Recent content by Comatose

  1. Comatose

    Singles Bar

    Dude.. sounds bad about that cheating girl.. Younger girl? Be careful dude! All I'm gunna say! What do you want to drink?
  2. Comatose


    Well sir, I would say ask her two weeks in advance. From my experience with my sister going to prom with a guy who asked her a week before, for the girls sake and for the sake of her family, (If this is a real homecoming where you dress up) give her a week to tell you what to wear, girls like to...
  3. Comatose

    Feeling like an outsider in my own home...

    You gotta remember, God made denominations. Different ways of looking at the life he gave. As long as you believe that God is the creater of all things and that Jesus died on the cross for you, you are a CHRISTIAN. Doesn't matter what denomination. Respect your parents, yes, but it doesn't...
  4. Comatose

    feeling nothing at church?

    I've learned this from experience. Churches are made to GROW in Christ, not LIVE for Christ. It's a place that God's people can get together and praise his name! God loves that you sing, but you don't have to be in the choir to sing. Be out in the crowd, it's just as good as being on stage. God...
  5. Comatose


    Okay.. Everyone is human, everyone has a little voice in their head that says "You give that guy money, you won't have any" it's human nature. Sure with God's help, yes Christians "Should" give money to those less fortunate, but in the end, it comes down to actually looking at your life and...
  6. Comatose


    Listen to the song, "For those who wait" by Fireflight, seems to sum up your problem all together from what I have heard!
  7. Comatose

    Christian Reputation..

    Yeah, maybe you're right, God just needs to take over and deal with him. Right?
  8. Comatose

    A problem.

    But would the Holy Spirit lead you on a path that disobeys God?
  9. Comatose

    Christian Reputation..

    @Unfit'for'swine: But he is pushing people away from him because he acts one way, but makes people mad because he is so pushy, yet does things Christians shouldn't do. I know we are never going to be perfect till we go to Heaven. But still, he shouldn't be doing these childish things like...
  10. Comatose


    Yeah! I loved how much the hyped up Awake and Alive!
  11. Comatose

    A problem.

    That seems dangerous to me. Follow what God says over what your spirit says. Gods word trumps your personal spirit, granted, it's your choice God won't force you into something you don't wanna do. But for me, I would listen to God over my personal spirit. :D
  12. Comatose


    Bands no matter what type of Christian band they are, have trouble with writing lyrics that include bible verses together, and if they do.. it is super repetitive. Haha.. That may just be me, you can see the Christian influence no matter what happens.
  13. Comatose


    Skillet is still a Christian band, and they are mainstream. Hear anything they write, hear their interviews, see their concerts, they are a Christian band in every way! And I thought that "Hey You" was their worst.. Sorry to say it.. But it was..
  14. Comatose

    Christian Reputation..

    There is a kid at my school who is a "Devout" Christian. He highlights verses in his Bible, goes to church every time it's open, tells people that they are wrong and points them out in the Bible. Last year, I sat down with him and told him what I learned. In High School, and everywhere else...
  15. Comatose

    A problem.

    Okay.. I'm sorry.. Your goal, yes, is to hope and pray she becomes a Christian.. But the Bible specifically says you should not marry a non-Christian.. Never says you can't date them, but wouldn't you want to date someone who can share the joy of God with you? I mean, with your case, you can...