decision. If people deride you and criticize, that is ok. There are no laughs in any of this, but if there were, you will have the last one. I rather think I will have that last joyful smile as I feed my family, and even some of those thoughtless detractors.
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What about "Zombies"?

The word "Zombies" is the "colorful" and somewhat insensitive "metaphor" that preppers use to designate those who did not prepare for the coming events and who will turn into brute beasts shortly after the "stuff hits the fan." I cringe at the term "zombie." Many people who have not prepped will await help from the state, when in fact there may not be any coming. Many of these will finally come to the realization that they have been lied to. How they react is hard to predict. Riots, social disobedience, and widespread looting is certainly likely. Once the stores are ransacked and the shelves are bare they will renew their efforts. Preppers will be on their list.

These are human beings. These are the unfortunate souls who for whatever reason did not see fit to prepare. They are the lost, desperate masses who were deceived and are now suffering because they believed the lies. They will be starving and watching their children starve. Given the opportunity, they will riot and rampage. They will loot food sources such as supermarkets and storage houses. When the supermarkets are empty, they will come after those individuals, families, and groups who have prepared. It pains me to say this. But these ones will kill you and anyone else who refuses to give them what they want. These will have reverted back into animals: brute beasts that have no moral core. It pains me even worse to say the following: your women and children will not be safe against these. I suppose some would now accuse me of real fear mongering. But in history we see this all the time.

Ask anyone who has been in wartime.
Ask those civilians who have lived in war zones.
Look into history where society and law enforcement have fallen apart.

You will be a target and if you have not prepared for the coming days; you, your family, and your loved ones will be victims.

I could detail some things from history that would put an exclamation point on what I am saying. But I felt a twinge of conscious against those words. I believe that we need to proceed in faith and obedience, not in fear. Fear leads to doubt, and doubt may cause the very thing you fear to come upon you. Suffice it to say that there are tens of millions of people in our nation who have no moral core. The only thing preventing them from going on a rampage of rape, murder, looting, and riot is cultural pressure, the presence of law enforcement, and the threat of incarceration. When the stuff hits the fan, many of those with no moral core will revert to the above-mentioned brute beasts. They will fear neither God nor men. These are the ones who think the world owes them a living and demand benefits. If you refuse to supply them with the goods, then you are somehow selfish or evil. They were promised cradle to grave care and happiness by misguided and deceitful politicians, and now they firmly believe you should divide up to them what you have worked hard to accumulate. They see it as "unfair" that you should have food and not share it all with them. Hence, in their own minds, they will feel very justified as they attempt to take all you have from you by force. While I am trying hard not to excite you with fear, in another way, if it takes fear to bring you to action, then let it be. I hope one day we will meet and you will say:

"I am glad you spoke with hardness. You woke me up to action, and I thank God, because I believe this saved my life and the lives of my family."

If this happens just once, I will consider the effort to be well worth it. I will thank God for any who are spurred to action by what they read here, regardless of the reason.
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Do not say this will not happen here in the US. It will. In fact it is already happening! Home invasion is a difficult crime to track because very often it is prosecuted as breaking and entering, burglary, or some other crime. One agency has estimated that as many as 600,000 home invasions occur each year. And we are in the "good times." Just as earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and tornadoes are being referred to as "judgments" on a nation that has turned its back on God, so too this wave of crime and violence is part of that judgment. God simply gives people what they want:

Psalm 81
12 So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices.

Romans 1
28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.

2 Thessalonians 2
11 For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false,

Do not think that all these calamities are necessarily from God. In the scriptures we see that some are merely the land reaping upon an evil nation that evil which it has sown.

Leviticus 18
24 Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:
25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
26 Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:
27 (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled; )
28 That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.

Leviticus 20
22 Ye shall therefore keep all my statutes, and all my judgments, and do them: that the land, whither I bring you to dwell therein, spue you not out.​

These verses say that "the land itself vomited out her inhabitants." While the act of vomiting is unpleasant it is actually a good thing. Vomiting is the body attempting to rid itself of poison and death. When mankind commits the kind of "abominations" we are seeing in our nation, the land is sickened by it and seeks to rid itself of that poison and so things begin to happen that would drive mankind out.
Again and again God has shown mercy and patience on this nation. Blessing upon blessing has been poured out on America. In response this nation has rejected God, has committed abomination after abomination. They have cursed God and blasphemed His name daily in entertainment, the media, in print, and in academic institutions. Christians and Christ are laughed at and made fun of virtually everywhere. According to some, what we are about to experience is long overdue. Ruth Graham said that if God did not soon judge America, He would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. We are not suggesting that God is behind these events. God, I believe, has in fact been holding back these events for many years in response to the prayers of the saints and in the hope that men might repent.
Let me reiterate that we should not act in fear or dread of what could happen. But we must act wisely and be prepared to protect our family and loved ones.
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Will God Save You from these Troubles?

