Leftism is the most successful religion of the last century


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Oct 14, 2020
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Yes leftism is a religion, just like many other ideologies.

(By the way, I'm mostly a free enterprise libertarian)

But leftism isn't even close to the most common religion, in my view. Instead i think materialism -- idolatry of stuff, houses, cars, etc. -- is the most common religion.
True, but Marxism is really a materialistic ideology. It reduces the value of human existence to haves and have nots and it seems to be the flavor of the day as groups like BLM self identify as Marxists.

I suppose a better way of putting it is, collectivism. Essentially you form a group of people to overtake another group in the hopes of benefiting from it in some ways. The group that forms the biggest group and most powerful group wins.

This is why I believe all governments inherently increase centralized power over time. Politics is the art of division as they divide and conquer.

I compare it to the life of a star. It just keeps getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until it collapses under its own mass and forms a black hole sucking anything around it into oblivion. The bigger the star, the bigger the black hole.

The goal of any star, however, is to form one global star that encompasses all. It's been tried from the time of antiquity and I suppose the goal of the future anti-Christ.
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Oct 14, 2020
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No I didn't think you were, but there are some similarities. From the link I provided it says this about Power.
"A fundamental characteristic of libertarian thinking is a deep skepticism of government power. Libertarianism and liberalism both arose in the West, where the division of power between spiritual and temporal rulers had been greater than in most other parts of the world. In the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), I Samuel 8: 17–18, the Jews asked for a king, and God warned them that such a king would “take the tenth of your flocks, and you shall be his slaves. And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves; but the Lord will not answer you in that day.” This admonition reminded Europeans for centuries of the predatory nature of states. The passage was cited by many liberals, including Thomas Paine and Lord Acton, who famously wrote that “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Libertarian skepticism was reinforced by events of the 20th century, when unrestrained government power, among other factors, led to world war, genocide, and massive human rights violations."

World government is somewhat of a conundrum Biblically speaking. You have passages that indicate that God allows rulers and nations to rise and fall and they help keep law and order to a certain degree. On the other hand, they all go bad and no human institution is responsible for as much slavery, oppression, and murder/genocide than human government.
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The World's Most Dynamic Religion Is ... - The Dennis Prager Show

So is Leftism a religion, and is it the most successful religion of the last century?

This is from a Jewish perspective, that is, a practicing Jew. The reason I make the distinction is it seems that most who practice their faith lean right, but those who don't have a higher likelihood of leaning Left. And, unfortunately, most Jews don't practice their faith to any great extent which means most lean Left.
The progressive movement has been wildly successful, all we need to do is look at the state of society in 1900 to today. I'm not talking about gadgets, I'm talking about morality and beliefs. Most churches were orthodox, basic Christian morality was enforced as a matter of law. Most people laid claim to the Christian faith. The biggest problem at the time was the progressive social gospel, which wrongly taught salvation through law. That ultimately gave us the ridiculous prohibition movement.

Over the course of the next 100+ years churches abandoned the Christian faith. Mainline Protestant denominations largely fell away in the 20s and 30s when they accepted sciencism over scripture. The anabaptists were gung ho over the social gospel and largely remained progressive until the left pushed for sexual revolution.

As goes the church so goes society. Having abandoned the christian faith in favor of evolution, the mainline churches largely embraced overthrowing all of Christian morality. As a result today these churches flaunt homosexuality almost as something to aspire to.

Can we say that progressivism is a religion? It seems to have become that in recent years. They have their sacraments (abortion and sodomy), they have their heretics who are ruthlessly canceled. The state is their god but I'm not sure I would call it a religion. More of a cult.
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Oct 14, 2020
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The progressive movement has been wildly successful, all we need to do is look at the state of society in 1900 to today. I'm not talking about gadgets, I'm talking about morality and beliefs. Most churches were orthodox, basic Christian morality was enforced as a matter of law. Most people laid claim to the Christian faith. The biggest problem at the time was the progressive social gospel, which wrongly taught salvation through law. That ultimately gave us the ridiculous prohibition movement.

Over the course of the next 100+ years churches abandoned the Christian faith. Mainline Protestant denominations largely fell away in the 20s and 30s when they accepted sciencism over scripture. The anabaptists were gung ho over the social gospel and largely remained progressive until the left pushed for sexual revolution.

