The strongest argument for the existence of God

Clizby WampusCat

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Jul 8, 2019
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Ask those who died needlessly in the Crusades, if it was done by order of a loving God.
Can’t they are dead. Why don’t you ask those that died in the flood if that was done by a loving god?

Why is your interpretation correct?

In a physics book I can show someone why F=ma is correct and their interpretation that F=(Pi)ma is incorrect. How do you show your interpretation is correct?
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Aug 4, 2006
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"In terms of moral rules, secular humanism is indistinguishable from a religion."

Is Secular Humanism a Religion?

Postmodern Religion and the Faith of Social Justice

These are notes I've been keeping for years on modern liberalism. I want to arrive at the same answers as modern liberals - progressives:

The Tenets of the Church of Equality
(My notes)

Scope of Equality: Equality within nations (equal stuff for all,) and equality between nations (immigration, globalism, climate wealth redistribution.)

1. Equal means no better or worse than something else.
2. Every person, group or nation is equal.
3. All religions are equal.
3a. Islam equals Christianity.
4. Everybody is basically good.
4b. #4 leads one to be unprepared for real threats.
5. One gets ahead by cheating or luck.
5a. The West, Israel.
5b. Nonbelievers from #5 are Nazis.
6. Anybody getting behind is a victim of #5 or society.
6a. Those in #6 are the good guys.
7. The policy of diversity does not lead to diversity.
7a. Diversity leads to equality - all groups equal.
7b. Diversity of nations means all nations look alike.
7c. Immigration is by far the most important policy of modern liberals.

Note: There is no stopping place for the equality movement until everyone has the same or similar stuff. Just think about it.
Let's cover some of the ideas embedded within the religion of equality:

1. If everybody is equal, then how did some people get ahead? They either cheated or got lucky. Either way they don't serve it.

Imagine if you want to get ahead. So you study, work hard and doing everything right. After 20 or 30 years you lift up your family. Now you're the bad guy. Punishment is coming because you haven't paid your fair share. Success is punished.

2. If everybody is equal, then how did some people get behind? They were victimized. By whom? By society or those who got ahead. Either way it's not their fault.

Everybody always makes good choices. That's why lottery winners do so well.

3. If everybody is equal and most people are good, then people are basically good. People only act bad when they have been harmed - by society or those who got ahead.

We know how this plays out: "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart." Anne Frank.

What about the 100 million killed under communism? But people are basically good, right?

4. Diversity is a good thing.

The promotion of diversity leads to less diversity and everything looking the same. If every group looks like every other group, that's not diversity. Now group-think can apply. So when things go wrong they go spectacularly wrong. We're seeing that now in the universities and military.

5. Equality promotes tolerance.

That's why everybody who does not believe in equality is a Nazi. I'm waiting for the re-education camps to be built up in Alaska. They are not so kind to nonbelievers. Is anything out of bounds?

6. We don't want everybody equal. We just want to be Denmark.
Did the equality movement shut down in Denmark? Or Sweden? Or anywhere there has been an equality movement?

Logically, the equality movement can't and won't shut down until everybody is equal - everybody has equal stuff. Don't believe the lies of stopping short (of equal stuff for all.) Anybody who wants to stop short just becomes a Nazi.

Notice they don't mention Venezuela. Venezuela is socialist while Denmark is not.

The following is by Evan Sayet whose video below is famous in conservative circles.

(Source: KinderGarden Of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks)

Indiscriminateness – the total rejection of the intellectual process – is an absolute moral imperative.
Indiscriminateness of thought does not lead to indiscriminateness of policies. It leads to siding only and always with the lesser over the better, the wrong over the right, and the evil over the good.

Modern Liberal policies occur in tandem. Each effort on behalf of the lesser is met with an equal and opposite campaign against the better.

The Modern Liberal will ascribe to the better the negative qualities associated with the lesser while concurrently ascribing to the lesser the positive qualities found in the better.


The Modern Liberal may have personal standards but he must deny them and militate against their use and those who use them in the public arena.

Modern Liberals do not and cannot seek to better themselves or society. Instead they must lower others and society to their level.

Modern Liberals have secondary policies that are meant only to somewhat mitigate the greater suffering that their primary policies created or exacerbated.

KinderGarden Of Eden: How the Modern Liberal Thinks

HERITAGE FOUNDATION: "How Modern Liberals Think"
Sounds like you have quite a case you're building against political and social liberals. I am still waiting to see what this has to do with atheism.
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TLK Valentine

I've already read the books you want burned.
Apr 15, 2012
Behind the 8-ball, but ahead of the curve.
United States
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I'm sure if I could interview a Crusader from the past right now, he'd tell me the Crusades were definitely done with respect to the Bible, and if I didn't like it, I could take a hike.

If you didn't like it, the Crusader would more likely brand you a heretic and run his sword through you.

Crusaders did not tolerate differences of opinion well.

But interview a college student today, and the best I can expect from him is to hear him say, "Ya. The Crusaders thought it was Biblical."

It would probably go something like this:

AV1611VET: Were the Crusades done with respect to the Bible, or in spite of It?
College student: They thought they were doing it with respect to the Bible.
AV1611VET: But what do you think?
College student: I think they thought they had an obligation to free Jerusalem from the Gentiles.
AV1611VET: Were they correct in their thinking?
College student: They thought so.

College student (continued) ...but that's irrelevant, since your average Crusader was illiterate, and wouldn't have any use for an actual Bible except as a sacred doorstop. They were told it was done in respect to the Bible, and far more importantly, that it was being done in respect to Christ... Now, it's unfortunate and pathetic that these Crusaders had no connection to Christ except through what their masters told them, but even if they were literate and seasoned theologians, having no connection to Christ except through "the Bible" wouldn't have been much of an improvement.
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TLK Valentine

I've already read the books you want burned.
Apr 15, 2012
Behind the 8-ball, but ahead of the curve.
United States
Marital Status
Good point.

...which reflects the unfortunate reality that as a human institution, "Christianity" has become less about what "the Bible" says and more about what the guys with the swords say.
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Jun 18, 2006
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...which reflects the unfortunate reality that as a human institution, "Christianity" has become less about what "the Bible" says and more about what they guys with the swords say.
No argument there.
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