Recent content by Eluzai

  1. E

    The militant atheists have themselves to blame

    Was this not what I was saying before that atheism is associated with evolution and atheists push evolution as proof of atheism? Wow I sometimes wish there really was a definition of evolution. Something that was up to date and people stuck to. But the hardest thing about evolution is that...
  2. E

    If there was proved to be wrong...

    Things must be different in Canada! :) In the UK Blindwatch Maker guy - Richard Dawkins is more evangelical than the whole Church of England put together, he's on TV alot, writing LOADS of books which always seem to be best sellers. Channel 4 (we have 5 main channels) is very anti-christian with...
  3. E

    If there was proved to be wrong...

    MLML thanks so much for quoting an original text, its something we should see more often :) You've made some interesting points I just wish I'd had as much time to read up on the Church fathers as you have. I've got Confessions by Augustine, so maybe I'll get stuck into that soon. I do very...
  4. E

    I know nothing aboutEngagement rings!

    thanx :) I'll think on that :)
  5. E

    God breathed? Is this literal?

    I don't really know what my 'label' would be here, but I'm probably a 'literalist'. I happen to really dislike using labels cause it just makes stereotypes and they are just wrong. For me, when God breathes into Adam the breath of life. This does not mean God doesn't breathe. It means that...
  6. E

    God says 6 day creation?

    Forgive me for asking, but where do you find this information because I've been wanting to get hold of some ancient hebrew texts (in translation obviously) that weren't the Bible for a while. "The plane came to a rest on the runway." "The toy was resting against the wall when the boy came...
  7. E

    If there was proved to be wrong...

    That's an interesting take on it :) But rationalism was more of an intelectual qwerk than a main stream normal persons idea. Where as evolution is believed by virtually everyone these days the normal person in particular. Also people are always saying, 'hasn't science disproved God?' The...
  8. E

    If there was proved to be wrong...

    Ok for some people their imaginations will have to work harder than others but: do you think if there was no such thing as evolution or the big bang or they were shown scientifically to be wrong that more people would believe in God? Because although its not true many people still believe...
  9. E

    God says 6 day creation?

    I just spent an hour writing a reply to that and it just got sucked into the internet. I'll reply again later.
  10. E

    I know nothing aboutEngagement rings!

    Ok so I'm wanting to get engaged to my SO now we've been going out for over two and a half years. What I realy want to know is which finger exactly does the ring go on and how do you know what size to get without asking to measure your SO's finger? How much should I pay for a ring? Cause I know...
  11. E

    Should evolution be taught in schools?

    I'm all for both creation and evolution being taught and allowing people to make up their own minds :)
  12. E

    Is arguing over evolution really helping?

    Heliocentrism was only briefly a problem and only because Tycho Brahe's data (decades of it) pointed to the sun going round the earth. Galileo just didnt have enough data at the time he confronted the establishment... if he'd have waited for data at least he would have the scientists behind him...
  13. E

    God says 6 day creation?

    Exodus 20 11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. God said this to Moses directly in the middle of the Ten Commandments... God said this... He...
  14. E

    Praying and singing in Tongues in public.

    Unless I've missed something did anyone answer my question: For instance when people are praying as a group in Church about an issue what is the benefit of praying loudly in tongues (the personal gift) to you and other believers? And in worship when others are singing "And I'll never konw...
  15. E

    Is Spending the Night With a Boyfriend or Girlfriend Biblical?

    I tend to give people all the non Biblical reasons (if they are not beleivers) for not having sex until marriage. After spending like 15+ minutes explaining and discussing why sex before marriage is so bad most people tend to see that I am passionate about it and see the points I make even if...