As goes the church so goes society. Having abandoned the christian faith in favor of evolution, the mainline churches largely embraced overthrowing all of Christian morality. As a result today these churches flaunt homosexuality almost as something to aspire to.

Can we say that progressivism is a religion? It seems to have become that in recent years. They have their sacraments (abortion and sodomy), they have their heretics who are ruthlessly canceled. The state is their god but I'm not sure I would call it a religion. More of a cult.
The Progressive movement has been wildly successful? At what exactly? They have been wildly successful at centralizing government and increasing its power, and they have been successful at secularizing society.

Let me tell you how. At the turn of the 20th century, the progressives tried sneaking in a federal income tax, but it was struck down by the Supreme Court as Constitutional, so they simply added it a decade or so later. It is interesting that you brought up Prohibition, because that was one of the ways they got votes for the Federal Income tax to be added to the Constitution. Let me explain.

Alcoholism was wreaking havoc on society at that time. A good film to watch is the Ken Burns documentary on Prohibition to understand just how devastating alcoholism was back then, as it is now. In fact, alcohol is a drug that kills far more people today than any other drug. Most people don't realize it because it seems so harmless, probably because it is not only legal, it has been socially accepted as Ok. In fact, in high school and college if you don't drink people thinks there is something wrong with you. But what you probably did not know, was that alcohol sales were one of the primary ways the US Federal government was funded at that time. So Progressives who wished to fund the government with an income tax saw all of this and offered a solution to evangelicals They told them that alcohol needed to be banned to stop the ill effects on society, but at the same time, we need to replace the lost revenue. So if you support our federal income tax, we will support Prohibition, but we must first pass the federal income tax. So evangelicals went along with the scheme. They first passed the federal income tax to the Constitution, and then outlawed alcohol. However, there was no serious attempt to ban alcohol. If you watch the Ken Burns documentary you will see this. Bootleggers were even coming to the chambers of Congress to sell its members alcohol. Sure, there were token busts here and there, but they had no intention of ever continuing the ban on alcohol. So they simply let Prohibition fail, and reversed the ban. Then they once again used, not only the federal income tax to fund the government, but reinstated the tax revenue for alcohol. So essentially thy more than doubled the revenue to the federal government, which severely skewed the balance of power within Federalism, that is, state power verses the power of the federal government. That was the goal all along. Not only that, they then set up state liquor stores so that the state could sell alcohol directly to the public. But the cherry on the top was that they blamed the whole affair on Christians.

This is the type of diabolical mind Christians are faced with. The state had no real concern about the thousands that die from alcohol, much like they have no real concern about people dying from drugs like heroin at a clip of about 150 per day, which ends up being about as many dead in one year as who died for the entire Vietnam war. No, we only care about viruses it seems, but for other political schemes such as disrupting the term of a hated President.

You are also correct that evolution has been used by Progressives to dismiss the Christian faith which they disdain, but it is one of many tools. Why do they hate it so? It is because they hated the Constitution which put restrictions of centralize governmental power, which was their god. Presidents like Wilson hated the restrictions and regarded the Constitution as a document that prohibited them from "getting things done". So why attack Christianity to attack the Constitution? Ben Franklin aptly said that the Constitution will last only as long as the moral fiber of society will last to sustain it and that at some point they will all become corrupted, which will then lead to despotism. Let me put in another way, only moral men can be free. If you can't regulate your own moral conduct, then someone must do it for you. Put another way, if society has the moral fiber of a prison, all that can be done is build a wall around them and hire a warden because they will use their freedom to harm others. It would then be the only way to maintain a civil society. This is why Leftists are at war with the morality of society, whether they are aware of the powers that drive them or not.

The Constitution and the Bible have one thing in common, both are warnings and as both have their laws violated, there is no lightening bolt that comes down to correct them. No, that comes much later.
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Dec 29, 2013
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To be clear, I favor what is called the Article V movement. It is a movement for the states to rise up and amend the Constitution. It has never been done before, but was placed there in case the Federal system became too corrupt and powerful. At no other time in history do we need this than now.