Of course He can. He has before. If you have read any of the dozens of books I have written, then you will know that we are faith people. We teach and walk in faith. The question is how far you will take this? How do you deal with it now? Do you have more than a days worth of food in your pantry? Why? Does not God drop food into your mouth directly from heaven? Do you just lay on the couch all day, lean back with your mouth open, and wait for manna to drop in? Why not? Whether the time interval is six hours or six months it makes no difference. We should be prepared for those things that we see coming and get out of their way.
There's an old joke that involves a religious man being stranded on his roof during a great flood. A rescue worker in a row boat comes by 3 times to save him. Each time the stranded man refuses help because he is insists that God is going to rescue him. The man eventually drowns and goes to heaven. He inquires as to why God didn't miraculously save him. St. Peter responds by saying, “What are you talking about? We sent a guy by with a boat three different times!”
Many Christians are stating that “God will (miraculously) save us” out of that troublesome time. They are not looking for row boats. (Consider me that man in the row boat trying to save you.) Their response implies that God has never let Christians starve or endure other forms of tragic death. Of course we know that millions of Christians have starved, died of disease, and died in wars and prison. In my mind that is not an acceptable response or strategy. It is head in the sand. It is denial of the obvious which is masquerading as faith. Faith is evidence of things that are not seen, it not denial of things that are seen. I am glad for you that you have faith. But you know yourself and the limits of your faith. Do you want to risk the lives of your children and loved ones on your faith? I believe that if we know what is coming, and we do nothing to prepare, then we are responsible for what becomes of our families. God expects us to provide for our families as much as we can. Having done all we can do, then we can stand in faith knowing that He will make provision where our efforts fall off.
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150 years ago what we and others are doing was a way of life. Nobody would question putting back as much food and provisions as reasonably possible. Prepping for the future was a way of life for all. There were no supermarkets, no freezing or chemical preservation. Failure to provide for the year round needs meant your family would starve or end up in the "poor house." My wife's family lost a young child during the great depression due to malnutrition. Her mother tells stories about begging for milk for her babies. Her father decided that it would be better to "bo" (hobo) than to stay home and take food from his family. It does happen. Even today we see homeless and unemployed people in our streets. These are not all lazy and irresponsible people. These are the first victims of what is coming.
It is only the advent of the energy age that we cease the common sense year round preparation and storage of food and goods. It is not prepping that is crazy; it is the failure to prep that is crazy.
In one way this "anti-prepping" mindset is the result of a humanistic faith that the government will provide us with a "cradle to grave" provisions. The government is prepping for itself, and you are not included on their list. It is the entitlement mentality that has crept into the minds of the vast majority of American public. We have seen in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and hurricane Sandy that the government has neither the ability nor intention to provide you with anything. People have bought into the political lie that the government will always take care of us. They were foolish to believe this lie.
Anyone with common sense can see that no social entity or government has the resources necessary to provide 300 million people with cradle to grave care. What a shock it will be to them, as it was to the victims of hurricane Katrina and hurricane Sandy, that the government will not, and cannot save them. If you do not make preparations for yourself, nobody else will. If the government cannot take care of New Orleans, New York, and New Jersey, what are they going to do when the entire country is crying out for help?"
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Some of the same folks who ridicule prepping as unnecessary and paranoid turn around and buy health and life insurance. They have very expensive retirement plans and 401k accounts. This is a contradiction in their minds. Why would you spend thousands of dollars for insurance and retirement polices and yet oppose some simple common sense “immediate need” preparations that will cost you much less and benefit you a great deal more. Why would you spend many thousands of dollars on health insurance that you many never need, and yet you will do nothing to prepare for a time of trouble which you see is coming? There is a dichotomy in your thinking, and I suggest that the current world system has brainwashed you and you are playing right into their hands.

The Prep Room's Emergency Preparedness (P.R.E.P.) Partnership states the case quite well:

“The reality is that Christians and non-Christians, alike, prepare for a variety of potential disasters, without giving it a second thought. We buy all sorts of insurance policies to make sure our homes, cars and possessions are protected, we make sure we lock the doors before leaving home, and many of us who live in areas prone to certain natural disasters, like tornadoes and hurricanes, know exactly what to do if one strikes tomorrow.