Two things I favor are term limits for those in Congress and some sort of balanced budget amendment for Congress. After all, Congress will NEVER limit their own power, now will they?

Page One

Currently, about 80% of Americans favor both. It now is merely a way of getting this to come about.
I seriously doubt that 80% of Americans favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment. DO you have a citation for those numbers?
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Jul 23, 2019
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The Progressive movement has been wildly successful? At what exactly? They have been wildly successful at centralizing government and increasing its power, and they have been successful at secularizing society.

Let me tell you how. At the turn of the 20th century, the progressives tried sneaking in a federal income tax, but it was struck down by the Supreme Court as Constitutional, so they simply added it a decade or so later. It is interesting that you brought up Prohibition, because that was one of the ways they got votes for the Federal Income tax to be added to the Constitution. Let me explain.

Alcoholism was wreaking havoc on society at that time. A good film to watch is the Ken Burns documentary on Prohibition to understand just how devastating alcoholism was back then, as it is now. In fact, alcohol is a drug that kills far more people today than any other drug. Most people don't realize it because it seems so harmless, probably because it is not only legal, it has been socially accepted as Ok. In fact, in high school and college if you don't drink people thinks there is something wrong with you. But what you probably did not know, was that alcohol sales were one of the primary ways the US Federal government was funded at that time. So Progressives who wished to fund the government with an income tax saw all of this and offered a solution to evangelicals They told them that alcohol needed to be banned to stop the ill effects on society, but at the same time, we need to replace the lost revenue. So if you support our federal income tax, we will support Prohibition, but we must first pass the federal income tax. So evangelicals went along with the scheme. They first passed the federal income tax to the Constitution, and then outlawed alcohol. However, there was no serious attempt to ban alcohol. If you watch the Ken Burns documentary you will see this. Bootleggers were even coming to the chambers of Congress to sell its members alcohol. Sure, there were token busts here and there, but they had no intention of ever continuing the ban on alcohol. So they simply let Prohibition fail, and reversed the ban. Then they once again used, not only the federal income tax to fund the government, but reinstated the tax revenue for alcohol. So essentially thy more than doubled the revenue to the federal government, which severely skewed the balance of power within Federalism, that is, state power verses the power of the federal government. That was the goal all along. Not only that, they then set up state liquor stores so that the state could sell alcohol directly to the public. But the cherry on the top was that they blamed the whole affair on Christians.

This is the type of diabolical mind Christians are faced with. The state had no real concern about the thousands that die from alcohol, much like they have no real concern about people dying from drugs like heroin at a clip of about 150 per day, which ends up being about as many dead in one year as who died for the entire Vietnam war. No, we only care about viruses it seems, but for other political schemes such as disrupting the term of a hated President.

You are also correct that evolution has been used by Progressives to dismiss the Christian faith which they disdain, but it is one of many tools. Why do they hate it so? It is because they hated the Constitution which put restrictions of centralize governmental power, which was their god. Presidents like Wilson hated the restrictions and regarded the Constitution as a document that prohibited them from "getting things done". So why attack Christianity to attack the Constitution? Ben Franklin aptly said that the Constitution will last only as long as the moral fiber of society will last to sustain it and that at some point they will all become corrupted, which will then lead to despotism. Let me put in another way, only moral men can be free. If you can't regulate your own moral conduct, then someone must do it for you. Put another way, if society has the moral fiber of a prison, all that can be done is build a wall around them and hire a warden because they will use their freedom to harm others. It would then be the only way to maintain a civil society. This is why Leftists are at war with the morality of society, whether they are aware of the powers that drive them or not.

The Constitution and the Bible have one thing in common, both are warnings and as both have their laws violated, there is no lightening bolt that comes down to correct them. No, that comes much later.
I never said I agreed with the progressive movement, I only said it was wildly successful. I stand by my statement. Their goals were to expand the size and scope of the state, separate children from family and church and to fundamentally sever historic Christianity from society. They have been wildly successful at this as evidenced by the state of cultural decay we have today.

I do blame Christians for nearly all of this, including the wickedness of prohibition. The church allowed these people to gain a foothold and instead of excommuniating them the church tried to be nicer than Jesus and tolerated theological liberals. In doing so they allowed them to take over the mainline churches, who by the 60s were all reprobate, many had been since the 20s.

Within the baptist world, itself largely a progressive creation, they allowed women to control the church and bought into the anti-christ idea that extrabiblical laws will save society. Thus we were given prohibition and later the Christless war on drugs. It's as though Christ's attacks on the pharisees went completely over their heads (see Luke 11:37-41).

The end result is that the church is splintered, people who think of themselves as conservative are really progressives having stopped progressing in the 30's or 40's. Those who hold onto historic Christianity are shockingly called legalists, demonstrating a failure in the knowledge of what legalism is.
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Wise old man
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Nov 29, 2011
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Have you ever read Common Sense by Thomas Pain? It was an argument to oppose the crown of England.

Essentially he used 1 Samuel 8 to show the time in Hebrew history where the people clamored for a king, but God warned them of the evils that would come upon them if they chose a sinful man as their king. But they would not listen and wound up with Saul. Soon after, they lost their entire kingdom as it split, and later devoured by other world powers till they found their way to the National Socialist ovens of Nazi Germany.

Man was never meant to be a king, only God.

Having said that, conservatives seem to vote for less government, less power from other men, as where those on the Left can never really get enough centralized power, even when Trump is at the helm. For example, the Left screams Trump is Hitler and then say that he needs to gather up all our guns.

I think it has to do with the inability to understand human nature. Those who are of faith understand it perfectly, but those not of faith simply do not. They are still awaiting their Messiah and subsequent utopia and they really believe centralize planning is righteous.

I am so happy that this kind of discussion will be over in a week or so!

BTW, since you're on your soapbox, who is Thomas Pain? Is he some relation to Thomas Paine, the great thinker of the Revolutionary War era?

Conservatives want less government so that they can continue to take advantage of others -- survival of the fittest -- which is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Christians are governed by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, i.e., a central authority. There is nothing in the Bible that says that people should disobey their rulers and establish their own "law", i.e., might makes right. Those who are of faith understand this perfectly, but those not of faith simply do not.
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Wise old man
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Nov 29, 2011
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The progressive movement has been wildly successful, all we need to do is look at the state of society in 1900 to today. I'm not talking about gadgets, I'm talking about morality and beliefs. Most churches were orthodox, basic Christian morality was enforced as a matter of law. Most people laid claim to the Christian faith. The biggest problem at the time was the progressive social gospel, which wrongly taught salvation through law. That ultimately gave us the ridiculous prohibition movement.

Over the course of the next 100+ years churches abandoned the Christian faith. Mainline Protestant denominations largely fell away in the 20s and 30s when they accepted sciencism over scripture. The anabaptists were gung ho over the social gospel and largely remained progressive until the left pushed for sexual revolution.

As goes the church so goes society. Having abandoned the christian faith in favor of evolution, the mainline churches largely embraced overthrowing all of Christian morality. As a result today these churches flaunt homosexuality almost as something to aspire to.

Can we say that progressivism is a religion? It seems to have become that in recent years. They have their sacraments (abortion and sodomy), they have their heretics who are ruthlessly canceled. The state is their god but I'm not sure I would call it a religion. More of a cult.

I am a leftist and can unequivocally state the the above is total nonsense. My God is -- God. What/who is your god?
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Jul 4, 2020
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Leftism is a religion and so is Rightism. Both contain a mix of good and bad ideas.
They are both used as tools of division to divide and conquer. By left and right I'm speaking strictly economic and financial policies. I'm not talking about liberalism vs conservatism which is different.
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Oct 14, 2020
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I seriously doubt that 80% of Americans favor both term limits and a balanced budget amendment. DO you have a citation for those numbers?
Here ya go

Poll: 82 Percent Favor Term Limits for Members of Congress

Poll: Large majority support balanced budget amendment to Constitution

Those who favor a balanced budget amendment of some sort is around 65% and those for term limits over 80%.

So the majority of Americans want something Congress will never do to themselves.

A balanced budget amendment created by the states is the only possible way to get it done.

Or just let Washington spend and spend and spend as the dollar continues to decrease to no value
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I am a leftist and can unequivocally state the the above is total nonsense. My God is -- God. What/who is your god?
What do you mean you are on the "Left"?