The question is, if we are taking precautionary measures to help protect our families from dangers where the likelihood of them occurring is, at best, uncertain, why then wouldn’t we, as bible-believing Christians, prepare ourselves for prophesied dangers that are 100% likely to occur? Do we not believe God’s word to be true, or do we just think that, because we are Christians we will somehow be spared by divine intervention?”​
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Political Critics of the Prepper Movement

Political critics of the prepper movement, almost all of them liberal and socialist in their ideology, insist that preppers are pessimistic about mankind and are paranoid about how people will act in crisis situations. One such critic criticizing prepping writes:

"...There is no room for the possibility that people could in fact provide each other mutual aid in a crisis situation or even develop community-based alternatives to the current socio-economic system..."​

"Perhaps it would be naïve to think that in a crisis people would band together for the common good..."​

I have to wonder where these people who "band together" are going to get their food? 100 socialists with no food are not going to magically produce food from nothing. What do you get when you have 100 socialists without food? After about three weeks you have 100 starving socialists. In four weeks you have 100 socialists who "develop a community-based alternative" that seeks to rob you of your preps. 100 people in the middle of the desert without water are not going to "provide mutual aid" to each other and "poof" water out of the sand. Such logic really is "head in the sand" and these people will no doubt be "banding together" with the goal of redistributing the wealth of your preps to all those they convinced not to prep. Their idea of "mutual aid" is for you to prep and for them to redistribute the wealth of your long term stored food. These are the power-lust people whose sole motivation is to control you. If they do not prep they do not want you to prep either. If they did not think of it and they cannot control it, they are against it. We see them doing this today. They are the same old distribution of wealth people that have been playing Robin Hood for a hundred and fifty years now. They will not help you. They will not even help themselves. These are the people that motivate many preppers to buy guns. They are arrogant and smug and will very likely come to a bad end. It is tragic because all they have to do is go to Sam's Club and by some rice and other goods. They could save their lives and the lives of their families. It does not have to end this way for them.
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History is on the side of the prepper. As civilizations age they become weak and fragile. Virtually all civilizations fail from within. Even civilizations that fall due to war do so because they became weak and that weakness invited opportunistic aggressive neighbors to take advantage. America is no different. She is failing from within. She is becoming weaker and more fragile. There is an arrogance and presumption that she can never fail. As America loses its moral core, it no longer has the inner strength and resolve to continue. Greed and lust for power are not strengths that perpetuate a civilization, they are weakness that lead to its demise. Many preppers will not articulate it this way, but inwardly they are preparing for what they intuitively know is coming.
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A case for prepping 39

All things considered, prepping is primarily a economic exercise. Preppers anticipate the breakdown of the supplies, or the supply lines, or the economic structure that feeds the American way of life. Without the supply and the supply lines to provide the goods, and without the monetary system that drives it, the American economic structure disappears. It is the demise of that economic structure that necessitates prepping. I for one do not care what event brings about the "stuff hitting the fan." I just know when it does you will not be able to get the "stuff" you need for your family to survive. If you do not prep now, it will be too late on day one.
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A case for prepping 40

Often, opponents of prepping will insist that preppers identify the event that will bring on the economic collapse that demands we prep. "What is it that you think is going to happen?" They will then quickly calculate the odds of such an event occurring and use those odds to refute the need to prep. Their logic sounds valid only if you allow them to frame the question. If you were flying to a city in America and asked me if I knew in what city you were to land, the chances I would be correct would be pretty small. But that does not mean the plane is not going to land! The aircraft is going to land somewhere. So, too, with prepping. Just because we cannot predict the future and tell you what event(s) will bring about the economic collapse, that does not invalidate our thinking. Cumulatively, the probability that something will happen to knock over the teetering structure is much higher than simply looking at individual events. The civilization is a Jenga tower, and more and more blocks are being added to the top. As time goes on, the tower becomes both higher and more unstable. Most blocks will continue to hold up under the pressure and maintain a balance. Eventually, and it will only take one, a block will be pulled that brings about the failure of the structure. We do not have to know which event will bring about the collapse. It will be something. When it happens, that is what we have been prepping for.
For instance, the show "Doomsday Preppers" will present preppers who declare a specific event they believe will bring about chaos. One family will prepare for an EMP blast, while another will prepare for a mega-earthquake. Others will prepare for climate change, while others see war as the trigger. Evaluated individually, these specific named events have a small probability of occurring. Yet, when considered together, the likelihood increases to a virtual surety. As with our plane destination analogy, if not New York, then Miami. If not Miami, then Atlanta. The plane is going to land somewhere. The fact that we do not know where does not mean it is not going to land at all. Rest assured, it is going to land.
I have to chuckle when, at each showing of "Doomsday Preppers," "experts" will evaluate the probability of the trigger event taking place. They always pronounce the event unlikely. Yet these "experts" are the same ones that got us here to start with. What economist is going to predict the fragility of his life's work? What politician or scientist will admit the world they have built up around us is a haphazardly constructed Jenga tower doomed to eventual and sure failure? What do you expect these "experts" to say?
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