For example, do you support abortion which is a pillar foundation of the Left or do you take the position of the church on such issues?

In other words, whose authority do you respect and adhere to the most?
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Oct 14, 2020
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I am so happy that this kind of discussion will be over in a week or so!

BTW, since you're on your soapbox, who is Thomas Pain? Is he some relation to Thomas Paine, the great thinker of the Revolutionary War era?

Conservatives want less government so that they can continue to take advantage of others -- survival of the fittest -- which is contrary to the teachings of the Bible. Christians are governed by God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, i.e., a central authority. There is nothing in the Bible that says that people should disobey their rulers and establish their own "law", i.e., might makes right. Those who are of faith understand this perfectly, but those not of faith simply do not.

Read Common Sense which was written by Thomas Pain. In it, you will see him make the argument I am making.

When did I propose breaking any laws or disobeying authority?
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Oct 14, 2020
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Leftism is a religion and so is Rightism. Both contain a mix of good and bad ideas.
They are both used as tools of division to divide and conquer. By left and right I'm speaking strictly economic and financial policies. I'm not talking about liberalism vs conservatism which is different.
I would agree that anything can become a cult, that is, focusing on an organization or personality more than God. I also agree that politics is a vicious struggle to divide and conquer.

But as far as what "right" and "left" means, I think the terms have become nonsensical because it is not used consistently and means different things to different people.

For example, we were all shown the political spectrum in academia at some point or another. You have the far Left, represented by the former USSR, and the far right, represented by the Nazi regime. And we were told that going to far in either direction was "extreme" But what was that scale actually measuring, especially when the former regimes of Stalin and Hitler were more alike than different? After all, the Nazis self identified as socialists, and had many socialist policies.

My political scale would measure centralized verses decentralized forms of government. The more centralized and dictatorial, the more to the Left they would be, and the more decentralized the more to the right they would be. The exception would be anarchy. To me, anarchy is directly related to dictatorial regimes since the vacuum of government inherently invites despots to fill the void.

But looking at human history, it seems to me that all governments slide towards centralization. It seems that we were all wired to desire a "king" to save us, or as the Bible would say, "Good Shepherd". The Left instinctively knows that human beings are sheep, and as such, need a shepherd, but are largely secular and therefore, choose a sinful man or woman as their shepherd. Conversely, those of faith tend to lean to the right because they already have a Shepherd, and don't desire someone trying to take that role.

But that is just my take on things.
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Wise old man
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Nov 29, 2011
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Leftism is a religion and so is Rightism. Both contain a mix of good and bad ideas.
They are both used as tools of division to divide and conquer. By left and right I'm speaking strictly economic and financial policies. I'm not talking about liberalism vs conservatism which is different.

But left and right are more than strictly economic and financial policies...
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But left and right are more than strictly economic and financial policies...
So those who are conservative have no heart, is that it?

Did you know that conservatives give far more of their personal money and time to helping the poor?

Why Conservatives Are More Happy, Generous, Purposeful Than Liberals

So do you care to amend that statement?

Again, I ask you, what is your view on abortion? Do you surrender to the authority of God and the church or the state and democrat party like Joe Biden who sold his soul long ago to the democrat party?

Who is your God?
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Jul 4, 2020
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I would agree that anything can become a cult, that is, focusing on an organization or personality more than God. I also agree that politics is a vicious struggle to divide and conquer.

But as far as what "right" and "left" means, I think the terms have become nonsensical because it is not used consistently and means different things to different people.

For example, we were all shown the political spectrum in academia at some point or another. You have the far Left, represented by the former USSR, and the far right, represented by the Nazi regime. And we were told that going to far in either direction was "extreme" But what was that scale actually measuring, especially when the former regimes of Stalin and Hitler were more alike than different? After all, the Nazis self identified as socialists, and had many socialist policies.

My political scale would measure centralized verses decentralized forms of government. The more centralized and dictatorial, the more to the Left they would be, and the more decentralized the more to the right they would be. The exception would be anarchy. To me, anarchy is directly related to dictatorial regimes since the vacuum of government inherently invites despots to fill the void.

But looking at human history, it seems to me that all governments slide towards centralization. It seems that we were all wired to desire a "king" to save us, or as the Bible would say, "Good Shepherd". The Left instinctively knows that human beings are sheep, and as such, need a shepherd, but are largely secular and therefore, choose a sinful man or woman as their shepherd. Conversely, those of faith tend to lean to the right because they already have a Shepherd, and don't desire someone trying to take that role.

But that is just my take on things.
None of this is true though. It is simply not true to say those in the faith lean more to the right. Those in the faith understand there is a difference between the system of the world and the kingdom of God. So policies that help in this world, which includes social assistance and improvements on reducing poverty to create a better society, would be a smart choice for many believers. And that's because God put people, imperfect people, in charge of governments. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."
Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities."

The government can help you if you let them. The Lord can use them to do so. All people can be used by God to make a difference and help others out, including the government. But I think the root of many Christians being against this principle is pride.
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None of this is true though. It is simply not true to say those in the faith lean more to the right. Those in the faith understand there is a difference between the system of the world and the kingdom of God. So policies that help in this world, which includes social assistance and improvements on reducing poverty to create a better society, would be a smart choice for many believers. And that's because God put people, imperfect people, in charge of governments. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's."
Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities."

The government can help you if you let them. The Lord can use them to do so. All people can be used by God to make a difference and help others out, including the government. But I think the root of many Christians being against this principle is pride.
It is not true? But the statistics show exactly that.

I'm not saying you have to have certain political leanings to be a person of faith, what I am saying is that those of faith, that is, those who practice their faith, have certain characteristics that thos outside of faith do not.

For example, those who practice their faith:

1. Have fewer divorces. If you look at statistics for Christian divorce, you will see that it is the same as it is outside the faith. But if you look at Christians who attend church regularly and practice their faith, the divorce rate is cut in half.

2. Christians give more of their time and money to help the poor. Conversely, those on the Left to sit around and try and convince us all to vote for people who will tax them more in the hopes of giving that money to those in need. Unfortunately, only about 9 cents on the dollar actually goes to those in need.

3. And as I have shown, Christians tend to lean conservative as well.

Here is more evidence

Survey Shows How Liberals and Conservatives Differ on Matters of Faith - Barna Group

Based upon an evaluation of more than a dozen religious beliefs of liberals and conservatives, consistent and significant differences are evident. Liberals are less than half as likely as conservatives to firmly believe that the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches (27% versus 63%, respectively); to strongly believe that Satan is real (17% versus 36%); and to firmly contend that they have a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs with others (23% versus 48%).

Liberals are also far less likely than conservatives to strongly believe each of the following:

  • their religious faith is very important in their life (54% of liberals vs. 82% of conservatives);
  • a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by doing good deeds or being a good person (23% vs. 37%);
  • their faith is becoming an increasingly important moral guide in their life (38% vs. 70%);
  • the church they currently attend is very important in helping them find direction and fulfillment in life (37% vs. 62%);
  • their primary purpose in life is to love God with all their heart, mind, strength and soul (43% vs. 76%);
  • Jesus Christ did not commit sins during His time on earth (33% vs. 55%).
Liberals are also much less likely than conservatives to believe that “God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today.” Only about half of liberals (55%) adopt that view of God compared to more than four out of five conservatives (82%).

The research also discovered that liberals are more likely than conservatives to develop their own set of religious beliefs rather than adopt those proposed by a church or other entity. A greater percentage of liberals also indicated they are very open to accepting different moral views than those they presently possess.

The Religious Practices of Liberals and Conservatives

The Barna study examined five specific religious practices and found that conservatives were more likely than liberals to engage in all five. In a typical week, the survey showed that conservatives were more likely than liberals to:

  • read the Bible, other than at church events, during the past week (57% vs. 33%, respectively)
  • attend a religious service during the past week (62% vs. 35%)
  • pray to God, other than at a religious service, during the past week (91% vs. 76%)
  • share their religious beliefs with others, during the past year (56% vs. 39%, among the born again Christians interviewed from each segment)
  • have ever participated in a short-term missions trip, either within the U.S. or in another country (12% vs. 6%)

These are things statistics shows us on how Christians differ from the world.

After all, Christians are suppose to differ and be shining lights to a lost world, are they not?
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